The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Have a good night Melanie! Hopefully tomorrow is a better day and it will be, cause you'll be telling OH about the good news! Can't wait to see the pics either!!!

Molly- whew! lol...I was starting to wonder WTH is wrong with me! I really need a glass of wine and a nice bath... Maybe I should just go outside and soak up some sun! It's all in your head!!! Can't wait for you and Liz to test on Saturday!!!
Um..How comes I can't see your chart?
stacey- i dont temp! i just use opk's. if for some reason im not preggo this month, i will be finallyyyy temping next cycle! and thanks! i really hope it IS all in my head. im so paranoid! everytime i go to the bathroom i think... ok, im gonna wipe now... pllsssss dont let me see af... plllsssss.... haha anxiety about having to pee! insane!
Congratulations Perfect

Rainy - Im not sure I can wait any longer to find out if your pregnant! And you did say you were going to test tomorrow with taurus! Fingers and toes and crossed for 2 more BFPs. I think your chart looks good especially if it increases further tomorrow. Its difficult to find a definate pattern from your previous charts to compare it with as last cycle was so random, but def looks good in comparison with cycle 2.

SJones - Ive just started checking CP but to be honest at the moment still cant make up my mind whats high/soft/open or not. I imagine if I do it more regularly I will have more of a clue but hope I dont need to. Im not sure about the answer to your question, but knowing that your cervix moves up and down during your cycle probably means it changes position quite a bit. I wouldnt worry about it/mention it to the dr next time your in.

Lucy - 10 positive pregnancy tests so far!!! Good luck for the next blood test, sounds like it should be fine.

AFM - 2dpo and wishing my life away until 14 dpo. Friend arrives tomorrow so hopefully will be a bit distracted and make time go faster. Also waiting for my exam results which I think will finally be released at around the same time as I can test. So a VERY frustrating time right now.
Dreamers- yes I will definitely test on Saturday with Molly. I am so eager to test now, I am going crazy. I have such swollen breasts and sore armpits am really feeling pregnant and of course I am thrilled about my promising temp this AM. I have had more hot flashes, but my assistant told me he is sick and had a low grade fever. He certainly is not pregnant and we could have the same bug! A bug that causes swelling in the chest region! Hahaha!

The other strange thing, ladies, is that I am hyper and crazily upbeat with my co-workers and strangers. This AM I was cheering for bicyclists peddling by! What the hell? I am cracking up now just thinking about it. :) if this is PMS then it is quite fun (except for crying dreams, hehe).
Sorry if someone answered this question already but this thread is almost 500 pages long so I wasn't going to read through everything! I removed my mirena on the 2nd, started spotting on the 4th, moderate bleeding 5th, then spotting 6th, now nothing. I don't know where I am in my cycle because I never had a period once I was on mirena (August 2011). I had a period right before putting it in I think but not sure. So my question is, when should I start ovulating (I understand fertility resumes right after removal). Just wondering if I might be able to get pregnant this month. I get my OPKs in the mail tomorrow I think.
Mrs. White, you definitely CAN get pregnant this month. Most of us haven't had that experience, but it is totally possible. I had no periods the entire time I had Mirena so I hear ya. I personally waited one cycle to start trying, so I had the advantage when we started TTC in December of knowing at least when my last period was. But you will figure it out!

I hope you ordered lots of OPKs so that you can start taking them everyday, for all you know, you could ovulate tomorrow, right? When the line starts to get darker I start taking them twice a day, so I don't miss my surge. I also highly recommend charting your basal body temperatures. That way you can verify with a temperature shift what the OPK is predicting. And, to complete the trifecta, checking your cervical mucus for another clue of impending ovulation.

You might already know most of this, so forgive me if you do. :)
Welcome to the thread! Everyone here is incredibly helpful and supportive.
Rach/Stacey/dreamers/mellissa- my temp stayed the same. I will test tomorrow no matter what I am realllly hoping my temp doesn't go down tomorrow AM. I start to get scared of temping!!

Quite crampy off and on, sore- huge breasts, coffee put me off momentarily this AM. It all seems very good, but I have a VERY convincing mind. :winkwink:

Melanie- I can't wait to hear how DH reacts to the news!!

Calasen- thinking of you, and miss you. Would love an update on how you're doing :)

Hi ginger!
Hi Babyo!

Molly- don't do it!! Wait till tomorrow! :) what time do you usually wake up? What time do you think you might test tomorrow? I get up around 7 ish PST.
OMG rainy, my skin is craaawwwllliiinnnnggggg in anticipation!!! Tast, dangit, test!!!! LOL
Not been on much today as my daughter now has tonsillitis :-( luckily tho it means she realises that she can't visit nanny in hospital with germs. We've told her nanny is poorly, but left it at that. My ex can't trust himself to speak to her as he is so upset. He's still not given me any timescale or anything definate. Part of me wonders if he's exaggerating to upset me? He always got off on making me and the kids cry, it gave him control over us. Surely he wouldn't lie about this?

Thankfully OH been in meeting all day so he hasn't rung. And yesterday we didn't discuss babies much as I was trying to deal with everything else going on.
Trying to think of a good way to tell him? Cannot wait to see him and tell him. My daughter keeps asking if I'm pregnant because I'm in a weird mood. Not surprising with two pieces of big news, one really sad and one really happy! My heads scrambled!
I'll try to pop back on tonight and let you know how he reacted. He's going to be over the moon!
Lots of love to you all xxx
Side boob poke report, which led to full on groping: suddenly breasts not very sore???
Had EXTREME hot flash, though, was up to 99.7. Am I sick???? Other than feeling achey I feel great, still terrifying strangers with my excessive cheerfulness. The only tests I have are Internet cheapies, and that is what I plan to use tomorrow. I will dip 3 in the same urine, I don't trust them! If I get a positive I will purchase a CB digi for hubby to see. If negative I will wait to retest on Thursday when AF is due. So crazy to be 12 dpo but not be due for AF till next week but it is because I ovulated so early (cd11). This is why I have been able to not test, I feel like it is too early anyway. Does this make any sense to anyone?
OMG OMG OMG! LOL....I'm so excited for you Liz! I can't wait for you to test 2morrow!!! You sound so pregnant!!! I'm so clueless about cycles still...Learning everyday something new! I'm sorry not much help!

Melanie- Thing is do you think he would? People can be so evil sometimes! Hope She feels better! I can't wait to hear how you told him!

afm well temp went down! which could mean af is almost here? yes? yes? lol..Never in a million years did I think I would want to start my period so desperately! I'm loving the weather outside!
What's up for the weekend girlies?
Sorry if someone answered this question already but this thread is almost 500 pages long so I wasn't going to read through everything! I removed my mirena on the 2nd, started spotting on the 4th, moderate bleeding 5th, then spotting 6th, now nothing. I don't know where I am in my cycle because I never had a period once I was on mirena (August 2011). I had a period right before putting it in I think but not sure. So my question is, when should I start ovulating (I understand fertility resumes right after removal). Just wondering if I might be able to get pregnant this month. I get my OPKs in the mail tomorrow I think.

MrsWhite- you sound like me! I had the mirena since 2009..fell out in January..had my withdrawal bleeding and nothing since then! I think my body geared up for ovulating but it never did. Like Liz said It is possible! I Know one of my friends had hers removed and was pregnant 2 weeks later!!! Good luck to you!! Hopefully you won't have to wait for too long! I'm on cd 50 today.:cry:
Well good news and bad news:-/
Didn't get to tell OH in any special way because on the way back from the station when I picked him up, we'd just pulled on the drivewat when he asked have I come on yet? And I couldn't hide the huge grin I had! So he guessed. Flung his arms around me and kissed md. so it's pretty obvious he's happy! Plus I've not been allowed to do anything since I told him! Not even make a cup of tea! Hope it wears off a bit, nine months of not being allowed to do anything will drive me crazy:) my daughter is seriously excited! Only smile since she got this tonsillitis and high temp.

Re exMIL, had a text saying that it's definately terminal and they won't re-sus if she crashes:-( most annoying thing is its usually caused by smoking, and her, her husband, my bro in law, and my ex are all heavy smokers. I've told them for years to quit. But they always said it was all bs that it caused cancer. I feel almost angry that this her fault, that my kids lose their last nan because she wouldn't quit.
I still have one nan, albeit she now has pneumonia and is in hospital. But she is 92 bless her:-(

My head is all over the place, I feel bad that I'm happy to be pregnant:-(
liz- i didnt test! just for you! sheesh! hahaha 9dpo is way too early still, i know. my DS i didnt get a positive until 14dpo! so it may be until then... af was late before i got a positive! you sound so incredibly pregnant.... i simply cant wait til tomorrow!!
i wake up varying times. we are all night owls here so we usually are up late and sleep in! im all over the place. hah

melanie- how wonderful about OH's excitement! what a great feeling! :) relish in this moment... dont let ANYTHING take it away. there is nothing wrong with being happy about this! AT ALL!
im sorry about your exMIL...addictions are a horrible thing to break... she had been smoking for so long i can only imagine the crazy insane withdrawal she would have went thru to stop... my grandma passed away due to a lot of effects from smoking... shehad an oxygen mask on and was STILL SMOKING. now my mother is smoking and ive begged her to stop for DS. its apparently something stronger than i will ever know. hopefully your family can get thru this peacefully. i feel horrible for your dd :( hugs to you all... now enjoy that pregnancy!

stacey- woo hoo!! hopefully af shows so you can get to business for real!!! i cant wait to see what happens for you!

afm, been having af cramps since yesterday evening, boobs are a tiny bit sensitive... but this is exactly how i feel right before af! i even had a dream i started af last night-- i ran to the bathroom as soon as i woke up and thankfully she wasnt there.

hope everyone is doing well today.
Melanie, I completely agree with Taurus/Molly. Do let yourself fully enjoy this wonderful time. This is the miracle of life and it is actually growing inside your womb! How wonderful!

Stacey- I hope AF comes, I will send bitchy vibes your way! Hahaha just kidding!! I know, not funny. :winkwink:
How is the vitex going? Any side effects? Are you sleeping well now that DH isn't around to keep you up late? Must be hard to tiptoe around the house with him sleeping during the day.
Molly- yay! I am glad you waited. Way to be strong. We don't want any negatives from testing too early! No way! Thank you for making a testing date with me, I think a lot of women get positives on 10 dpo. I will have to check that website you told me about.
Sorry if someone answered this question already but this thread is almost 500 pages long so I wasn't going to read through everything! I removed my mirena on the 2nd, started spotting on the 4th, moderate bleeding 5th, then spotting 6th, now nothing. I don't know where I am in my cycle because I never had a period once I was on mirena (August 2011). I had a period right before putting it in I think but not sure. So my question is, when should I start ovulating (I understand fertility resumes right after removal). Just wondering if I might be able to get pregnant this month. I get my OPKs in the mail tomorrow I think.

MrsWhite- you sound like me! I had the mirena since 2009..fell out in January..had my withdrawal bleeding and nothing since then! I think my body geared up for ovulating but it never did. Like Liz said It is possible! I Know one of my friends had hers removed and was pregnant 2 weeks later!!! Good luck to you!! Hopefully you won't have to wait for too long! I'm on cd 50 today.:cry:

I'm sure you are just getting back on track. It can take time for your body to adjust, hope you get your BFP soon:)
I just got my OPK's in the mail so I did a test and I'm not ovulating. If I don't get pregnant this cycle I think next cycle I will try charting BBT.
Well good news and bad news:-/
Didn't get to tell OH in any special way because on the way back from the station when I picked him up, we'd just pulled on the drivewat when he asked have I come on yet? And I couldn't hide the huge grin I had! So he guessed. Flung his arms around me and kissed md. so it's pretty obvious he's happy! Plus I've not been allowed to do anything since I told him! Not even make a cup of tea! Hope it wears off a bit, nine months of not being allowed to do anything will drive me crazy:) my daughter is seriously excited! Only smile since she got this tonsillitis and high temp.

Re exMIL, had a text saying that it's definately terminal and they won't re-sus if she crashes:-( most annoying thing is its usually caused by smoking, and her, her husband, my bro in law, and my ex are all heavy smokers. I've told them for years to quit. But they always said it was all bs that it caused cancer. I feel almost angry that this her fault, that my kids lose their last nan because she wouldn't quit.
I still have one nan, albeit she now has pneumonia and is in hospital. But she is 92 bless her:-(

My head is all over the place, I feel bad that I'm happy to be pregnant:-(

I agree with Liz and Molly!!! don't feel bad about being happy.

Melanie, I completely agree with Taurus/Molly. Do let yourself fully enjoy this wonderful time. This is the miracle of life and it is actually growing inside your womb! How wonderful!

Stacey- I hope AF comes, I will send bitchy vibes your way! Hahaha just kidding!! I know, not funny. :winkwink:
How is the vitex going? Any side effects? Are you sleeping well now that DH isn't around to keep you up late? Must be hard to tiptoe around the house with him sleeping during the day.
Molly- yay! I am glad you waited. Way to be strong. We don't want any negatives from testing too early! No way! Thank you for making a testing date with me, I think a lot of women get positives on 10 dpo. I will have to check that website you told me about.
HAHA I really would even welcome the bitchy vibes right now!!!!! My cervix is playing tricks on me! LOL. It's hard to try to be quiet. I try to go to a few places. But I like being home (i'm a homebody) And yes I've been going to bed at around 9:30! I love getting my 8 hours of sleep!

Sorry if someone answered this question already but this thread is almost 500 pages long so I wasn't going to read through everything! I removed my mirena on the 2nd, started spotting on the 4th, moderate bleeding 5th, then spotting 6th, now nothing. I don't know where I am in my cycle because I never had a period once I was on mirena (August 2011). I had a period right before putting it in I think but not sure. So my question is, when should I start ovulating (I understand fertility resumes right after removal). Just wondering if I might be able to get pregnant this month. I get my OPKs in the mail tomorrow I think.

MrsWhite- you sound like me! I had the mirena since 2009..fell out in January..had my withdrawal bleeding and nothing since then! I think my body geared up for ovulating but it never did. Like Liz said It is possible! I Know one of my friends had hers removed and was pregnant 2 weeks later!!! Good luck to you!! Hopefully you won't have to wait for too long! I'm on cd 50 today.:cry:

I'm sure you are just getting back on track. It can take time for your body to adjust, hope you get your BFP soon:)
I just got my OPK's in the mail so I did a test and I'm not ovulating. If I don't get pregnant this cycle I think next cycle I will try charting BBT.

Thanks :) Those OPK's are awesome!!!
Hey gals! Look at my OPK's! What-cha think? Thanks for looking :)


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your last one looks SO stinkin close to a positive!! this looks similar to what mine did... (also, on 3/7 at 9pm, that looks almost positive too)

i got an almost positive, then they got lighter... then almost positive turned SUPER positive by the next day! id bet you have a positive in the morning/afternoon tomorrow. (or today, depending on what time it is where you are)

once i got a positive finally, i thought... now there is NO denying that!

good luck!! :)

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