The NO JUDGEMENT 'What did you vow never to do with LO but do now anyway?' thread!

I was convinced I would go back to work when LO was 3 months old. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I am going back to work when he is 1 and am glad I have had that time with him :)

I was very open about everything else and happy to do whatever suited my baby's personality.
Dummy yet again...we resorted to it after a reeaaalllly bad day at about 2/3 weeks old. He wasn't ever overly keen on it though, and by 4/5 months refused it at least we haven't now got to try and wean him off it! :happydance:

Co-sleeping...was totally against this, but on those really bad nights, it was the only way to get him to sleep. Once asleep though, I popped him back in his cot, so I could sleep properly! :sleep:

Said I would stop breastfeeding when he got his first tooth...he got his first tooth at 5.5 months, and we certainly weren't ready to stop then, so continued till 9 months. :cloud9:

Would cook all his meals from jars are my saviour! :haha:

Said he would be in our room till he was 6 months old...was in his own room by three months, as we kept waking him up...bloomin' creaky bed - you couldn't even roll over without waking him! :haha:

There's probably more, but I can't think of them right now.

x x x
As of yet, nothing. But she is only little.
i said we would never formula feed but ended up pumping and formula feeding due to health issues and LO.

I aid we would not use a soother but found on the SIDS website that it is recommended for sleep, and it helps soothe her when getting her in and out of the car seat, buggy.

We said we would never ever co sleep but did it one night at 6 weeks and shre slept through for 6 hrs after we had both lived on 3 hrs a night each since birth-she is now in the moses and i thank co sleeping.

Never rread books about babies but found the Baby Whisperer series a god send at at least regarding what habits i may be accidentally forming.

i said she's never wear pink but we were given too many pink outfits to waste. she actualy wore daddy's bought outfit on xmas day-cotton skinny jeans and a Ramones t-shirt:wacko:

I said we would have a home birth-but only got to 6 cms before throwing up and passing out with a back to back labour.

I cant believe how ignorant i was! I cant wait for the next baby with how much i have learned in 13 weeks!
no dummy, he has one occasionally
No co sleeping, he is in my bed every night!
BF for 6 months, NO solids before 6 months, he started a week ago (for his own good before anyone has a go) Still BF tho :)
No overpriced clothing that will only last a week...he has had sooooomuch!!
Another no dummy mummy here! Swore she wouldn't have one but sent hubby out on day two to get some! She didn't take to one properly until she was about four months old, and they certainly helped us to get through the dreaded four month regression.

Knew I'd breastfeed but didn't see myself making it past Christmas, still going strong at six and a half months and certainly don't plan on stopping anytime soon!
I thought of another: I said I would never do baby wearing. Not sure what I had against that one, but I definitely remember saying it at the Baby Show! I'm now the proud owner of a Mei Tai, cursing myself for not having got one sooner.

I also said I wouldn't be one of those women who just talks about their baby. But what else do I have to talk about?!
I didnt want LO to have a dummy when born but because he was still whingey after a wind an fed an nappy change etc.. an nothing seemed to settle him until one day someone put a dummy in LO's mouth an since then hes took to them, helped me lots lol.

Thats bout it i think really as i dont co-sleep or breast feed :L x
Oh i have another i didnt think id find myself talkin bout LO near enough none stop im either talking bout him or babbling to him haha x
i was very judgemental about people who co sleep but now i happily co sleep with LO since 3 weeks old. I also swore that i will not bore people by constantly talking about LO. I happily do that as well
Wanted my baby to have a fluffy bum and heavily looked into it, DH was disgusted my the idea and would not help with nappies if I did and various other moans. Hardly changes a nappy anymore.

Wanted to express some milk so DH could enjoy bonding experience. But my milk in a bottle also disgusts him, hey his loss :)

Other than that I think I have stayed firm on most things. Wish I had the option of co sleeping but with the dog and a husband that moves a lot, need I say more.
said i wouldn't co-sleep (strictly i didn't as i didn't sleep but lo did!) - thankfully thats over now (for now!)
said i would wait until 6 months to wean - I didn't and it was the best thing i ever did
said i wouldn't talk about poo - i do!
I said I wouldn't give my LO baby jars and would cook all my own food....I do cook my own but do use jars too!
said i wud bf- lasted 5 days
said i wudnt give her a dummy- i did/do
said i wudnt judge other mummies - i do (secretly)
said i wudnt give her biscuits or anything sweet (i do, though rarely)
said i wudnt pick her up every time she whinged (i do, cant help it!)

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