Sorry I've been a bit quiet on here for a few days. AF got me again and while I was fully expecting it, I was still really upset (and in heaps of pain this month - ouch) ...
Good news is that I've pulled myself together now and am focusing on a February BFP! All going well, o'day should be around 12 Feb which is a Saturday so I've applied for a day off work on Friday and am trying to organise a weekend away with OH. He's keen and agrees that I have just got to stop putting so much pressure on myself about ttc and make it a bit fun.
For me, the absolute worst part is that we've decided not to tell people so I really want to let you know how very grateful I have found all of you. I can't tell you what it means to me to be able to come on her and have a cry (and a laugh) - speaking of which seeing as we are all fessing up, as you know I restrained myself this month so only 6FRERs ;-).
Lucylu, keep you chin up hun. If it isn't your month this month and you have to go through it all again, I'd love to have you on board with me!!! Jenjen, are you ready for the ride too? Who else is with me for a February BFP????
and all of you girls with BFPs, I know this is a ttc thread but please don't go too far away. I think we need all the help we can get ...
Aw thank you hun - you are so sweet

. Sorry to hear witch got you - we can obsess together next month if it isn't my month!... and if it is my month (wishful thinking

), can I still come in and stalk you?!...or something a little less creepy sounding!

. Fingers crossed for Feb bfps! - and for conceiving around Valentine's Day!
Jasmine - that's a relief about your cycle. I don't see the harm in doing opks - it could really help to reassure you that everything's happening as it should. I don't broadcast to OH that I use them. It's not a secret and he knows I have them but I just don't bring it up really. Maybe do that if it is freaking OH out.
Katie - bit like Jasmine said really, but could they do all the necessary tests for you first, and that could help you to understand why you're having the long cycles...maybe OH will come round in the meantime too if he sees what you are putting in to make this happen.
Hi mmdrago - hope the vit C keeps you well - try not to panic if you do catch anything - I think these little beans are more resilient than us in a way. I got a fluey thing in first tri last time and felt like total crap and DS was in there merrily ticking along, taking everything he needed from me to keep growing and developing!
Still merrily tormenting myself with evap lines! I got superdrug tests which are renowned for evap lines apparently - a line appeared immediately this morning (and stayed) but it's a grey shadow line, so got to be a negative still whatever I keep telling myself. Big night of drinking tonight with friends - eek, I am rough anyway, have a stinking cold, and going to have to hide the fact that I'm not drinking for a pregnancy that likely doesn't even exist! Grr!

. Oh well, guess I can use the cold as an excuse.
Really think I might only be 9 DPO with hindsight - I know no two cycles are the same but with DS, I was temping and using opks, so I'm more certain I ovulated after the LH surge, and not during it.
...And on the POAS thing, these pharmaceutical companies are making a fortune out of our misery! Grr. Would be interesting to know what % of HPTs done are negatives vs positives - I bet it is huge!

... Rant over!