The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Well I have confirmed that I am crazy. All info I am finding says nausea at this point (8dpo) could only be caused by progesterone. Any amount of HCG would be too small, even if I already implanted. Oh well, doesn't mean I am not pregnant of course. I don't know why I have to relearn this fact every cycle!! I am a hopelessly hopeful dreamer, I guess. :)

I can't come up with any reason for me to feel nauseated and dizzy. It's the dizzy that's killing me. At this point my progesterone is probably in the toilet so I can't even use that as an excuse. I wish AF would hurry up and get here already so I can be CD1 again!!!!
rainy, i am the same way. got more globs of creamy cm today where im usually dry at this point... however... ive read on numerous sites that you cant really tell anything by cm. im holding on to a dream! lol
how many dpo are you now?! im gonna start a calendar with everyones cycles so i know when touch base. haha i can only imagine DH's face now... whats all this on this calendar? oh, its just my online friends periods and ovulation days so i can get in touch with them when its time to pee on a stick! bahahaha

stacey- he better relax with all that vasectomy talk! i wanna see an update where he has completely changed his mind! lololol im sure he was just in a mood. men get that way! once you get that bfp he will wonder why he ever even said that! :)

babyo- wow all those symptoms you are going thru! sheesh, shouldnt you be knocked up?! lol i hope you figure it out one way or another very soon. im so anxious to see what happens! i hope this is it... pls pls pls!! i am telepathically speaking with your eggs and OH spermies... telling them to get it together and make it happen! we are tired of the confusion! :)

afm, not much! really... im bored. bought more home decor today. LOL throw pillows, candle holders, an area rug for the family room, a wicker vase. i have a serious problem. hehehehehe
im 5dpo! had a couple more globs of creamy cm... but like earlier stated ive read a bunch of different places you cant tell anything about pregnancy with cm. whatever. lol
can i be at least 10dpo already? pretty pls?

whats on everyones agenda for this week?
Tauraus---REDECORATING!!! My wedding is coming up and giving me the urge to purge! Most of my furniture is either from my first marriage or what I bought as soon as I split. It needs to die!

I am thinking of anchoring the new living room around this couch. I'm obsessed with anthro but not with their prices. I thought this gave kind of the same feel.
babyo- omgggg that sofa is divine! i adore it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and youre right, it does give off the same vibe. id so love some new furniture right now! please buy that beautiful piece of furniture!
ive got my living room that has black leather furniture, its very modern with gray/black/red... then you have my country family room with browns/greens/creams. lol my house has no flow. every room is very different from the next. im constantly changing stuff up, selling or giving away my older stuff and starting over.
you guys... im totally losing interest in the other threads i follow. lol im always here. definitely my fave!
question! would you guys get Mirena again??
you guys... im totally losing interest in the other threads i follow. lol im always here. definitely my fave!
question! would you guys get Mirena again??

Yes without a doubt. I have many other medical issues and the mirena helps control 3 of them and isn't just birth control to me. But I would have to decide how long I want to wait between children as to when to get it again. I'm in month 19 now and if its going tobe this hard for one then 2 may be a long time trying.

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with all that's going on but am busy right now and have had a crash in my condition so lots of bed rest.

Hoping to catch up in the next week or so but by then there will probably be loads more info :) Such a busy thread :)

:hug: and :dust: to all
you guys... im totally losing interest in the other threads i follow. lol im always here. definitely my fave!
question! would you guys get Mirena again??

No. And I would not recommend it to a friend who would want the alleged immediate return to fertility after removal that my doctor told me about when she sold me on it. TTC is confusing and mysterious enough without adding Mirena into the equation to make such crazy cycles!!
I think that was a bit of an "oversell".
Will let you guys know what we decide after we talk to night...I just have a minute to get on here right now..and I wanted to show you guys these OPk's
do they look kind of darkish to you guys? first was 7 30 am..the other was 7's been a few more than 5 mins on the second one.


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you guys... im totally losing interest in the other threads i follow. lol im always here. definitely my fave!
question! would you guys get Mirena again??

I wouldn't recommend it, That thing messed me up!
I'm REALLY obsessed with this thread!
Tauraus---REDECORATING!!! My wedding is coming up and giving me the urge to purge! Most of my furniture is either from my first marriage or what I bought as soon as I split. It needs to die!

I am thinking of anchoring the new living room around this couch. I'm obsessed with anthro but not with their prices. I thought this gave kind of the same feel.

That's a nice looking couch! I've been wanting to get some new couches, but I think it's too soon, especially having young kids, and babies(they puke) lol
you guys... im totally losing interest in the other threads i follow. lol im always here. definitely my fave!
question! would you guys get Mirena again??

Yes without a doubt. I have many other medical issues and the mirena helps control 3 of them and isn't just birth control to me. But I would have to decide how long I want to wait between children as to when to get it again. I'm in month 19 now and if its going tobe this hard for one then 2 may be a long time trying.

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with all that's going on but am busy right now and have had a crash in my condition so lots of bed rest.

Hoping to catch up in the next week or so but by then there will probably be loads more info :) Such a busy thread :)

:hug: and :dust: to all

Hope you start feeling better SOON!
I would. My cycles stopped completely the first year and then were normal the second year I had it. I got af and ovulated on schedule immediately after removal as well so maybe I just got lucky. My bff from high school got pregnant her first cycle after removal too though. I can't remember to take a pill daily for the life of me so that's out of the question. The only other thing I've used was Depo and that causes bone loss and prolonged infertility after stopping it so I'll definitely not ever use that or recommend it to anyone. The Mirena though was great. My hope is to never go back on bc but if I have to, Mirena is the way I'll be going.
My thoughts exactly! I really don't know what he's thinking...But I plan on changing his mind, I've always wanted to have a big family, and he knows that. I think he was just in a crappy mood because he had to go back to work lol. He always seems to get that way the day before. Men I tell you. He kind of thought the same way when we had my first...His idea is, That if he changed his mind he can always have it reversed. *sigh* I WILL CHANGE HIS MIND!!!

OMG this is like my DH!!! Not the changing his mind part... actually, he never wanted a baby in the first place. But he kept talking about getting a vasectomy like birth control... he was all "We can just do it, and when we're ready for a baby, I'll get it reversed!" :dohh: Men.

I can't come up with any reason for me to feel nauseated and dizzy. It's the dizzy that's killing me. At this point my progesterone is probably in the toilet so I can't even use that as an excuse. I wish AF would hurry up and get here already so I can be CD1 again!!!!

I'm gonna go with you're dizzy because all the blood is being redirected to your uterus to make a nice home for baby. I'm still so hopeful for you!!

how many dpo are you now?! im gonna start a calendar with everyones cycles so i know when touch base. haha i can only imagine DH's face now... whats all this on this calendar? oh, its just my online friends periods and ovulation days so i can get in touch with them when its time to pee on a stick! bahahaha

YES YES YES!!!!!! Does nobody else see the fabulousness of this idea??? We need to start a collaborative google calendar or something that we (well, you) can all post to with AF dates, OV dates, and whatever. I love you ALL and I'm trying to keep it all straight in my head, but there's a lot of dates floating around.......

Tauraus---REDECORATING!!! My wedding is coming up and giving me the urge to purge! Most of my furniture is either from my first marriage or what I bought as soon as I split. It needs to die!

I am thinking of anchoring the new living room around this couch. I'm obsessed with anthro but not with their prices. I thought this gave kind of the same feel.

I ***LOVE*** that couch!! It's brilliant! Get it!

you guys... im totally losing interest in the other threads i follow. lol im always here. definitely my fave!
question! would you guys get Mirena again??

I plan on getting mirena again! Except for the absent sex drive, it's the best BC I've tried, by far. I'm pretty sensitive to the hormones, and every other one has made me sick and/or crazy.


You guys... funny story... I've been feeling "girl" lately, even though we were hoping for a boy.... just a random feeling, and some symptoms that are just a little more consistent with a :pink: than a :blue:. So anyway, when O and R came over last week, I told them that, and they gave each other this weird look. So apparently they have a friend who's been 6 for 6 in guessing family's baby's genders correctly (he's Native American who traces his lineage through some medicine man something or other)... and he INSISTS that O & R are having a girl. AND THEN, I went to my appt today (it was fabulous btw) and we heard the heartbeat, and after listening and counting for a minute, the doctor turns to us and- out of the blue- goes "Well it's about 146, that's right in girl baby range!" HA! We laughed. It's a girl, I'm convinced. And now we'll be happy either way- either we're right (girl) or we get what we're rooting for (boy). And we find out NEXT MONTH! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Sorry. That was long. But it was funny (to me) and I had to share!
Hey Panda - good to see you. How are you feeling? I was feeling very :boy: but ever since about 13-14 weeks, I'm now very :girl: for some reason. DH has though :girl: from the beginning. I'm completely okay either way. When we first started TTC, I desperately wanted a girl, but after trying and thinking about it, I'm honestly okay with both and can see the perks of each gender. As long as we end up with at least one of each, I'll be good! :)
Morning ladies!
Another bfn this morning. So why am I am feeling more and more sick by the day? Maybe I'm just sick with disappointment every time only one line appears.
This is only my first month and it's so so hard to be in limbo... I totally respect those of you who've been trying a while. With my two kids being happy accidents, I thought actually actually planning and trying for baby no 3 would be FUN! So why do I feel so sad:-(

To those that are expecting, are you going to find out what sex baby is? Just curious!
perfect- its totally understandable that youre sad. i think that first month is when we all realize maybe it isnt as easy as we thought!! i was so super duper disappointed the first month i got a bfn! its not easy seeing one line so matter how many cycles youre trying. the best advice i can give is to stay positive... any stress with alter and delay your cycle, making it worse. for me, i day dream about what im gonna name him/her in the future, what the nursery will be like... what kind of nick names they will have, what kind of big brother ds is going to be... all positive things with the mentality that it will happen... bc it will, eventually. we have to know its coming! believe it. hang in there... im so sorry you are sad! all the sadness you had from previous bfn's will go away with the one time you see those 2 beautiful pink lines! all of this will just be a memory in the past! :) thats what keeps me holding on!

afm, 6dpo! im getting closer! finally!!!!!!!!!!! havin a bit of mild crampy feelings this evening in my uterus!! lol FX my little fertilized eggy is burrowing and in 3-4 days i can see a bfp! however itll most likely be 6-7 days at least.

heres to all the march bfps we are going to get! hugs and baby dust to all, as im feeling extra positive today!
not sure if this was ever posted here or you guys ever saw this picture... but this pic has been posted on another thread i follow... and it really helps with giving me a view into conceiving/implantation. Just thought I would pass it along in case you havent seen it! Just a general info kind of thing!!!!
Hi Panda! Good to hear from you!

BBear/Perfect- sorry girlies :( BFNs are NO fun. I hate to see them. My first month TTC I went through A LOT of HPTs. Your experience is reminding me of why I am tempted this month to just wait it out.

Taurus- 6 DPO, woo hoooooo!! Your blastocyst is hatching at 6DPO! How exciting (according to the pic you posted, of course your little egg might be more efficient :)

At 9 DPO mine is burrowing in, implantation. Yahoo!

Panda/Taurus- google calendar is freakin brilliant. I can't believe we didn't thin of it sooner.

I am back to feeling not pregnant, and after reading about BBear and Perfect's disappointment taking HPTs this month I think I might hold off as long as possible. I get the itch at 9 DPO (today) so I was already talking myself into it. But, there is really no point in testing everyday for the next week as sheer torture when AF isn't even due until March 16th or so! Back to original plan, I will allow myself one test on Saturday and then not again unless AF hasn't shown.
Morning ladies!
Another bfn this morning. So why am I am feeling more and more sick by the day? Maybe I'm just sick with disappointment every time only one line appears.
This is only my first month and it's so so hard to be in limbo... I totally respect those of you who've been trying a while. With my two kids being happy accidents, I thought actually actually planning and trying for baby no 3 would be FUN! So why do I feel so sad:-(

To those that are expecting, are you going to find out what sex baby is? Just curious!

I feel ya! sorry about the bfn, I've been getting those for more than a week now..and af hasn't shown :(. Did you have a regular cycle yet after mirena? Sorry if you posted that already. I'm still waiting for my first "real" af to show...It's very frustrating!

perfect- its totally understandable that youre sad. i think that first month is when we all realize maybe it isnt as easy as we thought!! i was so super duper disappointed the first month i got a bfn! its not easy seeing one line so matter how many cycles youre trying. the best advice i can give is to stay positive... any stress with alter and delay your cycle, making it worse. for me, i day dream about what im gonna name him/her in the future, what the nursery will be like... what kind of nick names they will have, what kind of big brother ds is going to be... all positive things with the mentality that it will happen... bc it will, eventually. we have to know its coming! believe it. hang in there... im so sorry you are sad! all the sadness you had from previous bfn's will go away with the one time you see those 2 beautiful pink lines! all of this will just be a memory in the past! :) thats what keeps me holding on!

afm, 6dpo! im getting closer! finally!!!!!!!!!!! havin a bit of mild crampy feelings this evening in my uterus!! lol FX my little fertilized eggy is burrowing and in 3-4 days i can see a bfp! however itll most likely be 6-7 days at least.

heres to all the march bfps we are going to get! hugs and baby dust to all, as im feeling extra positive today!
woohooo!!!!! You always seem so full of energy! lol...I need me some of that!

Bfn for me today too, no sign of Af yet though
Sorry Bbear, Hopefully you get your BFP soon!
Hi Panda! Good to hear from you!

BBear/Perfect- sorry girlies :( BFNs are NO fun. I hate to see them. My first month TTC I went through A LOT of HPTs. Your experience is reminding me of why I am tempted this month to just wait it out.

Taurus- 6 DPO, woo hoooooo!! Your blastocyst is hatching at 6DPO! How exciting (according to the pic you posted, of course your little egg might be more efficient :)

At 9 DPO mine is burrowing in, implantation. Yahoo!

Panda/Taurus- google calendar is freakin brilliant. I can't believe we didn't thin of it sooner.

I am back to feeling not pregnant, and after reading about BBear and Perfect's disappointment taking HPTs this month I think I might hold off as long as possible. I get the itch at 9 DPO (today) so I was already talking myself into it. But, there is really no point in testing everyday for the next week as sheer torture when AF isn't even due until March 16th or so! Back to original plan, I will allow myself one test on Saturday and then not again unless AF hasn't shown.
That's the way to do it! It does bum me out every time I get a bfn! FX'd for you Liz!!!!!!

afm- well it snowed some last night so no school for my munchkin...and its actually such a beautiful day outside..freezing tho! DH and I talked, and we decided to wait for me to go to the doctor and get everything checked out. He's just worried about a bump I found on my cervix. I am too and It's just stressing me out, and not being able to start a new cycle makes it worse! Is there a way we could make this group more private? Just a thought.

Operation- How are you feeling today? has the spotting stopped?

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