The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

BBear--I gave up trying to decide what was normal after Mirena. I had a withdraw bleed for several days after mine was removed, then had a real AF 27 days later, then got a BFP with spotting, then MCed, then bled a lot from the MC and now I'm back to square one. Square one for me is POAS every morning. I heart opks. :thumbup:

@perfect--How frustrating! To think it's all done and then have it come back (at a most terrible time too!). I hope your body starts cooperating soon!

Today I finally got to go to my dermatologist. I have the lovely condition of adult onset acne (I blame my exH, it started during the divorce! lolol) Anyway, I had to come off all my meds before TTC. I quit it all 3 months before I had Mirena removed and it was ok for those 3 months, but once Mirena came out HOLY MOLY!! Even my back is breaking out now. :cry: It's so bad that I was trying to figure out a way to wear a paper sack over my head at my wedding. Anyway, I wasn't sure there was anything they could do for me since I was TTC but it turns out, if you have severe acne (oh yay, I get to be severe!) then they WILL put you on something. I'm now on oral and topical erythromycin and some other special gel stuff at night. I think it started with an A? The pharmacy didn't have it so I'm not sure. The attending MD told me that if I wasn't pregnant by the time the wedding was here and I was still having issues she would do a "wedding pack" for me. It's a mega high dose of antibiotics for one week, oral steroids, and steroids shots in any pimples/cysts I have. I think I'm in love with this woman. :happydance:

In TTC news, I need some help ladies!! OH has performance anxiety!!! I don't know what to do. :shrug: I was covered in ribbons and lace last night and it um....quit working if you catch my drift. OH is very determined, so he rallied, but he told me today that he is having performance anxiety. What do I do? I don't tell him the results of the opk, I don't talk about baby making anywhere near BD time. I actually try to avoid talking about it so this won't happen. I leave all my TTC obsession here.

Oh, last thing. I was doing my weekly goodwill run and ran across several maternity shirts in my size and my kind of hippie style. (One more reason why I swear ginger and I were separated at birth or something) Anyway, I broke down and bought them. They were $1 and $2! This TTC thing better work out dangit because I bought clothes!!!
BBear--I gave up trying to decide what was normal after Mirena. I had a withdraw bleed for several days after mine was removed, then had a real AF 27 days later, then got a BFP with spotting, then MCed, then bled a lot from the MC and now I'm back to square one. Square one for me is POAS every morning. I heart opks. :thumbup:

@perfect--How frustrating! To think it's all done and then have it come back (at a most terrible time too!). I hope your body starts cooperating soon!

Today I finally got to go to my dermatologist. I have the lovely condition of adult onset acne (I blame my exH, it started during the divorce! lolol) Anyway, I had to come off all my meds before TTC. I quit it all 3 months before I had Mirena removed and it was ok for those 3 months, but once Mirena came out HOLY MOLY!! Even my back is breaking out now. :cry: It's so bad that I was trying to figure out a way to wear a paper sack over my head at my wedding. Anyway, I wasn't sure there was anything they could do for me since I was TTC but it turns out, if you have severe acne (oh yay, I get to be severe!) then they WILL put you on something. I'm now on oral and topical erythromycin and some other special gel stuff at night. I think it started with an A? The pharmacy didn't have it so I'm not sure. The attending MD told me that if I wasn't pregnant by the time the wedding was here and I was still having issues she would do a "wedding pack" for me. It's a mega high dose of antibiotics for one week, oral steroids, and steroids shots in any pimples/cysts I have. I think I'm in love with this woman. :happydance:

In TTC news, I need some help ladies!! OH has performance anxiety!!! I don't know what to do. :shrug: I was covered in ribbons and lace last night and it um....quit working if you catch my drift. OH is very determined, so he rallied, but he told me today that he is having performance anxiety. What do I do? I don't tell him the results of the opk, I don't talk about baby making anywhere near BD time. I actually try to avoid talking about it so this won't happen. I leave all my TTC obsession here.

Oh, last thing. I was doing my weekly goodwill run and ran across several maternity shirts in my size and my kind of hippie style. (One more reason why I swear ginger and I were separated at birth or something) Anyway, I broke down and bought them. They were $1 and $2! This TTC thing better work out dangit because I bought clothes!!!


We're living some kind of bizarre alternate universe lives of one another or something. Yeah. Awesome finds!

Also. When my partner had that issue last month, and he *did* have that problem sometimes with all of the every-single-day-without-fail-sex we had, here is what I'd do.



Ok well you were warned. :p

First, I'd make sure that it wasn't a big deal at all. I wouldn't stop doing things, I'd just do something different. Penis isn't doing that thing it needs to do? Oh, no big deal. We'll make out, he'd give me oral (even though it was *supposed* to be off the table while tcc, sometimes it was the better alternative to not continuing), I'd get playful and silly for a few minutes. I wouldn't draw attention to it, and if he did (I'm sorry, crap, etc) I'd say something like 'that's ok your tongue/fingers are what I want/need right now...' and push his head... elsewhere.

I actually didn't avoid talking about baby-making with my partner, because that seemed to actually *help* his sex drive, I found. He was very much into the whole doing his duty aspect of it. He was also really into the I-couldn't-say-no-tee-hee (because we just *had* to do it every day, for the future hypothetical baby!) aspect of the whole thing, and he'd play that up.

I dunno. Honestly? Everyone has occasional things like that, it's totally normal and fine. (which I am sure you're totally aware of ;) ) It'll most likely just be an occasional issue... so were I you I'd just be as 'not at all any sort of issue' about it as I could be.

I hope that makes sense. And y'all didn't mind my utter TMI. O_O
@bbear - Hi and welcome! This is one of the greatest groups of ladies on the internet you'll ever 'meet'. :)

I did not have withdrawal bleeding after my Mirena was removed. Mine was in place for 5 years, and I didn't bleed at all for that entire time either. It was removed on Nov 1st, I had some super super light spotting a week later, and then full on *heavy* af on Dec 1st. Jan 1st I had a light af... then my BFP. :)

What you'll see though, is that everyone is very different. Before and after Mirena! There is a large range of what happens and when it happens, and it's all totally normal.

@panda - OMG me too! I had been active-ish on several different boards... but this is the only one I use anymore. It's because of the people here. No where else have I encountered this level of openness and supportive atmosphere. :)

@dreamers - I want a massage. Jealous! :D I hope it was super relaxing. Haha, exams are terrible things, so I imagine you need it! (are your exams over now?)

@rainy - *waiting for chart to stalk* You know, I still say if you BDed on Thursday, and ovulated on Saturday, you have a good chance. It's the 24-48 hours *before* you ovulate that matters anyway! I read an article that was talking about how it takes about 12 hours for sperm to swim to where they need to be to fertilize an egg, and some women's eggs only stick around for 12 hours... so by the time you ovulate it's too late. (thank goodness OPKs tend to show a positive 24 + hours before ovulation!)


Today I have been super productive. It's been an attempt to try to take my mind off of my belly. Which is Not Happy. Last night we had orientation with the new Midwives... and it went super well. I LOVE these people. I hope I'll be able to stay with them through the whole pregnancy. If things happen to make me high risk though, they'll have to refer me out to an OB practice... they only care for low risk pregnancies there. I'd REALLY love to be able to deliver at their birth center too. We'll see. For now though? I'm thrilled to switch to them. :)

It was a lovely Valentine's Day for me. My partner got me a couple of books that are awesome, he made several cards and placed them about the house in places I'd find them as I went though my day... haha. I feel TERRIBLY guilty though, cause I didn't do a darned thing for him! o_O
I am hoping to get a BfP quickly lol don't think I can stand getting Af every month if it's as heavy as the last, had to leave work early one day as I went through my trousers, how embarrassing

Dragged hubby in mothercare today lol looked at a few prams :)
Operation - :thumbup: I need details! I STILL have my acne from teenage years (at 32) and its particularly bad at the moment. I went to a derm a few years ago but it wast so bad the day I went and they were completely unhelpful. Tried doxycycline for 3 months last year, made no difference. Obviously concerned that I dont want to use anything now that will be bad for pregnancy. Your dermatologist sounds fantastic! The performance anxiety doesnt sound like a major deal, Im sure if you dont make it a big deal out of it will go away

Ginger - exams are over for now, if I passed these ones I get to sit some more in 10 weeks :wacko: But certainly feel a lot less stressed out now, oh and by the way my "puppy" is 45 kg and 3 years old! He's still very cute though

Rainy - I would love to do some chart stalking!

bbear - bleeding sound awful - you poor thing. I guess your getting your 5 years worth in one go!

AFM - CD 21 of cycle of no hope. Itching to get going on next cycle.

My major issue is DH. We have had problems with "performance" for a long time (since before TTC), has got worse over the last couple of years to the point I finally got him to go and see his doctor. Got some meds but side effects are bad, and even thats failed a couple of times. A lot of it is in his head, Im sure of it. When it fails to happen he gets incredibly stressed and angry, and has now started avoiding BD in case :nope:

He's making we work REALLY hard every time I need to BD - ask him to take a tablet, he says in a minute- "forgets", then its too late/has to go to bed/work etc, we'll do it tomorrow, and the next day it starts all over again. It is so bad we have only BD 3 of out 6 TTc months so far. I was really angry with him last month. I know its a pride thing, but I dont understand why he wont make a bit more effort - Ive always tried to not make a big deal, reassured him its ok etc. I dont tell him when I O etc, but things are so bad I almost only try it on when Im fertile cos I dont want to use his sexdrive up on other days in the month

Ive got him new meds (these are all costing a bomb) - these ones he just takes every day so Im hoping we can be a bit more spontaneous. I really hope they work and get his confidence back and we can have some sort of sex life again.

He seems excited about the thought of us having a child, so I dont think its that either.

I just dont know what to do if these tablets dont work - or if he just wont take them regularly. He doesnt seem bothered by the lack of sex anymore - whereas I certainly am (even outside of TTC). The rest of the relationship is really good but Ive been wishing I could fix this little thing for a long time.

Phew! Sorry to offload, he would be really angry if he knew I told anyone, but Im struggling! :cry:

Im booking a few days away to "unwind", after exams (he;s had to put up with me studying all day every day for a year now!) Just happens to be when I expect to be fertile, so Im really hoping that will help :happydance:
Ginger and babyo we’re going to have to rename this thread! Or classify it as an ‘over 18’s only’!!! Highly entertaining chit chat!! I totally sympathise with our poor OH’s, the pressure is really on for them poor dabs! I mean we can just lay back and shout instructions, they have to be ‘up’ for it every time! My gorgeous fella said earlier, that he was loving having so much sex, but his partner downstairs was not quite as enthusiastic as he’d been at the start of the week!! N’aw bless! So I’ve been super super romantic and nice and lovely and attentative!! Seems to be working at the mo, so I’ll save the naughty goodies for the end of the week!!!
You do make me laugh!!

Bbear thats horrible for you, vile af! I had a ridiculously heavy af after mirena, but it settled down after that. Fingers crossed you catch that eggie so there’ll be no more afs to think about!!

Dreamers what are you studying??

Babyo thats great that your dermatologist is so supportive! YEY for a spotty free wedding! A good friend of mine suffered with the very same condition, it upset her so much. But then she fell pg, and the spots just vanished, it all cleared up. Little one is 7months now, and though my friend has a few spotties, it’s vastly improved. So fingers crossed for you too hun!

Ginger that’s gorgeous news about the new midwife centre, its s so important that you feel happy and relaxed and have confidence in your team, I hope you can stay there. You sound like you’re so excited again! Makes me smile and look forward to more of us getting our bfps!!

OMG sex is so painfull!!!!!! Cannot wait to Ov so it goes away! OUCH! I’m going to tell FF that I’ve got fertile cm tomorrow so that it goes green. I’m just not going to find any, and I know I’m fertile at the mo. Mind you saying that, my opks have not gotten any darker. But then I’m not due to ov until Saturday so theres still time I guess.
Dreamers, huge hug for you xx that's such a tough situation to be faced with. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you, when all you want to do is make babies. I hope through talking openly together about it you can find a solution. You vent on here as much as you like, it what were here for :) xx it might help the situation if you've got people you can offload to aswel xx
Lucy- I think it's awesome that your cervix hurts at Ov time, what a great signal to tell you to have sexy time, even though it is painful sexy time. At least it is green light to make a baby time. haha, sorry I am a bit hyper, I've had some chocolate!

Dreamers- I don't know what to tell you, luv. That sucks. I think what I would try to do is put faith in the new meds, and faith in DH for taking them. Also, try being intimate between now and next cycle, but not necessarily intimacy that leads to intercourse. You need to reconnect physically, and maybe if you did some kind of sensual massage? All about him type of thing? Perhaps it could lead to some stress free sexy time, and you won't be as nervous about not having him ready for next cycle since it's so far away. Good luck. It sounds very challenging.
I've linked my chart in my siggy, tell me what you think!

Babyo- the meds and creams will work and you will have a beautiful wedding with a gorgeous face! Also, I am sure Ginger's TMI advice will be most helpful. There's nothing else I can think of to add. :)

BBear- your AF sounds terrible! I LOVE looking at prams :) I was checking some out the other day.
Ginger- my dream for this next baby is to have it at a birthcenter, as well. I am not brave enough for a homebirth, though I was born at home myself.
Sorry for your icky tummy! No fun!
I've linked my chart to my siggy, so please check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks lady :)
Hi Ladies!

Welcome to the newbies, :dust: to all of you!

Ginger - Thrilled again to hear your ultrasounds are getting better. I *hate* the transvaginals also. When I went for the last scan at 8 weeks, she started with the external scan and we got to see the baby but it was so hard to see anything that I opted for the transvaginal anyway. The dr was funny..she said "Are you sure? I know you hate them!" lol

Dreamer - I'm sorry to hear about OH. I had that problem with my ex. We never did resolve it and there wasn't really a reason for it. We were young - he was between 26-30 and we'd almost never have sex because he couldn't perform. My thought now is I think he's secretly gay. He'd never admit to it because he's seriously homophobic but I think that's what all of it was about. If not, no ideas for him. If so, he did a damn good job hiding it the first few years we were together before we started fizzling away!

Afm - I'm doing well. Officially out of first tri as of tomorrow. Baby seems to be doing well according to my doppler. Heart rate seems to have slowed since 7-8 weeks. It was an average of 175-185 and now it's about 160. I mentioned it to the dr but she didn't seem concerned. Our next scan is next Wednesday at 14 weeks. I'm super excited and really hoping to be able to see our baby's gender. I watched a ton of scans at 14 weeks on YouTube and if the baby is cooperative, it's pretty easy to tell. Ours moves a TON though because now I can only pick up the baby on the doppler for a few seconds before s/he moves and I have to search again. I used to be able to just hold it steady for probably as long as five minutes without the baby moving away from it! Oh and all I've ever heard about pregnancy is the heightened sex drive. Mine is MIA and if OH so much as touches me, I squeal in pain. Do NOT touch me down there please dear, it HURTS! I have to remind him of this several times per day (night, more likely) and it's really getting frustrating. :( When is the sex drive going to come back and when will it stop hurting!?!?

Sorry I'm not responding to everyone, I'm sneaking on while at work since I still have zero internet/cell service at home until 2/28! I've been thinking of you all! Sending you lots of hugs and wishes!
hello ladies! i have a bajillion posts to catch up on! You all have been very active (literally and on the thread LOL) lately!!

First of all, Ginger, sounds like you had a fantastic valentines day! :) your OH sounds so sweet! I'm so happy you have found a medical center and staff that you really feel great about! That is one of the hardest decisions to make when youre preggo! So glad you found great people to take care of you! lovely!

lucy- so sorry to hear that sex is painful right now! that should be the one stress reliever and fun part of TTC at this point! You will OV soon and you can be normal again. It will totally be worth it!! FX for you that you are catching that eggy!!

babyo/dreamers- I totally wish I had some miraculously brilliant answer for your dilemma! I do like gingers advice, though! i do the same... DH knows all about when I'm fertile... we are doing it... lets go. TMI ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my husband has a serious fetish and I totally play into it, especially during fertile time. its a win-win for us! i dress up and things get really hot! he loves it and looks forward to my fertile window because he knows i will bring out all the big guns. lol good luck to you both!!!!!!! i know you guys seriously deserve those BFPs!!!!!! (((hugs)))

bbear- i SO love looking at baby stuff too. i am living vicariously through my pregnant friends right now... using them as an excuse to look at baby stuff (really for me haha). i hope you get your BFP quickly, too!! good luck!! :)

edens- hooray for the 2nd trimester! thats so exciting! the heart rate doesnt sound like anything to be concerned with... I remember my DS being 125 at one point... and lower than that before he was born! I think, if I remember correctly, it will continue to slow a bit until birth... until it reaches a normal level similar to ours! FX you get to find out the sex of your baby during your anatomy scan! I found out at 16 weeks with DS! I cant wait for your update about that!!

AFM, nothing too new. waiting for a positive on my OPKs!! can i just say you ladies were SO RIGHT?! I ADORE POAS everyday. haha its seriously the best and totally feeds my addiction to pee on something. LOL wondering if I have been totally missing my window every month. I dont think so, bc we usually BD every day to every other day the whole month pretty much... but still! Consider me intrigued! It's pretty boring around here until that positive comes up!
Just spent the day with my mom for her birthday! she wanted to get a new bra and socks... LOL She is always so practical! We are SO ALIKE!! Sounds like something I would ask for.

anyways hope all is well with you ladies! FX for lots of BFPs this month!!
I had two pg friends so I am thinking even if I buy baby things I can give them as presents :) everything is so small and cute xx :baby:

Can't with for my cycle to get back to normal or even just get a + pg test
Ginger- my dream for this next baby is to have it at a birthcenter, as well. I am not brave enough for a homebirth, though I was born at home myself.
Sorry for your icky tummy! No fun!
I've linked my chart to my siggy, so please check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks lady :)

I think you ovulated on Saturday - which means BD twice in your fertile period! Well done, your in with a good chance this cycle :happydance:
I am so confused :(

Getting lots of discharge with small amounts of blood, is this normal after marina or could It be implantation bleed ?

If it is how soon would you test ?

This is all too confusing, my hormones are all over the place
My last one started 7th feb lasted 4 day really heavy with lots of clots
Well that could make you cd10, which I would have though would be a little early for ovulation(not impossible though), and so you'd be a while off implantation. It may just be your body adjusting, it can take a while! Are you charting your temp or anything? You would be able to figure out quite soon then where you are in your cycle, fertility friend is an awesome site to start with that. Loads of helpful tips! Did you cave regular cycles while you had the mirena??
my cycle is all over the place too. As youre having a similar issue i guess it could just be what Lucy said. That our bodies are readjusting. i didnt have any periods whilst on the mirena either. Not impressed, id forgotten how annoying af was!
using the first real day of proper af it means my ov dates are 20th to 25th feb. but im still bleeding now. it all stops then we bd and it start again:-(
so im feeling your frustration bbear
Well that could make you cd10, which I would have though would be a little early for ovulation(not impossible though), and so you'd be a while off implantation. It may just be your body adjusting, it can take a while! Are you charting your temp or anything? You would be able to figure out quite soon then where you are in your cycle, fertility friend is an awesome site to start with that. Loads of helpful tips! Did you cave regular cycles while you had the mirena??

I use to bleed with the marina, only at litte just had to wear a panty liner but that was around the 27th of each month ?
my cycle is all over the place too. As youre having a similar issue i guess it could just be what Lucy said. That our bodies are readjusting. i didnt have any periods whilst on the mirena either. Not impressed, id forgotten how annoying af was!
using the first real day of proper af it means my ov dates are 20th to 25th feb. but im still bleeding now. it all stops then we bd and it start again:-(
so im feeling your frustration bbear

Hope we get regular soon :) hate not knowing what my body is doing

Just tying to book the kids into swimming lessons so I hope that takes my mind off it for awhile, not good being off work this week because of half term, giving me too much time to think lol

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