Extreme clumsiness FANTASTIC! So what about my extreme shopping?? is that a symptom?? DH wishes i had extreme cleaning but alas... i have not
Another 2lb off at fat fighters
So have only had watery CM the last few days - OPK was postive 2 days ago but today i have EWCM!! So DH is in for a jumping later when he gets back from footie... lets hope that those have recovered enough. Personally... i'd love to just go to sleep but i'll only kick myself in a few days time and wish i'd done it
I also have shocking trumps... worse than earlier.... i think i could clear a room. What a lady!!!
Good Morning Ladies,
ARRGGHH FOR EVAP LINES...I'm 11 dpo today, I took a hpt at 4am and was to sleepy to stick around for the results...I wake up at 6am and what do I see?? AN EVAP LINE!!! There all in its GREY LINE GLORY!!! I HATE THOSE I don't care if I burst, I am waiting till 6am tomorrow morning.
Ok, I feel better, I needed to get that out...I Hope everyone has a great day thanks for hearing me out
Rachelle - Extreme shopping, farts and losing 2lbs at WW are defo all fabulous signs hun!! Balls to it.... Im making the signs up as I go along! Seriously though... congrats on the weight loss Hope you managed to get the extra in last night!
Mommysierra - Nasty Evaps... Got my fingers crossed it turns pink soon!!
I agree Samba .. I'm in dire need of pee-stick-pics.
Pusskins: Have you been checked out? I mean hormone levels measured etc? I'm no expert but I seem to remember that spotting and low post-o temps could indicate some imbalance. But still, from other charts I've looked at I think a dip + spotting is a good sign and you certainly have all the right days covered!
Pusskins - Actually thinking about it... spotting 'could' be due to low progestrone... I think.. Please dont quote me on it and I defo dont want to be scare-mongering... maybe see if you can get some bloods done xxxxx
Phexia - I think its me Rachelle and fraggle next to test.... and thats not for a few days atleast.... how rubbish is that??
Ok 4DPO now! Got all sorts of tinges and aches not sure what they are. Kinda feel like AF cramps but different to them at the same time. Also my asthma has been getting worse which is really unusual. Take medication every morning and then never have to think about it again. Had to take more this afternoon because I was struggling to breath. Might not sound like a symptom but this happened with my mum when she was carrying me....
Now, need some advice. DH and I are going away for a few days next week. Leave Monday and return Friday. Now 10DPO, which I understand is when you can start testing from, falls in that week. Not sure whether to test and risk ruining break when I see or wait until I am home for the . What do you think???
Havent been on for a while. sorry to all who the witch got fx for next cycle.
Well i thought i ovulated early this month so AF was due monday no sign so based on my usual 28-29 day cycle last day today had a few craps but no sign yet and im too scared test. I think i will wait another day and if she hasnt arrived test. I dont feel pregnant so very much doubt i am. x
Redfraggle I think I would wait to test, I am 11 dpo and testing everyday getting BFNs since 8 dpo (I am peeing and can't stop LOL)...I am sure you will get your BFP when you return from your vacation. And that would be a great finale to your vacation
GOOD LUCK have a great VACATION and I will have my fingers crossed for you!!
redfraggle - Normally Im VERY quick to do some POAS pushing.. BUT... If you think a will spoil your hols then I would defo leave the HPT's at home! GOOD LUCK!
Mommysierra - Fingers crossed those 's turn into 's soon!
Tansey - Look I can hold back on the POAS pushing 'sometimes'
Fingerscrossed -
Tanya - Wont be long before the shag'athon starts again hun!! xxxx
All boring here though... will test in a few days! xxxx
I've tried it both ways - i once waited until 15dpo and worked myself into such a frenzy thinking i was pregnant only to find out i wasn't AND i by-passed birthday drinks and everything! So now i'll every other day from probably 10 dpo - i figure i'll get my dissapointment out early
No real symptoms for me - just tiredness and a bit blah... so the normal then!!!! 7 more days and i'll POAS, get a negative and move on!! Reckon we will get 1 more cycle in then DH will do another SA to see if those little have actually improved. I would be over the moon if they have gone up again but i guess i'm a little doubtful... really don't wanna get my hopes up
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