The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

I hear ya on the work stress. FDH has been under tons of work stress and I can tell a major difference.
Dreamers- I have a theory about OPKs, I think when you purchase that many you are bound to get pregnant, just so that you will have wasted your money and have so many left over! At least, this is how my life tends to work. I am thinking if I purchase OPKs and a new thermometer maybe I'll get a BFP this month after all? Probably I am not supposed to intentionally do these things, life is watching and knows my tricks.

I know I've said this, but I think your timing was good this month and 1 well timed batch of swimmers is all you need. The rest is the 25% chance we're all so not fond of.

Operation- sounds like an incredibly tough situation that I do not envy. Custody is so hard. My brother and his ex have a very hard time with juggling their daughter. My ex sister in law is awful. Sounds like you're drawing some boundaries, good idea. You can't let the ex run your life, especially if she's batty.
Sounds like you did have plenty of BD'ing, though so not really a concern that you missed one day, eh?
I've only had one cycle post mirena (no cycles with Mirena for 3 years) and it was exactly 28 days.
The EWCM is back, I don't understand, it is freaking me out! But, maybe I am one of those people who has EWCM post ovulation? I am hoping so cuz DH has been extremely busy working on the house (he ripped up our wood floors in the dining room and living room- of which there were 3 layers of flooring) and EXHAUSTED. I am giving him a break because I thought my fertile window was over.

Edens- I sure hope I caught this egg, too darnit!

Ladies- do you know where the fast forward button is? I'd like to speed through time to the end of my cycle and have AF or not so I can move on. I am ready to start taking OPKs as soon as AF ends so I can know for sure WHEN AM I OVULATING. I am tired of thinking about EWCM and my temperature.

Incidentally, my temp was 98.1 this AM so I am feeling like I am right that I did ov the other day. I really really really hope so because I'd really really like a bean.

Taurus- where are you??
Calasen- I know you're on a break, but thinking of you.

Ginger- are you thinking you've ov'd yet??? How are you??
OK I know this is jumping the gun and likely going to jinx me somehow, but I'd like to be prepared or I'll just end up doing what I did when I found I was pregnant with DS. (I called DH while he was working and blurted out, I'm pregnant. I couldn't even see his face for a reaction).

SO, what is a creative or special way for me to break the news once we do fall pregnant? Something involving DS might be nice. The only thing I can think of is an "I'm going to be a big brother" T-shirt. Which I think is cool, but maybe there is something COOLER?

Please help!
Rainy I'm doing a couple of things. First, to tell my FDH I'm going to take all his socks and replace them with baby socks and wait for him to notice. With my family and FDH's parents, I'm going to get a bunch of hotdog buns, and take some artsy photos with them stuck in a mini oven and email them out (A bun in the oven...get it??) Then, to announce to extended family after the first trimester I'm going to get SS a "Big Brother" shirt and tell him to run around and we'll have a contest to see who notices first. That way ~I~ still get my first TTC telling the family experience, but SS can still be a part of the big announcement since he's my #1 Have a Baby Fan. I think I'll also let SS be a part of announcing the gender. I'm going to wrap up a balloon in a box and then let him open the box in front of family. Blue balloons will float out for a boy and pink for a girl. I think SS will have a good time with that.

And yes, it sucks that exW is a crazo. Sadly my FDH is about to just start cutting her a child support check and walk away from the whole thing. It's so sad for my SS who loves us and loves spending time with us. FDH is tired of being forced to drive 13 hours round trip (Because she refuses to lift a finger) only for him to get to where SS lives and have exW be vindictive and go back on her word to let SS come with us, even though it's in the court order. You can only go back to court so many times because it's so expensive and obviously she doesn't care what the judge says. She's going to do what she wants anyway. She's going to flip out when she finds out I'm pregnant and she has a history of attacking FDH's other family members so I'm staying way far away from her.
BabyO - I love how much you love SS and want to let him be involved with everything. I got all teary-eyed reading your post about letting him help announce to extended family and announce gender. I wish the exW would settle down and let you all be happy.
@babyO - I am so sorry you all have had so much trouble enforcing court mandates. That is utterly and completely ridiculous. We go to court in order to *settle* custody issues. The judge's orders are supposed to be able to be easily *enforced* by law enforcement. It makes me so angry that the ex is hurting her child in order to... I don't know. Usually in these situations, it's in order to retain control of the other parent. It always just ends up hurting the *child*. That's completely, excuse my language here please, fucked. Again, it just makes me so angry. I can't imagine how you all must feel.


Also. Yes! I plan to test not a darned DAY before February 1st doggone it I shall not be defeated! So I'd love to join you in your protest. I am resolved! Harumph!

@rainy - Lots of women get more than one fertile cm patch in each cycle. I'm sorry your body is being confusing. I wish we could all have a Magic Button that let us fastforward right through all the stupid waiting. Ugh. I lack patience, dagnabbit! If you don't get a little bean in there this cycle, OPKs for sure.

Oh, and the thermometer. I got mine at CVS, but I had to *ask* the pharmacist for it. They keep them behind the counter, because they're a high theft item. I was like... seriously?! This this is 10.00. People steal these things enough that they have to keep them behind the counter?! o_O

I have given a lot of thought to how I am going to tell my partner when we conceive. Honestly... I think I'll just make sure to test when here to read it with me, at the same time. It makes sense for us. I love all of the creative and memorable and amazing things you all are doing/have planned! I wish I were that clever. :)

@dreamers - Ohhh, good luck good luck good luck! My fingers are so seriously crossed for you. And OMG yes, it would be AWESOME if we had three and more BFPs this month. Also. Yay for OPKs! I start using mine the day after af is over, and starting around cd 9 I start using them at least twice per day. Haha, yesterday I used three. o_O

Ok. So me.

I still think I am going to ovulate soon. I still feel like I will. I have a lot of watery cm, but no egg white. I don't know if I'll ever get egg white... so whatever. No positive OPK yet, but this morning was the darkest it's been yet! And yes, @dreamers... I DO drink an *awful* lot of water, and generally 'pee clear' all of the time (even first thing in the morning). So that might be a real problem for me. Though last month, I did get two OPKs that were fairly dark. Not as dark as the control line, but I counted them as positive anyway.

But! I actually took both of those after am sex. And I just read today that is a big giant no-no. It, apparently, changes the hormonal balance enough to skew the results. So far this month, I have not used one after sex. But I'll be sure not to use them until it's been at least 4 hours since sexy times from now on. I feel silly having not realized it might skew the results before. Gah!

My temp dropped a little bit this morning, but not a real dip. I just have this feeling I'll Ov soon. My fingers are crossed that I actually will. Haha, this morning, my partner gave my ovaries a little pep talk. He was all 'You've done some amazing things, guys. It's crunch time now, and I need to you rally. You can do it! Let's release that egg!'. Completely. Adorable. :)
Oh hey! I meant to also mention grapefruit juice!

I asked my partner to pick some up the other day, and he asked why. Cause he loves it, but I had never expressed any interest in drinking it. In fact, I'd always been like 'eww grapefruit'. I told him it's supposed to help with my fertility. So he went to six different stores to find organic grapefruit juice, and only found one bottle. Whole Foods didn't even have any at all!

I tried it. I REALLY REALLY like this stuff! I am amazed with myself. It's delicious! And so, expressing this to him....

I got a delivery this morning. Of a whole case of organic grapefruit juice. Which he ordered online for me. Thirty-nine bottles of organic grapefruit juice. Haha, and this is why I love him. :D
Okay I've decided I must be just horribly hormonal because I freaking tear up and almost ALL of these posts. lol. Ginger - I love your husband! :)

Must retreat before I totally lose it at work!
~runs through the forum obsessing about peeing on a stick in two weeks~

You know how last month I wasn't obsessed...

It was short lived. I want to POAS nooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got another + opk this morning and a - this evening but I had tons of water in the afternoon. It should be - by now or nearly -. BDing continues in this house although FDH is asking when he gets a break. bahahaha

Ladies, I don't know how I'm going to survive the next two weeks. They look so long!
Operation- meeeee too. It is so far away. I can't stand it! Also every single thing I feel seems to trigger me to think I am pregnant. AF for me is due 1/27. I will try to wait until then cuz I ov'd a little late in my cycle. I will take a test that morning and go stock up on opks if it is negative.
Also, I love your ideas for telling your OH. And SS of course. When my brother settles down again I hope it is with someone who thinks like you! For the sake of my niece.

Dear God, may I please be pregnant. Thank you and I promise to be good :)
I wil be peeing on sticks on 1/27 at the latest. Maybe 1/25. Unless I have no symptoms then I'll wait till AF is legitimately late. 1/29.
My macho man was watching me when I got out of the shower. Our 3 year old was curled up in a towel pretending tobe a slug, DH smiled and said "there's another one in there already." rubbed my belly.
Sigh. I hope.
OPK still negative this morning. No temp rise yet. I had some minor symptoms of a UTI last night, which worries me. Not that I'm obsessive or anything. Oh no. Not me. Every little tiny thing absolutely does not worry me into thinking that OMG this might delay ovulation! Or make me not ovulate at all! Oh noes!

I'm trying to relax and let go, lets things happen as they're going to happen. It's not like I have any control here anyway. But it's haaaaaaaard. Sigh.

C'mon little ovaries. You can do it! I have so much faith in you.

Honestly, I looks to me like my body is *trying* to ovulate. No idea what it means that it looks that way, but it's not happening. Yet! It will.

I REALLY need to focus on packing this week. Haha, instead of focusing on my reproductive system. :) How about you guys? How're things?
Ok gals, what gives. My opk was + again this morning??? Is that normal? To have three in a row? It was neg last night but I had tons of water during the afternoon.
Operation- maybe it is still + cuz you caught the egg? Does that happen?
BabyO - I had 3-4 days of positive OPKs every cycle so I just have REALLY long LH surges. I figured out after a few cycles that I ovulated on the last day of my positive OPK or the next morning so maybe yours is the same! :dust: to you!
Yaaaaaaarg!!!! Another + opk this evening. I attached it so you guys can confirm I am not insane and this thing is still +.

Even my stockings might not be enough because we are worn out! I tried to confide in my BFF today at work (lucky me to work with one of my BFFs) and all she had to say was "Well then just wait until next month." Ummm....I don't want to wait for next month. I don't have infinite months anymore because I'm 32 and I want 3 kids! Arg!

Now I really have no idea what DPO I'll be or even when I should expect AF. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


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@babyO - That... yeah. That looks positive to me. But! I've read loads of women who say that have 3-4 days of positive OPKs and then ovulate 24ish hours after the last positive one. And looking through charts on FF, there are also tons of charts showing 3-4 days of positive OPK results before ovulation.

I know it's got to be incredibly frustrating though... have you had your temp shift yet?

I understand the frustration you're expressing. I think we all do on here. And I'm glad to have a place to talk with people who get it. I hope it's at least a little helpful for you too... haha, cause I haven't found anything else that helps me personally! ;)

Also. OMG. 16 straight days of BDing every single day... yes. It's wearing me out tooooooooo. At this point I'm kind of focusing on finishing the race, so to speak. I feel so athletic.

Hang in there. You'll Ov soon, if you haven't yet.
Rainy mama - so cute!

Ginger - you both must be exhausted! I dont know, looking at your chart its confusing - CM seems to suggest you have already, I guess only time will tell (how annoying!) Maybe slow down to alternate days? Still gives you an excellent chance but reduces the risk of giving up before the day? Have you packed yet? Have you?? get to it!

Operation - You must be there/almost there - keep going! I agree, its positive. People who are not TTC do not understand. I myself remember my friend was mad for using OPKs - why not just relax and let it happen, Im not going to do any of that nonsense. Ha!

Garden - Cannot BELIEVE you are 9 weeks already - that's fantastic. Are you walking around with a permanent grin on your face or does the novelty wear off

AFM - I cant seem to control my excitement each month that this is it. Although I keep telling myself the huge rise in temp this morning was because my alarm woke me in a middle of a nightmare (trying to get out of croc infested water!) and NOT a sign of implantation, I just cant help it. It really means nothing. No spotting. No symptoms (apart from when I read about a symptom, then mysteriously start getting it until I tell myself to stop being stupid). OOh I hope it stays high in the morning.
@dreamers---I hope hope hope it was an implantation spike!!!! I'm over the top excited all the time so I know just how you feel!

@gardens--Thank you for sharing. I thought my body was going insane (and it's probably insane anyway). I don't temp so I can't look for the shift, but if there's no BFP this month then I'll temp next month so I'll know for sure. I had lots of weird cramping earlier in the week in the region of my ovaries. I don't know if it's possible to ov during the LH surge or not.

@Rainy--Come on BFP. And I hope your brother finds a sane woman the next go around. :)

@Ginger--If you can do it, I can do it! Literally, it! :haha: Tonight will be our last night to BD because we go see SS tomorrow and we all end up sleeping in a big rec room. Although if I"m still getting +'s I may sneak DH in the bathroom or something.

afm--If I squinted and pretended a little bit, then this morning may have been negative. I had the stud muffin come in the bathroom and help me read it and he said he looked a hair lighter than the control line. I'm going to say it was negative. In the picture I took it looks a little lighter than the control so maybe the surge is finally on its way down.

Does anyone else ever sit around and imagine your egg coming out of the ovary and doing a red-carpet-style walk down your fallopian tube while all the spermies run after it like groupies? Because that's what goes on in my brain. My egg is totally glam!
babydreamer - The novelty definitely hasn't worn off as of yet. Even when I wasn't feeling well and couldn't eat, I knew it was all for the good of the baby and stayed happy through it. I *almost* forget sometimes and then I'll remember and get all warm and tingly all over again like finding out again for the first time. :) Right now I'm just feeling beyond exhausted. The morning sickness only lasted about two weeks - from 5.5 to 7.5 - which was nice. My appetite has greatly increased since then maybe making up for all the calories I lost during that time. The weird early pregnancy dreams come and go starting at about 8 weeks, most of the time I'm too exhausted to even think about dreaming and I'm kicking myself for trying to work 45 hours per week, taking a full load at school at night, and still be coherent but I know it will pay off in the end so on I go!! OH and I :sex: for the first time last weekend since the pregnancy. No cramps or spotting to send me worrying thankfully. My friend had major cramping/spotting after BDing around 4-5 weeks and the doctor thought she'd miscarry so OH and I decided to skip that altogether. Honestly, I've been so tired that it wasn't too difficult! Poor guy definitely misses it though! :(

Ginger & BabyO - Not sure how you guys are still going! lol. I hope you both ov soon so you and your hunnies get a break before next cycle!

BabyO - what time are you taking your OPKs? Love the visualization of your glam egg! :haha:

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