The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Well those symptoms certainly do sound like mine! I have a textbook normal 29day cycle, but spot from 9/10dpo every month!! Infuriating!! I had bloods done to check, on cd21, but my prog levels were really high, they seem to drop off suddenly after that, hence the spotting. Have you had any tests done??
I asked to have test done last month, but then I ended up pregnant, so I was unable to do the testing. If the same thing happens again this month with the early spotting I will ask them to check my progesterone on CD21 on the next cycle. Since I have this CIN II sitting on my cervix I can kind of push to have things done a little sooner than they normally would because waiting increases my chances of having cervically destructive procedures (yes, I made that phrase up!)
Just checking in. On my phone so I can't be real thorough with replies.

Ginger... Your ob office sounds like a bunch of dips. Ridiculous. Hearing stories like that make me much more understanding of offices that don't do anything until 10 wks+. Wth are they thinking, going around worrying hormonal pregnant women???? Everything crossed for you, but I'm sure your little snapdragon is just fine.

Rainy- how did it go? Feeling better now I hope? Do you think you ov'd? Good luck on your 2WW!!
Hi ladies- Lucy I was aware of your miscarriage but I didn't realize how many chemical pregnancies you've had. I can't imagine :(
Speaking of evil monkeys (isn't that what you said, LOL), I am so hormonal and bitchy around AF time I am sure I would be a holy terror while also facing a chemical pregnancy. Big hugs to you for keeping on the way you do.
Babyo- this is perhaps weird but I have wondered about your progesterone levels, as well. I think you should definitely get the day 21 (is that right?) test done.
Ginger- thinking of you and your sweet bean. Hope you are fairing as well as can be expected while you wait for time to hurry up and pass.
Panda/AFM- I am confused, I have had a hard time with the OPKs, I never got a positive. My temp has been rising, though so I think my chart will likely put ovulation day at Friday. I get emotional around ovulation time and this cycle is no exception. I am sad and worried we didn't catch the egg. We skipped Friday, I was burning and with no acceptable lube in my possession I couldn't do it :(
At least we did on Thursday though. Saturday also. And this AM I finally felt normal.
I will keep using opks until I see that I have ovulated on my chart. Even though my test lines are getting lighter.
It is amazing how crazy slow time passes when you are TTC.
Next month no yeast, please body!
good morning ladies!
Ginger, been thinking of you, and fingers crossed for baby snapdragon.

Lucym i cannot imagine how youve coped. But im inspired by your story totally

Been a busy weekend, my ex husband playing games, messing with our daughteres head... not happy.
then my daughter had a regional majorette competition all day yesterday.
so even if i hadnt been on, we still wouldve been too tired/stressed to bd.
but all finished now. when should i start with the opd? a few dayss time?
I just wanted to say good morning to everyone! I'm reading, I just haven't had a chance to get online, other than on my phone, much lately. My shower stopped working, and the several plumbers I've had out to look at it all tell me it'll be a 900-1500.00 fix. So... we're trying to figure out how to do at least some of it ourselves. And now there is a pipe leaking in the basement.

Haha, all I can say is, this little Snapdragon is a Water Dragon in the Chinese zodiac. Or, they will be when they're born. With all these watery things suddenly happening at the house, I hope it doesn't flood as things progress! (I'm kidding. I'm a hardcore skeptic. But it's still silly and fun to tease about)

Thank for all of your encouragement and sympathy and support guys. It means a lot to me.

Rainy - If you oved on Friday and BDed on Thursday, there is a good chance for you this month! My fingers are crossed so hard for you. :)

Panda - It's good to hear from you!

Lucy... I wish I had words for you. I've been thinking about you for the last few days. I hope whatever is going on can be sorted out soon. Hug hug hug.

babyO - OMG your wedding is almost here! Are you all ready? Are you so excited you're about to 'splode?

How is everyone today? How were your weekends?

I don't know how I am going to keep myself engaged in things enough to stave off being looney until tomorrow morning. My mind is racing with all of the things that could possibly be wrong. I'm kinda terrified they won't find a yolk sac, and then they'll declare a blighted ovum... even though it would still be early at 5w1d to see a yolk sac, and normal if they didn't see one. Gah. At this point, I reallyreally wish they'd not done an ultrasound so early to begin with.

In other news Juneau (my pretty little conure) seems to be adjusting, finally. Thank goodness. We were all considering walking around in noise dampening headphones as a matter of course there for a little while. ;)
Aw what was wrong with Juneau?

Haha, we just moved into our new house a couple of weeks ago. He was just adjusting to his new environment. The kids are now in the same room with him for most of the day, which he's never experienced before. (he used to be in our office, but the office is going to become a nursery... so we're trying to get used to the change before it happens :) )
@perfect--I'm starting on CD10 this cycle (tomorrow). When I wasn't sure what was going to happen I bought a pack of 20 and started the first day after AF then started testing twice a day on CD14.

Oh yes ginger! I can't believe I'm about to get married! I thought this day would never come. I got divorced from Captain A$$hole 6 years (almost to the day) of my wedding and I swore that unless the most insanely awesome dude in the history of the universe landed in my path I was NEVER getting married again. Then Mr. Awesome turned up on my doorstep. He actually works like two buildings down from me, so I think fate was trying to stick us together. I have all kinds of stuff I need to do, but I'm so indecisive that I haven't done any of it!

Funny Baby Making Story:
So today my almost hubby is waiting for me to finish getting ready. (Yeah, he spends a lot of time waiting on me.) So he starts to text me from the living room (which is his favorite pastime in the morning.) He knows we are doing SMEP this month because I explained how it worked and everything. His text message reads: It's a balliday!!! I asked him what on earth a "balliday" was. He told me like a holiday, but a balliday meant his balls got the day off. Then I hear him cracking up in the living room. I mean heehawing at himself. I'm glad he's amused. hahahaha

AFM: I had another beta done this morning. I hope it's zero because my arms are black and blue from all the blood draws.
Babyo- Omg your story just made me laugh so hard!!!! Love it.

Nothing new here. This is my first day sans af!! Woo hoo!! So ready to get back to business!! Going to start my opks tomorrow morning. I may need all of you to help me decide a positive or not until I get the hang of it!

The weekend was wonderful for me! We celebrated vday and went to my all time fave restaurant, just spent lots of extra quality family time together. DH kept telling me how he is excited about using opks and made me explain what exactly they are going to do. Lol so cute. We finalized our vacation plans for June, too... So I feel pampered, productive, and just all around relaxed! What's everyone else's vday plans?
Babyo whats a CIN II if you don’t mind me asking?? Am I being thick?! Would be a good idea to get your prog levels checked, so if they are low, and you do catch a bean, you know you need a supplement to make sure the bean stays put.
Totally love that your OH is so into your plans and having fun with it, makes life so less stressful, bless him!!

Rainy you’re definitely in with a good chance, you got bd’ing in at a really good time! I’ve never had any luck with opk’s, always go by my temps. So if yours has risen I’d be fairly sure you’d ov’d! Fingers crossed for you. Have to find lots to do to keep you busy so the evil 2ww flies by! Wishful thinking though I know!

Ginger life is never dull is it!! Curse your water problems!! Something to keep your mind occupied though while you wait for tomorrow! Sending you lots of positive mental thoughts, and got all my fingers and toes crossed that lil snapdragon is ok in there. Be thinking of you xx

Afm, well this blonde wally totally forgot to poas this morning, NOT impressed!! I’ve currently got my legs crossed, saving my pee till it’s super strong, then see what an opk says. So grrrr!!
Can I ask a personal one ladies...... Just wondering if any of you found bd’ing uncomfortable in the ‘fertile window’? Because I really do! Like OUCH!! My cervix if sooo sore to touch, and we really have to be careful when we’re playing. It always goes straight after I’ve ov’d. Just finding it a bit of a pain!!

Thank you for the kind words ladies xx I’m ok though  waiting patiently, not much more we can all do really!
I’m not sure I’m going to be able to find any ewcm this cycle to put in FF, I’m using preseed everytime we bd, and (tmi) with all the little swimmers, I’m permanently ‘moist’!!!!!!!!!(sorry!!) Not complaining though, all in a good cause!
Lots of love
Ginger- so sorry about your plumbing problems. That is the WORST. ACK! I will never forget the day I was minding my own business, nursing a hangover (I was 21), and the ceiling above mine opened and dropped the neighbor's used shower water all overy my head. It was crazy, and now in retrospect, it is hilarious.
I hear what you're saying about not having had the u/s at all. Seems not helpful at all, so early, if you think about it. I'm on pins and needles about what the next will reveal.
Opeartion- you and your FH crack me up. Keep those stories coming! What a funny guy, and I love that he texts you from the other room. I text my DH when he is upstairs! Hehe. I meant to tell you that we were planning to follow the SMEP this cycle before my life was overcome with yeast.
Taurus- I am so glad to see you around regularly!
What kind of food did you have at the restaurant?
Lucy- hope you get a clear result on your OPK today. I have heard that some women get more buildup of LH in their system later in the day anyway, even that one woman got best results in the late evening. Sorry about your cervix, I get some irritation, but I haven't quite figured out when it is happening in relation to ovulating, since I am not really sure when I've ovulated. I think I was sensitve a couple days after, and am not feeling better. But, I don't know!
AFM- Temp was LOWER this AM. WTF? :( I was really hoping it would clarify whether or not I've ovulated.
It could be a fallback thermal shift. We'll see if it goes back up tomorrow. I am definitely experiencing all of the same "symptoms" I had last month, which I learned was just my body's reaction to the regular amount of hormones I produce when NOT PREGNANT. So it SEEMS like I have ovulated. I am dry like the Sahara.
Also Lucy, I was cracking up about how you are permanently moist. I love this board!
@lucy - OMG YES! My cervix is always always always always super sensitive when ovulating. It was frequently painful to BD during that time. Haha, I could have spoken up and said something to my partner... but me being my, I didn't want to make him feel as if he was doing something wrong, so I never did. Yep. I'm an idiot. O_O

Also, I don't remember who said it, but someone was saying she didn't get a positive OPK this cycle at all? I just wanted to share that none of my OPK results were really as dark as the control lines... but I learned to count them as positive when they were pretty close to as dark as the control lines. Ovulation was confirmed with a temp shift each time, so I was right. I'm guessing my urine was just never concentrated enough for a true positive. *shrug*

@babyO - My partner likes to IM me from upstairs. He has a habit of losing his phone, or at least leaving it laying about in places that phones just do not belong, so he does not tend to text me from the next room. But he IMs me, which I get on my phone. I'm always like. Dude. Really? You couldn't like, say 'HEY!' real loud or something? Sigh.

Also. Your stories about your soon-to-be-husband are endearing. :D

@taurus - It's awesome that your partner is wanting to know things! For me, that makes stuff so much easier and more pleasant.

Haha, for Valentine's Day... I am going to have a full day of Baby Things. Ultrasound at way too early AM, followed by blood work, followed by an appointment with my Midwife.... Followed by! An orientation at a different Midwife center! We're checking them out, seeing if we want to switch.

Based on reports from Angie's List and friends who have used them, I think the new practice is more my speed. They refuse to see people at all unless there is a clear problem until they're 9 weeks. No ultrasounds at all until 12 weeks, unless there is a clear indication of a problem. They're super super laid back about everything, and really try not to intervene unless they have to. The lady I spoke with said they have a non-medicalization philosophy.

I really don't know how I am going to make it until morning without driving everyone around me utterly batty... Hopefully my partner and bestie understand. Good thing my bestie is a PhD in neuroscience. She TOTALLY understands and gets all science geeky with me and we both nerd out reading all of this early ultrasound research and literature. Haha. I'm such a geek. :)
@lucy---Here's my nerd answer, and probably way more than you ever wanted to know! HPV can cause cervical problems in women, which is why we have pap smears. I have HPV thanks to a douche bag I dated. I know precisely which douche bag it was. (ugh!). Anyway, when there is dysplasia on the cervix (dysplasia = funny cells) it comes in three varieties.
CIN I = mild dysplasia
CIN II = moderate dysplasia (where I am)
CIN III = severe dysplasia
Then you move to:
carcinoma in situ
carcinoma aka cancer (Yikes!)

For CIN I they typically don't treat it. In most women it goes away on its own. For CIN II, they do not treat it in younger women (21 and under) but typically do in women in my age demographic. In younger women, about 50% will clear the dysplasia on their own. But women in my age demographic have typically had children and typically won't clear it on thir own. Ugh. CIN III and above requires treatment either a LEEP (CIN II/III) or more invasive procedures when it progresses to cancer.

I went to see a cancer specialist (because I'm paranoid like that) who gave me the go ahead on waiting to treat my CIN II because I wanted to TTC in like a month. If my spot gets bigger or gets worse then I have to have it treated. It's always better to have a baby with a cervix that has no treatment than one with treatment. So I sit here and twiddle my thumbs hoping to get a BFP and deliver before it gets worse.

Another Funny Baby Making Story: (TMI though, so read at your own risk!)
So to kick off this baby making cycle last night, I decided to polish off the previous tube of PreSeed. I filled up the applicator all the way to 4g and then had a little left, thought "Eh, what the hell?" and squirted it down there too. I go non-chalantly to the bedroom, action commences....PreSeed goes flying everywhere!! It was smeared down to my knees, up my stomach, in my butt crack (yeah, you read that right). It was all over OH, including his hands, which just made the whole thing worse. He declared me a human slip and slide because we couldn't get a grip on each other and just kept sliding around. By the time I got to the shower it was on my feet so I had to kind of fall over the side of the tub. Oh yeah. Super sexy. I learned my lesson!! Never again! I'll stick to my 2g from now on.

(This morning I found remnants on the WALL!)
@ginger---I like the sound of the new MW practice. That's how mine is. I keep shaking my head at the unnecessary cost of time, money, and resources to search for your sac that shouldn't be visible anyway. And people wonder why the cost of healthcare is soaring? Pregnancy is a state of HEALTH until proven otherwise and should be approached as such.
Babyo- oh my goodness, thank you for that lesson on why one should follow the less is more approach.
My favorite sister had CIN-III. She got her spot removed a few years ago. She is definitely worried about having a short cervix? Anyway, hope you get pregnant before you have any treatment.
You are so funny!
Babyo- Omgosh on the wall!!! Haha at least we all know you had an awesome night!!! Lol sounds like you are going to have some awesome memories of ttc!

Rainy- I had eggplants parmesan... My favveeee. I'm no vegetarian, but id rather have a little piece of meat and a ton of veggies on my plate! We went to this small bistro just outside of town thats very quaint... But still a formal atmosphere, so it was nice to play dress up and just feel really special!

Ginger- I am so eagerly awaiting your update after your appt!!!!! I'll have you in my thoughts!!!!
Babyo thanks for the info!! And fair play to you going all out to find out everything you can about it, I hope it never causes you any problems.
Totally loving the hilarity of the preseed slip’n slide!!!! I’ve been in a similar situation, it can be totally counterproductive stuff!!

Ginger thinking about you today, really hoping you get the news you want xx and thank you for the info on your cervix pain, I was very reassured! I had a horrible feeling something was wrong!

Afm- I remembered to poas!!!! Got a feint line, nowhere near a positive yet, looking forward to seeing if its darkened later!

Happy vday to you all, hope your all snuggled and having fun!!xx
Happy Valentine's Day to all you wonderful ladies!!!

My POAS mania began this morning. Nada.

~twiddles thumbs until ginger posts about the ultra sound~
@rainy - Holy cow! Someone's apartment fell into yours?! That's... intense. O_O

@babyO - ....... ............................... ..........................................


My goodness. Best. Story. Ever. :D

@lucy - C'mon positive opk! :)

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