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!!The Milky Mommy Weightloss Thread!!

Broodypants, Congrats on 6 months!!!:happydance:

Mum2J, Yahh for burning calories!!!:thumbup:

Curlykate, What is the turbo jam workout?? Sounds interesting

Cleck, Well at least you got your work out in even though it was late!! haha

As for me, i don't know why but i didn't workout tonight, just didn't feel up to it, not sure if its because AF is here or what, just wasn't in the mood! I did eat very well though!

Thank you :D
Ate well so far, had um.. nothing lol about to have some oatmeal for breakfast I think and get the stew ready for tonight :)
Broodypants, Congrats on 6 months!!!:happydance:

Mum2J, Yahh for burning calories!!!:thumbup:

Curlykate, What is the turbo jam workout?? Sounds interesting

Cleck, Well at least you got your work out in even though it was late!! haha

As for me, i don't know why but i didn't workout tonight, just didn't feel up to it, not sure if its because AF is here or what, just wasn't in the mood! I did eat very well though!
I was looking online for exercise DVDs, and it's one I found. I downloaded it to try it out, and it's not too bad. Basically it's 20 minutes of throwing punches and kicks, and it's pretty low impact. They have a few versions, but I'm starting out with the 20 minute workout. They also have an ab workout, and a cardio party workout, which is twice as long.
I don't know if I'll get my workouts in today or not.
This morning, while cuddling with LO, I threw out my upper back. I can barely move, it hurts so much. Every time LO has to be picked up, I'm in excrutiating pain. I'm hoping my muscles relax soon!
curlykate- Oh no!! :hugs: Hope your back feels better soon. Sounds awful. :(:hugs:

Well, I've been trying to eat breakfast every morning. I make eggs but skip the toast because bread and pasta are the devil. :haha: I'm still trying my best to drink lots of water. Doesn't really happen sometimes..:shy:

Has anyone ever tried jillian michaels 30 day shred? Everyone on my facebook keeps talking about it and how great their results are. I'm thinking about buying it but I'm a bit worried because I've heard it's really a tough routine and she gives no breaks or anything.
curlykate- Oh no!! :hugs: Hope your back feels better soon. Sounds awful. :(:hugs:

Well, I've been trying to eat breakfast every morning. I make eggs but skip the toast because bread and pasta are the devil. :haha: I'm still trying my best to drink lots of water. Doesn't really happen sometimes..:shy:

Has anyone ever tried jillian michaels 30 day shred? Everyone on my facebook keeps talking about it and how great their results are. I'm thinking about buying it but I'm a bit worried because I've heard it's really a tough routine and she gives no breaks or anything.
There's a thread in the dieting and weightloss section of BnB...check that out.
I did the 30 Day Shred before I got pregnant, and I gained 10 lbs in muscle before I started losing anything! They're great workouts, but not necessarily for losing weight. They're more for toning up. If you're going to do that plus cardio, then you'll find you lose weight quicker than if you just did the video.
If you want a more basic strength training workout you should try 15 minute workout for dummies. It is actually 15 minutes of thighs 15 min of arms 15 of buns and 15 of abs and I find it to be a great workout plus its only like 14.00 on amazon. I do two body parts each day and it tones you up pretty quick.

I am getting really frusterated because the scale hasn't budged since the beginning of December. If anything its gone up. I know I am probably plateauing but it is so disapointing so now I am going to focus on non-scale victory's this week I am going to walk 10,000 steps everyday.
I just downloaded a calorie counter app on my iPhone so I can try to keep at about 1500 cals per day. Shud b interesting!
Hey girls! Hope everyone is having a good day! Those excerises sound very interesting..I'm basically just working on Cardio at the moment but i guess it wouldnt hurt to do some toning..hahha

So far I've eaten today was:

Breaky: 1 cup of Special K cereal and 1 cup of Skim Milk
Snack: 1 Granola Bar, 1 yogurt cup

and thats it for now...I was watching the food network earlier and saw this yummy pasta dish on there i think i'm going to make for dinner!

Hope everyone is having a great day!!! xoxo
Turbo Jam isn't bad, but if you like dancing you can try Hip Hop Abs. It's funny as it's not all dancing, and a lot of the same thing, but I find I like the music better lol. Or... Just Dance 2 for Wii, or Dance Central for Kinect etc... would be a great workout!

I danced yesterday (just to music on computer) for 30 minutes and was all sweaty and felt my heart a going, it works, it's cheap and fun and something you can do around your Lo's, they can join in if they like. K was wriggling all around hehe
CK- hope your back feels better soon! Ouch!

Cleckner- I'm off to check for new blinkies, seen some cute ones floating around here :p
I love 30 Day Shred from Jillian Michael's. It's very intense, but I'm used to workouts like that from previously having a trainer. I wish I could afford a trainer right now! *LOL*
I think we all wish we could afford trainers! :D Hot ones wearing tight spandex. :rofl:

Well I've been keeping consistent with my 60 minutes of cardio every day. Last night I nearly an entire pizza though. :blush: It was spinach and white chicken pizza. And I've been weighing in every morning because I get obsessive like that, and I still lost weight from yesterday to today. :haha:

Eve- You finding new blinkies for me? I don't think I told these wonderful ladies about my blinkies.

For anyone that doesn't know, I compiled a ton of great BFing/FFing/Parenting/TTCing/Pregnancy blinkies all on a new photobucket account that I started just for this purpose. It's in my siggie! :flower: Since everyone was always asking where to find this and where to find that, I decided I'd just compile it all together. :D I have far too much time on my hands some days. :haha:
Cleck, thats awesome that you still loss after eating the pizza..haha...Sometimes i think i just look at food and gain weight..haha..Well i haven't weighed my self since last Friday so i'm hoping to have a good WI on Friday!! Ive been eating very well this week but i haven't been working out:( I was doing very well keeping up with it but this week i've been just so tired and have had no energy.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
After a very sore day yesterday, I finally feel a bit better today. However, I've had a busy day, so didn't get any workouts in. Technically I can still do one tonight, but I figure I'll give my back one more day to get better.
I'm obsessive like cleckner, and have been weighing myself every day, and so far I've lost 2 of the 6 pounds I mysteriously gained last week. I'm hoping that working out tomorrow will at the very least, keep those pounds off, and at the most, take off a few more!!
Well I've missed the weigh in for the last couple of weeks but I have weighed myself this morning and an 148lbs so getting close to my target weight. I rewarded myself with a couple of chocolate hob nobs though :haha:
*coming back with head held low*

ive had a pretty bad week when its come to things i shouldnt have ate.

Now, feel guilty and i didnt look at this thread because i was trying not to think about it! :(

stupid really.

i need to get my motivation back, although i have been a lot more active this week rather than just sat there doing very little, so i hope that counts. and i havnt been no the scales either but i cant imagine that its changed.

tell me off! or something...
Hi everyone! Would love to join in this thread please :flower:

I weighed myself this morning and I'm 139lb, and I'd like to get down to 120lb which was my pre preg weight. I will be weighing in every Friday :thumbup:

I tried to diet when Lily was around three months, but I didn't do it properly and my milk supply went right down. I want to make sure that I eat enough calories, but from good foods.

Exercise wise, I try to get out every day with the pram for 1.5 hours walking but that's about it. I've just started doing sets of tummy crunches with Lily sat on my tummy- she finds it hilarious if I say BOO every time I sit up, so I find it helps push me to do more!

She's not a great napper during the day, so I'm looking for little 10 minute exercises I can do throughout the day.

I just downloaded a calorie counter app on my iPhone so I can try to keep at about 1500 cals per day. Shud b interesting!

I was going to try this too. Let me know if it's any good. Are you sure 1500 cals is enough for a bf mum hun?

Miss Curly- don't beat yourself up love, weight loss is a long term thing, both getting there and maintaining it. It's inevitable that you will go through phases of less healthy eating. You've just gotta get back on it :hugs:
I weighed in this morning and... 151.8. It doesn't seem like much but I am super proud since it is down from 154 last week and I may have finally broken through my plateau!!!! I have really been pushing myself this week by excersicing 1.5 hrs everyday and walking 10,000 steps.

GL to all the girls who haven't weighed in yet!
I'm down to 178.
Which is down 1 pound from last week, but is still up 4 pounds from the week before.
Still not sure why I gained 5 pounds over night, but at least I'm starting to lose those now!

Sounds like everyone has been really good with exercise and are loosing the pounds! :yipee: Well done!!

I haven't had time to pop in here much this week... been really busy. My mom's birthday was Wednesday, too, and there is a giant carrot cake with cream cheese frosting sitting on my kitchen counter. :dohh: I can't resist it. :haha:

But, despite that, I was surprised to see the scale at 207 this morning! Down another pound from last week. Whew! Not much but good considering I've not been so good. :rofl:

I'm rubbish at exercise, though. Just no time! :hissy: I did go sledding on Wednesday, though, and it is good for strength training. Going again tomorrow, too! :thumbup:

MTRose, glad you have broken through your stalemate!! Well done!
I'm down too!!! I'm down to 227!!! Which is a ton of weight to most of you small girls but I have been so used to being in the 240's for so long that it's AMAZING to see 220's on the scale when I step on it. :dance::dance: After my gain last week I worked out an hour every single day. I'm going to stick with it this week! Only 27 more pounds until pre-Emma weight!! :dance:

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