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!!The Milky Mommy Weightloss Thread!!


Does anyone else still get hungry alot?

and what is everyone snacking on? i usually head for the clementines/satsumas when i need to snack but i think im over doing it so getting bored of them a bit.

need some ideas...
I like to snack on microwave popcorn. :D Or celery and peanut butter & raisins. Or any fruit really.

I haven't even been watching what I eat yet. :blush: I just eat what I've always ate. And exercise like crazy. I guess I should start watching it more huh...:dohh: It's so hard because breastfeeding makes me super hungry. So I don't want to feel like I'm depriving myself. I've never really ate junk food though. I just eat huge portions which is why I'm big. So I have tried to cut portions down a little but that doesn't always happen either when something is extra good. :shy:
Not had much time for BnB lately. :nope:

I did weigh myself on Friday, no change. :brat: But at least I didn't gain. I've been so busy that I've been eating out too much. :dohh:

Hope everyone is doing well!

As for snacks, I try to stick to fresh fruit (loads of bananas and apples) and yogurt. Sometimes I'm not very good about that, though. Last week I had far too much banana bread. :blush:
I still get pretty hungry. I cut my portion sizes down a bit, so it took quite a while to get used to less food, and I found I was snacking a lot. Now it's starting to even off again, and I"m not starving all the time...time to cut back a little more and go through it all again, because my portion sizes are still too large.
I try to snack on fruit, but that often doesn't happen. I'll usually grab some low fat cheese and whole wheat crackers. The cheese fills me up, so I don't eat too much. If I don't have some sort or protein/dairy, then I find I'm looking for a snack again before too long.
For snacks I usually have apples, grapes, almonds, handful of pretzels, smartpop popcorn.
Hi Girls,
Well after 9 months of using BF as an excuse not to get my wobbly butt in gear Ive finally got myself in the right frame of mind to start my weightloss.
I truly believe that you have to get your head in the right place to do it, and for me, I need to have a goal, something to work towards.
I used to be 21.5 stone, and lost 7 stone pre pregnancy and got down from a size 26 to a size 14/16 and was so proud of myself. I was terrible while I was pregnant and seriously fell off the wagon and put on 5 stone and am back up to a size 20, 18 if im lucky. I know I can do it, I just needed to kick myself up the bum and get started. Im going to Malaga on 20th May for my best friends hen do and am determined not to be the fattest one there!!
I dont know how much I weigh now, id say about 17.5 stone, but being 6ft, I kind of carry it well iykwim. My aim is to lose 2.5 stone by may, and then a further 2 by my friends wedding in August - I have a 100 pound debenhams voucher which Im saving to buy a gorgeous dress for the occasion!

Im not being stupid and crash dieting as Im still BF, but i need to do a week of pretty hardcore to get me started. I lose weight quickly (put it on just as quick too!!), so know I can lose at least 5lb in the first week, mostly water, but it helps keep me on track. Im eating banana and natural yoghurt for brekkie, ryvita and cottage cheese for lunch, then soup or lean meat and veg for tea and although im only 3 days in feel less bloated.

Looking forward to sharing the journey with you all and supporting each other through the tought times!

i need some bananas in the house!

im trying to cut my portion sizes too but then fill the rest of me up with fruit or tea.

how much tea are we allowed per day? im going through about two or three mugs at most per day. and today i was reading about how caffiene can get collected up in baby as they're unable to get rid of it.

and i was surprised to read about trying not to lose too much fat too soon as there are toxins in fat and its not a good idea to release them too quickly as yet another possible build up in baby- has anyone read or heard about this?
Welcome bee! If you could just give me your exact stats, I'll add you to the front. Current weight and goal weight is all I need. :D Weigh ins are every friday!!
and i was surprised to read about trying not to lose too much fat too soon as there are toxins in fat and its not a good idea to release them too quickly as yet another possible build up in baby- has anyone read or heard about this?

I have heard of this too. Our fat stores toxins that our bodies are unable to flush out and when you start burning fat the toxins get released into the bloodstream and some will end up in your milk. That is why it is really important that BF moms don't lose weight too quickly. However losing water weight will not put toxins into your blood just burning fat will so if during the first week or too you lose more than 2lbs it isn't really a big deal.
Can I join? Sorry don't have time to read through the whole thread, I have demanding twins, lol...I'm 5'1" and currently 136.5 lbs. Would like to be 120. Does anyone know how cals are burned per day from BFing? Does it change if you are BFing 2 babies? I gained 46 lbs with my twin pregnancy...immediately lost 30 lbs, and now my babes are 4months old and the wieght is NOT BUDGING! I've changed my diet..don't eat processed sugar, caffiene, dairy or soy. Still nothing! Any tips? How many cals should I be consuming?
:blush:Ok, here are my 'vitals' -
Start weight - 246lbs :blush::blush::blush:
Goal weight (for now) 196lbs

Updated front post! Welcome girls!! :wave: Always glad to add new people into the group!! :dance: Weigh ins are on Friday!!
Well, :witch: got me this morning. I'm crampy and just not feeling like working out, so I've decided to take the day off. But only today!! At least that's what I keep telling myself. In all reality, it will be tomorrow too, as my bad cramps usually last for the first two days.
I'm also exhausted because LO had bad gas all night last night, so neither of us got any sleep last night, and we're both grumpy.
Anyone else having a bad day??

OT-Cleckener...how's your friend? The one who's on bed rest? Is all going well?
Well, she was rechecked in the hospital and apparently the original doctor made a few mistakes so she wasn't as in danger as originally thought. So she was sent home and put back on her original restrictions which was bedrest but still able to get up and walk a bit. She's a member on here actually! It's how I met her. (mummy3) She's now 26 weeks(I think) and still going strong so fingers crossed she holds that LO in for quite a while still! :thumbup:

As for periods- I know what you mean. Mine just left on Saturday finally and it's amazing how much better I feel when it's gone. I've been having big clots coming out the past two periods and these HORRIBLE cramps during the clotting. I don't really know if it's normal or not. :wacko: I think you are totally allowed to have a few rest days during period time. It can be rough!
Okay, I've got a question for some of you that are smarter with this weightloss stuff. As you all know, it was my period last week and I gained a pound. Well AF left on Saturday and since than the weight is like falling off. And I'm starting to worry because you are only supposed to lose 2 pounds a week to be healthy with it. I haven't been eating any differently. I still snack all day and eat 3 meals a day. :shrug: So I'm just wondering if it's just my body catching up from last week since I was probably just having water retention with the period? Could that be why? I'm still working out an hour a day plus a 30 minutes walk at night. Which I don't think is too excessive but maybe it is...:wacko: My milk supply hasn't been affected so I'm hoping it's okay. I'll probably kick myself for worrying and end up gaining by tomorrow or something. :rofl: I just want to do this weightloss right and I don't want to deprive myself like I did last time I lost weight because I know that isn't healthy at all. I'm not dieting at all this time. Just exercising.
Okay, I've got a question for some of you that are smarter with this weightloss stuff. As you all know, it was my period last week and I gained a pound. Well AF left on Saturday and since than the weight is like falling off. And I'm starting to worry because you are only supposed to lose 2 pounds a week to be healthy with it. I haven't been eating any differently. I still snack all day and eat 3 meals a day. :shrug: So I'm just wondering if it's just my body catching up from last week since I was probably just having water retention with the period? Could that be why? I'm still working out an hour a day plus a 30 minutes walk at night. Which I don't think is too excessive but maybe it is...:wacko: My milk supply hasn't been affected so I'm hoping it's okay. I'll probably kick myself for worrying and end up gaining by tomorrow or something. :rofl: I just want to do this weightloss right and I don't want to deprive myself like I did last time I lost weight because I know that isn't healthy at all. I'm not dieting at all this time. Just exercising.

If the weight is falling off faster than normal it would probably be because AF made you bloat and now you are shedding the water weight. You can gain about 5 lbs water weight during or shortly before AF so you could have actually lost say 2 lbs of fat last week and 2 lbs of fat this week but since AF was there it would look on the scale like a 1 lb gain then a 5 lb loss the next week. You only need to worry about losing too much weight if it happens 3 weeks in a row. Great job on the loss cleck :happydance:
That's comforting to know!! I had a feeling that's what it was because I worked really hard last week and still gained the pound. :dohh: So it was frustrating but I guess I'm seeing the results this week instead. Being a woman is tough stuff sometimes! Men don't have these issues losing weight. :haha:
I seem to be the opposite of you, cleckner! I gain for a few weeks before my period (remember my 5lbs in one night a few weeks ago??!!) but then lose it again during my period!
I'm already back down to 173!! I'm not going to hold my breath, hoping it'll last though, because I doubt it. This is exactly what happened last cycle, and then I gained it all back again.
Well done cleck! I haven't had AF in ages and ages, but I remember I would always feel much lighter when it had finished. I was also very very hungry in the run up to it.

Hope mummy3 is doing ok :hugs:

I'm 134lb this morning, so down 2lb :thumbup:

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