The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Welcome ramma!

Dreamers, how very frustrating. I'm so sorry. Want me to smack him upside the head for you? Cos I'll do it...

Ginger, i know you were just having betas done, but do you have any results yet? I'm assuming things are doubling nicely since we haven't heard otherwise?
Babyo- I was wondering about coloring hair while pregnant. I wasn't sure that it was really frowned upon? It damages the baby somehow? Is it the fumes? I don't usually color my hair I have so much darn hair that my brown ones just cover the grey ones. However I have a recent patch of grey that has popped up, all on one side of my head and it's finally visible.

Perfect- I used an OPK last night and it was very depressing. Not even a hint of a line at all!! Although, I knew it would be negative, my CM is not fertile and I am not likely to ovulate until CD16 and it was CD10 yesterday. I will faithfully take them twice a day from now until I see something definitive. I am determined!!

Hi Ginger- yes, please share with us your beta results when you have them!

Panda- I can't believe they didn't even TRY to listen for the heartbeat! What the hell??? I would be so annoyed. My Dr. was SO annoying and the office was so busy that they didn't get me in until 11 weeks with my son. I had been having irregular periods so there was a question about how far along I was and so I got to have an u/s. It was amaaaaaaazing! I have different insurance this time around, not with Kaiser luckily, so I'll have lots more options. IF I ever get knocked up! :)

Ramma- WELCOME!! Glad to have you here with us :)

Dreamers- it is so frustrating when you really just need those little swimmers to finish the job. As much work as you do trying to make sure you're ovulating and your CM is sperm friendly and then you can't get the sperm. I had a very hard time last cycle with this issue, as I'm sure you recall my endless complaining. I don't know what changed in my OH, but he has changed for me this cycle.
As far as OPKs, I don't know much, but the package of the one I bought yesterday says you actually ovulate 24-48 hours after you see the +. Good luck, honey, I think you still have a chance if you can get OH in the sack tonight!!!!
AFM- BDing last night brought to light that I DEFINITELY have a yeast infection. Calling my Dr. after I drop off DS. :( :(
Hi Ramma! Welcome to our little TTC corner!

@perfect--Mirena was the most painful thing I've ever experienced. It's the only time in my life I've ever thrown up from pain. Granted, I had never had a child before Mirena so that probably made it worse.

@Rainy--I think you can color your hair with what is currently available on the market. At least, that's what my What to Expect book said. I tend to be on the paranoid side so I wanted to wait until the second trimester at least to recolor. My grays didn't really show up until this past year. I blame the PhD dissertation hell for all my hair woes.

Also, I hope the yeast issue gets cleared up soon. Those things are NO FUN! ~chants~ Down with yeast! Down with yeast!

@Dreamers--I'm so sorry that hubby isn't cooperating. Have you tried sitting him down and explaining what he needs to do and when he needs to do it? Once I got through to my OH I've actually seen him giving himself pep talks before the big BD. hahahaha

@Ginger!! How are your blood levels doing? I am going to assume they are all great and perfect until you tell us otherwise! My vein is so tired of being jabbed it's going on strike.

afm...I had what I assume is my last level check today. I'm so tired of that stinking needle. My cramping has gone away. As far as I'm concerned, I'm just standing in square 1 again. I hope hope hope hope hope I get preggers again this month and it actually STICKS this time.
I am currently waiting on pins and needles for the results of my betas. I called earlier, the NP is going to call me back 'between 1-2pm' to read me the results. It's 1:31pm here now... and I am going crazy with the waiting. I'm going to call back and be *that* person who calls back at 2:30 if I haven't heard anything, even though I know they're busy and I'm not exactly a top priority or anything (nor should I be it's not like I have an emergent condition!).

I'll let you guys know as soon as I do. Which will hopefully be soon! :)
OK! Got my results back!

On Saturday the level was 142. On Monday it was 567. The NP at my midwife's office told me this 'looks very good'. I forgot to do the math while I had her on the phone, but don't those numbers look high? And they tripled, not doubled, in 48 hours... I'm not sure if that's bad or not, and the only information I can find online are forum postings. I want science to tell me, dagnabbit!

I have another blood draw this evening, so when I call for my results tomorrow I'll ask her then. Assuming I don't find science to tell me to chill out and shut up in the mean time. :)

Phew. I am feeling relieved, a bit, at least. :)
Your numbers look totally fine. There is a HUGE normal range for HCG. They should be doubling every 48 hours but, I think they can go faster than that and it's still considered normal. maybe have twins. hahahahaha (Not actually kidding on this one. HCG levels are higher with multiple babies.)

In BabyO news, my cousin is currently pushing her little baby into the world. Yay! There's a little tiny bit of heartache on my end, but I am so happy for her. She MCed at 13 weeks two years ago and she was devastated. They had literally JUST announced to the entire family and then WHAM. MC. She's over the moon about this little baby and so am I. It has my initials, so I call him Mini-Me. haha


Ok, off my soapbox. But friends who have had a MC before totally support me trying again this month if I feel ready. Which I do. But my friends who either a) don't want kids or b) aren't anywhere close to having kids keep telling me that it doesn't matter what my mid-wife or NP say. They say, "wait a few cycles and give your body time to recover." I realize that my friends are all also NPs, but NONE of them have any OB experience. WTF people. My body. My baby. My decision on when to try. I feel like they are actively discouraging me from actively trying to have a baby. If I heard "let it happen naturally" one more time, I'm going to scream. Needless to say, my plans to POAS are now firmly under wraps. I shall not be telling a soul how much we are trying. We want a baby now so we will try to have a baby now. Not in three months.

~End Rant~
Hello ladies, lots of pages to catch up on!

Firstly babyo, Im so so sorry your little bean didn't stick this time xx I hope your ok x Fingers crossed your body can get over it and back to normal so you can move forward too xx big hugs

Welcome to perfect and Ramma, good luck to you both on this crazy crazy journey!

Ginger those results are completely amazing!! Perhaps there's more than one lil bean in there!! Eeeek!! Hopefully you can relax a lil bit now and enjoy all the joyful symptoms of early pregnancy:)

I hope you're all ok out there?

I'm sorry I disappeared, had a bit of a meltdown after a chemical mc, even though I knew it was going to happen. Not nice. But hey ho, I'm back in the driving seat now! Aaaaannd I've persuaded OH to bd EVERY day from the end of af till way after Ov!!! Yeyyyy!!! I think he realised he needed to play his part a bit more than he had been. Plus got an appointment with my doc on thurs to get any other medication that might help my lil bean stick. Taking a higher dose of clomid this month, hoping for a few more eggies, increase the chances an all that!

Calasen great to see you back on the thread :) thanks for the advice on the progesterone. I'm planning on quizing my doc about that on thurs! Looking forward to hearing more about your wedding and ttc plans x

Climqo, long time no see/read(lol)! Hope you and lil bump are doing well, dont forget to keep in touch, let us know how things are going! I dont know if you've been over, but the ex mirena graduates thread is back up and running! I think we're all hoping to be over there soon!!

Just wondering, you girls that have had results from using grapefruit juice, how much did you drink a day??? Just wondering how much to buy!!

Lots of love ond hugs xx
OK! Got my results back!

On Saturday the level was 142. On Monday it was 567. The NP at my midwife's office told me this 'looks very good'. I forgot to do the math while I had her on the phone, but don't those numbers look high? And they tripled, not doubled, in 48 hours... I'm not sure if that's bad or not, and the only information I can find online are forum postings. I want science to tell me, dagnabbit!

I have another blood draw this evening, so when I call for my results tomorrow I'll ask her then. Assuming I don't find science to tell me to chill out and shut up in the mean time. :)

Phew. I am feeling relieved, a bit, at least. :)

Like BabyO said, there's a HUGE range for "normal" results. Mine used to be in my sig but my sig was getting too long so I deleted them. I had to go look them up but they were:

by ovulation - reading - by LMP
4w1d - 701 - 4w5d
4w4d - 3433 - 5w1d

All of the sites I could find back then listed these as REALLY high (they were well OVER the "normal" range) for singletons and low but almost within range for multiples. There's only one little bean according to my ultrasounds though! Maybe you've having twins? :haha:

BabyO - Stand tall on your soapbox - no one can tell you when to start trying again except for you and your DH! I hope it's not a long wait for your sticky bean.

Rainy - How come you didn't like Kaiser? I'm with Kaiser and LOVE it so far. We've had three ultrasounds already - all free - and have two more already scheduled before 20 weeks.

Panda - I'm so bummed you didn't at least get to hear the heartbeat!! That's so upsetting! We first heard it at 7 weeks by LMP on the ultrasound machine and around that same time with my at-home doppler. That's too bad O & R didn't jump at the chance for an ultrasound - I definitely would have! Our next scan is on 2/22 and was "optional". I figure if it's free, of course I'm going to take advantage of it! Heck, even if I had to pay for it I probably would, lol!

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Ginger- those are awesome numbers. That is so exciting!!! Yaaaay!
Babyo- eff those people telling you to wait! Ridiculous. And keep the venting coming, this is the place to do it.
Lucy- hi! I am so sorry to hear about your chemical, you must have been gutted. :(
Glad you are up and at 'em though! Yay for more BDing! My DH is more into it this cycle, since his potency was denied last month. Ahem. :)
Edens- I was annoyed with kaiser because they wouldn't see me! I was practically in the 2nd trimester by the time I got in. From there my dr mysteriously went on leave, though at each appt I was assured she would be back for the next, I never officially switched to another since I expected her back. I saw many many docs. I had a few other issues, but I don't want to hog the board. Overall I would say it was an okay experience and nothing terrible happened. I was 26 and if the same dr disappearance happened now I would speak up and switch to someone else in the office for consistency. I didn't feel I had a relationship with anyone there.

Speaking of doctors- I picked up my diflucan at lunch from the pharmacy. Woohoo! Taking the night off from BDing (no + opk yet anyway) to get things back to normal down yonder. I am also eating lots of yogurt and added an acidophilus supplement to my regimen.
Dreamers- thinking of you! Hope you manage to get your OH in bed! Here is some seduction dust?? I am not sure what kind of dust is appropriate :)
Lucy!!! I had no idea you had a chemical MC. Did I miss it on the thread?!? I'm so sorry! (At the same time I want to say..."Me too! Let's give the universe the middle finger together!") I think I had my own head so stuck on my own issues that it didn't even register with me that you were going through the same thing. :(

I drink grapefruit juice daily now anyway. It's so good. I have 20oz every day because that's how big my bottle is, but I think the going rate is a standard size glass. Are you going right back to TTC this month? It sounds like it from your talk of clomid. Is anybody telling you that you should wait to or am I the only lucky one to get that?
:blush: Hello ladies, sorry for rant yesterday - I was really upset, of which I made DH fully aware. Something about that + OPK that brings out a rabid monster in me that can only be satisfied by BD! No BD still (I knew there wouldnt be though) and OPK back to -ve, had some cramps overnight that could have been O. Temps up again this morning but probably not too accurate as woke up with a fright with my dog's wet nose touching my nose - he obviously didnt sleep well either! I know - A bit naughty having the dog in our room but he's so cute and fluffy and he loves it :haha: No BD at all this month, so I know Im out - which at least means I can relax rather than freak out for 2ww after poorly timed BD. I have a plan for getting DH in the sack next month which Im really hoping will work and also got preseed in mail today.

Perfect - welcome. I had my 1st mirena aged 23 and fainted 3x. It was the most awful medical procedure I have ever endured. That was by a family dr in the uk, and of course Ive never had a baby. The 2nd time I went to a lovely gynaecologist who after hearing my tale offered to replace it under a general anaesthetic! Didnt really have time for that and thought it was prob a bit over the top so just asked her to do it - it was certainly still painful but 100% better than before. If I was to use birth control I would use it again - but Im thinking I never want to ever use birth control again after all this TTC!

Operation Babyo- You are much further on than square 1. You know you and your OH are pretty darn fertile! Hopefully it will happen this month, but if not I know it will happen very soon. As for other peoples' advice, NPs are probably particularly bad at thinking they know everything? They certainly dont make good patients! I will give you the same (unqualified!) advice I gave to my sister when she asked me what to do after her miscarriage: Go for it, if your body's not ready yet (presumably because hormones are out of whack) it wont get pregnant yet. Some people feel they should wait but there is no evidence behind that whatsoever. So go for it! :happydance:

Ginger - thats great! Exactly what baby O said - huge range of "normal", twins a possibility but I dont think you can really predict that from a HCG - so dont get too excited (or scared?). When are you going to stop temping? Remember Garden of Edens had several temp dips that freaked her out big time!

Lucy - welcome. So sorry to hear your bad news :hugs: Good luck this cycle FX'd

Sorry to rabbit on! Just feel like chatting! Have a good day everyone
Dreamers- what does your OH say about his unwillingness to BD?
@dreamers - No need to feel bad about ranting here. I know for sure I'd be incredibly frustrated if I were in your position. I hope your plan for next cycle works... I'm so sorry is being difficult.

How old is your puppy? (they're all puppies, no matter their age ;) ) I'm a HUGE dog person, but my partner... is not. For years I told him one day I was gonna either have a puppy or a baby, and that was that (this was teasing, not serious, by the way). When we got our positive test, one of the first things he said was 'YES! NO PUPPY!'. :D

@babyO - I don't know how you're refraining from punching people, but I commend your restraint. It's really none of anyone's business but your own and your partners, what you decide to do with your body. Eff that. Eff that so hard. I'm sorry people are being insensitive jerks. I hope the situation resolves soon. :/ I also agree with what Dreamers said... and I liked how she phrased it. :)

@Lucy - Hugs. I am so sorry... I'm glad you seem to be doing alright now though, and I am glad to see you back as well. :) During my last cycle, and it was the first one with grapefruit juice (and my bfp cycle!), I drank 4 - 6 8oz glasses of grapefruit juice per day. But I LOVED it. I mean. LOVED it. I could not get enough. Haha, so I dunno how much may be beneficial.

@edens - How are you feeling lately? :)

@rainy - I hope your lady bits are feeling better! Stupid yeast... ugh. I'm glad you got meds for it though! Hopefully it'll all be cleared up and ready to go when you ovulate. :D


My midwife's office called me at 7:15 this morning to tell me she wasn't going to be in today. I'm rescheduled for Tuesday the 14th. It's funny, we have the orientation at the midwife's office in the evening on the 14th as well. They are seeing me before the orientation because of my age & other health things. But our Valentine's Day is going to be a Pregnancy Marathon, as my partner said this morning. Which is neat, I think. :)

I am currently trying not to freak out about every tiny little thing, or lack of things, I am feeling. It's silly. I know it. It's just today, really. I think not seeing my midwife, and hearing from her mouth that everything is ok, has just kind of weirded me out. I was expecting to have that reassurance today, if that makes any sense?

Neat happenstance - I was at a brand new thrift store that just opened the other day. I LOVE thrift stores. So so much. I was looking through books to cut apart and use for these art pieces I do (mixed media installations with sound and light and texture, and decoupage...), when an employee walks over to me and says 'I'm just putting out a HUGE rack of brand new maternity clothes with tags still on them, donated by a Motherhood store. If you know anyone who's pregnant, there is a LOT going out'. And she walked over to the rack of clothes. Now, there were lots of other people standing around, lots of other people between me and the rack she walked past twice. But she didn't talk to one of them. Just me. Then she put the clothing out on the rack.

I looked at my partner, and we both made a b-line over there. And *all* of the clothing was in xs (I am tiny, this is my size), and all of it was my style as well (sort of dancer bohemian in the city. my partner likes to tell me I dress like a high school art teacher in NYC).

It was the weirdest random happenstance I've encountered in awhile. But. Haha. I have a lot of awesome maternity clothing that I purchased for 1.00 per item, with the tags from the store still on them! :D

Also. I am exhausted. Other than that, I can't tell if I'm having symptoms or not? I got a pimple for the first time in years, then a couple more followed. I'm not sure if my boobs are still swollen. I am hungry all the time, but I mean it's winter and I need extra calories to stay warm anyway.

How is everyone else?
I'm still hanging in there. My HCG level was 7 yesterday so I have the joy of going back again to be jabbed on Monday. I don't get to stop being jabbed until they see a 0. I hate needles. Yuck.

In other news, AF seems to be slowing down some. This means it's almost time to start my POAS obsession again. Oh how I love my little sticks. CD14 will be on a weekend Yeeeeeeeeeesssssss! That should take some stress out of timing BD. Of course, I now have no idea what day I will ov. I mean, my body couldn't make this easy. Oh noooooooo, it's too hard to just be normal and easy!

In crappy news, I just realized AF will be due on my wedding weekend unless I get knocked up before then. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VERY cool about the awesome maternity clothes! What a crazy and beneficial coincidence! :) I haven't broken down to buy any maternity stuff yet, but I've considered it. I desperately need a larger bra for sure but I positively absolutely HATE bra shopping. And I bought a belly band from Amazon since it's getting more and more difficult to button my pants over my expanding belly. I was going to post a belly shot, but I forgot my work internet is too slow to upload. :(

Definitely don't keep temping for much longer. When my temp dropped at 21, 22, and 23DPO after the low progesterone readings I was positively devastate and thought for sure a mc was on the horizon. That's when I got home and OH had broken my thermometer into a million pieces. :haha: Obviously our LO was fine but it was still a VERY stressful/worrisome time!!

BabyO - I can't believe you have to keep going back! That just doesn't seem fair or very nice!! :( Good news ov should be over the weekend, that's definitely convenient. lol. Sorry about your wedding but you never know. I was due to have af over our wedding weekend and two months before I caught a cold and it delayed ovulation so much that cycle that I ended up oving on our wedding weekend instead!
ooooooooooooo guess what I just got!!! My giganto box of opks!!!

@ginger--Sometimes I think you're like my long lost twin or something. I heart thrift store shopping. How lucky that not only were there maternity clothes, but also...they were XS!! IDK what I'm going to do when I finally get to the point where I need maternity clothes. I dress very hippy/bohemian and frankly, I haven't seen any maternity clothes that come anywhere close to my style.
I love opks love. My line is getting ever so slightly darker and my CM is simultaneously getting more "fertile". I find this all extremely comforting. :)
Thus Babyo I understand why you are so excited to pee on them!
Ginger- I totally understand how disappointed you are by having your appointment rescheduled. It's kind of like you had totally planned to not worry anymore today or less at least :).
What a great score on the maternity clothes! I have found the majority of what I found to be attractive to be pretty expensive and difficult to justify for something that you're only going to wear for a few months.
Thank you for asking about my lady parts, they're already feeling much better! in addition to the medication that the doctor prescribed for me I also started taking acidophilus supplements and increased my intake of yogurt. I am very pleased to announce that my cervical mucus is looking good and is transitioning to become fertile as I mentioned above :). I am so happy!

I am very excited to BD tonight and tomorrow and however long I need to. Hehehe. I love when there is still work to be "done" and it could lead to a baby! Love babies. Sigh, sorry ladies, I guess I feel like dreamers- chatty.
good morning ladies:)
not happy today. came on for the first time since my coil was removed on 25th jan. So the two lines on my opks were obviously not right, one was always more faded, its i couldnt have read it properly. Very weird to have a period when ive not had one for over 6 years. Hoping i dont have many before i conceive.
I guess on the bright side, i can work out roughly when i'll ovulate now.
feeling very down for some bizarre reason i thought because i fell for my two children whilst on the pill, i'd literally fall pregnant instantly!
Perfect, I think it is really good news that you have started AF! Now you will be able to do some accurate charting :)
So I say congratulations!!!
Yep, me too perfect! It's a great starting place so you can really calculate where you are in your cycle! Now you can really start the OPKs and when you get a line that's as dark as or darker than the control line, get to :sex: asap! :haha:

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