The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Can I just say I love you guys? Had a real good laugh reading some of these updates.
You guys are funny, seduction knows no bounds when eggie's on its way!! A girls got to do what a girls got to do!

I was a bit grossed out by vag temping to start with. But it's so much easier than orally. Quietly slip it under the sheets, OH is none the wiser! Beats having it stuck in your mouth for ages. Also if you can see your temp has done a pre ov dip, or an ov peak, you can roll over an 'wake OH up' for a bit of early morning fun :winkwink:!

Ginger its really the same principle as oral temping, just pop it in as far as your comfortable as soon as you wake up. So much more reliable :)

Rainy good luck with your temping too!!
Ive been on this thread since back on page thirtysomething lol, its been such a fabulous thread. I started ttc back in sept 2010 after having mirena for 7years. I caught second cycle, thought everything was fine, but sadly lost baby at 15 weeks. The most horrific experience. That was last feb. I was back in a normal cycle after two months and we started ttc again. Everything seemed fine, but randomly I started spotting from 8dpo through till af, and have done ever since! Ive had bfps, but the lil bean just cant seem to implant properly. So we started fertility treatment last Oct, have had loads of blood tests and scans and everything seems to be in full working order with both OH and me. So Im on my first cycle of clomid, see if a few eggs released will increase my progesterone levels and stop me spotting! Im taking evening primrose oil too and vitamin B complex, also raspberry leaf for uterine strength, and now drinking grapefruit juice!! Oh and we use preseed too, not much though.
So there we are lol, my life history!!

Dont you just love lazy sundays:flower:

Mega I'll add you now hun!!

Hope your all ok xx
Megarice I can't find you!! Look for me, Rachael Kirkby profile pic is of me and my man, I'm blonde he's dark! xx
My iphone is freaking out, I will reply more from my laptop later but I just wanted to say that we are back in the saddle again,having BD'd twice in the last 24 hours. Yaaaaaaay my OH is totally convinced we conceived. Hahaha despite the fact that possibly I ov'd days ago or not at all. He is hilarious. Once we did it and he was super lovey dovey I told him I want to take care of all of his needs and he was THRILLED. Woohoo!
Now I just need to ovulate!!!!!!!
Temp still at 97.5 (has been 97.4/5). I think my thermometer needs replacing. Piece of junk.
Lucy-thank you so much for opening up and sharing your story. My heart was aching for you as I read it. Big hugs.
I think the logic behind the Clomid makes good sense. Who knows maybe you'll get more than one bean? I think that this egg or eggs are going to be so sticky! This probably goes without saying, but please keep us updated every step of the way!
As if the stocking mime thing wasn't enough--I'm now listening to my sweetie sing made up songs about Preseed in the shower. I'm not sure if he knows I can hear him out here. :rofl: OMG I've created a monster!!!
Operation- I had to thank you for that last one because you keep cracking me up! Hahahaha.
BabyO- that is hilarious!!! I would love to hear a rendition :)

Lucy- your story breaks my heart! Everything crossed for you and a sticky bean. :dust:

Ahh, I'm battling with sleep right now, and it's bad. I've woken up at 12 the last 2 days to pee (I go to bed at 8:30 or 9) and toss and turn until work at 5. Now this is my 3rd shift in a row and i have to leave sick halfway through just because I'm so tired I keep making stupid little mistakes and it looks really bad. Plus I don't want to kill anyone. I feel like a failure for not being able to make it through but my charge nurse really thinks I should go. :( Really hoping this doesn't become a habit for the next 6 weeks!!!!!
Has anyone been using an ovulation monitor/ovwatch? Any idea if they are worthwhile?
@lucy - I am so sorry that your journey has been so difficult. Thank you for sharing it with us... I truly hope your next bean sticks...

@panda - Ugh. The exhaustion. Haha, and no matter how much rest and sleep one gets, it's not likely to make any real difference. Luckily, it'll go away in a few weeks. And you'll feel completely energized. Weirdly so. At least... I did. Haha, but I think we're proven already that I am abnormal! ;)

@babyO - Ok. If FF is to be believed, then I ovulated on CD21 last month. But. I am hoping like hell that was a fluke, and I'll O on a more normal day this month. I FEEL like I am about to O very soon... but I mean. I could be delusional. I am not ruling out that possibility. I keep having uplifting little encouraging chats with my reproductive system. I tried the threats and yelling, but it ignored me entirely. I think it was too busy cowering in fear to comply with my demands. I think it's a little more sensitive than I had previously anticipated. So this month, I'm all praise and words of encouragement. It wants to please me, I just know it. ;)

You guys... don't even want to know the things I do to make sure all this BDing continues to be fun & interesting. Haha, my partner? When I asked him 'Hey so... I don't want you to like, get sick of all this sex we're having lately, and you know... not wanna totally do it when I'm actually fertile'... He responded by laughing. A lot. Big giant Mock Laughter. And exaggeratedly slapping his knee. He even dramatically fell to the floor clutching his stomach, while mock laughing, and rolled about for a good thirty seconds. He also told me 'No. See. It's more like this. WOOO! Now I have a way to ensure you'll totally do it every day no matter what! It's like christmas all over again. Except with babies!'.

@rainy - I'm so glad to hear you and your partner are coming to a mutually satisfactory place with the BDing. Yay! If you missed the little eggy this month, that's ok. Cause now you'll get it next month! :)

@dreamers - I freaked out with both of my pregnancies. It's a giant life changing thing, it's completely normal to panic at times. No matter how sure we are, how much we want this... yeah. Giant life changes are scary!

So me. Well. Again. I FEEL like I am going to O soon. But that means absolutely nothing whatsoever. No positive OPK yet. I know I might not get one at all. My cm has been most certainly watery for the last few days. I never got any EXCM that I can recall in this whole time since having the Mirena removed in November. I'm CD14 today. Last month I didn't O until so late, and then my LP was only 8 days. I hope I hope I hope my 'feeling' is correct, and I ovulate soon. Come on little egg, lets release. You can do it! I believe in you! :D
Ginger--I got a + opk today!! It also feels like someone is stabbing an ice pick through my abdomen. I think all signs are pointing to Ov. you should be super soon too , right!?! Come on ginger's girlie parts!!!!!

I'm so frustrated that we didn't BD yesterday! Arg! (thanks body for moving Ov day up 5 freaking days!!!!!! Ggggrrrrrrrr)
Ginger- sounds like you have nothing to worry about regarding BDing! I love that he actually rolled on the floor. :) Hilarious! I understand about feeling like you are about to Ov. I felt that way for a few days, as well. I wish there was a better way to KNOW when you were going to Ov. When I didn't know much about the TTC world I thought that there would be a more absolute way to predict. Like somehow someone would say "yes, you will be Ov-ing tomorrow, I guarantee it!"

Operation- I am sooooo excited to hear that you are Ov-ing right now! Yay! When did you last BD? The night before last? I can't believe you didn't get your OH in the sack! You were slackin :winkwink:

TMI alert:
AFM: I think I Ov'd yesterday or today, just judging from the suddenly copious amount of EWCM I produced last night and this AM. Hilarious that I'd stopped "checking" compulsively and suddenly there was enough present when I wiped. Additionally this AM my temp was 98, up from 97.5. I am very annoyed, though, because I took my temp back to back to back. The first time it was 97.6, but I was worried about the position under my tongue, so I took it again and got 98.0 (then because of my TTC OCD I took it a third time and also got 98.0). So maybe my thermal shift had already occurred previously and I was just taking my temp wrong?

Anyway, the EWCM seems to have gone away. I am hoping I ov'd yesterday due to the in that case well timed BD. Which, in case you're curious, would've been CD16.


What do you guys think of this? Anyone experience this craziness with thermometers and human error? I am going to buy a new thermometer, I looked for one at Rite Aid, Target, and Safeway but can't find a BBT thermometer. Where do they stock them? I want one NOW, I don't want to order from the internet.

Thanks in advance, chicas.
@Rainy--we BD twice on Saturday and then had quite the argument over his exW and kid on Sunday (hence no BDing for us). I had finally had enough with the psycho keeping my stepson out of our life with her only reason being "Operation Baby O exists and I will not ever let another woman around my child." Yeah, she's one of those nut jobs. We've dropped 10K in the last 6 months forcing her to abide by the parenting plan. I said no more $$$ on SS if we are going to have a baby! Next the wacko is probably going to try to blame me for the breakup even though I didn't come on the scene until 3 years after the divorce. But I digress...anyway. No BD on Sunday. :cry:

BUT we BD this morning! I assume we should again tonight and tomorrow morning as well. I'm just glad we talked things out and he understands where I'm coming from.

I don't temp because I would drive myself bananas. I don't even know where to begin to look. Have you tried Walgreens or CVS? How long are your cycles? This time I ov'd on CD14 (I'm like a textbook this cycle.) I hope you were right about your ov day!

Ginger--How are your ovaries behaving?!?

AFM---ice pick stabbing sensations are over (Thank heavens!! I thought I was gonna die there for a while.) I POAS when I got home and got a second positive opk this evening. I have all these left over sticks this month so I'm peeing like a maniac. Might as well. (I want a little POAS icon) I used preseed consistently since last Thursday. Maybe that will do something?? :shrug:
Rainy mama - My temps seem somewhat random and im not really sure what im interpreting as a biphasic pattern (by ignoring the inconvenient temps) is really true. Sounds like your in with a good chance!

Ginger - I wonder if your ovulating today - your temp has risen quite a bit, even though you dont have a + OPK, could you have been drinking too much water? Either way I dont think it matters - you've done a lot of BD and I have a sneaking suspicion this will be your month!

Operation - they say to keep BDing until you see the thermal shift - so Id keep going until 2 days after your last + OPK, just to be sure to be sure!

The three of you seem to be ovulating pretty close to each other - maybe 3 BFPs in a row? that would be cool.

As for me, FF has put cross hairs on day 11 by research method, day 13 by advanced method. Same happened last month! I never got my positive OPK - I only started using them day 11 so Im assuming it was positive before this (Ive been consistently getting + day 12 on previous months). It is very annoying not knowing for sure, esp as I often get only get 1 chance to BD during fertile phase - I need to time it perfectly. Might try having a little chat with DH if no luck this month, trying not to put pressure on in case it makes matters worse.
I just got my BBT from ebay, dont think its the thermometer that makes my charts rubbish- its my inconsistency
Im 6dpo (or 4) and no real symptoms so far. Cant wait til next week, but am going to be crushed if its a BFN again.
@dreamers--I am a self admitted POAS addict, but I buy the giganto pack of opks and start using them the last day of AF. That way I don't have to worry about missing it. Would that help you or is that possible for you to do too, especially since the timing is so crucial for you? I'm just not going to test until after Feb 1st. I don't want to see a BFN so I'll avoid testing! (No breaking down this month!) You can join me in my HPT protest if you want. :)
@Ginger - Love that your OH is so into BDing. Mine is too, wish I could keep up as well as you do!!

@RainyMama - Real oving predictions would be great, huh? Sure would make things a lot easier! Especially if sex during fertile period = egg + sperm = baby without all the 20% chance, etc. :) Wish I could help with the temping thing. That happened to me a few times and I would input the first temp into FF and put both in the notes with the circumstances, then after a few days as the pattern became more clear I could adjust as I thought it needed to be. Really hope you caught the egg this month!

@BabyO - Congrats on Oving!! Wooohoo! I'm sorry to hear about your troubles with OH, SS, and wacko-ex. It's good you guys are able to communicate about it and he understands where you're coming from. Definitely keep doing your OPKs and BDing until they aren't positive anymore. It took me several cycles to realize I usually got three days of positives before finally oving and by that time, OH had nothing left!

@BabyDreamer - Why do you only get one chance to BD? That's how it was for OH and definitely makes things difficult!! But it'll still happen for you! :) It would be awesome for all of you to get your bfps together!
:thumbup: Ive got 50 OPKs in the bathroom now - I had run out and made the mistake of waiting to see if I got BFP before ordering (as always, I was convinced I was preggers!) then they didnt arrive in time and DH must have opened mail in garage - and left my post there on top of the dog food! :haha: I will certainly start earlier next month so I dont miss it this time. Although my temps/OPKs have been suggesting different dates in previous months (Ive had my +OPK the day of temp rise)- think I trust the OPKs more. :blush: I would love to join you on your HPT protest (what DPO is Feb 1st?) although Im pretty awful at testing early every month. And I have 7 tests in the cupboard! I was planning to wait until Jan 29th (18dpo, my birthday) but it turns out Im working that day so either the 30th Jan or start from 23rd (12DPO). im hopeless!:nope:

Garden - DH has a really low drive, is always too tired, cant get into etc. Hes a few years older than me and has been like that for a few years now, tried all the moves/outfits/etc and just ends up an embarassing failure. So I can normally get him in to it when we havent done it for a while, he's relaxed etc but he usually knocks me back if I try again within a few days - so have to time the first time as well as possible. It sucks, and not just for TTC.
It will be dpo16 for me! Luckily instill haven't found where I hid my hpts from myself.

Can I ask how old your hubby is? My sweet thang is 37 and while he's always come through he's def slowed down from his younger days.
He is 46. Things pick up a lot when we are on holidays so I think of it might be at least partly work stress etc.

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