The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

dreamers I'm so glad you are getting excited again! (It's so hard not to be excited all the time!) The way my cycle is going we could end up on the same schedule! lol
BBear- you never know how your body is going to react. I think it is a bit of a shock for your body to suddenly going back to making all of your hormones all on its own. I have had very strange symptoms with my breasts. They were swollen and sore from 3 or 4 DPO in January until just recently. So who knows! My Dr. told me a store, though, about a woman who had sex a couple days before having Mirena removed and she got pregnant! The sperm was in there waiting around for a chance! Keep up with the status reports :)
Also, I've read that sperm doesn't stretch like EWCM, so try stretching what you find between 2 fingers, if it can't stretch, it's sperm or not fertile CM anyway.

Hi Panda! I love hearing from you, I miss you when you're quiet. Can't believe you are approaching the second trimester. I remember when you posted your BFP when I first joined this board.

Lucy- I agree with Panda, not likely many delicate ladies on this board, and if there are they might not last long. :wacko:

Jones- could be your body is "gearing up" to ovulating. You are producing surges of LH, but then something keeps you from actually ov-ing. However, switching from oral to vaginal temping mid-cycle might also throw you off. Keep up with the vaginal temping everyday and it might become more consistent/clear for you. Are you temping around the same time each day? I try to get it within 20 minutes if I can. Of course, I am no expert and obviously it hasn't worked for me yet! Ha!

Babyo- you could be "gearing up" to ovulate also. I think, no matter what your OPK says, EWCM is always good cuz it is helping the little swimmers survive and that is never a bad thing. WAY better than hostile CM (creamy or chunky= no good for FH's hard work). And if you have copious EWCM you don't need Pre-Seed.

TMI- yesterday my 3 year old son pushed me out of his way to pee after I finished, but before I could flush. He caught sight of my blood and clots in the toilet (yesterday was a rough day for me) and started gagging and coughing, he almost threw up! He insisted that I must have a horrible owie somewhere because owies are what makes us bleed. Any advice on what to tell him? I want to maintain a neutral tone when discussing it. My husband is squeamish and weird about a woman's cycle, and I don't want to pass that on to my son.

Cycle question: I am CD4. Last "cycle" was 19 days long. What, if anything, different should I be doing this month?
I am thinking that we'll start BDing as soon as I stop bleeding (tomorrow?), and we'll BD every other day until I get closer to ovulation, maybe CD12 we'll start BDing every night. What do you think?
At what point do you start using Pre-Seed? I tried to order the all natural version of PS, Yes Baby, but they are sold out. :(
I am also sleeping in the dark until CD13/14 and bought grapefruit juice.
Please help, thank you mucho.
Dreamers- very good news that DH took his pill without you prompting him. Maybe he just wants to do it himself? On his own terms? I can be that way sometimes, I don't love being told what to do, especially if I feel like I could be not living up to expectations.
Bear--if it stretches from your girlie parts to in front of your nose when you wipe, then it's not sperm! lol Although, if this happens I suggest you not squeal with delight because your OH will run into the bathroom to see if you had some type of disaster only to find you playing with your CM. It's a mood killer. :blush:

Jones--I'm no help but I'm sending your temps good vibes!

Panda--I'm so happy knowing that you are getting closer and closer to the "safe zone." That LO will be here before you know it. Are the Daddies getting ready to go bananas on baby stuff? When will you find out what it is?

Rainy--I would stick to short and very simple facts. Boys and girls are different and have different body parts. (Has he figured out that he has a penis and you don't?) Our parts do different things. (No need for details on what they do. lol) Every month my girl parts make blood and this is true for all women. It doesn't hurt Mommy (<--very important that he knows you aren't hurt.) I don't think he's old enough to understand much more than that--like why we make blood.

My 5yoSS whipped his "boy part" out in the car one day and started playing with it. OH asked him if he needed to go to the bathroom. He said no, but that sometimes it got bigger and he liked it better when it got bigger! bahahaha SS then went on to say it got bigger because blood goes in there. So true! I of course practically had to smother myself to keep from busting out laughing because the penis talk when on for a good 5 minutes. OH handled it like it was totally normal. He just told him not to take it out unless he was at home. lol
Hi guys! I've had an exhausting... well. Honestly. Everything late. It's fine, it's reassuring, but it's also exhausting. ;) So I haven't been online much. I did catch up on everything though!

@rainy - re:young ones and human reproduction talk. When mine were that young, I'd keep things as simple and straightforward as possible. One of my rules of thumb was also, if it were an uncomfortable subject for their age/felt difficult to explain at their age, I would wait until they had asked/commented more than once to tell them anything.

In your situation, I'd most likely say something like 'Blood can be scary to look at, but don't worry! I'm fine' and leave it at that unless/until my kid asked something more. I've never hidden anything from my kids (Our Bodies Ourselves is right here on my bookshelf in my living room, alongside several copies of Bitch! magazine, for instance), but biology can be complicated for little guys to understand.

I'm sure that whatever you do will be the best choice for your son though!

@babyO - The ewcm does sound promising... I hope things settle with your system soon. You're in my thoughts. :)

@dreamers - Yay for him remembering to take his meds! Woo! And yay for excitement! My fingers are very crossed that this will be your month. :)

As for me. Other than the exhaustion. I have to pee. All. The. Time. OMG. And today, I wanted a damned over-medium egg on toast with cheese and bacon SO BAD. I am the WORST VEGAN in the history of veganism. Officially. I can't eat that stuff... but wow did I want it.

Also. Still no damned functional shower. It's getting to be Very. Very. Frustrating. Hopefully we'll have it all repaired sometime next week. Sigh. I don't *wanna* have to stay in a hotel for a day or two while they fix my bathroom. I want my bathroom to just be functional all on its own. First world problems. o_O

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

PS I'm starting a blog this week, so I can stop jabbering at all of you about baby stuffs, unless you want to go read about it. :)
Rainy...Yeah could be..I really try to do it everyday about the same time..It doesn't really happen tho :(..Lately I've been waking up a lot during the night...ahhh I'm going nuts..and now with this cold, It's not helping. Not giving up yet tho :)
Like the rest of the ladies I would probably just tell him i'm ok and not to worry about it...If he keeps asking then, I would probably just tell him I'm a girl and it happens to me..But like Ginger said I'm pretty sure you'll tell him what feels comfortable to you and what you thinks is best :)
I'm sorry I'm not much help with what to do..I'm new to all this :( but bding every other sounds like a good plan!!!

Thank Operation I really need it :). I caught my 5 yr old playing with his pee pee a few days ago too(he does it all the time) he proceeded to telling me that if he rubs it against his boxers it tickles and it feels good lol. boy oh boy. I just turned around and walked the other direction lol.

Dreamer- How exciting!!!!!

Ginger- Hopefully you get it fixed SOON! I hate having to leave my house and pack stuff just to come right back the next day or so and unpack! I hate staying anywhere that's not my house! And I personally like hearing baby stories :)
OH and I'm not delicate at all!! It doesn't bother me when you guys go into detail...That's what we're here for right? :D
Jones- do you wake up to an alarm? It really helps so much with timing consistency. I just had a daily alarm on my phone at 6am (which is well before my "real" wake up time to make sure I woke up to the alarm every morning, and didn't just wake up a little early and ruin it) and i put my thermometer right on top of my phone so I could grab it right as I turned the alarm off. If course, I can't seem to sleep in a 3 hour stretch to save my life, so my temps were still all over the place. It probably would have helped a lot to temp vaginally.

Ginger- I'll be excited to read your blog, but that better not mean you drop off the face of the board! Also, it sounds like snapdragon is NOT a vegan in there. Hope he figures out that you are, or this could be a very long 9 months!!!

BabyO - I laughed so hard at your story. OH seriously handled it like a champ. I don't know how you held it in though....

Rainy- I don't really have any good advice. Sounds like you're doing everything you can! I'll be thinking of you, and sending lots and lots of baby dust your way. And as for ds, the other ladies gave good advice. Keep it simple. I remember my sister trying to explain periods to me when I was very young (maybe 5? I really don't know...) and i just Did. Not. Get it. I kept thinking "so..... You're pregnant? What?" It was just way too early for my brain to grasp it. Or maybe I'm just dumb lol who knows.

Dreamers - that's so fantastic about your dh taking the initiative! I really hope this is your month and you don't have to struggle and stress about it anymore. Sending lots of dust your way, and lots of sexy libido vibes at dh.

Afm/Babyo - I know! I can't believe it's already been 11 weeks!! Seriously, easiest pregnancy ever. Daddies are a little focused on their wedding (!!) right now, so baby stuff is kinda on hold. Wedding is March 7, and after that is when things will start happening more anyway (like getting bigger, feeling kicks, ultrasound, etc) so that's fine. We won't find out the sex until 20 wk u/s, and that probably won't be until May. Boo. Next appointment is March 4, and I'll FINALLY get to hear a heartbeat. Maybe then I'll actually believe I'm pregnant! It still doesn't feel real.
Just ordered myself 10 pg tests on amazon for £2.58 so will be poas when they arrive every day lol
Just ordered myself 10 pg tests on amazon for £2.58 so will be poas when they arrive every day lol

i got 50 tests for about £10.... fingers crossed i dont need to buy more!
be cool if we both fell together!

I had a great weekend and lots of bd-ing at night...although my daughter did interrupt halfway thru cos she thought i was having a nightmare..Ahem!!

hope everyone else had a good weekend xxx
Perfect- LOL to your DD interrupting BD! I hope all of your BDing leads to a beautiful BFP!
BBear- can't wait to hear what your HPTs reveal.

Thanks to all of you ladies for the advice. I think we are done discussing bleeding for this cycle. Next time, if he asks, I'll give him the boys and girls are different line with women bleed every month, but I'm okay tagged on.
He noticed my lack of a penis when he started preschool about a year and a half ago when he started seeing other little penises everywhere.

CD5, bleeding is winding down. All I'm left with is dark brown sludge. We will begin to BD starting tonight or tomorrow, depending on how sludgey I am. :)

My question remains, what CD to start using Pre-Seed??
My question remains, what CD to start using Pre-Seed??

I was using it straight off, and titrated the amount based on how much cm i was producing on my own. So we started insems way early before I really had any cm to speak of, so I would use 2-3 gms preseed every time, just to give the little swimmers some extra help. Around my actual ov time, I started producing a little EWCM on my own, so I only used I think 1 gm. But I used it every time.
Just ordered myself 10 pg tests on amazon for £2.58 so will be poas when they arrive every day lol

i got 50 tests for about £10.... fingers crossed i dont need to buy more!
be cool if we both fell together!

I had a great weekend and lots of bd-ing at night...although my daughter did interrupt halfway thru cos she thought i was having a nightmare..Ahem!!

hope everyone else had a good weekend xxx

When are you testing ?
Panda, I have to ask, and you can totally tell me that it's none of my business, but how did O & R decide on who would be the donor? And do they want to come plan MY wedding! hahaha I"m suck a slacker bride, 6 weeks to go and I haven't even gone for a dress fitting. ~sigh~ Plus I spend too much time worrying about babies to think about my wedding. lol

I love how everyone in this thread is buying HPTs in bulk! I got 10 or 20 with my order of opks so I can pee on one whenever I want!

Rainy I started on CD8 last cycle when I got my BFP and same this cycle. I always use 2g. Even with my sudden production of EWCM I used 2g.

ginger--did you post the link to your blog already and I missed it? opks are getting lighter. :( They were not anywhere near positive, but there was some line there. I know it wasn't left over pregnancy hormones because my blood levels were back to 0 before I started using them.

Dear Ovaries--Get with the program. Thanks ~BabyO
BabyO- they didn't. They did their "thing" together and mixed it all up in a cup. We don't know whose :spermy: won the race, and they don't plan on finding out.
Ginger- I too want to read the blog!
Babyo- my ovaries challenge your ovaries! We DARE you to ovulate before march 1st :)
(maybe your ovaries are competitive by nature).

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