The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Ginger! I am so excited about your EWCM! I hope you are basking in the afterglow as I type right now. Nothing like well timed BDing. Yaaaaay!

Calasen- glad to see you're hanging in there. I'm sure the healing process is not easy in any way, but glad you're on your way. Keep us posted when you start TTC again. :)

AFM, I keep "spotting" symptoms, feeling confident that I'm pregnant, you know when you "just know"? And then NOTHING, just feel normal and like my regular self. :) And like I don't "just know" anything at all!
I have officially and finally input all of my temps onto a chart and so now officially I know that I am 6 DPO today. On Wednesday, 10 DPO, I will test. At the beginning of this cycle I said I would not test until AF was due. But, you know how that goes. Silly me! I am happy either way, I am grateful for my EWCM and temps that make sense now that I have a reliable thermometer.
Counting my blessings.
Grateful for all of you ladies, thanks for your support through all this. Don't know what I would do without you all!
Morning ladies
-Rainy mama I completely sympathasise with going from 1 extreme to the other. Wednesday I will be 13 dpo so hopefully we'll both get our BFP. However I was thinking I might not test on 13th in case its positive and unlucky :wacko: I am spending WAY too long thinking about all of this

-OpBabyO - Thats great news - now you can relax, enjoy your time away without having to sneak OH into the bathroom and risking an embarrassing discovery! Hopefully it will distract your mind for a few days :happydance:

-Ginger - Fantastic! Finally!:thumbup: Looking forward to seeing you temp rise tomorrow/the next day so you and your poor OH can take a well earned rest!

-Calasen :hugs: So sorry to hear your struggling, but really good to hear your still here. Have you been talking to other ladies online that have been through similar trauma? I imagine it might help to talk to someone who really understands. You have been so strong through your ordeal. Sending lots of babydust to you, I know it will all be worth it when you get your baby :flower:

AFM - I have been driving myself nuts this month again. Have banned myself from temping anymore until day 6 of next cycle so Ive got less to obsess over. I was waking up in the middle of the night, not sure if would get back to sleep and taking my temp up to 3 x a night! And still not sure if it was correct. Im thinking if I temp days 6-16 (or until ov is confirmed) thats enough.

Im now 11 dpo, negative BFN this morning (I think, unless I stared at it hard enough - think Im imagining a line again), sore boobs, cranky as hell, tired and dont want to go to work :nope: So pretty full on PMS - probably more than normal, but maybe just because im hyperaware of everything at the mo'. I normally spend a couple of days thinking everyone I come into contact is an irritating idiot, until I realise I have PMS :dohh: Oops.

Come on girls, we REALLY need some BFPs this month to spur as all onwards :winkwink:
On my phone so have to keep this short but...

Rainy-yay for confirmed ovulation! Good luck testing!

Babydreamers, sorry you keep getting bfns...fingers crossed for your bfp soon! I know what you mean about cutting back on temping. I was the same way waking up in the middle of the night, temping several times, and unsure which to put into my chart. I finally cut it back to temping from cd10/12 until ovulation was confirmed around cd16/18.

BabyO-woohoo for a finally negative opk, lol! Time to relax and enjoy!

Ginger-so glad you got antibiotics to clear your uti! Take it east this cycle and get better..oh and pack for your move! Lol

calasen-I'm glad you're still around. Been thinking about you...sending lots of hugs..

purplepanda-hope things are going well for you!

Anyone heard from taurus?
Edens- how many dpo were you when you first tested with this pregnancy?
Had you encountered early symptoms?
Hello ladies... I need to read back and catch up!! I've been in my own little world since af came. Tried being as positive as possible but it kind of got to me! First time its really done that since ttc #2. Not to mention my 2 friends both just announced their pregnancies so they are currently preggo bff's and I'm using a ton of energy to be the good friend and play super happy for them. I am excited and happy for them, but we all know how it is when you're really trying! I'm gonna read back and reply to all that's been going on... I just need to get some rest! I'll be back later! I must get my fix! Lol
Hey girls, thank you all so much for your kind thoughts, we're much better now, just utterly determined to be pregnant again!! The only thing is I guess, is that I'm bricking it too, utterly terrified that I may miscarry again. But you can't live in fear can you x

I tell you what I've never heard of such a bd-fest lol, you guys have been at it like rabbits:haha:, our poor OH's, having to perform on demand, it's enough to make them celibate!! Mind you we've been the same this week, I ov'd on fri and sat, painful it was too!! Clomid definitely did something! Fingers crossed for us all during the tedious, never-ending, symptom infested TWW!!
This month Ive doubled my vitBcompex 100s, (my pee is flourescent yellow!), and Ive got hold of some progesterone cream, so hoping to keep my levels up and stop the spotting!

Going to try and post more often this week lol, I read your posts every day, I just dont get time to reply:wacko:, got to make time, and get used to doing it on my phone!

Hugs to you calasen xxx

Hope you've all had a nice weekend xx
Edens- how many dpo were you when you first tested with this pregnancy?
Had you encountered early symptoms?

I tested at 12dpo after absolutely ZERO symptoms and I was the WORST at symptom spotting in all the previous cycles so I totally expected a bfn. I'd given up testing a couple cycles before too but tested on an ic because my temp stayed up two days in a row. In almost all of my previous cycles, my temp had spiked at 11dpo when I'd of course jumped the gun and tested only to see a bfn and have my temp come crashing back down at 12dpo. On the cycle we conceived it stayed up on 12dpo so even with the absence of symptoms, I decided to test and wah-lah! Craziness, I totally started hyperventilating.

In previous cycles, I'd had all the "normal" pregnancy symptoms - tons of cm, sore boobs, increased sex drive, very gassy, etc. and that cycle, I had the exact opposite. I wanted NOTHING to do with sex, had completely dry days for the first time ever (I had always had period, creamy, watery, creamy, period again - never dry), no pain in my boobs/nipples, nothing. OH and I had even joked when he tried to make advances on me - I told him "I'm sorry but sex is the absolutely LAST thing on my mind - hey, maybe that means I'm pregnant, lol". So for me it was no symptoms = pregnant. And mommy2e1003 too - she and I both had zero symptoms the cycle we conceived. It's weird! :)
I only read a little about various symptoms that could pop up but for the most part I've successfully kept myself away from it! I have zero symptoms this month too, which I assume means I shouldn't even worry about testing until AF is several days late. I poke my boobs every morning for good measure! Hahaha

Well (tmi) I AM gassy, but I've had a lot of chili so I don't think that counts. Lol
GUYS!! OMG guys! I totally had two positive OPKs today! And then my ewcm dried up, and it's creamy now. I'm excited to take another OPK tonight and see if it's negative. We BDed yesterday afternoon, and this afternoon. And every single day this cycle from the day af stopped. So. Maaaaaybe we could possibly catch this egg.

I still think I'm going to be out this month though. What with the UTI and the antibiotics. The thing I'm most concerned about is that I'm going to (I am pretty certain) ov on cycle day 21-22 again this month... and I have a 30 day cycle. That leaves my LP at 8 days. That's simply not long enough for implantation. I mean. I have read about people who've had successful pregnancies with 6-8 day LPs... but I dunno. It's not supposed to happen. And I'm just so worried this'll never happen because my body is broken and blaaaaaah.

Ok. Back to being SUPER excited that I got ewcm! And a positive opk! Woo!
Yey! Ginger - congrats just wanna see that temp shift now. I wouldnt worry about your LP at this phase - see what it turns out to be first!
Ginger- I agree with Dreamers, see what happens. You're timing was awesome (and I am so impressed with your and your OH's perseverance)! Well done!
Also, in my opinion, it seems like if your UTI was going to impact your chances that maybe you wouldn't have Ov'd? Just my thoughts on the matter. I have been chart stalking on FF and Taking Charge of Your Fertility and I have noticed lots of women conceiving after they've ovulated quite late. I found it quite remarkable, which is why I am remarking about it right now!
Good luck on this TWW!

Lucy- lovely to hear from you! I would post only about 20% of the time if I weren't using my phone. But, is is awkward and harder to keep track of who said what and check out charts, etc.
Isn't it hilarious to find so much happiness in the PAIN of ovulation? I think good Ov pain is a great sign. I usually don't feel anything, but find it so reassuring when I do. Keep us updated on any symptoms, so that I can feel less like the crazy lady on the board! :)

Babyo- I find your comments always so amusing. :) You crack me up.
Well done to you, as well, for finding the restraint not to investigate symptoms!

Edens- somehow I just knew you were going to say that!! Hahaha!
Of course I think that *my* symptoms are indicative of a pregnancy. That's what they all say, eh?

Taurus- missed you around here! I totally understand and as active as I am reading and responding during this TWW, I know that if I get a BFN this cycle I am going to be bummed into silence.

Dreamers- Yes, 13 does seem unlucky! Will you be testing Tuesday? I am thinking of testing Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun instead of starting to test Wednesday. I don't know. I guess I am just trying to justify testing earlier because I am starting to get the testing itch.

Questions to all: Is FRER the most sensitive pregnancy test? I have one FRER and 3 Dollar Tree tests. I should use FRER on the earliest day, right? Is EPT more sensitive than FRER?
Regarding OPKs, how many do I need? If I theoretically will Ov on CD 15/16 when do I start taking OPKs? CD11? Also, when you have a + OPK does that mean that you are ovulating or that you're about to?? I don't get it! Help, please and thank you in advance. :)
Rainy--I obsessively read about opks and ovulation. Supposedly a + opk detects the LH surge and women generally ov 12 to 36 hours after the surge. Several days of positive can mean that your body is gearing up to ov, then doesn't for some reason, but keeps surging to try again. I either had trouble ov'ing this past week or I have a crazy long LH surge. My strategy is to pounce as soon as I get a + in case I only have a 12 hours post LH surge ovulation. Also, keep in mind the first + you get may not be the start of the surge. It may have been going on a while so the sooner you BD the better. If you google LH surge and ovulation and then look at images, there are lots of nifty charts that appeal to the visual learner (*ahem* me!)

I know nothing about testing. I'm still looking for mine. DANG! I hid them GOOD!

I'm so out of the loop because I've been posting from my phone. I continue to reap the rewards of the chili I ate for lunch. I've starting poking my boobs on an hourly basis now trying to provoke them into being sore. :blush:
I think Ill test Wednesday as Tuesday is 13 dpo. BFN today and Im losing hope, felt quite down this morning. I had got myself so dehydrated so I might get BFP that my poor kidneys were probably in a bit of a state. Maybe I should stop testing! Ive only got 3 left.
Babyo- thanks for the info, don't know why I haven't googled it yet.
Thanks for keeping me posted on the chili!!!
I can NOT believe you can't find your pregnancy tests. Maybe FH moved them?

Dreamers- I think you should test as much as makes you feel better. So, if it would make you feel better to slow down on testing, that is what you should do. But, if you are just going to feel panicked about not testing, pee on sticks as much as you'd like. Do you have a Dollar Tree equivalent so it's not too expensive?
OMG I don't know whether to be angry or happy right now. Just got back from the doctors for a completely unrelated matter and he decided to recheck the last few blood tests I had done by a different doctor to check the levels of something, and just happened to notice that my progeterone levels, which I have been told since we started TTC were normal, were in fact extremely low!!!!!! apprently a normal level is between 8-20 ng/ml, mine are less then 2!!!!!!!

So the miscarriage must have been a very rare occurence for me!! :(

I am very angry at my last doctor and debating filing a complaint, but very happy with new doctor and he has arranged for me to get a new test done and if that again is low then will put me on clomid. He's also sending OH for seman analysis as soon as my bloods come back. Now to wait on the :witch: to visit to go further.

My only issue now is if I complain about last doctor then I may lose new doctor, who is an expert in my health condition, as they are in the same practice :(
Calasen - Sorry to hear about your issue with your doctor - but is low progesterone something fixable?? Is that what the clomid is for? Maybe if your not sure, write your letter of complaint and file it at home. It might help to write it down, and you can decide later whether to put it in. I wouldnt want to ruin a relationship with your new doctor - but then again, im sure your new Doctor will have some understanding of what your going through and shouldnt take it personally.
Calasen - Sorry to hear about your issue with your doctor - but is low progesterone something fixable?? Is that what the clomid is for? Maybe if your not sure, write your letter of complaint and file it at home. It might help to write it down, and you can decide later whether to put it in. I wouldnt want to ruin a relationship with your new doctor - but then again, im sure your new Doctor will have some understanding of what your going through and shouldnt take it personally.

yeah honey the clomid helps ovulation, with my progesterone being that low i am very rarely ovulating :(

i may write down a letter but can also opt out of seeing a specific doctor at practice if need to :(
@rainy - I was gonna say everything that babyO said. Ha! Thanks babyO for being my was-going-to-say-that clone (*and* my cycle buddy!) ;)

@calasen - My understanding is that clomid makes you ovulate... but that it's low *estrogen* that keeps one from ovulating. The low progesterone doesn't do that. What it does is makes your luteal phase too short for implantation to occur, and also if it's too low one cannot sustain a pregnancy. Haha, I've done a bunch of research on this, and talked to two of my doctors myself. Because my LP was only 8 days last month, so I was getting prepared for having low progesterone myself. But! It is fixable. Your doc can give you synthetic progesterone pills. It's easy-peasy. :)

Ok me.

GAAAAAAH! I thought for sure I would have a temp rise this morning. Nope. It dropped. Ah well. I had positive opks yesterday morning, ewcm the day before yesterday + yesterday, but then negative opks last night. And negative again this morning. My cm is back to creamy for sure.

So I am going to assume I am not ovulating this month. I think my body *tried* to ovulate... but I guess with the uti etc, it just didn't do it. I think even if I did see a temp shift starting tomorrow, there is no possible way I could get pregnant with a 7 day LP. (again, it was only 8 days last month... which is where the concern comes from)

This month my body finally produced ewcm. That's exciting, and I am totally going to focus on that gosh darn it. Haha, until af comes next week... then I'm probably going to cry and feel terrible and guilty and broken. But until then! Yay for almost ovulating!
actually they both effect ovulation, i'm just glad someones finaly realised we do need more help, despite having been diagnosed with PCOS and Endo over 10 years ago :(

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