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!!The Milky Mommy Weightloss Thread!!

Hi can i join please?

I was slightly overweight pre-pregnancy and now am overweight more, ive already lost half a stone since my weight settled after birth but i want to lose a lot more.

My weight now is 166lb and my aim is 140lb

Thanks :)
Back to my regular workout schedule today, after a few (naughty) days off. Gotta get myself back into a routine!!
Anyone else have no will power? My sister made a peanut butter and toblerone cheesecake on Thursday and brought it over to my house. I only had a tiny bite of it because it was 12 WW points for 1/12th of the cake. There was about 1/2 left so she took it home. Then we hung out again Friday night and she brought it over again and we didn't end up eating any and she left it so Saturday morning I had cheesecake for breakfast and lunch and snack. I honestly didn't know how much I ate until I went to give it back and there was only a tiny sliver left:shrug:
I'm completely the same. Which is why I refuse to buy any sweets and bring them into the house. But even Friday I made this amazing slow cooker roast with potatoes and carrots. There was a lot of it too. And before cooking it I was like 'oh I'll have leftovers to last me all week'. Not the case. It was so freaking good it's all gone already. It was all gone YESTERDAY. :shy: Because I ate it as meals and as a quick snack in between. I just can't control myself sometimes. So this week is already off to a HORRIBLE start. :(
I'm the exact same way.
Christmas baking was the WORST for me this year. If it's good, I'll eat it. I refuse to keep "snacky" foods in the house, which annoys OH. If it's here, I'll eat it! If it's not here, I won't take a trip out to the store for it, so I won't eat it.
I am finally starting to make some progress on my serving sizes though. I was cutting them down slowly, so that I wasn't starving all day long. However, I was still hungry all the time. I'm finally starting to not feel as hungry during the day, even with the smaller portions. And I noticed the other day at supper, we were eating a Delisio Pizza. Normally I would eat half of it, and still be hungry for dessert. However, after a 1/3 of it I suddenly wasn't hungry anymore. I wasn't full, but I wasn't really needing/wanting another piece! Yippee! I still have my moments where I pig out, but it's getting easier!
Now if I can only get back on routine of working out!
I'm doing seriously horrible this week already. I didn't work out the past two days and I ate like crazy on Friday and saturday. I just weighed in this morning and I have gained 2 F-ing pounds back. How is it possible to gain so much in 3 days? It makes me feel like utter shit. And what do I want to do? Go eat! :( But I've decided I'm gonna go walk to the store today because I need to get groceries anyways. Than hopefully I can get another workout in during Emma's nap. Yesterday I was going to work out but Emma fell asleep on me and I just laid there and enjoyed her sleeping on me instead. I couldn't help but think that she's growing up and she wont want to do this much longer. :shy:
Yesterday I was going to work out but Emma fell asleep on me and I just laid there and enjoyed her sleeping on me instead. I couldn't help but think that she's growing up and she wont want to do this much longer. :shy:

Don't feel bad about relaxing with Emma they grow up so quickly and even if you were pencil thin you would never get that time back. I am sure the rest of the week will turn around for us all and we will be super good.
ok, its been a much better few days.

I'm not snacking on choc biscuits etc but no exercise- i went to try my old sports bra on and oh yeh bits of boobs bulging out of places it shouldnt :S
so yeah i bought another one, and just waitin for it to come.

what kind of exercise do you do?

and for those who are having a bit of a rubbish time, start again! its ok! and its not so much about the pounds as it is about losing inches.

ok, its been a much better few days.

I'm not snacking on choc biscuits etc but no exercise- i went to try my old sports bra on and oh yeh bits of boobs bulging out of places it shouldnt :S
so yeah i bought another one, and just waitin for it to come.

what kind of exercise do you do?

and for those who are having a bit of a rubbish time, start again! its ok! and its not so much about the pounds as it is about losing inches.


It doesn't really help when you're not losing inches either from being bad!
I'm feeling much better about this week's weigh in/measuring though.
I didn't buy a proper sports bra. (I know, I'm bad!) :blush:
I've always been smaller-chested, so I wear exercise tops with a shelf bra in them. They don't really support the bfing boobs though! :holly:
:hi: Everyone!

I've been in hiding from here... I haven't done a thing meal wise the past few days. I've been working out though :) Doing the Dance Central Demo on the 360 and it's great! I can't wait to buy the game.

I've been down lately and well... yesterday K had her bday party so there is loads of sweets and chips here. Dad and I are fighting :( Jake has been terrible and it's just getting to me... urgh. Not having a scale is a damn good thing right now.

Glad for the losses and all for everyone and Cleckner, it's okay. You've been doing great, gaining 2lbs isn't too bad, you could (TMI) Poop that out later :haha: but I understand your discouragement. :hugs: though, you are all doing fab!

Well, it gets even worse this week. My friend was put on bedrest. She's 25 weeks along and keeps dilating and contracting so she is stuck in the hospital. So I have her daughter. Which I'm perfectly happy with but I have no clue how I'll get any workouts in now. The girls have two different schedules so it's going to be super tricky. She is only 3 days younger than Emma. :haha: They are so cute together. I just worry I'll gain even more back. And my period is MIA as well. Was supposed to be here saturday. :( And DH deployed a month and a half ago so unless my vibrator can suddenly get me pregnant, it's not that. :rofl: Which is also depressing because I would love to be pregnant right now!

That paragraph was so incredibly random. Sorry about that. I'm exhausted.

Eve- That's awesome you are doing that dance game! I kinda wish I had a fun game like that. I have the wii fit and a few games for it but Emma doesn't let me do it. Go figure. :p Sorry you are still having issues with your dad. :hugs: And your daughter only has one first birthday, you are allowed to snack and pig out for it. :D
cleckner :haha:

I had an up and down weekend. I had some chocolate and an unexpected chinese takeaway with a bottle of beer, but did a 7 mile walk on Sunday. Really hoping that it will cancel out the damage made by overindulging!

I made a lovely salmon dish on Sunday, a nice easy recipe and a good meal too.

Basically, get a pestle and mortar and grind up 3 dried chillis, 1 tsp chinese 5 spice, 0.5 tsp hot paprika, 0.5 tsp garlic powder and some salt and pepper. Rub this into your salmon fillet with some light olive oil and drizzle with honey. Wrap loosely in tinfoil, bake at 180 for 15-20 mins. Squeeze of lemon on top, lovely :thumbup: Serve with sweet potato wedges and a huge salad.

I'm currently eating my lunch, a homemade roasted red pepper soup, a slice of bread and some cherries.

Need some inspiration for dinner tonight! Had baked potatoes last night but it was a bit boring...
Well AF arrived. :rofl::rofl: That's all I need to do, bitch that she isn't here and out she comes. :haha:

I'm back down slightly from yesterday so hopefully I can break even this week. I'll be super happy if I can. Than I'll buckle down more next week. It's always so hard for me to break that '10' like 30s down to 20s. Than 20s down to 10s. Does that make sense? :lol: It always seems to be hard to break down to the next 10. But than once you get there it starts falling off faster. Maybe it's just me. :blush:
:haha: @ cleckner! Some how I don't think your vibrator is really up to the task! :haha:
I think the majority of us have fallen "off the wagon" this past few weeks. Oh well. No sense beating ourselves up about it. We just have to try and do better this week!
I'm waiting for my AF as well, cleckner.
My cycles before BCP were short-close to 21 days instead of 28. Now I'm on CD 31 and there's still no sign! I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant though. I think I Ov on Thurs or Fri of last week. I have a short LP (10 days), so AF should be arriving any day now.
I had an amazing workout in the gym last night. I did a full body weights workout and 30 minutes of cardio. I was there for 2 hours and when I finished my body felt incredible. I had forgotten how good my body actually feels after a really good workout. I'm going to do an hour on my treadmill today.

I've decided I'm only going to the gym Mon, Wed & Fri and then on Tues & Thurs will do an hour of cardio here (at home) and some abs.
:rofl: at the vibrator comment!!!!!! :haha:

I'm doing ok here. Trying to stave off the night time snacking, lol. Good thing though is that hubby has decided to join in on the dieting- He's 17 stone (times that by 14 to get the lbs) & in 3 days, he's lost 3 lbs already!!!!! He's cut his intake to 2000cals, from probably about 3000 & we've started going for a walk (only about 20mins brisk pace) after dinner each night he's home, so i'm feeling pretty positive about everything now. Plus, if I get thinner, I have an excuse to clear his account out & buy me some new clothes & undies!!!!
:rofl: at the vibrator comment!!!!!! :haha:

I'm doing ok here. Trying to stave off the night time snacking, lol. Good thing though is that hubby has decided to join in on the dieting- He's 17 stone (times that by 14 to get the lbs) & in 3 days, he's lost 3 lbs already!!!!! He's cut his intake to 2000cals, from probably about 3000 & we've started going for a walk (only about 20mins brisk pace) after dinner each night he's home, so i'm feeling pretty positive about everything now. Plus, if I get thinner, I have an excuse to clear his account out & buy me some new clothes & undies!!!!
This is party my motivation too! :haha: I told OH that if I lost the pounds, I'd buy some new sexy undies. Every day he asks if I've lost any!! :dohh:

I'm not too bad with the night time snacking, it's the 3pm snacking that gets me every day! That's when I hit a lull in the day. Nothing needs to get done (Lo is fed, and happily playing on the floor), and I sit down in front of the computer and pig out. It's been really hard to stop.
I struggle around 3pm too. Like you say, the house is sorted, baby usually napping, and I like to sit down with a cup of tea and something sugary!

I find something filling like hummus and carrots or a pitta bread do the job well.

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