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!!The Milky Mommy Weightloss Thread!!

hey all!! how are you doing today?

ok, i'm down to 190.2 lbs.

so almost another 2 lbs, but i'm struggling a bit with my sweet tooth in the last few days, its rearing its head!but im still trying to get some walks in.

what kind of exercise are you doing?

cleckner, i bet that felt great when you found you'd lost that much!
Well I knew that was gonna happen. :rofl: I gained a pound from yesterday to today. :dohh: Emma wouldn't let me work out at all yesterday but I did still go for my walk. I'm still down to 224.4!! :dance: Which is still a 3.6 loss this week. Eek!!

I will update the front in a second but I gotta get my computer onto a charger, it's about to die. :haha:
Ok updated!! Everyone's done so well this week!! :dance: Hopefully we keep having these good weeks!! :D
Wow, C, way to go!! :yipee: I'm impressed. You are going to catch up with me in no time. :rofl:

I love your new avatar. :cloud9:

I haven't had much BnB time lately, so I tend to spend most of it in journals. :dohh: But coming on here Friday to weigh in is keeping me more honest than I would otherwise be. I just don't have time to post on other days. :(

206 this morning. Down only 1 more pound, but at least it is down!
Thanks Tiger!! Well, I know I'm a big girl so the weight will fall off a bit faster for a while. I have a feeling it'll start slowing down when I start getting closer to the 190s. Good lord I can't wait to have a 1 in front of my weight again instead of a 2! :rofl:
Aw crap! I forgot it was Friday today!
I'll weigh myself in the morning, and post it.
well done everyone! :happydance: :thumbup:

I'm down to 151.5 lbs now :) Been walking a lot this week, so I'm glad it's paid off. I'm pre-menstrual too, so i exoect not to lose anything next week due to AF, but hey, at least it's going down rather that up in general! :)
Weighed myself this morning and I am down to 150.8lbs :happydance: Its coming off sooo slowly but at least the number is going the right way
Cleck- how's Emma's hand now? Just wondering how she's doing, bless her. x
She is great now, thanks for asking! We got to ditch the wrap a few weeks ago and you can now barely tell anything happened to it. :D Which I'm very pleased about. I was most worried that she'd have this horrible scar that would remind me all her life about my negligence. :shy:
aww, hun, don't feel like that, accidents happen. harry split his lip open today going down a slide & I was too busy chatting to another mum to even notice my son bleeding!
But I'm glad it's better & not noticeable. Resilliant little things these kiddies are :)
Otter has a scar at the corner of his eye from falling and crashing into the rocking chair. :dohh: I saw it happen, but couldn't stop it in time. :nope: I feel guilty every time I look at it. We won't even talk about the guilt I feel over the scar on his belly that I actually caused! :shy:
We're not even going to discuss the guilt I'm feeling today, after being a very negligent Mommy.
Thankfully my son didn't go tumbling down the stairs. Doesn't make me feel any less guilty though.
:hugs: for all of us. Accidents happen all the time, even to the best of us!
Hugs all around girls :hugs: Being a mommy is tough stuff sometimes. Mommy guilt is the worst. :(
I am having a hard time contining BF right now. Jacob has been latching on with a bit of teeth. I always have little teeth marks in my nipples. How do I get him to stop it? Although it has been really frusterating lately it was rewlly cute today Jacob picked up my nursing pillow brought it to me and said peeas (please)
Emma gives me teeth marks occasionally too. It's definitely not pleasant. I always just unlatch her and relatch until it's comfy. Sometimes she just twists herself into the weirdest positions and my nipples don't appreciate it. I'm sorry I can't help too much. Have you thought about asking the girls in the breastfeeding 6 month + group on here? I'm sure they'd have better ideas. :thumbup: Lot's of toddler feeding mommies in there. :D

Him saying please is SO cute!! :cloud9: I wish Emma would talk. She seriously only says about 6 words. It makes me a bit concerned cause other babies her age seem to be talking a lot more. :wacko:

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