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!!The Milky Mommy Weightloss Thread!!

Aw, so cute m_t_rose!! Devin just recently started saying "Mama" when he wants me, and it just melts my heart.
Sorry I don't have any suggestions about the teeth marks...Devin only has his two bottom teeth, in the middle. His tongue still covers them when he nurses.

Well, I weighed myself this morning, and I'm sitting at 174. Which puts me back at 0 lbs lost/gained for when I joined this group. I'm hoping I don't have another crazy week where I gain 5 pounds in one night again!!
I weighed in this morning...I am down another 2 pounds!!! :happydance: :happydance:

I lost a total of 8 pounds this month. Hope I can keep this up.
aaw bless you mummies! our little ones are going to have some accidents and we cant wrap them up in cotton wool even though i REALLY want too :(

venus rockstar 8 pounds is brill!

i bought lots of fruit and veg today, and good thing too as i cant seem to stop eating today!
I am Callie.
My starting weight is: 149.
Goal is 135.
and if not that then just all over healthier.
I am moving in a few day so when I move I am going to be a very healthy grocery shipping trip and I hope it will help.

good luck:)
Welcome hun! :wave: Added you to the front post. Weigh ins are every Friday. Although some weigh on different days which is fine too. :haha: Good luck with your move!
AF is here for the month....grrrrr. that explians why I've been craving sugary stuff the last couple of days! So not looking forward to weigh in on fri as I know it will say I've gained....
I'm also dreading weigh in. :nope: my own fault, just can't resist chocolate!
I'm not doing too great this week either. :blush: So far I am still at the exact same weight as friday. But two days ago I was starting to creep up in numbers. GRR!! And Emma hasn't been napping an hour like she used to so I have to finish my workouts super late at night after putting her to bed.

I'm working out right now as I type this. :rofl: On the recumbent bike. And someone just rang our doorbell. Go figure I don't get visitors all day and than when Emma is napping and I am actually accomplishing a workout, the doorbell rings and the dogs go nuts. :growlmad: I'm not answering. I'm topless and sweaty. :haha: Such a lovely picture for you all to imagine. ;) Your welcome!! :muaha:
So I have been doing terribly with working out. It has been at least a week since I have done anything. I just got a new serger and sewing machine so I have been using Jacobs nap time to sew instead of working out, but hopefully I will finish what I am working on tomorrow so that I can get back to the treadmill. I am also going to cuba in March so I really need to get back at it so that I can fit into my bathing suit. Right now it cuts in along the thighs and is not very pretty :blush:
Cuba sounds fun! Are you bringing Jacob? We are thinking about going to hawaii for our vacation this year. But I'm so worried about Emma with a long flight. :wacko:

I have a stack of stuff that needs sewn but haven't found time since naptimes are taken over now. These kids will grow out of this right? I keep telling myself that someday I will be able to get stuff done during Emma's waking hours. :haha: But I wonder if it's actually true.
hey all!

seems like things aren't going as brill for us.

I'm really peeved this week, it is somewhat my fault but i need to vent.

i've cut out a lot of the extra rubbish, i.e. crisps/chocs/biscuits from my daily eating and was doing pretty well until a week ago.
I'll admit to eating some shortbread biscuits/a takeway/ and a cream filled pastry over the weekend. and ive put 1.5lbs back on!!! i cant believe it.
but been back on track since monday, i just feel gutted that i have to make sure i dont eat junk at all. (and if i am eating junk i stay around 194 lbs! may aswell carry on eating rubbish!! but i wont... so not to worry).

And im really struggling with getting to the gym, no child care and even if oh can look after my lo she cries and cries at bed time when im not there!!!


how do you get around it?
I have no one to take Emma so I have to do it while she sleeps. This past week she's only been napping for half an hour. :wacko: So I have been slacking a bit in the working out. Losing weight is hard enough, but having a baby makes it SO much harder IMO.

Don't beat yourself up about a bit of a gain. :hugs::hugs: I think we've all had rough weeks here and there. I've gained a little this week and I haven't even eaten junk! But somehow I'm still mysteriously 0.2 lbs heavier. :dohh: Next week will be better..just keep telling yourself that. :D:D:hugs:
I'm useless with working out too n hate going to gyms. I go for a walk everyday instead n I started running on the spot, which Harry finds hilarious! My new thing is putting a music channel on & dancing around like a crazy mofo with my son!!! It's fun n Harry enjoys it too- that willow whip my hair song is his gave at the moment, lol! It gets be breathless dancing around so I figure I'm burning those calories at least.
Cuba sounds fun! Are you bringing Jacob? We are thinking about going to hawaii for our vacation this year. But I'm so worried about Emma with a long flight. :wacko:

I have a stack of stuff that needs sewn but haven't found time since naptimes are taken over now. These kids will grow out of this right? I keep telling myself that someday I will be able to get stuff done during Emma's waking hours. :haha: But I wonder if it's actually true.

We are bringing Jacob to Cuba it is going to be such a long flight for him. Fortunately my whole family is going so there will be 8 adults and only 1 baby so each person has to entertain him for only 30 minutes.
hey all!

seems like things aren't going as brill for us.

I'm really peeved this week, it is somewhat my fault but i need to vent.

i've cut out a lot of the extra rubbish, i.e. crisps/chocs/biscuits from my daily eating and was doing pretty well until a week ago.
I'll admit to eating some shortbread biscuits/a takeway/ and a cream filled pastry over the weekend. and ive put 1.5lbs back on!!! i cant believe it.
but been back on track since monday, i just feel gutted that i have to make sure i dont eat junk at all. (and if i am eating junk i stay around 194 lbs! may aswell carry on eating rubbish!! but i wont... so not to worry).

And im really struggling with getting to the gym, no child care and even if oh can look after my lo she cries and cries at bed time when im not there!!!


how do you get around it?
I am not sure how old your LO is but with mine I would walk on my treadmill while he was in the room (I have a little fence around it) and he used to cry for me when I stepped on it but I would walk for 5 minutes then after that was okay I would walk for 10 minutes and so on and now I can go for about 40 as he plays around me.
hey all!

seems like things aren't going as brill for us.

I'm really peeved this week, it is somewhat my fault but i need to vent.

i've cut out a lot of the extra rubbish, i.e. crisps/chocs/biscuits from my daily eating and was doing pretty well until a week ago.
I'll admit to eating some shortbread biscuits/a takeway/ and a cream filled pastry over the weekend. and ive put 1.5lbs back on!!! i cant believe it.
but been back on track since monday, i just feel gutted that i have to make sure i dont eat junk at all. (and if i am eating junk i stay around 194 lbs! may aswell carry on eating rubbish!! but i wont... so not to worry).

And im really struggling with getting to the gym, no child care and even if oh can look after my lo she cries and cries at bed time when im not there!!!


how do you get around it?
I am not sure how old your LO is but with mine I would walk on my treadmill while he was in the room (I have a little fence around it) and he used to cry for me when I stepped on it but I would walk for 5 minutes then after that was okay I would walk for 10 minutes and so on and now I can go for about 40 as he plays around me.

I would do this, but I have an elliptical, with big moving parts. I'm too worried that he'll crawl right into it and get hurt. The room it's in is pretty small, so there's not much room for him to move around. If I put a gate around it, then he'd really have no room! I could open up the door, and let him crawl across the hall to his room, but I don't like him being in a different room for long periods of time.
I would do this, but I have an elliptical, with big moving parts. I'm too worried that he'll crawl right into it and get hurt. The room it's in is pretty small, so there's not much room for him to move around. If I put a gate around it, then he'd really have no room! I could open up the door, and let him crawl across the hall to his room, but I don't like him being in a different room for long periods of time.

That really hard then to get in your exercise. My treadmill is really compact and so it doesn't take up much room plus its in the basement so its a huge room.
Yeah all my equipment is in a small room too. It's also my craft/sewing room so I have a huge table set up in it with all my fabric and random stuff surrounding it in containers. So there is just walking room between it all unless I fold up the treadmill.

I've gained a bit more since yesterday. No clue how because I still did an hour of cardio and walked almost an hour last night. :dohh: Frustrating stuff!! I'm gonna actually watch my portions today when I eat. :haha: I'm sure that probably has something to do with it. I just hate feeling like I'm depriving myself though. Hopefully I'll have a miracle and break even for the weigh in tomorrow. Breaking even is SOO much better than a gain in my mind.

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