The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Dear God/Goddess/Higher powers,

Can I please have a restart on this year??

My Nan died this morning :(

:hugs: That is awful. Im sorry this is such a bad start to the year. My sister had a year like this after her wedding while TTC #1 - her dog (Who she was obsessed with) died, 2 miscarriages, and our grandparents died. :cry: The point of the story is that she is now deleriously happy with a beautiful 1 year old who is a real delight and has 2 more shifts at work before leaving for maternity leave again! I really hope you can look past the sadness and see the possibility of a wonderful future :thumbup:
How is everyone today?

I'm focusing on getting on to the next ov and seeing what comes of it. If FF was correct about my ov day... then my LP was only 8 freaking days long. That's not long enough for implantation. I am hoping really hard that this is just my body adjusting to not having the Mirena, and it's not like, permanent or anything. Since I had two kids previously without any issue whatsoever (conceived straight away as soon as we started trying), I know my LP can't have always been this short.

It's been snowing here for days now. I remember when I was a kid, snow was this rare and magical event. I grew up in the south at the beach, where it was regularly in the 70's on Christmas. We'd go to the beach on Christmas day some years, because it was in the mid 80's. The small handful of times it snowed when I was a kid, it shut down the whole city... and it was never even very much snow! Up here, it starts snowing in Oct and doesn't stop until April. We've had snow in June once since I've lived here. I am not made for this climate! And snow has -totally- lost its appeal. :) But it's still pretty!
Things are ok here. Been keeping myself busy all week with projects at home... I got an old dresser that I am stripping and re-vamping! Been cleaning, organizing, re-arranging...Lol basically trying to be a busy body so I don't start ss and drive myself nuts like every other month!

Not feeling any symptoms yet, really. Nothing noteworthy. Hopefully they pick up soon... At least something, bc I already have a feeling of doubt this cycle. I wonder if ill have a normal cycle! Pre-mirena and pre-DS, my cycle was super irregular and all over the place. It could go from 32-40+ days each cycle! After mirena, I've had consecutively 31 day cycles.... I've never been regular so idk if its from the mirena or from having a child and kind of 're-setting' my body.

What about everyone else?
Calasen- so sorry about your Nan. Big hugs to you!

Ginger- I have a suspicion about my own possible short LP, based on CM. We'll see if I can get it together with charting my temps, but I don't know. Have you tried any herbal remedies? Or considered going to an acupuncturist or naturopath? Or considered alternative ideas like sleeping in complete darkness except for when you should be ovulating? I think there is a book called "lunaception" or something like that. I think I am going to start the complete darkness thing if I can google enough info about what the timing is supposed to be exactly. Currently we are sleeping with a nightlight in our room for my 3 year old who climbs into our bed every AM at 3 or 4.

Taurus- Keeping busy is a mighty good idea! I have no idea how long my cycles will be "regularly", it seems very strange to me that I had a 28 day cycle this time. Pre-pregnancy (4 years ago) my cycles were 30-36 days. What have your vivid dreams been about?

AFM- This morning my husband,my son and I were all in bed together when I woke up. My husband was sharing my pillow with me and my thermometer was UNDER him. I couldn't get to it! I was so annoyed! By the time I managed to get it I just know it changed my temp. I feel like a lunatic but I am so annoyed! I am on CD5, yesterday was spotting, I believe AF is completely over and I am super excited about this cycle. You all know that I am very excited. :)
lol, don't stress too much about your temps RainyMama...especially right around af time. I didn't even bother temping during AF because the temps are so much more erratic than after AF through the rest of the cycle. :) And I found that as long as I didn't stress about temping, I could roll over, grab the thermometer, etc. and my temp stayed right where it was supposed to. When I stressed about it missing or whatever was when it would go up a bit but even then usually not more than a tenth of a degree. (My temps were very similar each cycle so after six months, I could guess what my temp would be the following morning based on my ovulation day - that's the only reason I could assume it was "off" when I was stressed or worried.)

Taurus - revamping the dresser sounds like a great idea! :) And definitely a good way to keep your mind on non-TTC things.

Ginger - Hopefully your LP will lengthen soon. I never tried it but I know some ladies on the other forums try taking B6 vitamins to lengthen it...

Afm, I start back at school this evening. I still have a couple years left before I finish my teaching credentials and go to school full time at night after working full time during the day. It's exhausting but I want to be DONE!

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Doing well over hear. I'm marveling at AF and all her "flowness." It's been so long I forgot what she was like! (I still despise her.) The good news is I apparently don't have cramps anymore! That was one of my biggest fears when I went off BC.

In other fun news my iPhone 4S came in the mail today. I'm going to ask Siri how to get pregnant! bahaha

I'm putting together my plan for real month #1. I know we TTC last month, but considering I never had AF to kick things off I really didn't think it was going to work anyway. I'm trying to decide if I want to buy another 20 pack of opks and do one every day until I get a positive. Do you all buy yours at the store or do you order them off the internet? If I'm going to use amazon or something I need to go ahead and order them I guess.
I buy mine online, far cheaper and can buy in bulk. HPTs as well.
Im CD 5 today, impatient, should be studying but on b&b again. Ive decided to give it a couple more months temping/OPK before taking a break. I figure by then I should def know when to babydance each month without checking, and hopefully Ill be able to relax more if Im not temping?? Not sure that's going to work, but worth a try.
I hate this part of the month - so little chart to stare at!
@edens - It's neat that you're getting your credentials. What are you hoping to teach? Also, I too am excited to hear about your appt!

I'm on a B supplement. Taking b-6 without balancing it with b-12 is not a good idea. The two work so closely together that things can be thrown off fairly easily by taking any significant amount of one without the proper amount of the other. But! I am on a b complex. Along with a really REALLY complete multi, fish oil, olive leaf, flax, maca, and extra C & Lysine. This has been the case for a long time though, not just since ttc. :)

I could possibly increase my b intake. It won't hurt to contact my doc and ask. I guess I'll email her today. I read the actual study (not just the abstract) that it seems everyone is basing their belief that b-6 will lengthen the LP on... it was a small sample size, but it was double blind. Within that small sample size there were promising results with regards to the increase of progesterone. It hasn't been replicated as yet though. But it can't hurt!

@taurus - Ohhh, that's a great project! My current 'project' is moving. Not so much fun at all. But I am sick and darned tired of having two places that I kind of half live at. I bought a house to live in dagnabbit. It's been a year. It's time to move in already. Yours really does sound like so much more fun. :D

@babyO - I buy mine on Amazon. I just ordered them for this month. I was paranoid about them at first, because they are so inexpensive, and they're dip-sticks rather than the kind you hold under your stream of urine. But I bought cheap paper cups & cheap small paper plates that I keep under my bathroom sink now, along with them. That made the process of using them super easy. They're really not hard once you get over the (small) learning curve. Good luck with them! The ones I get really are so cheap that there is no reason for me not to test multiple times per day... and so (when stupid af isn't here GAH) I do! ;)

@dreamers - OMGINORITE?! Three days of temps is not enough chart to obsess over! Gah!

Myself... I am currently freezing. I'm telling you guys, I am not cut out for living in the frozen north. Stupid winter. Be over already! I want my sunny sunny sunshine back! Pout!

I'm also trying to decide whether or not I want to buy the vip FF membership, and if so how long I want to buy it for. I'm leaning towards wanting to do it... maybe just for 30 days for now? I dunno. Part of me feels like I should be more optimistic about everything. Not even bother to buy the paid membership. But another part of me feels like buying the year of vip would be a good idea, after all I can use it to track pregnancy too.

Oh, the first world problems I suffer from. *eye roll at myself*

Oh man! Also! My partner came home yesterday with a zinc + D + E supplement. And another bottle of his usual C + Lysine (he's been on those for years). Because he had done a ton of research on how to insure good sperm quality. I love this man so hard. :D
Edens- thinking of you this morning!

Ginger- How often/how much maca do you take? I am mixing it into smoothies (1-2 tsp.) but am finding that every few days I need to take a maca break, on around the 3rd day in a row instead of getting a small energy boost, I feel like I am more tired instead. But, I enjoy benefits like increased libido and better EWCM. I take a b-complex for exactly the reason you explained above. Also, I feel like I am taking a good multi, but am always curious, what are you taking?
I am taking fish oil and extra vitamin c, as well. Also, a small amount of magnesium at night, I am slightly deficient according to my naturopath.
Also, I live in the pacific NW and I hate the weather, for me it is the rain and grey that gets me down. We are planning a move to Austin, TX fall of this year.

Good morning everyone! Hope all is well everywhere!
Edens- thinking of you this morning!

Ginger- How often/how much maca do you take? I am mixing it into smoothies (1-2 tsp.) but am finding that every few days I need to take a maca break, on around the 3rd day in a row instead of getting a small energy boost, I feel like I am more tired instead. But, I enjoy benefits like increased libido and better EWCM. I take a b-complex for exactly the reason you explained above. Also, I feel like I am taking a good multi, but am always curious, what are you taking?
I am taking fish oil and extra vitamin c, as well. Also, a small amount of magnesium at night, I am slightly deficient according to my naturopath.
Also, I live in the pacific NW and I hate the weather, for me it is the rain and grey that gets me down. We are planning a move to Austin, TX fall of this year.

Good morning everyone! Hope all is well everywhere!

This is my multi -

I'm vegan, gluten free, soy free, corn free. So this works -well- for me. I mix it into my morning smoothie as well! Haha, along with my maca, my b complex, etc. I get all capsules so that I can break them open and mix them in with my smoothie. :)

I'm currently taking 1/2 tsp of maca in the morning. I want to increase it to 1tsp, but with my food sensitivities... it's a slow process. I'm currently doing well on it, which is exciting for me! I'm not used to doing so well on... well. Anything. o_O

We came *thisclose* to moving to Austin two years ago. Oh how I love that city... One day. Maybe. Stupid economy keeping us here with good jobs... (I'm not actually complaining about this I promise!)
Rainy- I ADORE Austin!! My sister lives there and we try to visit as often as possible. I'm super jealous you get to move there!! Lol

Nothing new or exciting today. No symptoms, none, NADA, zilch! Feeling like im growing old waiting for time to pass. My son is down for a nap so I thought this was a perfect time to stalk bnb and symptom spot. Lol
I plan to teach middle school math or 7th grade biology. OH teaches middle school earth science. I bought the 30 day first and them the full year of ff just for the chart overlay feature, lol. :) if I hadn't I'd never have been able to guestimate when I was due to ov the cycle we got pregnant! A few more hours until my scan but I'll post to my journal asap!!
I plan to teach middle school math or 7th grade biology. OH teaches middle school earth science. I bought the 30 day first and them the full year of ff just for the chart overlay feature, lol. :) if I hadn't I'd never have been able to guestimate when I was due to ov the cycle we got pregnant! A few more hours until my scan but I'll post to my journal asap!!

Good luck!:thumbup:
Ginger- i have many times considered the all one, but end up using pills for the convenience factor. I don't always make my own smoothies.
Sounds like you have dealt with a lot of food allergies, but maybe now you've figured out what you can tolerate?

- we will be taking a big (possibly ridiculous) risk moving but life is too short to stay somewhere that you aren't happy.
Ah, I've missed my girls! I've been SO BUSY lately... Sorry I haven't been replying!

Calasen- I am so, so sorry. What a horrid start to the year. :hug:

Ginger- I'm sorry for you too!!!! On to another month, I guess. EVERYTHING crossed for you. Your DH is soooo awesome. I couldn't even get O & R to care that much!

Edens- Totally stalking your journal. Thanks for starting one. :)

Taurus- Good job keeping busy. SOOOO close to being able to test! GL on your wait and TONS of :dust:

Rainy- I have never heard of the sleeping in complete darkness thing. What's that all about?? I lol'd at your being bugged about the temping thing... that would so be me! It WAS me... on days I work, DH wakes me up by tossing DS on the bed with me, and I was so made because I knew I wasn't temping quickly enough. Haha, those thermometers turn us into crazy ladies!! Where do you live? (Hope that's not weird). Me and DH keep talking about moving to WA... we love the gray rainy days, and we love cold weather (but not snow!). We figure WA is the perfect solution! We'll see, though. Nothing can happen for a few years, anyway.

BbyO- What did Siri say??? :haha: I bought my OPKs off amazon.

Speaking of which.... anybody want my leftovers??? They're just ICs, but I don't need em anymore, and I have a good 20+ left I think (haven't counted, but I only used them for less than 1 cycle).

AFM... All my symptoms have disappeared... except I'm ravenously hungry, my bbs are huge (but that might be in my head!) and I have pregnancy brain lol. Pretty sure that last one is def in my head. But it's nice to have an excuse. I told O & R on Tuesday night as planned.... it was awesome. R freaked, O was in shock. I tried to get it on video but messed it up because we were trying to be sneaky... totally lined up the camera wrong and nobody is in the picture. :( At least I still have the audio!
Panda- how exciting about telling R + O, I wish I could see it on video. Darn! I am a lunatic about temping, this morning I couldn't find the thermometer and broke into a cold sweat. I am very tempted to ask you for your leftover OPKs, but I think that they would take me to a whole new level of neuroses that is neither good nor healthy. hehe
We live in Portland, just across the river from WA. It is beautiful some parts of the year. We would stay in Portland if it weren't for the gray and rain, but we can't take it! Where do you live now?
Hi guys,

I am having a hard time. Last night DH whipped out a condom when we were being intimate.

I told him "we don't need that now, remember?" He just kept saying "what?" And proceeding to get it situated anyway.

Then he said (and keep in mind I am CD7, just stopped spotting that morning from AF- I KNOW we couldn't conceive at this point anyway which is why I am not completely flying off the handle) "if we don't use a condom we are going to get pregnant right away. right now."

No. Obviously he has zero understanding of what it means to ovulate. Anyway, I told him that it was fine, we're actually going to make a baby NEXT week anyway. To which he said, "ok honey, sounds good."

Hours before this he had been marveling at our son and saying "do you think we could make another one like this?" with a big smile on his face.

I am worried that during our TTC talks he is only saying what i want to hear to get me to stop talking about it.

Ava's Mama, I am trying to continue visualizing my pregnancy this year and I see him being supportive and thrilled. I guess I need a vision board??:cry:
@edens - Ohhh! Middle School. :D My partner's dream is to get his MS in education/history and teach middle school history. I think it's awesome that you want to teach that age group!

@panda - Haha, my partner is pretty awesome. Thank you. :) He's utterly unemotional and stoic... but extremely supportive, and shows love in ways that make sense to my brain. He'll do tons of research on a topic I'm interested in, and then go buy/make/procure everything I need to do it/learn about it/etc. He's... incredibly action and detail oriented. Like me. So we fit! :) (but he'd be more likely to be struck by lightning than to giggle, for what it's worth)

Also. If you like gray rainy cloudy cold weather, Pittsburgh might be for you. We get fewer sunny days per year than Seattle. Personally I HATE it. I am solar powered. But you might wanna check it out. o_O

@rainy - I don't really have any food allergies, surprisingly. My GI issues are another animal entirely. :) I've been vegan for... gosh. At least 16-17ish years now? I'm not vegan for dietary reasons though, but for social justice related reasons. The rest of my dietary restrictions relate to my body being stupid and not working. It's made me an excellent cook, and given me a good reason to cook everything in my home from scratch. :)

As far as your husband goes... I'm sorry. That sounds really frustrating. :( Maybe you could write him an email detailing, thoroughly but concisely, some little things that would be helpful for him to know? Like what ovulation is, when it happens, how and when conception can occur. If you contextualize it as 'this was all very helpful information for me when I was learning about these things, and I thought maybe you'd like it if I shared it with you', he might be receptive? Maybe include some links?

Myself... Af is bizarrely light, which is both odd and nice. And my temps have been WAY WAY regular. Which is NOT at ALL what happened last month. I am not sure what it means, if anything. Hopefully something good!

We have sun today! Woo! Unfortunately, I am stuck in meetings until 5pm, so I am only going to get to enjoy it whilst indoors... but that's better than the cloudy gloom that has been the alternative lately!
Ginger- didn't you say that AF last month was super heavy? Maybe your lighter flow this month is the other side of the coin?
I am not sure about an informative email. My husband speaks English as a 2nd language and doesn't have much of a reference for medical type lingo. Also, gathering info is in my nature, but he is much more visual/tactile. Maybe an image or video?
Shortly after I vented to you ladies this AM he called me to ask about why I am upset. I told him because I am ready. He asked if I was suuuure. I don' t know if I have the heart to give him the reality check about his little swimmers who he thinks so highly of!
75 degrees in Austin today!

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