Hi ladies how r u all? Well iv decided never to leave it this long to read up on the thread so much to read up on so forgive me if I miss anything out
Jasmine I'm so sorry darling I don't think ur loony at all ttc and mc can make u feel all sorts of emotions! Please just keep strong it will be ur turn soon and maybe u mite get a tiny little surprise ntnp

Mmdrago ur number sound great!!! I don't think this baba is going anywhere! X
Lucy sorry about ur uti I've had bad ones before and they HURT poor u but don't worrie about the anti biotics as my SIL has a long running uti and she was on a year supply of pregnancy safe ones while ttc and for the first 6 month of pregnancy and she has a lovely little boy now. X
Shinona I'm sure it was nothing to worry about darling but me telling u not to worry isn't going to stop u so all I can say is if u need anything at all I'll be here for u! And so will everyone on here!

Kb38 I'm glad u managed to stay home and I'm sorry about ur friends!! I hope u get a nice surprise when u test

good luck! X
Jenjen good luck with ur tests hun fingers crossed everything is ok

Katie how are ur temps today? Hope the doc can help u!!! If not I'll come and have a word with him/her cos what ur going thru is just not fair and they need to help u ASAP!!! Good luck

Well for me af should be due today or tmoro but my ic's keep getting darker so I'm thinking I may not see af

well I've got my fingers crossed tight that my little bean is snug as a bug in a rug lol in there!! Because I already love it so much!! I've got some serious trapped wind LOL

its awful my mum says it will be down to the hormone shift my body is going thru, and my boobs are starting to hurt a lot more now also feel very sick on a morning but I'm glad I'm feeling all this cos it just reminds me that my bean is still there! I'm taking a cb digi tmoro so I'll let u guys no what it says ( I'm abit nervous tbh) so scared of seeing 'NOT PREGNANT' I think even tho every test I've done since 9dpo is a +ive. Anyway I'm even more of a crazy ladie than before now lol anyway I'll stop going on and on and on lol hope everyone is good xxxx