Yes! They're not available in Iceland but when I was ttc a year ago Sinead here on b&b actually sent me a 2-pack!!! They've been hidden away in my bathroom closet since then but when the line gets stronger on the 10 mIU tests and pretty clear on 25 mIU I´ll use one I don't think I'm gonna tell my OH until then I was thinking about baking him a cake (he looooves cake), wrapping the test in plastic and stick it in his slice before I serve him the cake (when it's cold of course ) Hope I get some clearer lines soon, it's so early it could stil be a chemical.
Congrats phexia, hopefully this the start of more!!
Autumn i live in Cardiff so not far away from you.
Hows every1 doing?? I'm not sure whats going on with me but i'm feeling really emotional today like i wanna cry every 5 mins, i think its because i keep thinking im never going to get a BFP.
Nellis - Im not totally convinced that those are evaps that your getting.... Im I really hope that it does turn out to be a double liner for you xxxx
Nicky - about you friend on FB... Looks like your going to have to beat her!! xxxxxx Wouldnt it be nice to be that naive again!!
Tansey - Ive still got my fingers crossed for you hunny
Faire - that mum has gone home!!!
Tanya - Sorry about the but there is plenty of time for that to change!!
If I have missed anyone else Im sorry but good good luck!!
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