The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Perfect- sorry for the awful weather. We have the same here in Oregon.
I think you could definitely be pregnant. But, you know me, I think everyone is pregnant. Sigh. Keep positive and if you can maybe take a day off from testing? Especially if testing is making you sad. I think some ladies don't get positives till much later on. I hear the "gold standard" of test days is 14dpo. Hang in there luv! We are here for you.
Rainy, I think in October I was trying soy isoflavins, it's meant to be the natural version of clomid, and it did change my cycle a bit. Lengthened my luteal phase. I think my current chart is the only one that is triphasic. I don't know whether to carry on temping or not. Ive managed to persuade oh to let me tell my sister, we're so close, and she knows we've been having fertility treatment, I don't want to fib to her. I'm really happy with that! I think my sisters happy too, she hasn't stopped crying since I told her!!!

Perfect 9/10 dpo is still very early hun, don't give up hope yet! Your symptoms all sound good. I had literally the feintest line in the world at 9/10dpo, I'm not even sure it was there lol! Keep positive!! Are you going to test again tomorrow??

Iv just eaten the most humongous slice of the stickiest chocolate cake!! It was gorgeous!!! It was my handsome sons birthday cake, but I think I chose it more for me hehe!!! He's 15 today, how old do I feel!!!!
Thanks ladies. I think I'm just impatient!
I won't properly give up hope till af shows.

Lucy- my son will be 15 in June. It is scary they grow up so fast.
rach- so glad DH came around about you telling your sister at least! That's wonderful! I think you should relish in this moment instead of being worried or afraid. This is it... enjoy it :) I cant tell you how incredibly happy I am for you!!!!! I can't wait to see your early scan. woo hoo!! I think I am going to test 3/14. Thats 14dpo.... BUT... since this was my first time using opk's... idk if I geared up to O, didnt, then O'ed later... or if I usually get my surge at that point in time... so basically I cant decide if my period is due when it usually is and i just have a shorter LP (which would be 3/10) or if af will show later. I hope this makes sense?? lol
I will probably start testing everyday starting from 8dpo... bc im crazy like that. lol as crazy as it sounds to me right now, i know i will still most likely do it. hah

liz- i totally LOL'd at your comment. haha Next Saturday is the day my af is scheduled to come, but if you read my comment to Rach, im not really sure whats going to happen. maybe ill test with you for fun!!!!

perfect- youre SO not out yet! you have good signs... especially if there are different from your af symptoms. im excited for you! just wait a couple more days and test again. FX this is IT!!!!

afm, woke up with an upset stomach today and yesterday. too early for preg symptoms but hey, why not think about it? 4dpo and im already trying to feel for sore boobs. geez, i have problems. lol

this will be my cycle, this will be my cycle.... this WILL be my cycle.
I'm really really for such a crude question. But there really isn't anyone else I can ask!!
While I was in bed with my OH last night, he was kind of, down there! And said this morning that I 'taste' different? He said maybe its a symptom of pregnancy? So sorry if tmi.
Any thoughts ladies?
(so glad you cannot see how embarrassed I am at even asking this)
i dont think its tmi at all!!!

ive read that the different things you eat can change your taste, a bit. if its always been the same... and just this time around its different... i dont see why it couldnt be a sign!!! im off to google it. lol
I don't think it's tmi, but it was a little strange to ask my DH if I taste different now, lol. He said no though so even though I still think you and everyone else are PG, the different taste is probably due to eating something different. :)
I've just googled it, on women's health it says it's often the case. I hadn't eaten anything different or strongly flavoured at all.
I'm going to take this a good sign, and keep my fingers crossed that I'm pregnant.
Stand by for BabyO meltdown. Not only is the psycho being psycho and screwing up my sweet SS (he talked to her today and told her he was mad because of what she did to Daddy yesterday and SHE IGNORED HIM TOTALLY AND CHANGED THE SUBJECT)

I am doing THE EXACT SAME THING THIS CYCLE. I'm in tears. 9 days ago I got a positive opk and I am spotting AGAIN. Exact same day. I have mild cramping. I know it could be implantation bleeding but really, three months in a row of spotting so soon?

I'm in tears and I'm all alone. Where's that hissy fit icon!?!?!?
I'm so sorry BabyO. I hope you get things squared away with psycho-ex soon. When are you eligible to meet with a dr regarding the spotting? Can't remember where you're dr wanted us to wait 12 months but I convinced them to start testing at 6 months because OH and his first wife tried unsuccessfully for 4 years about 10 years ago. Sending lots of :hug: your way!
Sending ((hugs)) babyo
If it makes any difference, I bled throughout both my pregnancies, spotting almost every few weeks. But they were both successful full term babies in the end.
I'm in the US. I graduated from nursing school with my midwife so I'm not afraid to bug her!

Since I have the whole cervix thing going on I think I can push for testing much earlier. They know I want to have a baby before I have a LEEP.
Rainy, I think in October I was trying soy isoflavins, it's meant to be the natural version of clomid, and it did change my cycle a bit. Lengthened my luteal phase. I think my current chart is the only one that is triphasic. I don't know whether to carry on temping or not. Ive managed to persuade oh to let me tell my sister, we're so close, and she knows we've been having fertility treatment, I don't want to fib to her. I'm really happy with that! I think my sisters happy too, she hasn't stopped crying since I told her!!!

Perfect 9/10 dpo is still very early hun, don't give up hope yet! Your symptoms all sound good. I had literally the feintest line in the world at 9/10dpo, I'm not even sure it was there lol! Keep positive!! Are you going to test again tomorrow??

Iv just eaten the most humongous slice of the stickiest chocolate cake!! It was gorgeous!!! It was my handsome sons birthday cake, but I think I chose it more for me hehe!!! He's 15 today, how old do I feel!!!!

OH That is awesome Rach!!! 15 eh? and that cake sure does sound yummy!!!

I'm really really for such a crude question. But there really isn't anyone else I can ask!!
While I was in bed with my OH last night, he was kind of, down there! And said this morning that I 'taste' different? He said maybe its a symptom of pregnancy? So sorry if tmi.
Any thoughts ladies?
(so glad you cannot see how embarrassed I am at even asking this)
I've actually heard that you taste like what you eat. So maybe it's something diff you ate? If not..Then FX'ed it's a GOOD sign!!!!

Stand by for BabyO meltdown. Not only is the psycho being psycho and screwing up my sweet SS (he talked to her today and told her he was mad because of what she did to Daddy yesterday and SHE IGNORED HIM TOTALLY AND CHANGED THE SUBJECT)

I am doing THE EXACT SAME THING THIS CYCLE. I'm in tears. 9 days ago I got a positive opk and I am spotting AGAIN. Exact same day. I have mild cramping. I know it could be implantation bleeding but really, three months in a row of spotting so soon?

I'm in tears and I'm all alone. Where's that hissy fit icon!?!?!?

*Sending lot and lots of hugs and positive thinking Operation*
What a F*** B**** (sorry) She's not doing all this to me and she's pissing me off! I Pray you get this issue resolved. I can't and I don't think I'll ever understand why there are Mom's like her in this world..Ppl like that shouldn't be able to have kids! ughh

Liz- Funny thing you ask that..I just thought about the temping It's on cd 31...and If you look at my chart...That's where I supposedly O'd? I really think I didn't. I'm so done with this :cry: It's very frustrating!

That's where I'm at right now.

I must stay positive. This could very well be implantation. I do not have a luteal phase defect. ~channels progesterone thoughts~ It IS implantation. (How's that?) I am fine. I will be fine. These cramps are good. It means something is jackhammering into my uterus right now.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.
Liz- Funny thing you ask that..I just thought about the temping It's on cd 31...and If you look at my chart...That's where I supposedly O'd? I really think I didn't. I'm so done with this :cry: It's very frustrating!

Hmm, you didn't happen to have another thermometer that you kept temping orally with, did you? It's definitely harder to see any kind of pattern since you temped half the cycle orally and the other half vaginally. :( I hope your AF comes soon so you can start with a fresh cycle and temp all the way through. Also, what are all the open circles? Did you wake earlier or later than normal causing the open circles? That also makes it hard to see a pattern. When I was temping, I found it helpful to write a note on FF with the temp and time taken and then if it was earlier or later than my normal, I would enter the adjusted temp into my chart. Then I still had a record of the real temp/time just in case the pattern didn't become clear and didn't have any open circles. I definitely agree with TCOYF though that it takes 3-4 cycles of temping to begin seeing the pattern of your particular cycle. I thought that was stupid at first but it definitely worked out that way for me. :)
Liz- Funny thing you ask that..I just thought about the temping It's on cd 31...and If you look at my chart...That's where I supposedly O'd? I really think I didn't. I'm so done with this :cry: It's very frustrating!

Hmm, you didn't happen to have another thermometer that you kept temping orally with, did you? It's definitely harder to see any kind of pattern since you temped half the cycle orally and the other half vaginally. :( I hope your AF comes soon so you can start with a fresh cycle and temp all the way through. Also, what are all the open circles? Did you wake earlier or later than normal causing the open circles? That also makes it hard to see a pattern. When I was temping, I found it helpful to write a note on FF with the temp and time taken and then if it was earlier or later than my normal, I would enter the adjusted temp into my chart. Then I still had a record of the real temp/time just in case the pattern didn't become clear and didn't have any open circles. I definitely agree with TCOYF though that it takes 3-4 cycles of temping to begin seeing the pattern of your particular cycle. I thought that was stupid at first but it definitely worked out that way for me. :)
Yeah I have another one that I used before, It wasn't bbt one tho. Open circles are different times yes...It really sucks that my hubby is going to start working nights, BUT the good thing about that is that I'll be sleeping all through the night without him wanting to stay up late!

That's where I'm at right now.

I must stay positive. This could very well be implantation. I do not have a luteal phase defect. ~channels progesterone thoughts~ It IS implantation. (How's that?) I am fine. I will be fine. These cramps are good. It means something is jackhammering into my uterus right now.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.
YES YOU CAN! YES YOU CAN! YES YOU CAN!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

What do you guys think about Vitex?
Babyo- :(
My heart broke when I read that you are all alone. I wish I could come pick you up and feed you comfort food and give you a hug. In virtual spirit, you are not alone. I am so eager for you to speak with your MW. If this is not implantation spitting you need those special tests done, I think. The hormonal tests done throughout your cycle. Did you have those already?

Stacey I will look at your chart again after I start dinner.
babyo- I am so sorry you are going thru all this stressful drama right now! FX it ends VERY soon and (((((((hugs)))))))) a million of em! It very well could be ib! I love the positive thinking... getting all worked up will make the whole situation worse. I believe it is ib! This will result in a bfp! positive positive positive!

afm, can time go ANY slower? seriously? I could have sworn 2 more cycles have passed since I o'ed. lol This has been turning out to be the most boring tww, ever. I need a project! Tonight I am having my hubby and his friend move around the furniture in my house... and tomorrow ill be getting stuff to redecorate my family room. tee hee... my DH hates it when I get into a redecorating fit. "put it here... ok hmm, no lets move it back over here... errr umm... nah i think itll look best over here. last time, i swear. you know what? i think i like it where we had it the first time" haha it seriously drives him nuts!
babyo- I am so sorry you are going thru all this stressful drama right now! FX it ends VERY soon and (((((((hugs)))))))) a million of em! It very well could be ib! I love the positive thinking... getting all worked up will make the whole situation worse. I believe it is ib! This will result in a bfp! positive positive positive!

afm, can time go ANY slower? seriously? I could have sworn 2 more cycles have passed since I o'ed. lol This has been turning out to be the most boring tww, ever. I need a project! Tonight I am having my hubby and his friend move around the furniture in my house... and tomorrow ill be getting stuff to redecorate my family room. tee hee... my DH hates it when I get into a redecorating fit. "put it here... ok hmm, no lets move it back over here... errr umm... nah i think itll look best over here. last time, i swear. you know what? i think i like it where we had it the first time" haha it seriously drives him nuts!

HAHAH that's funny! I rather do it all by myself! i'm 5ft and I swear I move it all by myself!! LOL. I got some new candles today...Vanilla spice and it smells oh so good!! They're burning as I type lol.

my boobs are actually a little sore today...but my cervix feels kind of low. so maybe it's just af finally about to start..I pray it does!!! I have to put to use the 100 opk's i ordered the other day! I'm taking Melatonin today..So I can hopefully sleep all night!

Liz- are you enjoying the nice day??? I opened up my windows!

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