The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Hello ladies!! Welcome to all the newbies and congrats to recent BFPs!

@ Calasen- My heart bleeds for you =(. You know I've got much luv for you, hunny so lots of xoxoxoxo from me to you. I have a feeling 2012 will bring lots of fortune for you.

For those of you who do not know me I had Mirena in for 6-7 years before getting it taken out Sept 2010. In March 2011 I got my BFP and had my princess Nov '11. I now have to decide what I'm going to do going into my 6 week pp check up next week. (It's been 7 weeks but they couldn't get me in sooner) I got a depo shot in the hospital which will be good for another month. I'm thinking I'm getting Mirena again but after this experience it kinda makes me want to have another =) But I'm sure to wait a few years as I couldn't have 2 under 2 !

::dust:: to all of those TTC and h&h 9 mo for those who have !!
Ginger- Omgosh best post I have read in a while! Lol

Hey megarice!!! Haven't seen you in a while! How's the little one?? I always wonder if ill get mirena again after our next baby. It's just so stinkin convenient!!
Hi girls!! :hi:

I had my Mirena removed Aug. 4th of this year after having it in for 2.5 years. We are currently on month #4 ttc with no luck yet. I also had ZERO sex drive with the IUD and am wondering what to try for bc after this. I do not want to go back on the pill and DH hates condoms...I loved the IUD other than the no sex drive though.
Hello cre8tiv! :) I'm also on cycle #4!

I'm not sure what ill do for bc after my next baby. I thought about getting the copper iud since it does not have hormones.

Good luck this cycle! Hope you get your BFP very soon!!!
Hello cre8tiv! :) I'm also on cycle #4!

I'm not sure what ill do for bc after my next baby. I thought about getting the copper iud since it does not have hormones.

Good luck this cycle! Hope you get your BFP very soon!!!

Thanks hun! I see your almost ready to test, hope this is it for you!! Did your cycles go back to normal right away? Mine did and have been 30 days exactly each month and I ovulate on pretty much the same CD every month too so I do not know what the hold up is...:haha: I will have to do some research on the copper IUD!
BabyO- AF was very short for me, around 2 1/2 days. Weird, then I was spotting for a few says, which also seemed strange.

Cre8tiv- welcome to the group! I am on my 1st ttc cycle, we had one where we were preventing because I was concerned about my uterine lining.
Cre8tiv/Taurus- i had zero sex drive, it was terrible! I am thinking para guard as well.
Megarice- have you considered the paraguard?

Ginger- that is hilarious! This is definitely a team effort!

Does anyone start to get anxious as the potential o date draws nearer? I am getting nervous and am on CD10.
Welcome to the new folks, and the folks new to me! :)

Haha, yeah... my life is nothing if not amusing! :D

@rainy - I get anxious about a whole host of things as O may be approaching. It's like a what if smorgasbord in my brain-place. What if I don't ovulate? What if I don't start BDing soon enough and miss ovulation? What if we do every single thing right and -still- don't conceive? What if O is late? Early? What if my LH surge is too small/short to catch on an opk, and therefore I miss ovulation? And so on... and so on...

I had the copper IUD before my son (he's 7 1/2 now). Before my daughter (13 1/2), I had the progestasert. I didn't like either of them - my af with the copper IUD was *terribly* heavy, the cramps were debilitating, it lasted longer than normal.

The progestasert was discontinued in 2001, but I don't remember why. I hated it though. I had this huge array of side effects, and it had to be replaced every year. It also had a failure rate of 2%, which is utterly ridiculous.

I'll most likely go back to the Mirena after we have our third child. It worked well for me, generally speaking. I mean... unless we deicide to have another baby after this baby, which I just don't see happening. I feel like I'm already too old! ;)
Ginger- that is exactly how I am thinking these days. Last night I had to try to think about ANYTHING other than my reproductive system and when to BD. Otherwise I could be up all night attempting to perfectly time intercourse! I have been charting on paper, but maybe I will feel better switching to tracking digitally, or do you think that could make me even more neurotic?
@rainy - For me, fertilityfriend helps ease the anxiety somewhat. Having the second opinion makes me feel loads better, for one thing. For another, being able to share my chart with other people is nice... it makes me feel connected, it also gives me more data. And having all the things tracked automatically all in one place is nice. Oh man, and the convenience of being able to submit my temps on my phone while I am still in bed, just as soon as I take them, is *the* ONLY reason I've been able to be so consistent with the time I take my temp every morning!

I've never tried to chart on paper, so I can't compare the two methods... but perhaps try fertilityfriend, and if you like paper more then it's easy to go back to it. :)

I have the worst headache today. Luckily I'm not having a ton of bad migraine symptoms to go with it... they're mild for now. Migraines are the worst, I hope this goes away as opposed to intensifying.

I'm also currently residing in Impatientville... waiting for ovulation has me chomping at the bit! Gah!

How are you guys today? :)
Today? I'm obsessing about making a baby!! haha Seriously, I can't stop thinking about it, getting excited about it, etc. I know they say stress is bad for baby making but I can't tell if this is stress or just excitement (and I wonder if my body reacts the same?)

As a slightly off topic comment: There is another forum that I am a part of and a girl (I say girl because of her attitude) who is in her early 20's who posted that if her DH didn't agree to start trying for a third child by the end of the year then she was leaving him. Her DH has 3 and 5 yo boys from a previous marriage and a 2 and 1 yo from her. His reason to want to wait was finances (No joke. He's got 4 kids under the age of 5.) In her opinion, it's worth leaving him if she doesn't get what she wants because she would resent him too much because the reason she can't have more is because of the two he already had. Is it just me, or is there something drastically wrong with her attitude towards having kids.
:cry:My OPKs havent arrived so I have nothing to pee on:haha:
But my temp did drop bigtime this morning so I think I might be ovulating[-o<
We BD yesterday, not sure when I can sweet talk DH in to bed again. He's at work right now and he doesnt like the idea of me timing our BD so I have to be a bit sneaky.:blush:
Found these stats on another thread from american pregnancy association
5 days b/4 ovulation: 0
4 days b/4 ovulation: 13%
3 days b/4 ovulation: 13%
2 days b/4 ovulation: 28%
1 day b/4 ovulation: 26%
day of ovulaton: 5%

:happydance: Im getting excited already (here we go again!)
I just found the OPKs in the garage (of course!) must have arrived while I was at work
@babyO - I've been obsessive + excited (& yes, worried and anxious too... not so great I know...) since November. :D I think it's just how we're, the lot of us, going to be. It's good that you're channeling yours into excitement! I'm trying to just keep reminding myself that it'll happen, and let the excitement take over from there. Haha, and do anything in the world I can to distract myself and force myself to think about ANYthing else! ;)

Also. Holy. Wow. That girl's position as presented is truly disgusting. What a selfish, self centered, narcissistic little brat. It's not about *her*, it's about the children who didn't have any choice in being created. They're already here, her husband can't do anything about it now. It's perfectly 'fair' to her... it seems she's whining about fairness. It's fair because she DID make a choice, to be with this fellow who has children from a previous relationship. She could have chosen differently - she did not do so. Ugh. Yeah. That is a disgusting level of selfishness. *shakes head*

@dreamers - Ohhh! I'm glad the OPKs came! Whee! Are you gonna start testing today? Haha, I'm terrible, I started the day after bleeding was finished. I'm excited for you! Good luck in seducing your partner.

My partner has a silly nickname for our bding. He calls it taking a vacation to Tonga. I don't know why he chose Tonga of all places... but he most certainly does schedule our vacations. It's adorable. He does everything he can to make these 'trips' super fun. Playing with the BDing, making it playful and light and fun, has been key for us. Hopefully he/we can keep up the 'whee! this is super fun!' attitude we've both had thus far. :)

Hey! I have a question!

I've read in several books, articles, and I even read a whole study (not just the abstract!) about sperm & saliva. How saliva kills sperm, reduces motility, etc. Well. I have a conundrum.

My partner HATES lube. I mean. HATES it. With the fiery passion of 1,000 burning suns. He outright refuses to even discuss the possibility of using preseed or anything. We've always **TMI TMI TMI TMI** just performed oral before intercourse. Now we're not supposed to... so... suggestions?

I read in a couple of places that canola/grapeseed/olive oils might be a good alternative, but I can't find any research on it. And I don't think my partner would feel any differently about them than he does about lube. What about plain old water? I can't find any research on that either... but it's the first ingredient in preseed? Do you think it would thin out my cm too much, or effect his sperm? Haha, currently... things can get a little... um.. well not so comfortable, with nothing at all. o_O
Ginger- I have been thinking a lot about the lube issue as well. I almost bought pre-seed yesterday at Walgreen's but it was $23! My DH isn't into lube either, but I was thinking that it might not bother him because isn't it inserted into our special place with some kind of applicator? So it's different than traditional lube. Worth a shot, also I think you can order it for a better price online. One thing I found unsatisfactory about PS was that it has parabens on its list of ingredients. I have heard of something called yes, yes, yes that is supposed to be natural plus sperm friendly.
I have heard that saliva definitely does harm sperm, so get creative! Also, don't shower right before BD time. TMI: I plan to be thinking as many sexy thoughts as possible in order to get my own (forgive me for what I am about to type) juices flowing.

I will post more at lunch, boy how time flies when you are trying to type cohesive thoughts on an iPhone. :)
Well ladies, pretty sure I'm out this month. Yesterday around 7pm I got some brownish cm when I went to the bathroom, followed by a barely there pink color when i wiped at the next trip to the bathroom! Nothing since, its 1:30 the next afternoon but I always start spotting before af, usually the day before. If af doesn't show her mean face tonight she will prolly be here in the morn. Tested again this morning, bfn. Feeling pretty sad! Maybe this just means ill get a Valentine's BFP! Now I wish she would hurry up and come so we can get her over with and start the next cycle... #5! :)

How is everyone else today?
Ginger- I have been thinking a lot about the lube issue as well. I almost bought pre-seed yesterday at Walgreen's but it was $23! My DH isn't into lube either, but I was thinking that it might not bother him because isn't it inserted into our special place with some kind of applicator? So it's different than traditional lube. Worth a shot, also I think you can order it for a better price online. One thing I found unsatisfactory about PS was that it has parabens on its list of ingredients. I have heard of something called yes, yes, yes that is supposed to be natural plus sperm friendly.
I have heard that saliva definitely does harm sperm, so get creative! Also, don't shower right before BD time. TMI: I plan to be thinking as many sexy thoughts as possible in order to get my own (forgive me for what I am about to type) juices flowing.

I will post more at lunch, boy how time flies when you are trying to type cohesive thoughts on an iPhone. :)

Re: Lube
I tried grapefruit juice this month and was AMAZED at the results! I got tons of EWCM (which I rarely ever got before) and didn't need any lube at all. It also moved my ovulation up from CD 17-18 to CD14. I have never o'd on CD14 before!! So excited! Just drink 1 glass (8oz) from when AF leaves until you o. Yes its not the greatest tasting and I wasn't in love with it but for just a small amount once a day I choked it down :D It also balances out the PH of your CM so its not hostile to sperm. All in all an awesome and cheap alternative (and all natural). Just make sure you take the 100% grapefruit juice and not the cocktail!

I tried FertileCM last month and while I liked it I have to say the grapefruit juice did a much better job!!
omg - I'm gone for a couple days and you guys go crazy - I had three pages to catch up on! I hope I don't miss anyone...

@Megarice - Congrats on your new little one, love the name. OH and I have agreed we're going to try to not use birth control after our LO comes. My sex drive was gone with Mirena, Depo has too many lifelong effects for my comfort (though I was on it for 7-8 years before Mirena), and we hate condoms. So we'll likely go to pull out - which I'm not really a fan of - or just not BD around my fertile time since it's fairly consistent.

@Creative - Welcome! :babydust: to you!

@Rainy - I'm with Ginger, try out the FertilityFriend website. It's a godsend. I did obsess over my chart like Ginger does but I also found temping/charting hugely relaxing and stress-relieving because I HATE not knowing what's going on.

@BabyO - The girl you speak of is definitely in the wrong place...she sounds a lot like my cousin who is always me, Me, ME and really isn't the type to have children in her life. To be so self-centered that she'd even consider leaving a man she is supposed to be a life-partner with just because he's financially strained because of the FOUR children they already have? That's nuts. If she didn't want the "baggage" of kids from a previous marriage, she should have thought about that beforehand! I have a feeling she's not out there making any money to contribute to the family either...ugh!

@babydreamers - nothing to pee on...hilarious! Glad you found them though! And interesting stats on the chances of pregnancy by day - I'd never seen that before!

@ginger - DH and I would die without lube....I don't do oral - no interest whatsoever (poor DH) so we use lube like EVERY time we BD - and things get so dry it's PAINFUL. In regards to PreSeed or ConceivePlus, I bet your DH wouldn't even notice...they come with little applicators that you can keep in the bathroom, insert and deposit the lube and then go to your BDing. He'll honestly never know it's there...mine doesn't, lol. I put a little on myself to help him in but it's just like if my own were there so he doesn't notice...

@Rainy - Both PreSeed and ConceivePlus are way cheaper on Amazon than at the store! I've never heard of yes, yes, yes though. And Ot, but typing on a cell phone SUCKS! lol, that's part of the reason I haven't been on in the past few days. No time to pull out the laptop and despise trying to respond on my cell!

@Taurus - I'm so sorry af is coming hun. Valentine's BFP would be pretty cool though! :) Keep your head up! :hugs:

@creative - glad the grapefuit juice worked for you - I couldn't even choke down one glass of it! :(
Ok.. I ordered some preseed. I'm kind of reticent to use it without telling him, but I'll feel better with it around as an option. I might be able to get him to agree to engaging in a blind 'experiment' with me. For SCIENCE! of course. In which I don't tell him if I've used the preseed or not. It's worth bringing up I think... and if I reallyreally neeeeeed to... well. I don't have a moral/ethical issue with using it and not telling him. ;)

I'll also pick up some grapefruit juice, thanks for the suggestion! I've actually never tried the juice before, though I have a strong dislike for the fruit. But you know, I'm willing to endure it, if possible, for improved conception chances!

@taurus - I'm sorry. Stupid af is stupid. But yeah, I agree, a Valentine's Day BFP would be seriously awesome! :) Hang in there.

Today's Obsessive Obsession for me : WHT is going on with my chart?! My temps are still so *even* and *normal*! After last months' erratic all over the place chart... this is so weird to me. And all of my temps are also above the coverline from last month still too. My body. Gah!
I also hate the fruit...but give it a shot. I actually can say i don't mind it now, it will grow on you. And for what it did for me I would drink it again in a heart beat!! I also have 2 friends on here that got their bfp the 1st month they drank it too! Here's to hoping this will be my last 2ww!!

:dust: to you all
Edens- you and ginger are very wise. I will sign up with ff tonight hopefully. I am into "knowing for sure" so sounds good to me.
Babyo- what a disheartening attitude that woman has. I can't believe she doesn't realize how awful she is treating her family.
Dreamer- glad you found your opks!
Taurus- sorry :( let us know if AF shows up for sure.

AFM- my CM is transitioning to EW. I am on CD 12, should we BD tonight?? I doubt we'll manage 2 nights in a row I am wondering if I should hold off till tomorrow. I am plagued by the EWCM confusion. Thanks in advance, my temp has been steady at 97.4/5.

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