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!!The Milky Mommy Weightloss Thread!!

Ugh. I went out for lunch today, and totally pigged out. Not good.
I'm hoping it doesn't show up in tomorrow's weigh in!
I already know I've gained this week just from weighing myself this morning. So hopefully tomorrow's weigh in is a bit less than today. I'm on my period so it's really not a big surprise. Better luck next week when AF leaves. :D Hope the weigh ins go good for everyone else tomorrow!! :flower:
Well this week has been horrible!!! I haven't done well on my weight watchers :( I'm not even sure what through me off, i think it was i got lazy counting my points, i dunno though!!

Well Cleckner, good luck tomorrow!! I know how it is when AF shows up.

Lets hope for some good numbers tomorrow!!!
Thanks flora love :kiss:

Cleckner, I always bloat right up before AF. And get much hungrier.

Hope it's a loss for you want2bamom.

I'm down 4lb to 136lb :thumbup: Very pleased. That's about ten days' weight loss. Just got to keep going!

Good luck everyone :thumbup::thumbup:
ok, weighed myself this morning, and i've lost about 2 pounds.

I honestly don't know how I'm doing this but I have lost 1.5lbs this week. All I've really done is cut out the amount of chocolate I eat (man it's so easy to munch through one of those 99p dairy milk bars in one sitting and they are huge). I think it's got to be because we are BLW so he is taking more milk from me as he's really not eating a great deal (or I think he isn't and then I find all sorts of bits in his nappy!)

Not that I'm complaining - I guess I'm just lucky atm.
Well, I did my weigh in, and I'm not overly happy.
Last week I was 178.8, this week I'm 178. So I lost .8, which is losing at least.
I also measured myself (I do this every week), and I'm down 3/4 of an inch around my waist (my higher, "natural" waist), 1/2 an inch around my belly fat, and a 1/2 an inch around my hips! Yippee!
Not losing the weight is hard, but losing some inches makes it easier to handle!
Hiya :hi:Im also breastfeeding and trying to lose weight, im about 179lbs at the moment, I would like to be about 146lbs but any loss is great at the moment :) Im not doing any specific diet just cutting out junk and eating as healthy as poss :) I did 20 mins a day on my cross trainer last week but I get bored so quickly! lol This week I have done 30 mins a day of my Davina Mccalls fitness DVD :D I feel so much better already! When is weigh in? x
Updated front page! Great job girls!!! :dance:

I gained a pound. :( Which I knew was going to happen after yesterday's weigh in but still sucks. :haha: Hopefully AF leaves soon. DH just emailed me and informed me that he's lost 12 pounds since leaving. I burst out crying when I read it. So now my entire day has this cloud floating over it. He weighs a lot less than me now. And I was trying my best to look good for him when he gets back but now he's smaller too so it's F'ing pointless. I hate that men lose weight like it's freaking nothing and I have to literally work my ass off to do it. I mean I work out an entire hour every day. And I can't have 'rest' days because than I gain weight back. I don't think I can do much more than I'm already doing. And he said he just goes to the gym like twice a week and has been eating a load of junk food because me and his mom have been sending him boxes of junk food. And he has still managed to lose just as much as I have. :cry: Why did he have to tell me this?!! :growlmad:
Welcome lizzie!
Weigh ins are on Fridays.
I find I get a little bored on my elliptical as well. However, I find listening to some upbeat music on my MP3 player helps. I also open up the blinds and look out the window. It's the same view every day, but there are cars going by, and people walking, and always something going on. I try and keep my workouts to 20 minutes so I don't get too bored! lol
What are Davina McCalls DVDs like? I'm currently doing Turbo Jam, but I've been doing it for the past 3 weeks, and am starting to get bored with it.
Updated front page! Great job girls!!! :dance:

I gained a pound. :( Which I knew was going to happen after yesterday's weigh in but still sucks. :haha: Hopefully AF leaves soon. DH just emailed me and informed me that he's lost 12 pounds since leaving. I burst out crying when I read it. So now my entire day has this cloud floating over it. He weighs a lot less than me now. And I was trying my best to look good for him when he gets back but now he's smaller too so it's F'ing pointless. I hate that men lose weight like it's freaking nothing and I have to literally work my ass off to do it. I mean I work out an entire hour every day. And I can't have 'rest' days because than I gain weight back. I don't think I can do much more than I'm already doing. And he said he just goes to the gym like twice a week and has been eating a load of junk food because me and his mom have been sending him boxes of junk food. And he has still managed to lose just as much as I have. :cry: Why did he have to tell me this?!! :growlmad:

Your post pretty much sums up my frustrations. It seems like no matter how hard I work, I just don't lose the weight, and end up gaining it back. I don't know if it's a hormone thing? That's why I'm relieved I lost a 1/2 an inch around my belly. If it wasn't for that, I would be in a horrible mood today! I knew last night my weight wasn't going to change by morning, and I was so mad about it, I had trouble sleeping! I'm trying to be positive about it though. I may not be losing the weight yet (and I have a suspicion I won't until I stop bfing), but I am getting healthier. My lungs are stronger, my heart is healthier, and my body is getting more flexible and stronger. It will make it easier to lose the weight once I stop bfing. (I hope! lol)
When does your OH get back?
It's so hard isn't it?! I do think the breastfeeding has a lot to do with it. I should probably start measuring myself too. I haven't measured at all yet so I have no idea how many inches I've been losing. And I know the scales aren't an accurate measure of health. I'm the same. I feel so much better in my lungs and stuff. Before I could only do the elliptical for like 2 minutes and my chest would be burning. Now I've been doing 20 minutes each day! And plan on working up even higher whenever I get more used to the 20 minutes.

My DH is gone until the middle of June. :( And he left the 30th of november. So losing weight has been making the time fly by a bit faster because I have a mission. But my mission seems useless when he's emailing me telling me about how thin he's getting. :roll:
Well I'm up 2lbs:( oh well i haven't really been trying! Its just been one of those weeks!
I didn't lose anything this week. Still 153. Grrrrrrrr. Hubbub lost 2 pounds tho! Jammu got!
Hello, hello, hello! Sorry I was absent last week, completely forgot to weigh myself until Monday and was still the same weight of 175lbs which was actually quite good considering that I ate quite a lot of crap!

Have lost three pounds this week though! Yay! Was very happy when I got on the scales this morning!

Decided to try a low carb diet as have lost weight this way before, not going to the extreme with it but have cut out bread, pasta, potatoes etc. And it's working! And hasn't affected my milk supply either which I was a little worried about.

Hope you are all ok!!

i weighed this morn, lost 3lb so thats 7lb in 2 weeks :) xxxx
Well, I lost another pound!
I had an upset tummy last night, and spent the majority of the evening on the toilet. (TMI). I'm feeling better today though, and hopefully I can keep that pound off! lol
Sorry I didn't post earlier. I do my weigh ins on Saturday. I was down to 204 today, so I lost 4 pounds this week :)

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