Hi MommySierra :wave:
NIce positive OPK!
Will you get your CD21 test done a bit later then now?
sorry tanya i can't remember - were you on clomid last time with iui?
sorry tanya i can't remember - were you on clomid last time with iui?
No I was on Gonal F but Clomid MUCH cheaper and should do the trick...
thanks to y'all for outrage at horrid woman!
I am going all symptom spotty today...anyone with me? or would anyone like to remind me that every other symptom spotty cycle i have had has ended with a big fat zilcho hehehe!
cant decide if i want to indulge myself or stay grounded....hmmmm
positive thoughts for all who need them today!
sorry tanya i can't remember - were you on clomid last time with iui?
No I was on Gonal F but Clomid MUCH cheaper and should do the trick...
Are you really going to do 3 more or just try one?