The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Ginger- you probably know that I want you to stay around, no question!

Dreamers- the temp thing is really weird. I did feel crazily hormonal this cycle. Lots of crying and crazy nipples, for example. I blame it on my body's adjustment post Mirena. Are you getting excited to ovulate? I am soooo excited to try again. Yaaaaay!

Babyo- has your MW been in touch yet?
Ginger---yes yes, stay around! Yes, sometimes I'll get a little sad from looking at your ticker since our BFPs were so close. But I know that my bean didn't stick for a reason. Plus your sense of humor makes my day! word from the MW, BUT my nurse practitioner called to report my levels to me and to let me know that it was in fact indicative of the "M" word. She wasn't sure if I would bleed more and said all my spotting might be all I get. She also said because it was so early that it didn't have any impact on the TTC process and to proceed as normal. I have to go back next week to make sure my HCG continues to decrease/disappear otherwise, I have to be referred to an OB. But, I have full and total faith that my levels will continue to go down.

What I'm trying to decide now is if I want to start opks after I have my levels checked on Tuesday. If they are close to 0 they shouldn't register on the opk stick. The other option would be to BD every other day until I either got AF or got pregnant again. My OCD side is leaning towards opks. :p
I heard from my MW. She doesn't expect me to get another period but said she wanted my levels checked again as well as my blood type.

Have I mentioned how much I hate needles? I can jab people all day. Dig in oozy wounds. Projectile vomit doesn't phase me. But come at me with a needle...OMG. I want to barf and pass out. Wimpiest. Nurse. Ever.
Babyo- sorry about the needles! Yikes! There is definitely some irony there given your profession. :)
Don't worry girls, I definitely ignored ds ALL DAY to catch up on over 20 pages of updates. I MISS YOU!!!!!!! :hugs:

BabyO- I am so sad for you. You're really taking it so well though. I spent like 5 pages being all excited getting ready to say congrats and now all I can give are hugs. On to next cycle, right?? Tons of baby dust your way.

Rainy- I'll answer all your q's but I'm on my phone and have to go find and dust off the old chart for the answers, so I'll do that in a min. (also sorry to everyone for all the typos as I am on my phone.) I know this was forever ago, but I just HAVE to comment on your theory about the babies picking out their families... Because I totally, completely, 100% agree. I gave my first up for adoption, and finding her family was a total spiritual experience. I KNOW she was meant for them all along, she just had to come to earth a little differently.

Ginger - BIG HUGE GIANT CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was so excited when I saw your ticker! I totally gasped. What's your due date?

So afm... I have been doing nothing. NOTHING!!!! and with gusto. I live for nap time every day, and have been pulling in about 2 2-hr naps daily. Lucky for me ds has been sick or teething or something and has been all about the crazy naps. Housework is a joke, don't even get me started. And I didn't go to the gym once this week. And apparently I've been slacking on all my forums... Don't know what happened there! But I'm back now!

I don't *think* I get crazy preggo nose, but I do think my whole house smells like stinky feet. So either that's it, or I need to get dh some shoe inserts.............

I have been having CRAZY vivid pregnancy dreams. Like I was reading this forum right before I fell asleep, and i dreamed we were all pregnant together irl (aww)..... And about work...... And about horse blood. Yeah. That was not a typo. Weird.

so is anyone planning a superbowl party this weekend?

Oh ps @ginger- those pregnancy tests with the timing indicator are a UK thing, I believe.
So glad you are here!!!!!!!! We missed you! Good job ignoring all other activity and focusing on catching up. :)

LADIES- my OPKs finally shipped, just when I was about to give up. The bad news is that the estimated delivery date is Feb. 8th, which is CD12. I was planning to start using them on CD10. I am thinking of going to pick up a pack of 7 from Target or Walgreens or something to tide me over until they arrive. I am committed to the idea that I want to be sure I am starting with a negative so I can tell the difference when it's positive. Does that make sense? I am sorry for always making this so complicated! Thank you for your help.
Totally makes sense. Get a pack from target. I ended up using both a lot.
Oh yeah, the questions. Got distracted by work. Pff. I need to get my priorities straight.

Ginger/Babyo/Edens/Panda (if you're out there!) :wave:- if you'd be so kind as to answer some burning questions I have: What cycle day do think you conceived? CD 17 or 18... We insem'd cd 17 and that's where ff put my dotted crosshairs, but I kinda think I might have o'd on cd 18.

Did you BD (or have IUI) before and/or after a positive OPK if you were using OPKs? Both. We did insems about once or twice a week my whole cycle (because I'm crazy and thought I might somehow miss it) and then the day of my + opk. I think that last one was the only one that mattered.

If you were checking, did your CM indicate that you were fertile? Yes... But only because I was looking hard for it. I don't think I would have really noticed otherwise, which is weird for me because I usually get lots.

If you were temping, did your temp spike the day after you suspect you ovulated? Not really... My temps are completely wack. They dipped before they rose, then dipped again at (I believe) implantation. Chart is here: My Ovulation Chart

Did you use pre-seed? Yes! Every time, 2-3g about. The day of my + opk I used a little less because I had my own (scant) EWCM going.

Is there anything else you were doing that you think made a difference to help boost your fertility? (supplements or specific foods) I was taking baby aspirin, but I don't know if that actually helped. I am a little ridiculously fertile. Both prior pregnancies were totally unplanned.

Eta: on second thought, I do think the baby aspirin helped. A few days before ov I was spotting just a bit with wipes, and what little I could find with my google prowess told me this was a very rare sign of very high fertility, which I never had before. My gut is attributing that to the baby aspirin.
Have I mentioned how much I hate needles? I can jab people all day. Dig in oozy wounds. Projectile vomit doesn't phase me. But come at me with a needle...OMG. I want to barf and pass out. Wimpiest. Nurse. Ever.

Um, sorry, I think wimpiest nurse award goes to me.... I can't even handle the blood, oozy wounds, etc. I can't even handle hearing someone DESCRIBE pain/trauma. :shudder: However, give me a woman in full on bloody labor and I'm totally fine.
Panda - welcome back, glad to hear things are going well.

Rainy - I am not so much excited to O but dying to get there. Have no fertile signs today and planned to BD tomorrow morning but not sure if Im better waiting for the day after. I think my favourite bit is after BD for the 1st couple of days imagining the egg getting fertilised and then making its way down the fallopian tube (in my mind its a really fun water slide with loop-the-loops!) before the obsessing starts 5dpo.
I would say def get some OPKs, you'll be annoyed if you dont. And if you end up pregnant at the end of the month - are you really going to care you wasted your $s on OPKs you dont use?
Hi Ladies

I hope you are well :flower:

This is just a quick post to re-subscribe to the thread because I accidentally pressed 'unsubscribe' this morning :dohh: I like to check in and keep updated with everyone's progress so I hope you dont mind :flower:
Hi Cliqmo, it's totally fine with me if you keep up with us. :)

Dreamers- I have some anxiety about not being able to get the deed done as often as I'd like. I love the imagining of the egg moving down, preparing to implant. Like Babyo's red carpet imagery.
During conference calls at work during the last 2 WW I was enjoying doodling little pictures of eggs and fallopian tubes and even one of a sperm burrowing into the egg!! So silly.
Yes, I agree, I definitely don't care about having a few extra OPKs around if I get a BFP. I am planning to do my OPKs at 9:45 AM before my assistant comes in. I read to do it around 10 AM, but that is when he shows up and obviously this is something I don't want to discuss with him. Nor do I want to have him wondering about what I am doing for several minutes in the bathroom everyday! Ha!
HELP: I feel like I am getting a yeast infection. I will make sure to eat my daily yogurt and hope that helps. Trying to cut back on sugar, but I looooove to have a treat in the evenings after DS goes to bed. I don't drink, a little bowl of ice cream is like my evening glass of wine. Maybe I'll just have half a serving, as I've heard that yeast thrives off the sugar somehow? Any tips, gals? HELP ME, yeast is not sexy and I am assuming also hostile to sperm, seems like my CM will be weird. ACK!!!!!!
PANDA! Yay! I'd been wondering where/how you've been doing!

I too am utterly exhausted. I basically slept for the majority of the afternoon today. I went to a summer camp fair (I can't believe it's *already* time to pick summer camps... it was *snowing* and that seems just not right!), and had my first set of betas drawn (another on Monday, and another on Tuesday... fingers crossed so hard...). And that was it. I think I washed the dishes this morning. But my partner has had to pick up so much of my slack today. While I fell asleep on the couch over and over. O_O

@rainy - I wish I knew any home remedies other than a plain yogurt douche. I never could bring myself to do it, even when my old midwife suggested it. How close to ovulation are you? I'd be inclined to just get the one day treatment at the pharmacy myself. Good luck with it either way, those things are so freaking annoying!

@babyO - Good luck with the bloods... I've been thinking about you non-stop. I hope you're still alright, and things go as well as they can. Hugs.
Can someone PM me where they bought the opks online? I'm about to cave and buy a million.
OPKs are on order. FH has tried Amazon Prime for a month so yay for free two day shipping!

In other news I finally had my sniffles. We were out eating comfort food (BBQ) and there I was, corn bread muffin in hand...sniffling into my pulled pork. I thought OH was totally fine with everything and then today at Target he turns to me in the lotion isle and said he was really sad that we don't have a little one coming near his birthday. (His Bday was also October.)

I also found that pesky little emotion known as anger today. I'm so mad that it didn't stick, and I'm probably not mad for any reason that makes sense, but I'll explain it to you all anyway. I'm so MAD that the crazy ex wife "accidentally" got pregnant while on birth control and carried a beautiful sweet boy to term and delivered a perfect child that she doesn't even LOVE!!! If she does, she still hates OH more than she could ever love her own son. IT'S NOT FAIR that terrible women like her get to be a Mom by "accident" and here I am, wanting a child, and mine didn't work out. grrrrrrrrrr

I'll get over it but grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr some more.
Oh BabyO, big huge giant hugs your way. Your post broke my heart a little. I think it's probably good you're giving your emotions a little license to come out, though. And I couldn't agree more about stupid people people like the ex. I HATE that so many good people struggle to build a family, and so many others who really should be removed from the gene pool are popping out kids left and right. UGH. It WILL happen for you, and soon, I just know it. More hugs. xx
:hugs: Get it out BabyO! Hope your feeling happier soon
I dont think you will have to wait long to get your own special :baby: :happydance: Its great that you dont have to wait long for your OPKs - hopefully POAS will take your mind off things :hugs:

AFM - Trying to observe CP this cycle, have no real idea what it should be like as this is the first month so Im not relying on it at all
Some watery CM, but still no EWCM (and I usually get it) despite the EPO. OPK still VERY negative, think Ill check again later to make sure.
I hope EPO doesnt delay my O, Ive just read online it can do. I would rather my cycles stay regular and predictable so I know when to BD
In desperation today I brought grapefruit juice, expecting to have to hold my nose to force it down - But I actually really like it! IF EPO mucks my cycle up I will go with grapefruit juice from now on.
Im sure all this stuff is just old wives tale - but then Id probably dance around the yard naked under a full moon if I heard it was associated with conception!:haha:
However, no amount of grapefruit juice/EPO/dancing will do any good without any damn :spermy: and I am having NOOO luck getting any so far. I hope hope hope DH will DTD tomorrow. I am going to be super cranky if I miss out on another month. :nope:
Oh, and oddly my temp chart at the moment looks as if I may have ovulated on CD 9?! But its never been that early before and had no other signs (-OPK, no fertile mucous). I really hope I havent missed my chance already. I guess Ill have to wait to see what temp does tomorrow - but chart stalkers are welcome to offer opinions
I'll respond to everyone tomorrow when I'm not on my phone, but O M G. AF showed up and she clearly has a lot to say. I guess I got my answer on what my cycle is going to do. Oddly enough AF has made me soooooo happy! I know what to do from here. Pee on sticks like a wild woman!

Opks set to arrive feb 8th!
Babyo- glad to hear you ordered your opks, it'll be great to have something to pee on.
I love comfort food in general and I love that you are connecting to your feelings. Though, don't get me wrong my heart positively aches for you. I have been thinking about you a lot.
In terms of the awful ex, I am thinking it is NOT FAIR that she was able to conceive such a precious gift that she takes for granted. I think that is I lucky little boy to end up with a step mom like you. Maybe you were destined to be his mother figure. His future girlfriends will reap the benefits one day.

Dreamers- your chart is wacky. Doesn't seem like you should have ovulated. Maybe a fluke? Flukes happen I suppose. I will stalk your chart a bit more after I post this and see if I can make sense of it. :) good luck with sexy time. DS prevented DH and I having our time this AM and DH told me he is too tired to wait for me to come to bed. Tomorrow I will go to bed before the sun sets if that is what it takes hehehe.
See you tomorrow gals!
Oh Babyo- my prime membership just expired. We had it for a year and it was awesome 2 day shipping is the best. I miss it. So, enjoy. :)

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