The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

stacey- im with liz... i would stop temping. simply bc its most likely stressful and not helping the situation! with everything you are currently doing... i really believe just frequently dtd will cover your bases for baby making. i am rooting for you like you would not believe! :) every cycle is one cycle closer to our babies!!

bbyo- the cd12 temp spike is interesting! I cant think of any reason why it would do that... unless maybe your body tries to O that day?? then it O's later? hmm... im not sure! i am interested to see if it just keeps doing it! T-minus 10 days before I test! I am so excited for us this cycle.

I am absolutely with you ladies. I am not doing ANY more BC. no no no... lol DH and I have decided we want 3 kids total so I will not do a thing until I have 3 babies!!! lol period! after that... idk. I have thought about Paraguard once i am done having children (i am terrified of having my tubes tied...and of thinking anything is permanent!)

anyway....2DPO! I am so anxious for time to pass! I am getting online to order pee sticks as we speak!
oh, and I know I have asked Liz about this before... but just for entertainment purposes and convo... does everyone have an ideal birth plan? If you could have a dream delivery? Where would it be? What would happen, who would be present? etc etc! I am interested in your opinions!!
I have had 5 providers do paps on me and all 5 have commented that I have the tiniest pelvis they have ever seen. I assume this means I'll end up with a c-section because that's what I have been told.
bbyo, a tiny pelvis? i am picturing you like a teeny tiny barbie doll right now. hehe :) Would you have preferred a c-section? I am told there are a few advantages of having one...such as being able to better plan when the baby will arrive...and no long hours of labor pain! After having my son-- I would say those are awesome bonuses. lol

with DS I had a lot of problems with the epidural, and ended up not having one at all. I had planned to have one but it just didnt work out--- so, this next time, I am going in KNOWING i will just not have one. I won't even ask. If I can do it all natural the first time I can do it again! I have been asking a lot of questions about dr.'s here and i am starting to narrow down my choices. I think I will interview a couple of them before I choose. I really wish I could go back to FL where I had my son and have my last dr. be mine again!
I WANT to be in a hospital again. I am so afraid of the unknown... lol I had DS in a small medical center and that was just perfect- there is nothing like that here so more research is to come!
Molly- I love how you've thought about all this! I really have no idea what I
Will be doing. The epidurals didnt work that well for me either. And with my youngest i was already 5 cm dilated. So I didn't have a long labor at all. Actually i didn't have a long labor with my first either. I wonder what the third would be like hm? Now you're making me think lol.
Stacey- Yes! I feel like I am constantly day dreaming about my next labor, and the labor I had with my son. The anesthesiologist tried FIVE times to get the epidural in...and it just wasnt going to happen. He was cranky and rude, too! Everyone else was a dream come true so at the time I wasnt disappointed when he left. Even though I didnt want to experience natural birth, in hindsight I am glad I did. The worst part is contractions over and over...pushing him out seemed like nothing compared to those contractions! They didnt really get bad until about 6cm dilated. I went into the hospital because my water literally BURST open, gushed into a puddle on the floor in my bedroom when I got out of bed. lol I was only 3cm by the time I got to the hospital.
I'm rambling. lol Anyway, thinking about my plan helps me visualize it... lets me know I WILL get pregnant again and it makes me feel confident. I cant explain it. I believe we attract what we think-- so I might as well be as positive as possible! I have been on the hospital's website looking at the virtual tours of the birthing rooms here, what all they have, etc. They offer massage for laboring moms and a hydrotherapy tub. ooh la la. lol

Anyway, in response to what you said... How long were your labors with your babies? From the time my water broke to delivery was 17 hours for me.
I'm 5'5" and 105 lbs. I have always been tiny though. I dont have much of a butt/hips to speak of. :/

I guess I would be ok with a section. It's not what
I envisioned. I'll take whatever I can get as long as I have a baby!'
I'm staring at 33 so I don't really have time to prevent if we want three kids. Lol. I should focus on getting #1 here first!!

That's very true. DH and I won't be preventing for long. We will start NTNP again in six-nine months. We are having boy twins next time if I have my way, hehe. :) And when we are done, dh will get a vasectomy.

oh, and I know I have asked Liz about this before... but just for entertainment purposes and convo... does everyone have an ideal birth plan? If you could have a dream delivery? Where would it be? What would happen, who would be present? etc etc! I am interested in your opinions!!

Abigail's birth went just the way I wanted since I couldn't have a water birth. Next time, I'd like to try a water birth but I'm too scared to do a home birth so a repeat of Abigail's birth would be just fine too. :)
That sounds painful! My water never broke, they did that for me. Let see? Oldest
Was from 7 am- and he was born at 10pm. My daughter was from 9 pm- and she we born at 345 am. So not long at all. With my youngest I was so determined to going into labor. I did castor oil, walking on the treadmill, sex lol, hot bath. Everything! Something moSt have worked caz I was 5 cm when I went in. Lol
I'm 5'5" and 105 lbs. I have always been tiny though. I dont have much of a butt/hips to speak of. :/

I guess I would be ok with a section. It's not what
I envisioned. I'll take whatever I can get as long as I have a baby!'

My first pregnncy I wAS 98 lbs and 5 ft lol. I went up to 130 I think by the end.
I'm 5'5" and 105 lbs. I have always been tiny though. I dont have much of a butt/hips to speak of. :/

Im jealous!

AF has come and almost gone! Back in the game... :happydance:

Lovn - I would stay off the birth control if I were you - I would find BBT too much of a pain in the butt for prevention, but could use condoms or timing if your cycle is predictable. You don't want to make anything more difficult when your ready to go again. Im not sure how I would cope if I had to go through a 2nd mc. My gynae says I have to prepare myself in case so I dont go completely nuts - but I really dont think its possible to prepare for. I knew it could happen last time and I had plenty of warning that it was going to, but I still didnt cope at all well.

Hmmm, ideal birth plan -
Mostly I just want a live baby and no hideous complications. I know I will deliver in the public hospital where I work because I feel safe there. Epidural (sorry to
hear your bad experiences, my only experience was of doing them and I thought they were amazing - so satisfying to arrive to a distressed woman, do a procedure and come back in 20 mins to see all smiles)! Would prefer a vaginal delivery - recovery from caesars looks pretty hard, would NEED DH to be there as I know I will be terrified and a really nice midwife.

:cloud9: I want a baby!
dreamers, I am so eager for you to be back to OFFICIALLY ttc! This is so exciting! Do you have a plan of action for this cycle? Doing anything special? Wishing you the best of luck!

afm, 3DPO! wow, time is passing extra extra slow. I am trying so hard to think know that I will be pregnant this time around. I always wanted my kids closer together than what they will be, but I figure this is obviously just how its meant to be. FX I get knocked up this cycle, as my due date would be my birthday! I won't mind sharing! hehe

What's new with you ladies? Do anything fun this weekend?

I am already planning on how I will tell my husband, close family, then everyone else about my pregnancy that isnt even here yet. I have been dreaming about how everything will fall into place. *sigh* I am soo super stricken with baby fever...and they say that 90% of couples conceive within a year...and I'm on cycle statistically I am getting close, right?! lol
Am I the only one that does this?!
Tonight I got to play with my 5 week old nephew. They had to pry him out of my hands!! I monopolized him for like 3 hours! Lol it made my baby fever do much worse.

I want my meds!! (big fit thrown here)

I know AF is on her way. My stomach is acting up like it is about to start. That's about right if my LP is 8 days again. I've only got 4 days left!!

We did BD every day 5 days before O, the day of O, and the day after O. We covered our bases even though we know it won't work.
Bbyo- :hugs: I'm sorry :(.

Dh's cousin is living with us, and she just told us she's one month pregnant. She wasn't sure if she wanted the baby. It really broke my heart. We finally convinced her to keep it. But she's driving me nuts! She's one of those ppl you wanna beat the sh*t out of them every time they open their mouths!!! Ughhh. Oh and she's not a teenager, she's 28 yrs old.

Any-who my cross hairs are gone :(. And I can't take my provera because of the vacation
My temp started it's nosedive this morning (dpo 5). That's pretty normal if I'm going to start spotting in the next two days I think.

Ugh. I'm so ready for those meds!
Yikes, sorry jones. Poor baby having a mom like that too. Fingers crossed she rises to the challenge after birth...

Sorry to hear your body still isn't cooperating babyo. just got my own curiosity, how long were you on a progesterone based birth control? I wish drs were a lot more honest about the real possible affects of it!! There are too many of us with progesterone problems for it to be a simple coincidence!
I got Mirena spring 2008, but I started BC pills in 1999. I was all a couple different kinds of pills over the years. No one ever mentioned to me that it could cause problems. I would have taken significant breaks when I wasn't in a sexually active relationship to let my body rebound.

I wonder if a pregnancy will sort me out?
I wonder that too. I have to buy a new bbt since dh shattered mine, lol...
Stacey- ugh I am sorry your cross hairs disappeared. So annoying!! Are you going to continue temping?

Babyo- fingers crossed your temp is dipping for some other reason, like implantation. It would be so cool to get a BFP before your next RE appointment. I am rooting for you, lady!
My MW indicated to me that she thought my periods would normalize after pregnancy. So that instead of spotting like I had all this time post mirena I will have an actual "flow". I truly felt I would not conceive until I had a normal AF, and it boggles my mind, how can 2 TB worth of blood sustain a pregnancy??
Anyway I think pregnancy might re-set your hormones once your body adjusts from giving birth and breast feeding, if you choose to do so.

Mellissa- love those pics of Abigail in your journal. She is precious!

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