What does that mean Nat? did you cover all bases or no joy? Blooming eck she was early this month!
Phexia - nausea has gone and only a bit of a headache and dodgy tummy left... damn that blasted Thai food!!!! Sore boobs though... well, my breast bone above my boobs is sore and the sides.... OOOOOOOh new symptom to spot!
I am feeling poo again today.. have headaches, tired, , moody.. must be the clomid.. took my last tablet last nite so hope i feel better tomorrow. Have my scan tomorrow morning to see when we will do insem.. hope its friday
Now not sure when to test... maybe i should toss a coin! temp rise tomorrow means test, no rise me stick... what do we reckon?
I have 3 thermometers to work from now so i figure i'll go with the highest temperature!
I know i'm a total dick but i did my temp when i got home (with all 3) and it was over 37!! It's never over 37 unless i've had a nice hot bath.... .maybe it's a good thing... or maybe it's dodgy guts giving me a rise
So temp is still only 36.62 - no amazing rises.... has anyone temping got pregnant with that sort of a temp?!?! So i figure it's not the thermometer's that are broken just me
Feel tired, light headed, this morning, boobies are a bit sore and i'm a grumpy old rat bag too..... i know, PMT ahoy!
So tomorrow... will be guided by the thermometer! As soon as i have a rise i will test.
What do we reckon girls? Am i mental or are the temps are true indicator of things?xx
I just looked and there is a ton of with temps similar to mine...... clinging to the coverline! Let the madness continue!
Phexia - had a chemical 5 months after ttc but wasn't temping then....... just as you get excited it all changes Mind you, due to DH's crappy i think it was a damn miracle!
Yeah i have been trawling FF and also when i googled there was this software called ovusoft and there were a ton on their too!
I just got home from work and seriously considering doing a even though its 9dpo AND it wasn't FMU.... fortunately sense won through!
So symptoms for today..............
1. Not sleeping well
2. tired all the time
3. headaches
4. nausea
5. boobs feeling big, heavy and they are sore!! Not from me poking them though - now i think about it last night i couldn't lay on my front as they felt uncomfortable... i do have big wangers though
6. Spotty mcspot spot
7. Aching in my shoulders and neck?!?! (is this a symptom - i dunno but it bumped up my numbers)
8. Felt very bloated like was coming
9. cramps
FF has given me 72 points.... but i could just be imagining them all since i'm so good at it
Hi all - i'm still here in thought if not in spirit!
Rachelle it is still early days and beanie may still be trying to implant at 9DPO so i would try and wait a few more days. FX for you - symptoms are sounding good!
Nat you and Phexia will probably OV soon!
Tanya i'm off to your journal to see if you're back from your scan!
So I had my scan today and I have IUI tomorrow at 4.30pm.. DH has to deliver his seed at 3pm for washing... I am praying we have good numbers with all the vitamins and chinese herbs my DH has been on
Good luck for testing Rach.. dont worry too much about temps... see how they are tomorrow
Get Bding Phex and Nat...
Tansey - hang in there chick... there will be light
Love to u all - will update u post basting tomorrow
Hello ladies...just wanted to pop in a spread billions an zillions of ...I,m still hanging on in here, am convinced is on her way getting back pain and cramps..will keep you posted x x x x
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