The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread


BabyO - Hilarious, poor OH!

Perfect - Sorry about your OH and DD's attitude. My mom always complained when I was younger that she had to "reprogram" me after being at my dad's for a few days.

Jones - I would keep a record of the spotting. I usually just wrote a note in the notes section just to be certain FF didn't read too much into information that I wasn't sure was important

Calasen - how come you don't want to conceive this month? I know you're starting clomid next cycle but a bfp this cycle would be just as good, no? Am I missing something? We conceived a week or two after being prescribed Clomid. I had gone to pick it up from the pharmacy and everything, was just waiting for af to start so we could begin taking it! I wonder if Clomid expires...I'll have to figure out which moving box it's in and check for an expiration date. I'm sure they won't let me return it, but maybe one of you gals on here would like it if we can't save it for next time?

EDIT: Okay, no idea how but apparently I missed a whole page of posts. I see now why you want to wait Calasen. Hope everything turns out alright. :hug:

And for introductions, my name is Mellissa and I'm definitely a chart-aholic but not so much a POASaholic. I always forget. :blush:

BabyO - Hilarious, poor OH!

Perfect - Sorry about your OH and DD's attitude. My mom always complained when I was younger that she had to "reprogram" me after being at my dad's for a few days.

Jones - I would keep a record of the spotting. I usually just wrote a note in the notes section just to be certain FF didn't read too much into information that I wasn't sure was important

Calasen - how come you don't want to conceive this month? I know you're starting clomid next cycle but a bfp this cycle would be just as good, no? Am I missing something? We conceived a week or two after being prescribed Clomid. I had gone to pick it up from the pharmacy and everything, was just waiting for af to start so we could begin taking it! I wonder if Clomid expires...I'll have to figure out which moving box it's in and check for an expiration date. I'm sure they won't let me return it, but maybe one of you gals on here would like it if we can't save it for next time?

That's it exactly! I have to reprogram my daughter every time, even after a phone call. Does your mum have any tips or miracle solutions for me?!

Happy with first names, but I won't remember them!
Mines Melanie
I wont' remember everyone's first names either ladies, but happy to share. Edited my post above as well but my name is Mellissa. Yes, with two Ls and two Ss. Mom likes double letters. :)

Perfect - I'll ask my mom if she has any tips for you :)
I'll be happy to PM anyone my name but now that the ex wife is stalking me, I think it's best if I don't post in public. :(

Waiting on my lawyer right now to see what I can do!! Woohoo!!
Perfect, you sound like a fantastic mom... Hopefully this will be over soon and you can get back to your normal life with your happy daughter! Thinkin of you!

Calasen- much appreciated! I'll be sure to send it back, with interest!!! :)

Babyo- I really think some good old fashioned positive thinking can attract us all a BFP!! I'm with you!

Rainy- as you know, I love the idea of using first names, as close as we all are. My name is Molly, and I'm a poas-aholic. Lol

Afm, since I know I finally got that freakin surge, I'm most likely going to O today or tomorrow. Will BD today and the next 2 days min. Not taking any chances! I got my ewcm yesterday so thank the mucous gods for that!! I am not worthy!! Lmbo
Babyo- I think we will come up with a special nick name for you.

Taurus/molly- isn't it amazing what we can find to be thankful for!

Hi Stacey, Mellissa and Melanie!!!
Gardens, if i concieve this month I still have very low progesterone so if I do concieve i will lose it again and I can't take that, we are waiting until I raise my progesterone enough to keep the bean :)
Hello everyone! Real names, lush! I’m Rach, though I’ll apologise now, I’m useless with the names of the kids in my class, so keeping yours in my head may be a challenge, but I will try!!!

Calasen thank you for the dust xxxx I will save all mine up for you for next cycle xx

Babyo I hope your lawyers can sort out the ex for you, can’t live like that, it’s not fair x

Taurus/molly(I love that name!) congrats on your positive, and ewcm, you’re little eggie is fighting its way out as we speak!! Exciting!!!!!!! Do you temp???

Perfect, I’m sorry to hear you and your dd are going through the mill. I too had to re-program my son when he came back from seeing his dad, he would use him as a weapon to hurt me, messed him up so much. Luckily he just stopped seeing him, and slowly we rebuilt our relationship and he saw how vile his dad was being. He’s now a settled content little man. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel, stay honest and true to your daughter, I found it best not to talk about his dad in front of him, or negatively at all. In time, with your love and support, she will see that his behaviour is wrong, and you’ll be so much closer for it xx thinking of you

Keep your chin up Jonesy, you’re not out until af arrives! Hows the spotting now?? I always popped everything on my chart, just as a reminder for me, also it’s helped loads with figuring out what was not right with my cycle.

Afm, another positive this morning. Still getting cramps, no sign of any spotting as yet. I’m not going to be convinced of anything I don’t think until Saturday when af is due. I bought a frer though, so I’ll use that tomorrow and hope thats positive too! This has to be the longest week ever, just want to be past af time.
Lots of love to you all x
I love this thread
Someone slap me around and make me get a grip. I have uterus twinges and I'll be so sad if I keep being excited about them and then get a BFN.
Operation - :hugs: it is torture isnt it

Stacey Jones you must be going nuts you poor thing! Hope you get BFP or AF soon so you can get some peace. :rain: its been raining non stop here for 2 days, finally put some washing out just now

Lucy/Rach - chart is looking so great, fingers still crossed for you

These ex-partners sound like an absolute nightmare.

This is stupidly paranoid, but I have only felt able to talk about DH's issues due to the cloak of anonymity and think Id prefer to keep it that way for now. He would be pretty upset with me even if he knew Id talked about this online anonymously!

I have just had a facebook message from an old friend to tell me she is 21 weeks pregnant! She is the latest in a string of recently single girls to get pregnant. She is lovely and will be an amazing mum but Im ashamed to admit that my first reaction was jealousy. I hate that I react this way to people telling me they are pregnant. I am really pleased for her after the initial few minutes of shock. It seems like everyone else is having babies! I guess were all probably at that age. Cant wait...

On the positive side, CD 8 today and definate EWCM already and OPK looks darker than yesterday, so will start testing twice daily to make sure I dont miss the surge. I'm using evening primrose oil and grapefruit juice, one or both seeming to work as don't normally get EWCM this early. Im hoping our trip away at the weekend will coincide with perfect baby making time as Im worried if I attack DH early he will run out of steam.

Come on girls lets get some more BFPs to spur us all along!
my computer is fixed! my computer is fixed!! ive been doing all my posting from my cell for over a month. shoot me now. lol, well, shoot me back then, bc im back on top ladies! haha


stacey-- youre not out until the evil witch shows! hope she stays away at least 9 mos! fx for you...!!

dreamers- i do the same thing. i WANT to be happy for these people, and generally i am... but i always have that moment where i am just neon green with envy! i think its normal, especially when we are working so hard toward something. the good thing is you dont dwell on it... bc we know our time is super soon! so exciting that your opks are getting darker! cant wait to see your positive!! BD time!! when do you usually o?

babyo- any good news with the lawyer yet?

rach- im sending you every sticky vibe in my body! i really hope this is it for you!! FX FX FX!!!!!!! Saturday is not far off. are you going to test everyday til after saturday? i only ask bc i would. haha. btw, glad you like my name :) i hated it growing up!

perfect- so hoping you can be over all the stress from your ex soon. he sounds difficult, and its so sad your daughter has to be in the middle bc of him! keep being the strong mama you def sound like you are! it will come out in your favor!

afm, nothing really. lol... the plan is to BD again tonight, tomorrow and the next day to cover all my bases. if i got a positive yesterday im sure i will have o'ed by then. if i dont get a bfp this cycle (which i told rainy, im getting one... period... and thats final) i will finally temp... but thats in the unlikely case that i dont get preggo this cycle. if i think it, itll happen, right? lololol

anyways, you guys keep me sane. hows everyone doing? any big plans for the week's end?
Molly- That is awesome! I would die without my laptop! Happy Bd'ing!!! :D..Fx'd this is it for you!!!!

Rach- FX!!! FX!!! FX!!! here too!!!!

Dreamers- Oh we understand :)...Hoping this is your month also!

afm- well just waiting for the witch to show her face, I have a feeling It will be here really SOON!

No plans here for the weekend...It's been raining all day for the past 3 days..and I hate going out when the weather is so crappy..I've just been watching movies lol and taking naps when I get a chance. I have a feeling my weekend will be pretty much the same!
Rach- thanks for sharing your name! I always thought you were called Lucy! I can't wait to see the pic of your FRER tomorrow, and also to check out your temp from the morning. I am thinking of you still, hoping for the best sticky bean ever!:hugs:
Babyo- I am a little bit crampy with twinges and strange pressure. I'm 3 DPO, so definitely "too early" to be feeling "anything".
However early it is, I am SURE THAT WE ARE PREGNANT. WOOHOO for being pregnant! (I am going to go all the way the positive thinking, I've decided). :happydance:
Dreamers- hooray for EWCM!!! I think the grapefruit juice was working or me, as well. DH's little swimmers will be so happy to find all of that EWCM for easy swimming and access to your gorgeous and radiant egg! I feel like your timing will be perfection!
Molly- I am so glad you have your laptop back! I was just trying to post from my phone but it was freaking out, I don't think it liked how fast I was "typing" and it shut the window on me when I was almost done responding to all of you. Damn it. Are you going to keep using the OPKs until you get a negative? I finally stopped today at 3 DPO (but I am tracking my temp and it is still up, so ovulation has been confirmed- well as much as you can be). You won't need to start temping next month cuz you will be too pregnant to TTC. Hehehehehe.
Stacey- this rain is driving me CRAZY. I have a hard time getting out when it's like this. If it weren't for work and several errands I would've been curled up with a book today, under a blanket. I forgot to check your chart to see what was going on with you today. I will do that now.

AFM- I can't believe there are 2 more days until this weekend is here! What a long week. Sheesh. Work has been crazy and I haven't been sleeping well, so I am a bit flustered. I am going to take my son and one of his little friends to this awesome indoor gym for kids where they can get all of their energy out. I crawl and climb and jump right along with them. My son, husband or myself have been sick for most of February so I am looking forward to a higher energy activity since we are finally all healthy. That and the usual grocery shopping, washing all the sheets, prepping for meals and movie night on Saturday!
Last night I had non baby making intimate time with DH and it was awesome. :)
liz- definitely testing until i see my surge pass... im crazy over poas!i had a super mega positive today. more positive than yesterday, if that was possible. lol i wanna see how long my surge is, even though im told it doesnt matter. oh well, i like it... and it gives me something "ttc-esque" to do. lol ive been cramping for about an hour! i wonder if its o pain! or maybe im just c.r.a.z.y... which im ok with. lol im just glad to see a positive and keep it moving. i love being pregnant already (positive thinking). hehehe
btw i had so many freakin typos using my phone... i eventually just stopped trying to correct them... i thought... oh, theyll get what im saying. haha

im glued to my computer tonight... first night having it back and i have so much web browsing and online shopping to do. haha hubby wants it and im being stingy!!!!!! :D
Just a quickie, on my way to work. Big positive on frer this morning, and temp still up!! Just praying for no spotting!!
Have a fantastic day ladies, lots of love, I'll post properly and upload the pic later!xx
:happydance: I think this is finally it for you Lucy/Rach! So excited, looking forward to the first ultrasound (but maybe wait til 6 weeks+ to avoid all the dramas ginger had to deal with)
thats awesome, rach! so excited for you! i agree with dreamers, i think this is it! :) :) :) cant wait for all the great updates we are going to get on you and the new little bean!
Rach, I'm really pleased for you honey! Btw, I presume you were called Lucy too!

Thanks for all the sweet comments regarding my not so darling daughter! More like devil daughter right now:-(

Feel 'back of the throat' sicky this morning, if that makes sense?!
And sorry if tmi, my I have a milky white discharge now, not sure if that means af is on its way? Feel totally stressed out with dd, and now I'm going to be even more upset if I don't get a bfp this month, I need something else to focus on, plus dd may start being nicer. Apparently once I'm pregnant she'll be nice as she has to practice being a big sister.

My son still isn't well, still laid on the sofa, I think it's flu as he hasn't even asked to go in the ps3, so possible extreme disease as nothing stops the ps3!
On the plus side, I get cuddles with him when he feels so rough, something that doesn't happen lots now he's 14:)
according to opk's, ff says i Oed yesterday, so im 1DPO!! but since O came later than usual, it says ill be having a 35 day cycle. longest one yet. but since this was my first month using opks... i guess maybe i just have a shorter LP? but before, when it predicted me as having a 14 LP, i got this same ewcm at the right time... so i do think it was late....

i wish time would pass so i would just know already. the unknown sucks.

guess it doesnt matter since we are all pregnant already anyway. hehehehehehehehe

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