The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

@perfect--our cycles will be pretty close this month! I am CD5 today so we'll have some overlap in our TWW! Woo hoo! I won't be alone!
Ladies- my opk is lighter this am than it was last night. Is this normal? I guess it makes sense last month I didn't ovulate until Cd16, and actually I wonder if it could've been 17 since my thermometer was so crazy last cycle.
So hard to just trust this process and let body do what it wants to do. Since I can't stop it anyway! Will BD tonight despite - opk and semi hostile cervical mucus.
Out of curiosity, is an 11 day luteal phase sufficient?
Rainy, it may be how much LH is in your urine. It will depend on how much you have had to drink etc. At least, mine worked that way. I had one negative LH in the middle of my 4 day + opk run last month, but I had lots of water to drink before I took it.

Tonight starts every other day BDing for us!! woo hoo! (except OH is already passed out haha)
BabyO- it is very hard for me to limit my fluid intake. I am making a VERY serious effort this evening, though. For the sake of my darn OPKs. I have had almost no water for the past 3 hours. In 8 minutes I will take the test and then start drinking water again. Gotta hydrate so my cervix has plenty to work with to aid my spermy friends. My DH is super excited about BDing tonight. Yay!
And yay to you, BabyO, time to get it on again! Did you manage to awaken your OH?

Speaking of exercise, I haven't even been trying to get in any "cardio" this month, because usually I end up going for 1 run the entire week (if that) and then I just feel like a failure. Instead I've focused on walking everyday. I have gone for a walk 11 days out of 13 so far this cycle. The 2 that I missed were just way too rainy. I am trying to improve the circulation to my pelvic region, apparently sitting all day long in an office is none too good for the uterus.

Hubby just went to sleep (it's 8:30! what the heck?) and says I will have to awake him for our "practice".

Taurus, Calasen are you ladies out there?

Lucy- you hangin in there?

Dreamers- did you ever get DH into bed?
Yes rainy, I'm here... Lurking. Lol last months af was very difficult for me and I stayed away from the internet until about 6dpo. Af got me very unexpectedly 3 days early this time. Never in my life have i had a 29 day cycle! Amazing! Lol. I'm sad... But trucking on to cycle #6.
Congrats ginger on your bfp! :) how are you feeling?
I'm so sorry Lucy about what happened...! I have you in my thoughts!!!!
Rainy- how are the opks going? I bought some and this will be my first cycle actually using them! Are you doing once or twice a day?
Babyo- bow chicka wow wow! Lol I'm already over af and ready to get back to every other day myself!! Your wedding is getting close!!! Exciting!!!
Thanks ladies. I know you're right, it does mean my body is back to normal. I'm just being irrational. And that's before Im pregnant!!
@baby O, at least we can be impatient together. Be cool to fall at the same time, then I'd have someone to compare notes with:) fingers and toes crossed! Not legs crossed tho or I'll never get pregnant;-)
Taurus- good to hear from you. It is nice for me to know you're lurking. Hope, other than not being pregnant, that you are doing ok. I like the OPKs they are easy to use and give me something to do. It is nice to see a faint line! Haha. Even though I know it is not a positive I like that I know there is some LH in my system and it is gradually getting darker. Just not dark enough yet :)
I dreamt that AF showed this AM 14 days early! I was crushed.

Perfect- I think most of us are irrational when AF shows. For many reasons!

BD last night irritated my increasingly less yeasty lady parts. I really thought I was feeling better! DH says we need to take a break for a couple days. He thinks it is not natural for us to do it if my body isn't enjoying it. I would usually agree with him! But! Ack we are so close to ov. I will break for one day-today. Of course a positive OPK could change that! Hehe. If I ov on the same day as last cycle I have until Sunday, I would want to BD sat/sun/mon. Right?
It would be great if you could BD tonight also with ov coming up on Sunday. I believe the sperm window is something like 72 hours. Curse that yeast!! (I'm shaking my fists at the sky for you!)

afm...I didn't wake OH up. He was so zonked out. I kind of tried this morning, but his mind was already on work so that was a no go. Tonight! I shall conquer! Muahahahahaha

Taurus--I think you will love opks! I know I do.Although, I forgot to dig them out this morning. I'll probably start sometime next week.
Babyo- in your medical opinion, do sexy time and semen make it harder to overcome a yeast infection? Hubby states it is irritating my parts and (TMI TMI!) there is no way the other big "O" is attainable for me and that is upsetting him. TMI! He is apparently using his "best moves" and is disappointed by my lack of enthusiasm. I am considering faking enthusiasm as needed to power us through this. If ginger can BD millions of times through a UTI then I shall do the same. Curse this yeast indeed!
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting for the last few days... I have been reading! I've just been reading on my phone, whilst running all over creation being busy as a bee. :)

@Taurus! OMG! It's so good to 'hear' from you! I'd been wondering about you. :) I looooved OPKs as well. I used them once per day from the last day of af until about the middle of my cycle, then twice to three times per day until I got a positive, then kept that up until I got a negative. (I bought the cheap ones from Amazon) I hope you like them too!

@rainy - Honey, just to let it be known? I did whatever the hell I had to do to get my partner as interested in sex as he could be, so that we could keep it up every single freaking day last month. :) I sure as heck did feign enthusiasm I didn't entirely feel, many times. For me, that led to him being more excited, which led to me being more excited... even when I was in pain and miserable with a UTI. *****TMI TMI TMI*** I totally pulled out all the stops though. Dirty talk, outfits... other... things... ;)

But!! But but but!! If you really are in pain and physically miserable, take a break woman! Don't kill yourself BDing if your body doesn't feel up to it. If it's not making you miserable, or making your symptoms worse... sure man totally go for it. But if it is, maybe just wait 24 hours? Haha, just cause I'm looney and had lots of sex while miserable with a UTI doesn't mean you should too! (don't jump off the bridge just cause I did! noooooo! :D )

@babyO - I have often though the same thing about us being separated at birth or some crap. Hehe. :p
Ok guys. I am trying not to freak out. My Midwife is not making that easy for me. o_O

Yesterday we did another beta. My number was 2,500. So it was 560(something) on 2/6. I was 2,500(something) on 2/9. So she sent me in for an early transvaginal ultrasound.

They couldn't find a gestational sac anywhere - not in my uterus or tubes or anything. So now my Midwife is, to directly quote her 'fairly concerned' because she says that when hCG hits 1500, we *should* be able to see a gestational sac.

So now, I am going in for more blood work tomorrow (on a Saturday!) at 8:30am, then I am going to drive over an hour in order to get to the only appointment at the only center in their entire system for another transvaginal ultrasound.

Then on Tuesday at 7:30am, I have *another* transvaginal ultrasound, but luckily this time it's in the same building with my Midwife. Then directly after, I have an appointment with the Midwife to 'discuss what to do next'.

I do not at all like her wording at all. What to do next?! You mean... like continue to gestate a baby? Like that next thing? And not any other thing? O_O

So yeah. I'm concerned as all get out. And I hope hope hope hope hope this little Snapdragon (which is what we're calling them) is visible tomorrow. I have been mentally sending them these 'grow, grow, grow!' thoughts since yesterday. Hopefully this doesn't sound utterly daft to you guys.

Also. My pregnancy symptoms? Seem to have... disappeared... which also has me concerned. Especially since my hCG is so high! Should't my boobs still be sore? I am still exhausted, but that would be normal under a lot of stress for me.

Also. I stopped temping! I totally took your advise. You guys are right (thanks for poking me about it Edens!), no need to do it, and if I got a dropped temp or two it would freak me right out. When there may be nothing at all going on. So no more temping! :)

Now... to get through the next few days... o_O
@Rainy--my medical knowledge is fairly limited to crazy people (I'm a psych NP) and old men who smoke an drink who have head and neck cancer. :p That said, I would imagine having sex + products of BDing could probably irritate you since it throws the pH balance off down there. Also, women typically get microtears during sex, and let me tell you, one of my BFF's got yeast in the microtears and O M G. She had to go through 6 months of intensive treatment and couldn't have sex for almost a year.

Didn't you take diflucan though? Symptoms should clear up in about 24 hours with that.
@ginger---Ah! No no no! You are only supposed to have good and happy news! "Should" isn't the same thing as "always" so I will be thinking positive thoughts and sending positive vibes your way until you are able to get some answers.
@ginger---Ah! No no no! You are only supposed to have good and happy news! "Should" isn't the same thing as "always" so I will be thinking positive thoughts and sending positive vibes your way until you are able to get some answers.

Internet research tells me that a transvaginal ultrasound should be able to detect a gestational sac at about cycle day 34.8 plus or minus 2.2 days, and when hCG is 1400 plus or minus 155. (I read abstracts for fun... I am that person...)

But the thing is. I ovulated on cycle day 21. I am absolutely certain of this. There is no doubt whatsoever. So while my hCG is high and indicative of when they'd be able to see a gestational sac... I am a full 7 days *earlier* than they expect me to be based on my cycle day. Yesterday was cycle day 37, true. But that meant that I was only 17 days past ovulation, not 24 days past ovulation.

I am hoping that since I am so early right now, those 7 days mean a Whole Awful Lot with regards to fetal development.

Regardless. Thank you. I will try my hardest to report back in with good happy wonderful news tomorrow. :)

For now though, my betas look phenomenal, my Midwife says! That's reassuring!
Of course you are sent immediately to the front of my positive thoughts queue!
So, first off I understand the worrying. I am a professional worrier (probably all of us here would be very worried.) But, the truth that I would tell my most cherished friend (speaking from my heart and not my panic stricken reptilian brain) is the following:
There is no way that if you ovulated 7 days later than the average woman that your gestational sac should be visible at the same time as the average woman (even give or take 2.2 days). How could your little snapdragon have possibly been delevoping if the egg hadn't even been released yet! It couldn't! And, if we follow this train of thought, wouldn't it- in fact- be highly unusual, at this many DPO to see it?
I think your chances that everything is totally fine are as high as they ever were. Please keep us posted when you know anything at all.
Also, for what its worth, I read abstracts like that as well. I came across something similar when I was obsessing about hormones and how they all interact during our cycles (conception or not). I also found some videos on youtube that someone recorded of a professor lecturing on the female reproductive system. SOOOO cool.

BabyO- I did take diflucan and I am feeling mostly better. I was feeling GREAT last night until we did the deed. Today I'm feeling pretty good, also. Maybe DH is overreacting?

Taurus-I forgot to mention I am using OPKs twice a day. Once around 10:30 AM and once around 9:30 PM. Seems like my PM tests are usually darker. I think it's best to do it twice so you don't miss your surge, which I think happens to a lot of women.
OPK update- line is much darker today than yesterday. Almost as dark as test line.
CM update, EWCM. Yes. Abundant AND stretchy. No itchiness so far today. None.

No break tonight gals, I will be DOIN it.
@ginger---Ah! No no no! You are only supposed to have good and happy news! "Should" isn't the same thing as "always" so I will be thinking positive thoughts and sending positive vibes your way until you are able to get some answers.

Internet research tells me that a transvaginal ultrasound should be able to detect a gestational sac at about cycle day 34.8 plus or minus 2.2 days, and when hCG is 1400 plus or minus 155. (I read abstracts for fun... I am that person...)

But the thing is. I ovulated on cycle day 21. I am absolutely certain of this. There is no doubt whatsoever. So while my hCG is high and indicative of when they'd be able to see a gestational sac... I am a full 7 days *earlier* than they expect me to be based on my cycle day. Yesterday was cycle day 37, true. But that meant that I was only 17 days past ovulation, not 24 days past ovulation.

I am hoping that since I am so early right now, those 7 days mean a Whole Awful Lot with regards to fetal development.

Regardless. Thank you. I will try my hardest to report back in with good happy wonderful news tomorrow. :)

For now though, my betas look phenomenal, my Midwife says! That's reassuring!

oy vey hun, I'm thinking of you! So it's been a super long day and my math could be completely out the window but your abstracts...sac visible at 34 days means 20 days past ovulation give or take two days, yes? And you would have only been 17 dpo?

My first ultrasound was at 18dpo and it was a super teeny tiny sac - I don't remember how long it took them to find it but it was tiny...

I don't know if that's reassuring to you or not though...I hope so. Our internet is down at home so I won't be on but will you keep me posted by text if I PM you my cell #? I'll try to get to the library to login too. Sending lots of good thoughts your way!!
Ginger - Im sure its just too early, try not to worry (!) your only 5+3 weeks (?) -its still pretty early to see, and I'm hoping in a few more days the sac will be obvious and all this worry will be for nothing. Good luck with the next scan, my thoughts are with you today
Hey girls, its finally half term! I get time to do me things!! Hope you’re all ok, just going to read back through.
Babyo, how are you doing now? I didn’t tell anyone I was pregnant this time, I’ve had so many early positives now, I almost don’t get excited as I know it won’t stick. When I lost my baby at 15wks last year though, people practically all the time were asking when we were going to try again? You should be able to catch quite soon if you get trying straight away! I was so devastated, wanted to scream at them for being so insensitive! The worst was that literally everyone knew I was pg, I’m a primary school teacher so that equates to hundreds of kids, and their parents etc. I had random ppl coming up to me for months after asking how my little bump was coming along? When was I due? Awfull, just awfull. So if I do manage to catch a little bean, and it decides to stay put, I’m telling no-one until I can’t hide it anymore!! Just in case! I hope you’re dealing with it ok, and are back on the ttc bandwagon! Good luck! Oh and I’ve decided to drink as much grapefruit as I can possibly fit in!! I’m an all or nothing kinda gal!!

Yay for you rainy! Hope you got your bd’ing in and that teenie egg is bursting out enthusiastically to meet those little swimmers!!

Ginger that’s so scary for you x try not to get yourself too worried (easy to say I know), it won’t do you or your little bean any good. It may just have been that the scanning equipment was not as good as it could be and so couldn’t pick up a tiny little sack, or that the person scanning was not up to scratch? And the discrepancy of your ov date is significant. Plus you have booming betas. Be thinking of you today hun, fingers crossed they’ll find that bean nestled deep in there x

I’m cd7 today, last day of clomid and cannot wait to start bd’ing tonight! We’re going for everyday this cycle, and I’m hoping my fertility doc gives me something different to help implantation!
It’s crazy how diverse emotions are during a cycle, you can go from excited hope and enthusiasm, to obsessive worrying and doubt, to almost manic impatience, and then your sat in a pit of depression and self loathing when af shows up, and straight back to excitedly planning what you’re going to do differently next cycle! Making babies should come with a mental health warning!!

Love to everyone x
I totally agree Lucy, I still haven't had a period since the miscarriage, but still people are asking when we are gonna start trying again and most peoples reply to the miscarriage itself was "at least you know you can catch" ... I almost ripped their heads off everytime as it didnt help!!!

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