The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

@Calasen--I'm guilty of telling myself that. "Well, at least I know I CAN conceive." But then I realize that conceiving is only the first part of the battle. I have to get little beany to stick in there for this to work. Does the bleeding with the MC not count as AF? I wasn't sure, but I decided to start using opks this coming Tuesday anyway.

@Rainy--Get it girl! If your line was darker today then who cares about the yeast. Besides, the diflucan should really have worked its magic by now.

@lucy--I'm didn't go back and read the entire thread before I joined it, so I was totally clueless that you have been going through this over and over. :cry: It makes me want to give you a gigantic hug and then set the universe on fire for you. I did decide after this time that I was going to keep any future + tests between me, OH, and his parents. My friends will have to wait a few weeks this next go around. It's been nice to have the support, but I know my friends will come through for me if I end up having to announce "Oh, hey, another MC. Hug me please." Just to let you know how much grapefruit juice I am actually drinking....200 oz a week. I'm probably going to turn into a grapefruit. I just LOVE this stuff. I'm down to drinking milk, bubbly water, grapefruit juice, and orange juice with Vit. D. That's it. (Ok, maybe I snuck in a Dr. Pepper or two over the last week and a beer, but no more of that! It's Baby O making time!)

@ginger--- ~~twiddling thumbs~~ Waiting for your update! Crossing every appendage I have that it's good news. Like: Oh, yeah, they couldn't find that sac? It's right there and so obvious. Clearly the other tech was a moron, kind of news.

afm...I didn't realize how excited and subsequently devastated OH was until yesterday. He went out to eat with a colleague of his and he told me he had a long talk with him about the early MC. He also told me he didn't want to tell anyone when we first found out, but then I've heard him call three or four of his closest friends to tell them that this time was a no go, so he had told people. I guess he just didn't want me to know he had told anyone. :nope: I used to have some fears that this wouldn't be as exciting for him as it is for me since it's my first baby and he's already done it before, but I don't think that's the case. I think he's so excited to finally have the opportunity to have a family with a woman he loves. Not to mention he actually gets to have a say in me getting pregnant. (Crazo "accidentally" got pregnant "while on birth control" on their last ditch effort to save the marriage right after he told her he never wanted to have children with her. I'll never believe it was an accident and neither does anyone in OH's family. As you can all see, he changed his mind about children and actually wants 3 more. I've said we'll take this one baby at a time.)

Sorry for the novel folks. I've ceased talking TTC with anyone in real life so you guys are going to get all my word vomit now! lololol
Ginger- I am feeling so anxious for your update. I Sooo had you in my thoughts last night! I pray all is going well...and im sending you millions of positive vibes!!!!!

Babyo- so sorry about your early mc. It is, however, so sweet how on board your OH is. It's good he has other people to support him, also. This just means when you get that sticky BFP its gonna mean just that much more!!! You're future bean is really lucky he/she is going to have you guys as parents :)

Rainy- get that egg!!! Woo hoo! Lol if it was me, I'd totally fake it and anything else I had to... Hopefully your medicine is kicking in and working its magic!!! I do agree with ginger tho... If its just too much, relax.... but if its just irritating enough u can get to the other big o...fake it til ya make it. lol good luck!!! Hope it all clears up soon! I can imagine that would be annoying!

Calasen- I've missed ya and wondered a lot about how u were holding up!!

Lucy-- really really reaaallllyyyyy rooting for you!! You deserve your precious sticky bean.

Afm, just waiting on af to leave so I can start my opks and go back to BD'ing every other day!!!
I'm so happy to know I'm not the only girl in the world pulling out all the stops to maintain interest in BDing from OH.
Well I had a long day. First. It's snowing. A lot. We got a few inches overnight, and then 6 more today. And it's still going strong. But I did not let the weather keep me from my appointments.

My betas look 'really good', according to my Midwife. They were actually 2300 on Thursday evening (I misremembered, but I wrote it down today!), and 3985 this morning. They increased 70% in 36 hours, so we're right on track to double in 48 hours.

The ultrasound... puh.

So on Thursday, the tech saw 'something' that she called a 'cystic mass' in the endometrial lining. It was 3mm. She was not comfortable calling it a gestational sac, she said. She did NOT see anything anywhere else.

Today, the tech saw the same thing, but it was 4.5mm. This tech was 'not comfortable' calling it a gestational sac either. She said she was not 'super convinced' that it was, and also called it a cystic mass. She also did not find anything in my tubes, ovaries, cervix, anywhere to indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

But I mean, when we got home we looked up very early ultrasound images, and also Eden's picture she posted... and it looked JUST like that. And it grew. And it's in the right place. I honestly don't understand why they aren't calling it a gestational sac.

What I was told is that it's not big enough, it 'should' be larger than it is. But again, the internet disagrees. I have read in abstract after abstract, and article after article, that it's normal at 19 days past ovulation for the little Snapdragon to be 3-4mm. AND! That it's also totally normal for them not to be able to see *any*thing at *all* until the end of the 5th week. I'm 4w5d today.

They said that it could be ectopic still, and they're just not finding it yet outside of the uterus. They said it could be a failing pregnancy in which the beats are still rising for whatever reason. Or a pregnancy that already failed (without bleeding or pain and in which the betas are rising very well).

They are concerned because my betas are indicative of six weeks gestation, and so my my LMP. NO ONE is at ALL interested in hearing about when I ovulated, even though I am UTTERLY CERTAIN of when that happened. They're all just like, we should be able to find something at this point. (and I'm like... what about that 4.5mm little guy you found in my uterus right where he should be? hmm?)

So, I'm going back in on Tuesday morning for more betas and yet another ultrasound. Another. Freaking. Transvaginal. Ultrasound. Gah!

If they don't see a yolk sac at that point, they said it's time to talk about curettage. Which. I mean. Excuse my language. But. Fuck that. Not unless they see something to actually be CONCERNED about, like fetal development somewhere other than my uterus. I am not going to let them go exploring just to see that yeah, that 4.5mm gestational sac? That's what that was alright!

I'm honestly thinking about getting a second opinion at this point as well. I dunno. I feel like they are overacting. I wish they would take into account when I ovulated, as opposed to my LMP and betas. Or at least stop scaring the crap out of me with phrases like 'failing pregnancy' when as far as I can tell there is NO indication of that at ALL.

Anyway. Thanks for listening guys. I hope you're all enjoying your weekends. Hopefully on Tuesday they see this little guy in there and finally accept that the 'cystic mass' they keep seeing is in face our little Snapdragon.
Ginger- I'm so sorry you had a bad experience... Or well, a not pleasant experience anyway. I feel like if it was me, I would get a second opinion. At this point it can't hurt, especially if you can get more answers or more peace of mind. I imagine they are just taking precaution, but its frustrating and scary on the other end!! Tuesday can't here fast enough! I know they will see the sac and all will be well. I'm confident in that. I wish I could make these next few days go by faster for you!! Id bet anything you're right and that's the sac they are seeing. If they see nothing anywhere else... and it grew... Doesn't that seem like common sense?! I'm no doctor but it seems obvious!!! Thinking of you big time!!
Babyo I think telling friends and family is a good idea, they will always be there for you if need be. I just felt like such a failure, and telling everyone after I just felt like I'd let everyone down. But you are right, I just need to be brave! I'm drinking a pint of grapefruit juice in the morning and one before bed, and I think I am getting more cm to be honest. No ewcm yet, but Im hopeful!
Thats absolutely gorgeous that your dear OH was so touched about you being pg, and that he'd thought it best not to add pressure to you by telling people. Bless him, you sound like you've got a keeper there. I guess he knows how special having a baby is, and so much wants you to feel all of that too, and clearly wants to share it with you xx so lovely xx
This is the only place I vent too babyo, don't know what I'd do without you all!!

Calasen how long is it until your wedding now??

Ginger I'm so sorry you're going through this, when you should be so happy x I agree that you should be hunting a second opinion. Perhaps if you don't get the result you want on Tuesday, take it further. Nothing I can say will make you feel better sadly, but I am thinking of you, and sending a comforting hug xx Go by your gut instinct hun, if you feel things are ok, then trust that until you're told different. Lots of love xx
Ginger - you poor thing. The uncertainty - its still so early. Im a bit worried another ultrasound in just 3 days may still not give you a definitive answer. I would take your OH along to the appointment on Tuesday and get them to explain to you what they are SO concerned about (is it the appearance - cystic mass? and what might this mean?). And then a 2nd opinion would seem reasonable - you need to make sure your doing the right thing. Give up of the date of ovulation thing - they will always use the 1st day of LMP and not take it into account as there is no way to confirm your right. But in your own mind it will offer some reassurance hopefully. Fingers and toes are crossed for you x
Babyo- I am always surprised and amazed when I get a peak at DH's deep emotions. So awesome that it's clear that he is so into having a baby with you. I remember something you posted awhile ago about your thoughts regarding you being more excited than him since this is his second child. Clearly he is so excited. Sad that he is sad though.
Hi Taurus- hope AF ends soon! Like now!
Lucy- yay for cervical mucus! Come on egg white cervical mucus! I am hoping for more as well. I don't feel like I have ovulated yet and had only brief ewcm.
Ginger- I think dreamers has a great point, what the hell exactly are they worried about? Thinking of you constantly. I am not sure what to say, other than I am here for you and channeling my support and healthy pregnancy/evident gestational sac vibes your way. Xoxo
Ginger---What the heck is WRONG with these people. Well, actually I know what's likely wrong. OB is a terrible place to be in healthcare right now. They get sued left and right so they practice according to litigation rather than what's really going on. It's sad but true. I'll spare the board the rest of my rant about that! lol All my body parts are crossed for you!!

Has anybody here ever tried the SMEP thingie? I found it on this board and googled it. We are going to try it this month and see what happens. Day 8 is today and so we should start every other day today although it's been every day since AF went away. I've got my stash of corsets, stockings, and lacy fun stuff all ready to go this month! I've also decided I'm not buying anymore HPTs. I got some internet cheapies and that's what I'm sticking with!
How is everyone today??

Hugs ginger xx

Our bd marathon has begun!! Bless him he's started so enthusiastically:) an I know by say Tuesday it'll be significantly less energetic hehe!! I don't care personally whether it's an oscar winning performance or a 5minute jiggle so long as it all gets all in there!!!
Babyo I've tried that method twice, sadly no success, however I've met lots of girls on b&b that have had bfp's with it, so definitely worth a try. Good luck with it! What opks do you use??

Even though we're going to bd every day, I think I'm going to try some opks again this month. I've never ever had a positive with them so I gave up, even though I know I ov. Trying again out of curiosity I guess, and because I found a stash of IC's in a drawer and I fancy p'ing oas!!
I don't think OH could sustain BDing every single day! (He likes to think he could but last month, by the end of our 5 day stretch he had clearly run out of steam. lol)

I use the Target brand opks, but this month I ordered a gigantic shipment from amazon. I'm going to use the target ones again this month since I had another box and then switch to the internet cheapies next month. I'm kind of doubtful this will work the first month after a chemical but I'm going to give it my best shot.
Well apparently your body is more prepared for pregnancy after mc, so fingers crossed for us! I wasn't sure if my batch of IC's were nuffed as they never gave a positive. More likely to be me peeing on them at the wrong time though, or drinking too much before hand.
I use my opk in the morning (it's what the target instructions say to do). My line gets gradually darker and then as soon as I get a + I start using them morning and night. I don't know what yours say to do, but I pee in a cup and then dip the stick in the cup rather than attempt to actually pee on the stick.

I've heard the same thing about the body being more ready for pregnancy after a MC. I don't want to be overly nosy, and please don't feel like you have to answer this, but how frequently are you able to get a + HPT?
I use my opk in the morning (it's what the target instructions say to do). My line gets gradually darker and then as soon as I get a + I start using them morning and night. I don't know what yours say to do, but I pee in a cup and then dip the stick in the cup rather than attempt to actually pee on the stick.

I've heard the same thing about the body being more ready for pregnancy after a MC. I don't want to be overly nosy, and please don't feel like you have to answer this, but how frequently are you able to get a + HPT?
I got no instructions with mine so I went on what others advised. I think I will do it in the morning too though. Can't do any harm!! Ask me anything hun, I love being able to talk so freely on here, can't do it anywhere else. It's been a year now since my big mc, and I've had bfp's in 5 cycles, and believe it or not there's no correlation between them and anything I did ttc'ing. Not meds or frequency/timing of bd'ing. It really feels like a lottery.
So let me wrap my head around this. You've gotten pregnant 5 times and none of them have worked on earth do you keep from punching a wall!?! Or setting things on fire. Or flat out having an all out temper tantrum type meltdown??!!!!?????????

I've only gone through it once, but the next time it happens I plan to camp out on my MW's head until she fixes it!

For some strange reason I STILL feel like my progesterone is low and it's going to cause problems. IDK why I think that, but I do.

That's what I get for not reading the entire thread. I'm going to sit around and strategize for you or something.
lol thank you, I'll take any input I can get!
I think when you start this ttc journey, you're so excited and full of hope, and then sometimes sadly the reality sets in, and you take off your rose tinted specs. My eternal optimism I'm afraid has been tainted. Don't get me wrong, I am the evil monkey when af turns up, evil, temper tantruming, come near me and I'll bite your man bits off, cow! But in my gut, I kinda already know its not going to stick, so part of me has already accepted it.
I've been having fertility tests and procedures since November, OH is fine, its my bits that are not playing ball! Everything seems to be working, just won't implant for some reason. I've been told that I can try steroids next to help with that if the progesterone doesn't help, so thats good!
Why do you think your progesterone levels are low hun??
My first luteal phase was 11 days. Well, I started spotting on day 11. This last time I started spotting on DPO8, then kept on spotting for 5 days. I just have this nagging feeling that I'm going to have luteal phase issues. I have no idea why I really think that, but I do.

The fact that you are still TTC means that your optimism far outweighs mine, and I'm the most optimistic person I know. I'm in this for the long haul, although, I can definitely see that if it's not working in another 4 or 5 months, I'm going to be very sad.

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