Shinona, you poor love. Hope it's all ok. Try not to panic
KB38 - wow sounds like your friends have been through it the last few weeks. Know what you mean about OH - I know mine wants this as much as I do but he thinks he's hilarious telling me I am barren because we haven't conceived yet

. I told him it is because his spermies are old and grey now LOL!
Jacksmummy/MMdrago - how are you and little beans doing? Try not to worry mmdrago - looked like you had a nice strong line the other day. Did you use your last frer yet?
I feel left out now ladies on the job front -

- by the way, that is me on my bike going off to retrain as a lawyer!
Well, I think we have seriously overdone it on the TTC front. I was a bit uncomfortable the other day, like a bladder infection was coming on, but I just drank lots, carried on bd'ing and it seemed to pass.... anyways this morning I woke up stinging like mad, and everytime I pee, it is faintly red

. It's definitely in my pee, not my CM. Bit worried now, I have never bled with a bladder infection. Hope I haven't done any damage by ignoring it the other day. Going off to dr in half an hr to get checked out.
So no more bd'ing for us tonight

- I'm thinking I did ovulate yesterday after all anyway, as (and I know I said I had chucked my thermometer out, but...

) my temp is really high this morning - like the same as my post-ovulation temps whenever I've randomly checked during the previous two cycles. Weird thing is I am still getting +opk this morning! What is going on????!!! The LH looks like it's taking ages to dissipate from my pee - wonder if it is to do with me having a bladder infection????...
...One of these days I will stop second guessing... and stop sending you all to sleep with my rambling
Ooh, just noticed it is my 1000th post as well! Does that make me a chat happy B&B member! x