The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Thanks for the lovely welcome back girls!

Calasen take care of yourself, I hope the funeral goes as well as can be expected x be thinking of you x stop by here from time to time, let us know how you are x big hugs xx

Does anyone know how much grapefruit juice is recommended daily??
Hi Lucy! No idea about the grapefruit juice, just wanted to say hello. :)

Calasen- I have been thinking of you and you will definitely be in my thoughts on Monday. We'll be here whenever you want to "talk".

Ginger- sorry about the weather, it is cold here too but not frigid as you say. I took a look at your chart. I second the pre O dip idea. But I understand how you feel, my temps are crazy. Low on cd8 and 9, but I determined that I was breathing through my mouth due to a stuffed up nose. Could something like that be a factor for you?
Thanks for the info on canola oil, good to know! Also, I appreciate the tmi details, this whole process is a little tmi and there is no one in my day to day life I can talk to about these specifics.
Panda- good luck with the gym! The first trimester was a doozy for me with DS and I didn't exercise because I only slept and ate and complained everyday after work :)
Taurus- glad to hear that your cycles are regular! Yay! V day BFP sounds wonderful, so romantic. I love your outlook, by the way. You always have something positive to contribute.

Edens- I love to read your journal. :) sorry about your weather/work dilemma!

Ladies- please weigh in. I had ewcm3 days ago, nothing yesterday. I didn't temp yesterday because I was trying to BD, though I was shot down. We haven't BD'd at all. Anyway yesterday I was extremely upset, thought I missed my egg but hoped last night we could BD just in case. DH shot me down. He said he didn't have enough little swimmers. He must've taken matters into his own hands. Wtf? I was maaaaaad. Do you and your guys discuss this? Am I being irrational?
Good news, temp this AM was still low and my cervix feels soft, I found ewcm, I still have a chance! Cd14 btw. I am hoping to o today, otherwise I will worry about a short luteal phase.
I am going nuts, please help!
Oh wait, I am super stoked that DH is thinking about having enough swimmers to do the job, indicates he is def on board with "the job" :)
Thank you!
@Rainy--My FDH is way onto my little scheme of BDing every other day until close to O and then every day. :dohh: And I thought I was being sneaky about it! With that said, we did have a little discussion last month about him taking matters into his own hands and how I was MORE than happy to care for ALL his needs during baby making time. :blush: After our little chat things have been smooth sailing. I'm no help on the CM. I avoid mine like the plague to keep from obsessing. (Which isn't working. I'm still obsessing.)

@Calasen--You are in my thoughts. I hope things start looking up for you soon. I think you've had enough bad in 2012. I'll be sure to tell Mr. New Year that you've had enough and no more!!

@Ginger--Poo on your body for not behaving again this month! I have no idea if my body is behaving or not. All I've noticed is that my opk line is slightly (just a tiny bit) darker each day. It has gone from nothing to a faint line. I'm holding steady on BDing every other day with Preseed until that line gets darker and then we're going to town every day! This is CD11 for me so I guess we should start BDing every day. :shrug: I'm going to bust out some Canola oil just to see the look on FDH's face. hahahaha
@calasen - I wish I could say something comforting. I know whatever words I have will fall short and hollow. I am so sorry for your loss. *hugs*

@lucy - I am a big dummy and neglected to say hello to you! Hi there! :)

@rainy - Oh man, I found out a few days ago that my partner had been taking care of business in his off hours last month. Like. Two to three times per day. In addition to the sexy times we were having together. He hadn't realized that was going to effect our ttc until he did a bunch of research himself, after we didn't get our bfp last month. He stopped completely after that... but I was like. O_O Seriously?? No -wonder- we didn't conceive last month! Silly, silly partner-person.

But I would think it was a good sign if your partner is thinking about conception and how to make it happen? I'm sorry he's giving you a generally hard time of things though. That sounds very frustrating. :/ I don't think you're out of line to be upset. I was prepared to be upset myself until my partner assured me he'd stopped entirely after finding information telling him what a bad idea it was!

Haha, I wish there was a nice rational easy thing that was causing my erratic temps. The only thing I can think of is that I switch back and forth between two houses, sleeping about half the time at each one. But I cannot for the life of me find any discernible correlative patterns to support this being an issue, in the datas.

I got my Preseed today! It's hiding under the bathroom sink. I'm going to try to go to the bathroom before we do stuff this evening... and hope he doesn't notice. He'd understand if he did notice, I think, about why I didn't tell him... but I know that would also be the end of the bding for the evening as well. Hehe, I feel like a secret agent! :D

I have been too cold today to pack anything here. Moving day is fast approaching. But my god it's freezing. Haha, I do SO poorly in the cold! If this weren't the city we needed to be in for my partner's career... grumble grumble. I shouldn't complain though. The things that keep us here in this frozen tundra wasteland are all good things for our family. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.

@panda - I was always eating everything in sight when I was pregnant with my daughter. Oh man. So much food! :D
Hello hello hello :)!!

Um just a real quickie before I hit the land of nod....
When I first started temping, before I lost my baby, my temps were all over the place, almost impossible to see any kinda pattern. But last year someone on here suggested temping vaginally (sounds random I know). It's totally changed my charts, they now show clearly what's happening. Makes sense if you think about it. The changes were recording are in the tenths and hundredths, if weve been sleeping with gaping gobs, even for a bit, our temps are going to vary massively, and be inaccurate! At least downstairs should be snug and warm when you wake up!!!
Hope that helps lol, I think it's what most of the hardcore tempers do :))!!

Now I'm off to sleep...hugs to all....shall post properly in the morning.... Zzzzzxxxx
Calasen - sending loads of hugs to you. I wish I could say something to make you feel least know I'm thinking about you; I'm sure we all are!!

Rainy&Ginger - Men can be SO DUMB, huh? DH was taking care of things himself too for a long while, he swore it wasn't affecting things, etc. Um, YES IT DOES!! hello!?!? He finally officially stopped after we got the news about low seminal fluid volume and also started taking vitamins to increase mobility, motility, and decrease morphology. A couple months later, bfp time! :)

BabyO - Hope the opks continue to get darker!

Lucy - temping vaginally makes sense, I couldn't bring myself to do it but I know lots of women do!

Lots of :dust: to all of you!
3dpo - maybe, I think, unfortunately missed my LH surge before I got my OPKs. Im driving myself nuts already. Fingers crossed

Rainymama - maybe he needs to know a bit about baby making - most men seem to assume any sex any time will get you pregnant, I know my DH did.

Ginger - don't worry, my temps are quite random as well. I would not have any idea when I ovulated unless I used CM/OK as well. And even then, it often doesnt make much sense - but if Ive narrowed it down to a couple of days that will normally do.

Lucy - Vaginal temps certainly sound like they make sense, although something about doing that everyday with DH in bed turns me off it completely. May switch at some point if were having no luck
I considered vaginal temping... I think it would be a lot easier and more accurate. And a least you don't have a 1 yr old running around stealing your thermometer and putting it in his mouth. That was pretty much my hang up right there.

Rainy- Oh I would be SO mad if i found that out. Not irrational at all. Hope you guys can work it out.

Calasen, you're in my prayers. We all love you. :hug:
@babyO - I still think it's neat-o that our cycles are all 'Hey man, let's totally do this at the same time yo'. ;) If you do bust out the canola oil, I totally wanna know how your partner reacts!

Alright. I'm planning to buy another basal thermometer today so that I can try temping vaginally AND orally. I'll have the comparison, and there will be consistency since I've been temping orally this whole chart. I guess I can track the vaginal temps on paper?

But um. How do you DO it? Advice/suggestions, @lucy? :)

Also! I totally tried the Preseed last night! I went to the bathroom before I went to bed, and just used like 1g. My partner very most certainly did notice. But. He just thought I was ***TMI*** um. Super Excited. He was all OMG wow you're [excited] tonight aren't you? I felt like a secret agent for sure! So it worked... but now I kinda feel a little deceptive. Should I tell him? Would you tell him? Do you guys do stuff like this?

Also! I think. Maybe. Fingers crossed. That my body might be falling back into line. Like a good little reproductive system. I think I might be ovulating soon... I dunno. It's just this feeling I'm getting. I don't have the traditional 'signs' yet... but I feel like they're building up. The slowly darker each day opk line, the slowly increasing cm volume, the increased sex drive. C'mon little eggy. You can do it. I know you can! :D

I plan on packing this weekend, and braving the 9 degree F & windy as all get out weather to run a couple of necessary errands this weekend. I plan to do it whilst bundled in my warmest of warm things. How about you guys? Any fun weekend plans?
Hey Girls, I haven't heard of paraguard so I'll look into it! I'm nervous about Depo bc I have heard some horrible things about it. I truly loved Mirena and it may be a few years before we want to try again so I'm leaning towards that direction unless paraguard intrigues me.

Princess Mia is doing great- she is 8 weeks yesterday and is starting to stay awake longer and just found her hands and constantly puts them in her mouth. Not too much sleep here, so those with your BFPS enjoy your sleep now while you can.

Lucy! Great to see you!! GL in your journey!!

Calasen and anyone else interested- feel free to add me to your facebook! my name is Maritza Gonzalez email [email protected] or [email protected]. I'm sure to stalk this site but I'd like to KIT with you guys so please add me!!

Hey Girls, I haven't heard of paraguard so I'll look into it! I'm nervous about Depo bc I have heard some horrible things about it. I truly loved Mirena and it may be a few years before we want to try again so I'm leaning towards that direction unless paraguard intrigues me.

Princess Mia is doing great- she is 8 weeks yesterday and is starting to stay awake longer and just found her hands and constantly puts them in her mouth. Not too much sleep here, so those with your BFPS enjoy your sleep now while you can.

Lucy! Great to see you!! GL in your journey!!

Calasen and anyone else interested- feel free to add me to your facebook! my name is Maritza Gonzalez email [email protected] or [email protected]. I'm sure to stalk this site but I'd like to KIT with you guys so please add me!!


I tried to add you honey but it will only let me subscripbe to you :( TRy me :) Naomi Farr - has a pictre of ablack and tan puppy in profile piccy :)
Lol ginger, let him think you're super excited if it will make him feel better! :) I never told dh when I used the conceiveplus applicators. but we used preseed topically more often than internally so he knew about that one...
Ginger- I agree with Edens. No harm there. I have pre-lubricated myself before and DH had a similar reaction "wow, you're REALLY excited!". Since having DS I do not warm up like I used to, so sometimes I need some help. But, it clearly bummed DH out a little bit. (All about the manhood!) I believe it doesn't hurt for him not to know what I've done for my own "hygiene".
Thanks for sharing about the pre-seed, I was coming on here to ask you how it went!
Have you o'd? I can't see your chart at the moment, so I'm not sure.

Purple- LOL, I can picture my 3 year old with the thermometer is his mouth!!! He has been watching me temp lately and has been copying what I do with straws. Weird. I will have to find a way to keep his hands off it. :)

Dreamers- is it your temps that make you think you're 3 DPO? How do you feel about the timing of your BDing this cycle? I'm sorry you missed your LH surge for your OPKs. I had been considering buying some this week, but thought that I wouldn't be able to figure it out since it is so late in my cycle, plus it's possible that I've already ovulated. I will order some OPKs possibly, although DH and I had a talk and I think OPKs will be contraband in our house. I'll get to that....
Anyway, let us know if you are feeling any symptoms!

Lucy- Thanks for your input about temping vaginally. I am going to go for it next cycle. (Not this cycle since I think it will just freak me out since I suspect it is much warmer in there than in my mouth.)
I am sorry about the loss of your baby. How are you doing? From the few posts I've seen from you, it sounds like you are healing.

Operation- I was going to tell DH that I would take care of all of his needs, but I got off track and ended up really upsetting him. I basically demanded his little swimmers and demanded that we BD so that we can catch this egg and gave him a biology lesson. I offended his intelligence AND his manhood. It was a DISASTER.

Last night he was totally upset with me, we did not BD, haven't BD'd since CD8. It is CD15. I have no indication that I've ovulated. I was confused, frustrated, and sad. I checked in with myself this morning and realized that my stress is having a negative impact on everyone in my family. My obsessing leads to more obsessing, leading to stress about why my body isn't behaving normally, which is probably leading to abnormal behavior!! And then I wonder why DH isn't dying to get into the sack with me.

I wrote DH an email (even though I hesitated for fear that I would insult him further). Ultimately, I was able to really tap into my desire to connect with him in general, not just in bed. I miss him, I miss how freely we used to love each other before DS (which is how we made DS, I didn't even know when I ovulated back then). DH called me and said that the email was wonderful. He is going to save it forever. He recognized that he can be an ass but I shouldn't worry because I have a hubby who loves me so much. I was crying from relief and am now assured that he wants to reconnect as much as I do.

He also really opened up about TTC. He doesn't want to plan for when to BD (duh!) because he is afraid (this is new!). He has friends who planned and tried and tried to have a baby and they weren't successful. He thinks it's better to let nature take its course. I agree to a degree, naturally my sex drive increases before I ovulate. I am going to try to focus on my natural urges regarding when to BD or not and trust that my body knows what to do.

I am going to switch to OPKs next month and stop checking CM. I keep freaking out about when I am producing EWCM and/or not producing enough EWCM. I still really want to know if my body is ovulating, as I am relatively certain that I didn't while having Mirena in for 3 1/2 years.

Thank you if you've made it this far.
Ginger - I bet your ovulating in the next day or two by the looks of the chart. Your so lucky to have a keen OH - whenever you ovulate you'll have it covered. But I bet it would be good to get a normal-ish looking cycle

Rainy Mama - Between the combination of my temps and CM- which only happened for a couple of days this month, and FF (research method only) has put dotted cross hairs. If that is the day then BD the day before. DH has a very low sex drive and I often get "Shot down", so I really need to make sure the timing is spot on. Of course now I feel we BD at the right time Im getting excited. Still finding it difficult to accept even if you get the timing right chances are only ~ 25% - so frustrating

Im glad you worked things out with your OH. OPKs are pretty good, and once you know roughly when you O each month I dont think you need to temp. I think I will stop temping once my FF membership runs out and just go with OPK/dates.

This weekend Im supposed to be studying, but will likely mainly be staring at my temp chart. Just 30 days to go til the first exam, need to get motivated! DH is on nights which is a pain in the butt - as I have to creep around the house. The quieter I try to be the more noise I seem to end up making! Ive managed to get out of night shifts for the next 6 months though (for study) which is brilliant! As I always seem to O on one of our night shifts, and temps were ridiculous. If things work out well that gets me out of nights through the 1st trimester which has got be a good thing. There I go getting carried away again!

And yet, the other day when I had myself convinced that this was going to be the month I started feeling panicky, and freaked out - like OMG not sure Im ready for it now. After all this trying? Bizarre. Im almost 32, have a good job, am married, own a house, finances are stable and unbelievably clucky. Have any of you got very scared and overwhelmed when you got BFP for number 1?

Oh dear, I sound like a complete nut case!
Dreamers--if you are nuts, then I am nuts. :thumbup: I've actually had that thought in the middle of BDing!!!!! "OMG WHAT AM I DOING HOLY CRAP I CHANGED MY MIND!" Talk about a mental mood killer. ha! I'm scared of having little Baby O because I know it's going to bring about some huge life changes. We have a lot in common though, I just turned 32, life is in order, about to get married. There's no time like the present, especially if I want to have a few kids. We are like you and your DH though. We have this carefully planned out with our schedules so I really want to get pregnant before May. Otherwise, we will be up a crap creek.

Rainy--It's good to hear you and your DH were able to communicate about all things baby making. I think the baby making thing can be super stressful for us as women. At least for me, I feel like a failure if my body doesn't work right so I try to obsessively do everything right. FDH has a much more laid back attitude towards the entire thing. I love having my opks. They make me not obsess about anything other than the opk. I don't even contemplate CM!

Ginger---I mentioned canola oil and FDH proceeded to list off every odd thing (including EVOO) that he ever used to ***TMI*** take care of his own needs with! hahahahahaha I was rolling on the floor. He nixed the canola oil but he quite happily dives into the PreSeed. I'm going to use the PS every single time we BD this week. If my cycle is to be believed then last month I Ov'd around CD17 (Friday this month), when did you ov and when should you ov this time? I'm so excited for us!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Bring on the big O...and by O I mean ovulation.

Afm--I'm thinking we might try to BD every single day between now and the day after my positive opk. Does this sound like any kind of good idea or should we keep doing every other day and start every day later this week?
Dreamers- the timing does sound good for you this cycle! I think a bit of panic is healthy. I def freaked out when pregnant with DS. I worry now about what it will be like with #2 as well. Various milestones will it easier like when you see the first ultrasound and like when you feel the first movement also of course once the baby is here you realize it was meant to be. How could it be any other way? :)
:rofl: Thanks Operation BabyO! And Rainy Mama
I think your both right - its such a massive thing becoming a mum its probably normal to be a bit scared, Im back to excited today, though

Operation - I wouldnt turn down BD if you think you may be fertile - depends how in to it your OH is though, is he likely to get tired halfway through the week and refuse to BD when you know your fertile. Id probably keep going 2 days after your + OPK unless you've def O'd. We don't have a big deadline for getting pregnant but would def like it sooner so I have freedom to change jobs if I want without missing out on maternity leave. Im definately a "planner" too, its frustrating not to be able to schedule in baby ETA.:baby:
Dreamers---My sweetie pie is all over the BDing. He will mock complain about he has to perform all the time, but a little booty shake and it's game on! bahahaha Even if he didn't want to I know how to change his mind. All it takes is a pair of stockings. teeheehee

So I just asked him if he was going to get tired mid week and turn me down and he started miming putting on stockings. hahahahahahah I know him so well. Maybe I'll give him a break tomorrow and we'll start BDing every day on Monday.
Operation- that is the funniest thing I've read in a while. I need a pair of stockings!!

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