The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Lucy- I was so rooting for a BFP! Big hugs to you. Still early days, could be a BFP in your future!

Perfect- babyo's sexy time all the time plan plus preseed worked for her! The preseed is helpful if you produce only scant amounts of EWCM. It helps gets the little swimmers where they need to go.

Babyo- are you still spotting? I would be so nervous too. Keep us in the loop!
What is/was your spotting like?

Ginger- still early for hpts, let us know if AF shows. I forgot to check out your temps, I will after I post this. Above cover line is good nes, though. As far as staying positive, I have been getting a bit spiritual these days. I believe in reincarnation or that somehow the angels/souls are involved in pre-selecting the parents. This sounds wacky, but I feel like our baby has already chosen us and is waiting for a healthy fertilized egg to implant and that it is just a matter of getting all of our ducks in a row. I was really sad this weekend and strangely I keep seeing rainbows everyday since I started bleeding. Seems like some kind of message from the universe reminding me that everything is as it should be. No rainbow this AM actually, but I am feeling better anyway and my bleeding/spotting stopped. Last night I had happy tears I was feeling so much love for my little family.

Ginger/Edens/Dreamers/Lucy - I tried to put my chart in my siggy, wil you please check it out. I have had a really light AF. I am scared to test again cuz I feel like I am grasping at straws. Also I feel very not pregnant, everything I felt before is long gone except for my weird big areolas. If this AF why so light? Issues adjusting from mirena? Should my temp be lower by now? Last month at this time it was in the high 97s.
I am over thinking this. :)
Thanks for any input, sorry to be verbose, again! :) :)
The serial HCGs are just blood test for the pregnancy hormone, to make sure they are in the right range and doubling appropriately. TMI ALERT!!!! We BD Sunday morning and there was more than a little bit, but not a moderate amount of spotting. My thought was that activity cleared everything else out because I haven't spotted since. Not even a teeny tiny bit. I think I just had significant implantation bleeding. But, the midwife wants to be sure. A couple of sticks for peace of mind is fine by me! I'm still nervous though. I want my little jelly bean to be ok in there!!!!

I'm pretty sure jelly bean is still attached because I'm insanely thirsty again. But now with slobber. Thirsty and slobbering.....oh boy!

@Rainy--I would go ahead and test one more time. You never know. And if AF was crazy light for you, then you may just be preggers. I'd give it several days and then try one more time.

@perfect--yeah, sorry I forgot to explain what Preseed was. I have no idea what kind of CM I produce, but my approach was the more, the merrier. If you decide to use it, remember: less is more! Otherwise you'll have a slip and slide in the bed!
Thank you. Sorry to say I had to google ewcm too!
I really need to work on my shorthand lol!
I'll be trying everything, it's just weird 'trying'
Will google preseed too.
Thank you ladies x
@perfect - It all felt very odd to me at first too, but at this point it's second nature! Funny how fast that changed for me. I had my Mirena out on November 1st. :) You'll pick it all up quickly, I'm sure. :)

@ rainy - Woo! I get to stalk your chart! :D As far as testing goes... Herm. I would test again in a couple of days if I were you, but I wouldn't expect anything. My last af, the second after my Mirena was removed, was super super light as well. I can't remember, when was your removed? Either way. Good luck. My fingers are all crossed for you...

@babyO - How long will it take for you to get the test results back? I'm glad the spotting stopped. I'd have been worrying myself sick.

Sloooooowly the unpacking goes... OMG and holy cow it was SIXTY DEGREES here today and SUNNY! This has never happened. Ever. In january. In all of the years that I've lived here. My 13 year old went for a two and a half hour walk. I wished so hard I could have joined her. :)
Rainy - Im not sure AF being light can be relied apon, but your temp is still above coverline - despite bleeding. That is odd. It should drop if your not pregnant. I think you've got 3 options
1. :test:
2. Wait until 18 dpo, if temp still high :test: (pretty unlikely to get a false -ve at this point
3. Pretend you've moved on to next cycle and start OPKs if + today - :test: (turns positive with HCG as well)
Fingers crossed! :thumbup:
PS love the idea of the baby already being chosen, just waiting for the right time - might use that myself, its a nice image.

Ginger - temp is still way above coverline, no way of knowing which its going to go. If AF doesnt arrive today - even if you have a BFN you'll be relieved to get a longer LP :winkwink: Ive been writing myself a little list in the 2ww each month of good reasons for BFN (save some more money, finish exams etc). i am getting pretty impatient though - and its definately getting harder

Lucy - that is pure torture! You poor thing, hope your OK. :hugs: Could still be BFP as it is early

AFM - I want to be pregnant RIGHT FREAKING NOW :rofl: Sorry, little bit of frustration slipped out. Spoke to my sis on skype and feel much better, have seen pics of baby boy (she has a perfect pair now!), I told her she was a jammy cow but she did have to go through 2 mc to get them - so not really! She seemed really happy, just sad Im so far away. I need a baby hit! (like an addict, dont want to hit a baby!)

Anyway, hope you ladies are having a lovely day, chins up and think positive :happydance:
hey girls :) And welcome new girls :) :wave:

I'm still waiting for the :witch: to arrive so not quite back yet but I just caught up with the thread :)

Lucy honey be careful how much of the progesterone cream you use as too much in body can be as preventative as too little. :(
Just running through for a second. My first hcg level came back at 106. The normal range is really wide so that's within normal. Now to wait two days to have the second one. urg.
Ginger- sigh, I think it is AF. Just a gut feeling.
Dreamers- I was thinking of testing 5 days after I started bleeding. I read that hcg shouldn't take more than 3-5 days to register + after implantation. Also, if my temp starts going back down I will wave the white surrender flag. :)
My opks aren't here yet!!!!

Babyo- I think your current lack of spotting is wonderful news. Sounds like an attached jelly bean to me.

Oh and Ginger? don't forget to take care if yourself- rest and walk and eat especially if your body thinks it would feel good. This move has been so crazy for you! If you too have a bean your body will lots of TLC. I am serious! I know your type, I can sense it even from here, you are a super hard working perfectionist who takes care of everyone else before herself. Am I right??
@dreamers - I have been thinking the same thing... even if af doesn't show tomorrow, then I'll be thrilled at having a longer LP when it shows the next day. :) I've also stolen your idea, and I started a journal today of Things To Be Grateful For During My TWW. And we all understand your frustration! We all feel it sometimes too. Totally. :)

@babyO - It's awesome that you already have the first round of blood draws done, and already have your results. I'm sorry you have to wait two whole days for the next ones. For real. I'd be climbing the walls! :)

@rainy - I... um. Yeah. Haha. You totally DO have my number. :D Tonight my 7 year old son tried to make me sit down on the couch and 'relax' for awhile. He offered to clear the table after dinner, and talked his sister into offering to wash the dishes. Haha, but like an idiot, I declined, and instead whipped up vegan chocolate mousse for the family, and cleaned the kitchen while they ate it. It's so *hard* for me to 'relax'. You're right, I really need to rest some. Thank you for your kind words. :)

And in that vein, I am currently snuggling in on the couch with a fuzzy blankie and mind-numbing trashy reality television. And coconut milk iced creams. :D

@calasen - It's good to hear from you! I hope you're doing well. How is wedding panning coming along? :)

Me! No spotting yet, I was expecting it all day. I *am* VERY crampy though. I'm hoping I managed to have a one day longer LP this month. That'd be keen! I fully expect all out af tomorrow though.

Unpacking is still coming along nicely. I had several meetings today, which kept me out of the house for far too long. So I'm behind 'schedule'. Haha. But really? Who the heck am I fooling with my expected time frame? I'm so silly sometimes. :)
Hi I'm new around here so I hope you don't mind me jumping in here. I had my mirena removed Aug 19, 2011 my latest 3 cycles have been 44 days, then 40 and my last one was a whopping 50 days. My last AF I had spotting on Jan 8 then a day of normal flow on the 9 th and spotting from the 10th to 12th. So far I'm on Cd 23 I've only been checking cm. I've had a couple of stretchy cm days but I don't think it's real ewcm. So I'm going to make an appointment to see my doc next week but wondered if you gals might think if this is mirena related.

Hi I'm new around here so I hope you don't mind me jumping in here. I had my mirena removed Aug 19, 2011 my latest 3 cycles have been 44 days, then 40 and my last one was a whopping 50 days. My last AF I had spotting on Jan 8 then a day of normal flow on the 9 th and spotting from the 10th to 12th. So far I'm on Cd 23 I've only been checking cm. I've had a couple of stretchy cm days but I don't think it's real ewcm. So I'm going to make an appointment to see my doc next week but wondered if you gals might think if this is mirena related.


Welcome. Hmmm, dont think so, 5 months out mirena hormones should be long gone. What were your cycles like before? Some people have really long and random cycles, but I think its good your seeing you doctor about it.

Babyo - 106 seems pretty good considering your just on 4 weeks now. Of course, it will be the next result that will give more information - fingers crossed it will increasing nicely

Welcome back Calasen, raring to go again I hope :hugs:

Ginger hope you enjoyed your break, sounds like you need to eat plenty more coconut milk ice cream :icecream:

AFM 2nd day temping today, really hoping now I can be consistent with timings I will finally get a clear pattern this month and know for sure when I ovulated. Im still going with EPO and full milk but havent got round to buying any full fat yoghurt. REALLY hope we can get a lot of BD in this month so I feel were in with a decent chance. Might be tricky - a busy month.
re the baby already chosen idea; when my friend fell pregnant after ten years of trying, my daughter who was only 9, said you had to wait so long because the angels decide that you deserve an extra special baby, one who needs the perfect parents, so you have to have to wait until that extra special baby is ready to be born. its because they they think you are too special to have just any baby, it has to be the 'right' baby.
i thought this was similar to your idea? very cute tho:)
@OneMore - Welcome to our little group! :) I would not think Mirena had anything to do with what you're experiencing this far after removal. I'm glad you're seeing your doctor! Good luck with it. :)

@perfect - That's a really great story. Your daughter sounds like she has a lot of empathy. :)

So me! Well. My temp stayed where it was this morning. Which is well above my cover line... but still lower than it had been a few days ago. Negative test this morning. I'm using the internet cheapies. I'm taking them with my first morning urine, mainly because it's the *only* time it's not incredibly dilute all day. I'm 9dpo. AF is due today. I'm still super crampy. I feel like anything that was going to show up would have by now, since af is due today. I'm going to focus on being pleased as punch IF I have a longer luteal phase this month. We'll see if no af today. I'm sure she'll come tomorrow. ;)
@ginger--Fingers crossed that the nasty relative doesn't show up today (or tomorrow...or ever!! muahahahahahaha!! Ok, it's obvious what I think of AF. lol)

@perfect--That is so cute! I tend to think the same way as your daughter!

@dreamers--are you going to try the grapefruit juice thing too? I ate tons of grapefruit and drank grapefruit juice last month (Ruby Red). I have no idea if it helped, but it didn't hurt apparently. I happen to like it and drink it normally though.

@onemore--From what I understand, the effects of Mirena disappear basically as soon as it's removed. It released local rather than systemic hormone. The types of cycles you had before will probably be your best indicator of what is normal for you. How long did you have Mirena? There are lots of other things that will impact your cycle: age, general health status/underlying medical problems, etc.
GUYS!!! I think I might be losing my mind. Um. Herm.

You know how my partner is an environmental engineer? Who reads test strips and things all day for a living? Well. He saw my morning test on the counter. And he said. Oh! You got a faint line this morning! Maybe it'll get darker in the next few days! And I was like... ok first. That's not how THESE tests work. THESE tests are positive if there is any line no matter how faint. And ok second. There is NOT a faint line [redacted] (due to my foul filthy sailor talk) it. I just looked at that thing... oh wait. Yeah.. shit. There IS a faint line. I think? Maybe?

I cannot get a good photograph of this damned test. But here are the best ones I could get. What do you think? O_O


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I think I see a line, but I am not sure I am looking at it correctly? Def take a FRER!!!!
Ok. I tested with a FRER. Um. Guys?

It's positive.


Sorry about the image quality. My real camera is still packed. My phone apparently hates me.


I am in shock...


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I can totally see the faint line on the first one! And that's on my phone's tiny screen!!!

I started hoping around going "she got her BFP!" and my OH just shakes his head and says: I hope we have a boy. Lol

Woot!!! Yay ginger!!!
yay ginger!! XXX Congrats :)

Welcome wantsonemore :)

Wedding plannings on hold as can't do much now until the 6 month mark when can set up gift list :) Been focusing on losing weight and thanks to amazing support from OH and swapping chocolate for a Graze box (thats our referral link if anyone wants to try a free box :) we get vouchers for money off if you do, not sure they ship outside uk though) have so far lost 8lbs in the past few weeks :) All for the making of the baby !!! :)

I am actually over the hump of the loss i think and starting to feel motivated and excited again, and the new diet is also giving me higher energy levels and having a wonderful effect on my evil medical conditions.

Just waiting on the :witch: now to get back to TTC.

Ginger and Operation hope you both have a very happy and healthy 9 months and share the :dust: :)

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