the madhouse!!! All crazies welcome :) x

Hallo ladies - I'm doing just dandy b/c my DH is so happy. He just got a new job offer and will be changing companies in the next 2-3 weeks. I'm very excited for him as he has been hating his current company for the last year!

So I am CD 6 or 7...I can't remember KB38. Yes LucyLu - I still plan to get my boob job this winter or after #3 which ever comes first. :winkwink:

Trying to diet - not having much luck - just want to eat out all the time. We had pizza last night and tonight it is Mexcian to celebrate the new offer!

LL - I am excited for your scan next week. A co-worker told me they are now able to tell the gender at the 12-week scan, so she's having a boy and is only 13 weeks along! Don't worry at all everything will be fine.

KB38 - I'm sending you all my baby dust b/c we might fly to Kiev the end of July to visit friends & my husband's family. They are all skinny b*tches (super nice and I love them all to death) so i really need to start losing the weight! Our friends want to plan a beach trip to Crimea with the kids - :nope: no bikini here! In 2009 I went from a BMI of 28 to 23 and it made such a huge difference. It's crept up to 25.5 so I need to lose those pesky 10 pounds and would be ecstatic if I could do 15-20! So that is my summer goal and hope that baby #3 comes along the way.

You don't have to suffer in silence - we're here for anything you need! I have a close friend - another OP (old pussy) as my DH calls us fondly. She helps me stay positive as she just had her DD shortly before her 41st b-day! It's just hard for other people to know what to say sometimes, but at least those hugs are closer if you can find a close friend to talk to! :hugs: You'll be amazed at how many women this affects.
Heya everyone,
Just popping in to see how you all are, have been flying around doing assessments at school so have been drop dead tired in the evenings. I have been lurking but not posting, naughty me!

JM - Those scan pics are so clear :) Bet you are getting more and more excited.

Jas - How good are you, that weight loss is amazing :) Were you Slimmer of the Week/Month?

KB - glad you are feeling more positive and like you I've told noone so being here and having this support has been so needed and appreciated. It's hard feeling alone - especially when you have a Oh like mine who doesn't really like to talk about things :) Well not all teh time anyway!

Jenn - I also like the idea of a boob job - it's the lift more than anything, nothing worse than spaniel's ears - Lucy, at least they were perky, pregnancy made my friend's mum's bigger and saggier - not a great look!

Hope you're well. I'm okay - a tad tired but coping :)

hi ladies how r u? kb sorry af got you but well done on the pma! it will happen for u one day darling and lets hope its sooner rather than later! :dust: and your never getting rid of me any of u il still be here chatting to u ladies in years to come you are all my friends now and think my life would be a little sadder with out u all in it. either on here or facebook lol anyway lucy please dont worrie yourself im sure ur little beany is all snug ur having sickness which means the hormones are strong and you havnt had anything to make u think there could be something wrong! so chin up and look forward to seeing ur little one! easier said than done i no now evie kicks i panic if i dnt feel her for a few hours and im always worrid that she could be taken away from me at any moment and i really do wonder how i would live my life if anything happend.. so the feeling never goes away BUT u do start to feel more confident that things will be ok the more weeks that pass. i cant wait to see u mini one!! make sure u post pics asap lol
jenjen luckyu going away! jealous isnt the word lol joke! hope u have a lovely time and i hope the diet starts to work soon if not enjoy the food! lol
squeshie glad ur feeling ok chick and try relax inbetween all the school work im sure all will be fine with u too!!
jasmine how ru hun? what cd you on?
anyway me im fine been ill but its going now and jack had another night in hospital with his breathing but hes ok now too. im am so excited to say that i have bought everything for evies room now!! so OH is going to paint the room this weekend or next depending on work then we are getting a new carpet and all the things can go in :D :happydance: it makes it all so real!! im so bloody excited haha anyway il stop going on and on and let u get on with ur life xxx :dust: to kb38, jenjen and jasmine!!!!!! xxxx
What color are you painting her room? You'll have to post pictures when it's all done!
Hiya ladies, congrats to OH JennJenn -that's great news. So exciting you will be going to Kiev as well. We are off for a nice cheap beach holiday next month (in England), so excited about that but it's no holiday abroad!

Anyone else got any hols planned? JR you must be off soon?

Def post pics JM! - must be so fun decorating a little girl's room - lol I am so girly!

Stupid question JM but how do you post your scan pics? Do you just take a photo of them with a digital camera and then stick it online from that? lol I am such a technophobe! Thanks everyone for reassurance - I know I'm being silly, belly popped out some more today so I think LO is making that womb grow and grow.... do you know what I found under the bed y'day though while tidying up?!...only a bloody opk left over from TTCing! - I realised my nutty urge to constantly POAS is still as strong as ever. Couldn't resist using it could I, and the control line came up darker than dark in an instant... so either I am about to ovulate lol, or babby is safe and well in there with plenty of HCG!

How ru feeling Squeshie? Can't believe you are 9wks. Where have the wks gone? x
So no holiday to Kiev :nope:; we'll probably just do San Francisco with the kids :happydance:

Today is CD10 and we'll start the SMEP and I will do OPK starting on CD12. It is a holiday weekend so we should have plenty of time in bed!

Trying to diet and exercise has been a big FLOP! I'm not eating a lot just eating out and it's so hard to count calories that way! I need some of your mojo JR - send it over the pond please!

What are everyone's plans for the weekend?
Hi everyone, how are you all today?

I'm CD5 and AF is well and truly on the way out :happydance: and for the first time in I can't remember how long, I spoilt myself today. First I had my hair cut and coloured this morning and my hairdresser gave me a free treatment as well so my hair is so nice and shiny. Then I went and had a pedicure so my toes are a really cool red. Then DH took me to the movies (to see the Hangover 2 so he's not really that lovely but it was still nice to be doing something together other than ttc). We're just about to order takeout for dinner and then we're going to watch Black Swan. So.... my chilling out plan is on track for today away. The only downside is that tomorrow I'm going to run around like crazy getting groceries and washing and everything.

I'd love to see the nursery pictures soon JM. I can't believe how time is flying by for you, LL and Squeshie. My fingers are crossed for you JJ. How are you going JR???? Hope you all enjoy your weekend xx
Hiya, hope we're have a good bank holiday weekend :)

I can't believe I'm an olive, nine weeks is weird Lucy and still fingers crossed :) Going to see the Dr this week. Eeek! How are you Lucy?

Hope Jack is okay JM - and that the room looks good :)

Loadsa luck to Jenn for the weekend, sounds very promising too :)

Your day of relaxation sounded super KB - me days are a must, so easy to neglect yourself I think. You have reminded me to get a haircut, it is tragically long atm, ashamed to admit it but I haven't had it done since December.

Hope you're okay too Jas, thinking about you all xxxx
hi ladies how r u all? u having a nice bank holiday? ive not been upto much tbh is OH's birthday tmoro so going out for a meal tmoro which im looking forward to and we are just going now to our friends for tea.. how are the pregnant ladies? and how are the ttc ladies? im 23weeks today so 1 more week till my v-day :dance: exciting :D xx
Hi, am v jealous you're all on holidays today! I've been at work :-( Am a bit over it all to be honest (which I suppose is a good thing because I won't feel bad when I go off on maternity leave).

How's everyone else's day going??? Have things at work calmed down for you yet LucyLu? Let us know how your appointment goes Squeshie? and I hope you have a great time at dinner JM! How's the BD'ing JennJenn? and JR, you've been a bit quiet - is everything ok???
Eek scan tomorrow - feeling like a kid on Xmas eve but with a nervous undertone as well! I hope everything is ok. The nausea had eased a little for a couple of days, but it's back with a vengeance tonight so am sitting in bed trying to rest, but also desperately trying to scrabble together an attempt for a draft presentation I promised to send to a client. Have just clicked send, and I'm not happy with what I've sent, but I am past caring since its gone 10pm!...

Things a bit calmer for you at work yet KB?
Lucy good luck with ur scan today!!!!! Hope all goes perfectly :) il be waiting for an update, enjoy seeing ur bubba xxxx
Good luck with your scan Lucy x

Had Dr appt, lasted about 5 minutes, referred to midwife - just awaiting their call!
Dr was quite positive, but won't be sure until I see that scan! x
I am CD 15 today. I forgot my OPKs in my office over the weekend, so I never got to test for OV. Oh well, we BD on CD 11, 12 and 14. It was a holiday weekend, so plenty of time for fun!

Not much new is happening...just going with the flow. Need to buckle down and go to the gym but just can't seem to get there :growlmad:
lucy where are u??! im waiting... :haha: hope all went well hun xxx
squeshie my first docs appointment lasted about 5mins too lol ur midwife one will be much longer abit boring tho its all paper work really but atleast u feel like something is being done.. xx
jenjen ive got my fingers crossed for u hun! the month i got pregnant was the 1st one without opk's so lets hope u have the same luck! xx
jasmine were are u hun? missing ur updates :( hopefully hear from u soon!
kb how r u? i assume af is a distant memory now.. hope ur doing well hun x
anyway nothing is different with me just the same getting bigger as the days go on and shes always wriggling about :D having abit of cramping as im writing this but i think its just down to me been on my feet all day then cleaning and cooking and doing the washing lol just over doing it i think il be fine after my bath xxxxxxxx
hiya, sorry took me a while to get on here. Today has been manic - went straight from scan to family fun day in the park with our LO, then I was just shattered and had to sleep this afternoon. All absolutely fine with baby! They've moved my due to date to 13th Dec (I thought about 16th Dec and LMP put it at 9th Dec, so a bit of a compromise!). OH is just relieved it's a little bit further from Xmas than I thought and that it's not twins lol!... so I am 12wks and 1 day today. Not much else to report really, just that I am so relieved, and it's lovely not to have to hide it anymore, especially what with feeling so sick all the time.

Squeshie - glad your appointment went well hun. Do you have a date for the scan yet?

JM - time is going so quickly! Can't believe you will get to see little Evie in less than 4 months!

Maybe that's a good sign JennJenn - I definitely changed attitude when I run out of opks and lol and behold it happened that month! When is af due for you? Hope it doesn't come and that this is the month you've conceived your little man! x
yey lucy so happy for u!! and sooooooooooooo glad baby is ok!!!!!! (told u s/he would be) lol so u goin to post a piccy of little one?so u telling everyone now u no everything is ok? sounds like u had a lovely day over all today! and now ur over 12weeks!!! yey thats going fast and yea i no i cant believe im going to meet my little girl in about 4month im so excited and scared and worrid and EXCITED lol xx
LucyLu - glad everything went well with the scan. Did they have any guesses on whether it is Team Blue or Team Pink...if you are finding out??? :happydance: My co-worker found out at 12 weeks that she was having a boy...I guess technology has improved!

My cycle start date is around cd27/cd28 which would be Monday the 13th or Tuesday the 14th. I'll just have to wait and see. Taking it easy this month :coffee:
So relieved to hear the scan was perfect Lucy. Where are your piccies??? Also very happy to hear that you're doing well JM and that you're cruisy this month JennJenn. The hard work is done now and you can sit back and relax.

CD12 today for me. I remembered this morning I haven't started my opks yet. I'm not sure whether I will this month or not to be honest. I'm a bit over it all (although I am still temping - more out of habit than anything else).

I am a little bit excited as DH went to his doctor for a routine checkup yesterday and they got to talking. DH apparently told him that we were ttc since late last year and that af was really painful for me and that it was all just a little bit stressful. DH's doctor (not as much of a stickler for the rules as mine) referred him for a sperm test straight away AND I can't believe it but DH actually went straight from the doctor to the lab to get it done. If you'd told me 12 months ago I'd be excited by this sort of thing, I never would have believed you. LOL!

Part of me feels like a total b***ch though because my very first thought when DH told me what he'd done was 'I hope there's something wrong so we can get it fixed'. Luckily for me it was one of those (very rare) times when I didn't say the first thing that popped into my head otherwise it probably would have been the start of world war 3...

What are you all up to this weekend? I've got lots of housework to do today but tomorrow we're planning on taking our puppies to a dog friendly, off lead beach were they can run like crazy. Even though its the beginning of winter, its still lovely and warm by mid-morning so, as long as the weather is not rainy, it should be a perfect day. I probably should try to squeeze some work in too but my heart just isn't in it atm!
Lovely to her about evryones scans and updates... glad everyone is doing ok Im off to cyprus tomorrow and a hen day today but im not drinking as Im really hoping this moth is the one... had lots and lots of naughty stuff and im due on while im away so fingers crossed this is the month... see you all when i get back

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