The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

dreamers--HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Welcome to the 32 club!

eden--this was my first "real" cycle off Mirena. I had it taken out 12/5, but who knows what my cycle was doing. My first real AF was 1/3, which also happens to be my birthday. This was our first real month of trying. I'm still in shock.

Lucy--:test: I'm a bad influence.

AFM: I'm now slobbering like a rabid bull dog.

Boob report: Still nothing.

And I looked at the old graduated to pregnant after Mirena thread and nobody is there! So is it ok if I just stay here and cheer everybody on?
Dreamers- I don't know. Definitely not testing today. Maybe tomorrow depending on my temp. If it goes back up I'll test. I'm still above my coverline, but definitely on a slow decline. This time last cycle, though, I was quite a bit lower.
The spotting came back this morning. It is dark red/brown/black.
I don't do much that would harm a pregnancy, other than stress out. So I'm not going to test when I feel like I am just grasping at straws.

Welcome Pefect! Check out or to get started charting your temps and your cervical mucus. Between the two of those you can start to predict when you'll ovulate. You could also consider purchasing ovulation predictor kits and use them along with the charting. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Babyo- haha to the drooling!
@dreamers - Ohh off work sounds wonderful! I hope you're able to enjoy your time off.

@babyO - Hehe, I'd read about excessive saliva being a pregnancy thing. I wonder when your boobs will start to inflate... Hopefully they'll skip the sore stage though! Also! I would LOVE it if you stuck around here. Oh please oh please oh please?! (maybe until a few more of us get our BFPs, then we can all move to the other thread, and still hang out here to support everyone until we've all conceived? :) )

@perfect - Everyone ovulates at a different time. The only way to know for sure it so begin fertility charting. It will take you a couple of cycles to begin to see the patterns of your body, but it's well worth doing. Like Rainy said, is a really good place to start. They have a LOT of 'courses' you can take, videos to watch, information for you to get started and get the hang of it. Otherwise, the only thing you could do would be to have sex every day/every other day all month.

A lot of people wait one or two full cycles, getting full on periods, before they begin to try after Mirena is removed. A lot of other people don't wait at all though! Some conceive right away, others it takes longer. Haha, so helpful right? ;)

Has anyone heard from Panda?

Me! BFN this morning. I'm 7dpo today. Still crampy. My boobs *do* feel a little... fuller, I guess is what I'd call it? But with all of the lifting I've been doing, it's no wonder. It could also easily be AF due tomorrow/Wednesday as well. I'm really thinking I'm out this month.

I'm sloooowly getting unpacked. I'm so freaking exhausted I've been falling asleep as soon as kid-bed-time is over, around 8:45pm. Which doesn't leave me with much time to get things organized in the evenings. Ah well. It'll get done.

Also. Our wonderful little conure, Juneau, is *not* adjusting well! He is being the most clingy little bird. He will not shush his beak unless he's on our shoulder. I keep telling him that parrot kabobs are delicious, and I have skewers that would work perfectly for roasting little Weddle's Conures... but alas. He does not believe me. :D
@ginger--what rainy said!

@perfect--what ginger said! lol I didn't temp and everything. I only used OPKs and then we BD like wild rabbits. It might not be the best strategy, but it apparently works sometimes. lololol

I have a highly entertaining pregnancy story for you all. I thought of starting a blog to keep our family and friends updated because we live far away from pretty much everybody. Until.....I got wind that the crazy nutter of an ex-wife kept a blog that she sent out to their immediate family and close friends...and....SHE POSTED NUDE PREGNANT PHOTOS OF HERSELF!! :haha::haha::haha:

Yeah. I'm not even going there. I have no words for this woman. Crazy doesn't even begin to describe it.

In my own fun pregnancy announcing news I've decided how I'm going to do it at work. I'm going to get pink and blue jelly beans and mix them all up in a bowl and then buy a cute baby stamp and make a Team Pink or Team Blue? sign on card stock and stick it in the jelly beans.

I go back and forth on when to announce. On the one hand, I don't want to go too early. On the other, if I MC, I'm going to miss work and they are all going to figure it out anyway. It's a really supportive group of women so I'm leaning towards biting the bullet next week and just doing it.

Slobber update: Someone said hi to me, and when I said hello back slobber went dribbling down my chin. Really!?! Why can't I have sore boobs like a normal person?
@ginger--what rainy said!

@perfect--what ginger said! lol I didn't temp and everything. I only used OPKs and then we BD like wild rabbits. It might not be the best strategy, but it apparently works sometimes. lololol

I have a highly entertaining pregnancy story for you all. I thought of starting a blog to keep our family and friends updated because we live far away from pretty much everybody. Until.....I got wind that the crazy nutter of an ex-wife kept a blog that she sent out to their immediate family and close friends...and....SHE POSTED NUDE PREGNANT PHOTOS OF HERSELF!! :haha::haha::haha:

Yeah. I'm not even going there. I have no words for this woman. Crazy doesn't even begin to describe it.

In my own fun pregnancy announcing news I've decided how I'm going to do it at work. I'm going to get pink and blue jelly beans and mix them all up in a bowl and then buy a cute baby stamp and make a Team Pink or Team Blue? sign on card stock and stick it in the jelly beans.

I go back and forth on when to announce. On the one hand, I don't want to go too early. On the other, if I MC, I'm going to miss work and they are all going to figure it out anyway. It's a really supportive group of women so I'm leaning towards biting the bullet next week and just doing it.

Slobber update: Someone said hi to me, and when I said hello back slobber went dribbling down my chin. Really!?! Why can't I have sore boobs like a normal person?





Who DOES that?! Also. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to and it totally makes me a very bad person. But I giggled at you drooling when attempting to say hello. I'm sorry I'm sorry!

Tmi. But. It's been like four days since my partner and I have Totally Done It, and I'm going a little batty. All that BDing for the whole first 2/3rds of the month must have done something to my brain! O_O
@ginger--what rainy said!

@perfect--what ginger said! lol I didn't temp and everything. I only used OPKs and then we BD like wild rabbits. It might not be the best strategy, but it apparently works sometimes. lololol

I have a highly entertaining pregnancy story for you all. I thought of starting a blog to keep our family and friends updated because we live far away from pretty much everybody. Until.....I got wind that the crazy nutter of an ex-wife kept a blog that she sent out to their immediate family and close friends...and....SHE POSTED NUDE PREGNANT PHOTOS OF HERSELF!! :haha::haha::haha:

Yeah. I'm not even going there. I have no words for this woman. Crazy doesn't even begin to describe it.

In my own fun pregnancy announcing news I've decided how I'm going to do it at work. I'm going to get pink and blue jelly beans and mix them all up in a bowl and then buy a cute baby stamp and make a Team Pink or Team Blue? sign on card stock and stick it in the jelly beans.

I go back and forth on when to announce. On the one hand, I don't want to go too early. On the other, if I MC, I'm going to miss work and they are all going to figure it out anyway. It's a really supportive group of women so I'm leaning towards biting the bullet next week and just doing it.

Slobber update: Someone said hi to me, and when I said hello back slobber went dribbling down my chin. Really!?! Why can't I have sore boobs like a normal person?

O.M.G. That woman is nuts. I have a pregnancy journal on BnB and have been posting baby updates on our wedding website for the family but certainly no nude photos! Not even any belly shots - just the ultrasound pics!!

As for the drooling, I still have that at times so have fun! lol And the sore bbs happened around 6 weeks I think? That's about when my bbs exploded two cup sizes too and nipples were SO sore. They're still tender to the touch but not nearly as bad as they were. Gross and maybe tmi but now the areola is peeling a bit like it's grown too much too quickly and couldn't stretch enough. :(
Well then. My body is being... odd. Possibly concerning? Likely not. Probably just odd.

So I'm always, always, ALWAYS cold. Freezing, all the time. I don't really consume enough calories in a day to keep warm in this climate, and I know it. (I only weigh 103lbs currently and I'm 5'7" tall. my BMI is embarrassingly low) So, always cold. I shiver when those around me are shedding layers in my home. It's been this way since I moved to the frozen north. :)

Alright. So always cold, right? Right. Except today I've been SO HOT. Sweating, even. I've been walking around in leggings and a camisole. My 13 year old daughter has been asking me if I've lost my mind, cause she's in jeans + a hoodie and she's still cold. BUT! I don't have a fever! o_O

Also. Ok. So I just took a nice looooooong hot shower. I'd been working all day, and it was just so wonderful. Until. UNTIL! I freaking *fainted* in the shower. Like. Full out fall on your bum (on my face, to be more specific. cracked the heck out of my lip, bit my tongue pretty bad, bump on my forehead) lost consciousness fainted. I mean. I'm totally fine. I've fainted before in my life, so I'm not freaking out about that or anything.

Haha, I'm mostly trying not to think of these stupid annoyances as symptoms of pregnancy. I've most likely either pushed myself beyond my limits, as I *frequently* tend to do, and am suffering from exhaustion... or I might be coming down with something, fighting something off.

Either way. My body? It's just weird. :p
Evening you crazy girlies!
Welcome @perfect, good luck on your journey. Fertility friend is definitely the best place to start. Get yourself a thermometer and you'll be away!! Your body will do loads of weird stuff during the next few weeks so dont worry to much about the odd bleed. Any questions though just post them, someone on here will have an answer!
@babyo, I stupidly bought a batch of tests from amazon, so Ive been a test freak this cycle. Defo not good, |I think no news is good news sometimes!
Happy belated birthday dreamers!!

afm, I have not a bloomin clue whats going on!! 10dpo I took two more tests this morning, both had an equally feint line. But if it was a true bfp then it would have darkened surely?? On the plus side my boobs are INSANELY painfull, but I'm not sure if thats because I've been smothering my body in progesterone cream like my life depends on it!!! I've got a crampy tummy, but as yet no spotting.........going to test again in the morning, but I can't say I'm hopefull.

Fingers crossed for lots of bfp's girlies xx
Operation - I couldnt repress a little giggle either, sorry! Got a great mental image of you drooling all over someone. I cant wait to join you on the ex-mirena and conceived thread...

Ginger - Hmmmm, not going to say it. Probably means nothing, probably just exhausted from the move and being so underweight, but... :happydance:

Perfect - I agree, I would just start having fun regular sex this month and note down when you bleed while you learn about how to chart etc from fertility friend. fertility friend is really the best source of information and you can start charting on the site as well.

Lucy - I think you need to post a picture. If the line will not show up on the picture it is probably not true - if it at all visible on here it has got to be a bfp?
Hope your feeling better ginger, you sound like you need a rest! And a few little calories! Look after yourself x

I'll take a pic in daylight in the morning, it shows up better than in artificial light. I'm using IC's ginger, Im not going to have time to pick up anything more reliable till the weekend due to work.
@Lucy--woo hoo! I'll be stalking the thread for your picture in the morning. The light lines could be due to how much you are drinking?

@ginger--I hope you are ok! You've had a rough week. Weird about the suddenly hot thing. I'm always cold too (I'm about 105lbs and I can freeze in July even down here in the South). I have to say, by the end of the night I've stripped down to nothing in my undies, tossed off all the covers, and I'm practically pushing OH off the bed because he tries to snuggle and it's too hot.
lol BabyO - you sound just like me! I'm always freezing during the day unless it's over 90ish degrees (then I'm "warm") but at night I get so hot and find piles of clothes on the floor next to the bed in the morning!
thank you everyone. i suppose the best way to fall pregnant is lots of sex...oh well if i HAVE to! going to love this trying for a baby.

Lucy: when i fell for my son, i felt i was pregnant, but the test didnt show anything. whe i went to clinic to get it checked, they had to hold the test up to the light, and if you squinted a bit, you could just about make out a faint faint line. i was told if you can see a line at all, no matter how faint, it was positive. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. xx

off to look up fertility friend now....
@Lucy--I'm sorry hun! That sucks.

@perfect--I had the same strategy! Plus we used preseed every single time for a week and a half around my fertile time. I think it helped.

AFM....with all my spotting, my mid-wife decided she wants to do serial HCGs. So, I'm going to pop over to the lab today and Thursday. I'm so nervous I want to puke.
@lucy - GAH! I was hoping to read that you'd gotten a strong positive this morning. I'm sorry... *hugs*

@babyO - Good luck with the testing! Let us know how it turns out? (what is a serial HCG?)

@perfect - Yay! When you start charting, you should totally link to your chart in your signature so we can all stalk stalk stalk it. :)

Test this morning was BFN, at 8dpo. I'm crampy. My temp dropped this morning, though no where near my cover line. I am prepared for AF to come tomorrow. Most likely, I'll start spotting today, with full af tomorrow. Sigh. Maybe next cycle. :)

Juneau has begun to either believe that I will make him into a pudding, or he has begun to settle in. Personally, I think he Fears Me, for I am The Terrible Bird-mom Of Doooooom.

Puh. I'm trying not to be down... but it's hard. I plan to focus on all the of awesomeness that is living in my new home to distract me from the whole 'Ugh I'm not pregnant yet what is wrong with me I'm broken' crap. And I bought the BEST coconut milk iced creams in all of ever last night in preparation for af too. What do you guys do to stay positive and distracted?

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