The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Calasen- I love it when my pants fall down due to weight loss! Wonderful problem to have! Hehe although annoying to have to buy new trousers I suppose. How many pounds are equal to a stone? Sounds like lots of work losing all that weight. Well done!

its 14 pounds to a stone, so was 392 pounds, am now 228 :) although I lost most of it over about 15 years since I started losing it, have been at 17 stone (238 pounds) for about 10 years now but it started creeping back up so decided to start losing it again as it will also help TTC :)
absolutely, Calasen, you should be so proud of that! what an accomplishment!! hope all is well your way! (((hugs))) just because!!

rainy- whats taking you to TX? oh, how I am jealous of you right now!! my sister lives in South Austin right now-- she adores it and i dont think she will ever come back to the midwest! i havent been there since last july... was there a week and i dont remember one day that it was less than 110 degrees out! there is SO much to do in the hot weather... it didnt even matter! we went to some big natural spring and had a blast... and p.s. love that there are virtually no bugs because of the bats!

edens-- i am stalking your journal! cant wait for your update and hoping to find out the gender of your baby!! wahoo!!! scans are the best!!!!! FX you find out and can make your first baby buy (look at me, assuming you are waiting to buy ANYTHING... yea right. lol i bought something for my baby at like 10 weeks when i was preggo with DS)

lucy- FX you get a nice sticky BFP!! :) thinking of you and sending lots of sticky vibes your way!!!!!

ginger- summer sounds oh so amazing right. i suppose i shouldnt complain because we have had the mildest of winters this year... but im ready for shorts/capris... sandals... and sunshine! i swear im solar powered!! planning a vacation to FL in the coming months but its just not soon enough!

babyo-you have some of the best stories! LOL i seriously laughed out loud on that one!! you guys sound like so much fun :)

afm, still awaiting a postive OPK. from CD8 on... each one has looked the exact same. a definite line is there, not a positive... but all are the same darkness, if that makes sense. so ready to see that surge so i can be in the tww already. testing day of march 10th seems like lightyears away from right now. uhh...
but again, i feel good about this month! IDK why! hoping that means a BFP is in my near future...! whats new with you ladies?
Taurus: that sounds like my opk, can def see the line but not as dark as the control line? According to the app I put on my phone it says if I conceived last Sunday to this weds it's likely to be a girl, then ov on thurs, then likely to be a boy for three days after?
Obviously this is presuming I have a 28 day cycle, it's all guess work so far as only had one period since removal of coil.
So Many emotions in my head, scared incase it never happens, excited that it might, frustrated that I won't know for two weeks whether it worked. Very strange considering I never even planned to get pregnant with the last two.

Love reading all your stories xx
Taurus: that sounds like my opk, can def see the line but not as dark as the control line? According to the app I put on my phone it says if I conceived last Sunday to this weds it's likely to be a girl, then ov on thurs, then likely to be a boy for three days after?
Obviously this is presuming I have a 28 day cycle, it's all guess work so far as only had one period since removal of coil.
So Many emotions in my head, scared incase it never happens, excited that it might, frustrated that I won't know for two weeks whether it worked. Very strange considering I never even planned to get pregnant with the last two.

Love reading all your stories xx

Yes I just always thought there was progression with it... I took another tonight... and they all literally look the exact same. Bought 40 so I'm just gonna keep on testing! this is also my first time using them so Idk what's normal for me either.
Wish i had that app! I tried to find it, they don't have it for android phones :( guess we will find out soon enough whats going on!

Hope everyone is having a great morning! I'm going back to bed, I've decided. Lol
That's a shame! Altho if you want I can use mine to see what days it says for you? All it needs put into it is First date of your last period and the length of your cycle.
Taurus- my brother lives there, he lives in South Austin as well. We're going to visit in April, I think. Make sure my hubby really likes it. We have to get out of this rain, I'd take hot over the rain!
Last month my OPKs did the same thing, I have no idea what was going on, so I am no help there. But, since you have a 30 day cycle it is probably normal if you ovulate on CD15 or 16 right? Also, I've read that when you surge it might not be a gradual darkening, like you might test tonight and it'll be randomly super dark.
KEEP US POSTED. Also, share any questionable pics when they start to darken, ok? OK!

Calasen- woohoo lady! That is a lot of weight to lose! I had quite a bit of weight to lose after DS was born and I lost it quickly, gained it all back, then very slowly took it off and then some afterwards. So, I guess my point is slow weight loss over many years=very good!

CD7 today, I am getting closer! I started using OPKs even though it's too early. Hehe.
@rainy - I started using them the moment I stopped bleeding. I started using them 2x per day around cycle day 10. And sending photos of them to my partner. And obsessing obsessively. ;)

@calasen - Woo! That's awesome! :D

@babyO - Hey lady! Have you found a thing to wear to get married in yet? :)

@Edens - I'm so excited for your ultrasound! Eee! :D

I have failed in starting a blog before yesterday was over. Now it is today, and I still have not done it. It's on my to do list today. I wanna cross it off so bad. So hopefully I'll get to it. :)

So I have my next ultrasound on Saturday (morning, at ass early o'clock). I'm hoping so hard we'll get to see the Snapdragon's heartbeat. I'll be 6w5d. I know we might not see it that early... but a lot of people do. So I'm all anxious.

Man. I can't wait to reach week 12.

Also. My boobs seem to be even more full and firm than they were yesterday. This is madness. *nods*

How is everyone else?
Ginger: I had hyperemesis with my children. From very early on, literally like 3-4 weeks pregnant:-( they stuck me on a drop, in the maternity ward. I felt such a fraud! I was still a size 8-10, didn't look remotely pregnant, but couldn't even keep water down:-(
So I had scans done then, I think one of them was in internal scanner? For want of a better way to describe it, it looked like a vibrator! But not sp much fun! Lol
I am sure we saw the heartbeat. But i had so many scans done, I might be wrong. (my ex husband was violent, so I had a lot of bleeding and scares, so often had to be scanned)
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you xxx
Perfect- I understand the fear of it never happening, but truly chances are that it will :) it is so confusing, especially after hormonal BC, no way to really know what is going on in that uterus! It will happen for you, though just a matter of time. Hang in there! Ginger got knocked up last month, she got her mirena out in November (of course, ginger correct me if I am wrong).

I am one cycle behind ginger so I am hoping this is it for me this time. Though, honestly I have had this weird feeling about March. Anyone experience this? It could be I am sensing a BFP (testing/AF 3/14) but for my next cycle I could be ovulating 3/29. Of course I would rather it be this time, but I wonder if my bean is waiting for my b day party to pass. I will be 31 on 3/31 and I suspect a big surprise party! Haha cuz I demanded one :)
Maybe the bean wants me to have a drink at my party. I don't usually drink, save for new years, my b day, etc. Makes me sleepy.
Sorry for babbling. Thanks for reading.
Calsen- That is awesome! I wish I was as determined to lose some :/.
Ginger- I bet you're excited! Can't wait to see the first snapshots!
Rainy-How can you not like this rain :p lol...I'm slowly getting use to all this rain. I do miss the Texas weather, My husband was raised here and he hated Texas!!!

afm..well this cough is killing me!! my chest really hurts...I have a chart y'll!!! with DPO's now!!! you guys should check it out! I dunno know what happened to af..No sign of her yet!
Perfect- I understand the fear of it never happening, but truly chances are that it will :) it is so confusing, especially after hormonal BC, no way to really know what is going on in that uterus! It will happen for you, though just a matter of time. Hang in there! Ginger got knocked up last month, she got her mirena out in November (of course, ginger correct me if I am wrong).

I am one cycle behind ginger so I am hoping this is it for me this time. Though, honestly I have had this weird feeling about March. Anyone experience this? It could be I am sensing a BFP (testing/AF 3/14) but for my next cycle I could be ovulating 3/29. Of course I would rather it be this time, but I wonder if my bean is waiting for my b day party to pass. I will be 31 on 3/31 and I suspect a big surprise party! Haha cuz I demanded one :)
Maybe the bean wants me to have a drink at my party. I don't usually drink, save for new years, my b day, etc. Makes me sleepy.
Sorry for babbling. Thanks for reading.

Thank you! I know it's really early for me to be worrying about whether it'll happen, but I think I have so many other bad things going on in my life right now, it gives me something to focus on. Typical me to choose to focus on the one thing I can't control!

I have a weird feeling about this month... But that could just be down to all other cr*p I have happening!
Perfect- I understand the fear of it never happening, but truly chances are that it will :) it is so confusing, especially after hormonal BC, no way to really know what is going on in that uterus! It will happen for you, though just a matter of time. Hang in there! Ginger got knocked up last month, she got her mirena out in November (of course, ginger correct me if I am wrong).

I am one cycle behind ginger so I am hoping this is it for me this time. Though, honestly I have had this weird feeling about March. Anyone experience this? It could be I am sensing a BFP (testing/AF 3/14) but for my next cycle I could be ovulating 3/29. Of course I would rather it be this time, but I wonder if my bean is waiting for my b day party to pass. I will be 31 on 3/31 and I suspect a big surprise party! Haha cuz I demanded one :)
Maybe the bean wants me to have a drink at my party. I don't usually drink, save for new years, my b day, etc. Makes me sleepy.
Sorry for babbling. Thanks for reading.

I kinda feel the same way Rainy!!! Maybe this is it for us! I hope so! The exact same thing happens to me...every time i have a drink, instead of feeling happy and wanting more..I just want to go to bed...Dh rather I not drink lol
Rainy, absolutely! I think I have march madness bc somethin feels crazy about this cycle! Even tho my opks are leaving me feeling a bit discouraged... It just feels like a lucky month! If its not for me, then one of you lovely ladies, if not all of you! :)

Here are my opks! Taken once a day sonce CD8 (the top) and these show thru CD14. I've tested twice the past two days but took out the second tests for 2 reasons: 1, so this pic was easier to understand, and 2, bc the tests looked exactly the same as my first test for that day. I *think* my last one is a tiny bit darker, so of course ill be testing again tonight. BD'd last night too. Opinions?? Is it normal for them to not progress... For them all to be the same?!

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@taurus - These looks pretty much like mine looked until they faded in for a couple of days, then I finally got a 'positive'... but even then it was not as dark as the control, it was just as dark as it was going to get. Keep at it!

I really really hope this is the month for all of you guys! C'mon pregnancies! :D
In non TTC news I went for my dress fitting today. I'm so in love with my wedding dress. I forgot how pretty it was!!!! I can't wait to bring it home next week and try it on with the veil I got. It's a birdcage veil with a glob of feathers hanging off. I also heart feathers!!

As sad as my chemical was, I'm 110% sure I would not have fit in the dress if my bean stuck. I shall now stop questioning the universe. It knows what it's doing.
Thank you ginger, I feel a bit more reassured! Twice a day ill be poas so ill keep you guys posted.

Babyo- theres nothing quite like the feeling of having that perfect dress!! Makes me wanna go put mine back on. haha I look forward to seeing some wedding pics on here!!!!! :) you're gonna be a beautiful bride!
Perfect- sorry if you have said already and I missed it, what is going on in your life that is bad? I hope you are okay.
Taurus- my stupid opks looked like that last cycle the whole time. I will look forward to your daily opk pic upload. Hint, hint. :) in any case, lots of BDing is an excellent approach.
Babyo- glad to hear you love your dress! How is your face responding to the gel and antibiotics?
Calasen thats awesome weight loss hun, amazing, well done!!! I think being a welsh bird on sat might be in your favour, we’ve got our captain back!!! Fingers crossed the result shuts them up!!lol

Babyo can’t wait to see pics of you as a beautiful bride! So exciting!! And I totally agree with you about life, there’s always a reason why things happen, whether you know why at the time or not, it always comes to light!

Taurus your ticker says you’re due to ov in three days, if this is right then there’s plenty of time for your surge. I only had my positive on the day I ovulated, no build up at all. Good luck!

Perfect, ttc is a great thing to get focused on to take your mind off life, its positive and nurturing. I hope your ‘feeling’ about this month is right and you get your very much deserved bfp, sounds like you’ve been through the mill a bit xx

Jones your a day ahead of me, I’m 4dpo, and omg how much is it dragging! And I also weirdly have a cough!! Perhaps its a sign and our bfps are on their way, FX’d. Get better soon.

Edens how did your ultrasound go?????

Love to everyone
Thanks Lucy! I didnt expect a positive yet, per say, but I didn't expect them all to look the exact same with no progression. TTC can really freak a woman out! I've never second guessed stuff and Googled this much in my life. haha
How are you doing, Lucy??
Rainy- yes!! Lots of BDing is going on over here!! We didnt the day BEFORE yesterday, but we did last night and will be everyday from today until I know 10000000% O has passed. Lol until my opks go from a postive back to negative for a few days at least.
I'd really love a November baby!!! Come on eggy! Come to mama! Literally!!

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