Someone tell me why my cp is so high I can hardly reach it and soft as a pillow! I am due for AF in 2 days,, but I'm lying to make myself not test tomorrow. I thought it was supposed to be low and firm right now.
i'll trade too or at least share it we must be mad to say we want cramps and we want nausea and we want to wreck our vagina's thats women imagine a man trying to do all that, they moan when they get a bloody headache xx
lol is a high cp different than what it usually is this time of month ?? because if its different for you then thats good but if you don know then you will have to wait and see, everybodys cp is different xxx
Well, it was low and firm till yesterday. Then this morning it shot up to the sky. I lost my notes from last month's cp. I have my fx crossed.....arms & legs too.
yup im def guessing i have a yeast infection which is weird it started 2dpo and ive NEVER had 1 in my life !!! it is an early pregnancy symptom, and I have all the symptoms of a YI, the itching down there, the clumpy discharge, the burning when i urinate so im gonna go the chemist tomorrow and get some cream. do you ladies not think thats weird, how it is a pg symptom and ive never had it before ?? *oh god im symptom spotting *
hey your not whining i enjoy listening to you it gives me hope and at first it was just the clumpy cm but today its gotten itchy and its starting to hurt when i pee so ive read the symptoms of a YI and it sounds exactly like what i have xxx
I had YI, b4, when my diabetes was playing up, its common with diabetics, when our blood sugars go crazy and very high. It seem what you are describing is in fact a YI, but i advise you to go to your gp first. As your trying to conceive, and any YI treatment can and may be harmful to a maybe baby.. Dont buy anything from the chemist counter without any medical advise. PLEASE!!!!
okay well since its not having brown discharge..called nurse she said everything was fine that thats just the baby snuggling in deeper into the wall lol...i hate that my appt isnt until september 10 its so far away!!! i want to know everything is good feeling these weird pulling sensation in my pelvic area i dont want to say cramps its more like an indian burn
Daisy, your MIL, sounds like a , just ignore the battle axe. Dont let her get to you, its obvious, she just jealous, that you have a great relationship with your SIL, your DH, and she isnt included. Maybe one day she just might back off
Daisy, your MIL, sounds like a , just ignore the battle axe. Dont let her get to you, its obvious, she just jealous, that you have a great relationship with your SIL, your DH, and she isnt included. Maybe one day she just might back off
Thanks so much hun xoxo
Shehas stopped as of 3pm today,I FINALLY cracked I went off like a NUTCASE then got my phone number changed that I have had for 4+ years She said she hopes DH and I NEVER share a child together and that I am crazy etc etc
Yep I am alittle loopy BUT I am a good person and I feel I should be able to speak to wom I want and well she isnt ANYONE I want anything to do with.I had NOTHING to do with it but DH also changed his cell number and I did as well.He said I have delt with it for long enough,She threatened to punch my lights out
SHE IS 55....I would never hit her back if she did and I dont like to fight makes my nerves feel like they are all frazzled.On a better note had a temp rise today so my ff changed and finally picked up a ovulation,They say I am 3dpo I say 5 LOL...Maybe I am wishful thinking hehe.I have had some cramps and feel tired but that could also be from STRESS.Had shrimp for dinner and fruit wasnt really into cooking or had much of an apetite.Hugs ladies and ty ALL for listening
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