The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

not tested, but no AF yet :) Have cramps though so maybe soon, trying to avoid testing right now as still on the happy buzz from the wedding :) Although still giggling everytime I get called Wife or Mrs ****** :)
Babyo- I would definitely be excited to start a fresh cycle with new meds. I remember when my preseed came, it was like anticipating Christmas!!

Calasen- sigh... I am remembering how sweet it is to be newly married. Sounds like you are really enjoying yourselves :)
Lvn- I didn't see your post until I had already posted mine. Anyway now I see you have edited it. I hope you are hanging in there. You have been through a lot lately. :( hope you are ok.
Hya Ladies, How's everyone doing? TGIF!!!

BByo- Your temps are looking good,Maybe you won't even need to start those meds?? FX"D!!!

Rainy- How are you feeling?

Calasen- When are you testing?!!! lol

Mellissa- How's Abigail? and you?

Lvn- How are you holding up? Hope things are getting better for you..I didn't get to read what you posted, SO I apologise if you already gave us an update :hugs:

Lucy- Its nice to hear from you!!! You should definitely start a journal so we can stalk!!

Dreamers- How are you feeling? Ready for the weekend?

MOLLY!!!! YOU'RE MIA Lady!!!

afm- not much going on here like always lol. Last dose of Provera tonight and af should start in a couple of days..School for the Monsters starts next week. So I've been keeping myself busy with getting ready! Hope y'll are doing well! and enjoy the weekend!
hello lovely ladies!

Sorry I have been MIA. This is cycle #12 for me...and I did my VERY VERY best to stay clear of all things TTC. I needed a break from it all and a clear, at ease mind for this cycle. Today I am on CD21... so I should have O'ed by now. I spoke with my midwife again, and she says since I seem to have a clear O pattern (I sent her my charts), my temps stay up for about 10 days, and everythings looks healthy...that she feels my problem is that I just havent gotten pregnant yet. Seems odd, since its been a year now... but I am still hopeful. We are working out some insurance issues so after a couple more cycles if nothing, then hubby is going to get tested.
I usually O between CD17-21. We DTD 13,16,17, and 20. FX it was all enough.

liz- hello my friend! hows that bump growing?! how much longer until we see a pic of it?! lol...hope your little one is growing nicely. i had a dream we met up with big fat bellies together and took our little boys to the park! very weird! lol

calasen- congrats on your wedding/marriage a million times over. You look absolutely stunning! Looks like you had a gorgeous wedding! I wish you and your DH many years of happiness!!!! (and a baby, too, of course!)

stacey- sorry you had to use the provera again to jump start af. I pray this is the last af you have in at least 10 months. lol I know you have been having a rough time with af so if she isn't going to show up you at least deserve to be preggo!! sheesh! lol I mean its not too much for us to ask our bodies, right!?

bbyo- so happy to see you guys are moving forward. I hate that you have been having so many issues, but thrilled you have such a great DH that is willing to go thru anything for you and his future little one. I think you have a great plan in place and your eye is definitely on the prize!! Donor or not you guys will have such a precious gift and its so obvious you are going to be fantastic parents. The to-be little one is so lucky to have you guys as future parents! and btw, your dh's ex sucks! she just drives me nuts! lol

lvn, at a total loss for words. I know it must be hard to go through what you are going through but I know you will come out on the other side a stronger woman. please hang in there!!!! praying for you!

mellissa- gosh i just freakin love all the pics of your little one I have seen to date! you're a beautiful mommy and its apparent it comes so natural to you! hope all is well!!!!!!!

dreamers, sorry af swooped in...but you are right! af has stayed the same which means it seems you are regular. thats wonderful are always SO positive! i dont know how you do but i admire it so! :)

lucy- lovely to hear from you! i hope everything is going extra smoothly for you!! :)
Hi ladies can I join you please? :flower:

I'm Melissa, 24 on 16th of this month, I have a fiancé of 7 years and 2 children.

Had my mirena coil for over 2.5 years following the birth of my DS, had coil removed 30th July 12, had a light bleed afterwards and then I'm currently experiencing first AF since's horrible :cry: I feel really poorly and crampy and the flow is so heavy, I've been changing a super chunky tampon every 2 hours and using a pad just incase of leaks...whilst on the mirena I has periods but I hardly noticed them, 4-5 days and light-medium flow....until the last few mints anyway, had coil removed as was experiencing 10+ day AF and cramps throughout cycles, turned out it could of been due to cysts that shown on a scan whilst they were trying to locate mirena ready for removal!

Anyway enough about me, hope your all okay, can I ask what cycle everyone is on at the moment?and have you found that you have been ovulating regularly?

We've only got till December to TTC then we will need to have a break until 2014 as we are getting married in May 2014 and I don't want a young baby or to be pregnant on our wedding day! Sooo fingers crossed it won't take us too long as it will be sooo hard for us to give up near Xmas :(!!

Hey girls xx

Calasen it's gorgeous you're so happy after your wedding!!!! I hope af has stayed away too! x

Babyo your chart looks lovely! A clear O and temp rise. I know you're not feeling confident about it all, but my fingers are crossed:winkwink: xx

taurus I hope you O soon and have plenty of swimmers in there waiting!! Good luck for this cycle. Sounds like you've got a lovely midwife there x fx'd you get the insurance sorted soon so you have options! But you're going to catch that egg in a few days so you won't need it!!:winkwink:

Rainy I'm feeling really good thanks, had a lovely second tri, lots of symptoms now returning in the third though, its all hard work again. Going back to work tomorrow after summer break, not sure how that's going to go lol! How are you feeling now? Do you have a little bump yet??

stacey I hope af shows up soon so you can get on to the next cycle! Does provera have any side effects, or does it just bring on af??

Dreamers great news about your cycles! Will make bd planning much easier for you this cycle, good luck!

Lvn I didn't get to read your latest post. I hope you're ok and getting the answers you want so you can move forward x hugs x

Hi Mellie, welcome to the thread! I hope you're cycles sort themselves out quickly so you can plan and catch your egg before Christmas! It seems it can take some time for some ladies to return to some normality, but everyone is very different as I'm sure you'll see on here! I was lucky and fell back into a normal cycle straight after my post mirena bleed. I also got my bfp the following month, but sadly miscarried four months later. Whether I caught too soon or it just wasn't meant to be at that time I'll never know, but a few ladies on here have gotten pg very soon after mirena and gone on to have healthy happy babies. So fingers crossed for you!!! Any questions, just ask, these ladies are amazing!!! Are you charting temps etc?? Can we stalk??

Love and hugs to all xx
Thanks Lucy, congrats on your pregnancy, sorry or hear of your previous mc, that must of been hard four months in :(

I'm not temping or charting or anything at the moment...just going with the flow as with previous pregnancies! DD was a surprise baby and was the result of one unprotected night of passion and DS was a planned baby and was conceived within 3 months of NTNP! Hopefully it won't take us long with baby #3!

Stacey- is it nice when the kids go back to school? I can't remember, did your OB say they won't prescribe clomid for you? I think I recall you saying that. Maybe you should try nature's clomid of soy isoflavones again?

Molly- your timing sounds good! I am very excited about this cycle for you!!
One year is a long time. You are a trouper.
Um my bump is not interested in being posted on the Internet quite yet. Hehe. Maybe next month.

Lucy- I was feeling pretty but in the last few days I feel much better. This morning I felt inexplicably amazing. Yay second trimester!! My bump is much bigger with this little one than with my son. And apparently my uterus and the baby are big for how far along I am. Baby measured just shy of 13 weeks when I was exactly 12.
Good luck with your return to work, hope you can manage to get some rest even though you're working.

Mellie- if you are frequently BDing with your other half then perhaps you do not need to chart your temps. But, since your cycles have been so crazy you might want to consider it. Charting can help you figure out if and when you're ovulating and establish whether or not you have a luteal phase defect. And to answer your question:
I was TTC for 8 cycles before we conceived.
Best of luck to you! There have been a couple of success stories, women who conceived quickly after getting the coil removed.
Rainymomma, Lucyoz....good to meet you and here your stories!

Lucyoz- I am soooo sorry to hear about your loss and hope you can find peice with yourself and know he/she was much more needed elsewhere! Your angel will forever watch over you!!

My name is Lacey and I was brought to this discussion post thanks to Mellie1988:) Thanks!!
I am 28 soon to be(10/9) 29yrs old that is a proud momma of two small boys. Trenton is 7 & Keagon is 5. I had the Mirena placed back in 2004 6-weeks post partum with my youngest. I got it removed July 20th, 2012 and spotted for 7-10 days but nothing that a panty liner couldn't handle. I started TTC as of Aug. 11th and every day I get a BFN...ahhh so frustrating. I know I am jumping the gun and a crazy freak for taking a HPT almost everyday but I think I have become obssessed. I have yet to have a visit from AF and so ready to either see her or have a BFP! This morning when I got home from work (I work nights as a Registered Nurse) I took yet another cheapo HPT. It was negative once I went to sleep. I woke 9 hours since I am working again tonight and seen that there was a faint positive line there. Now I know you are not suppossed to read test after 10 min and expecially after almost 10 but I got so excited I went and took another one (hoping my pee would be more concentrated) but it was a I crazy???
Welcome new ladies!!!!

Well I seem to have recovered from the wedding :)

Although :witch: is still missing!!! Gonna get a test today i think :)

Had a wonderful wedding :)

The registry office was running 45 minutes behind so had to wait with 4 other wedding parties outside in the wonderful sunshine :) which was fine except for lack of parking :)
Finally got in to the room for the ceremony, but because of the delay got the small room without the aisle so my father couldn't give me away :( (the only thing I would change about the day) But that worked out better for him as he has problems with his spine and was in lots of pain.
During the ceremony the heavens opened!! Huge thunder storm started so much so that we actually had to shout our vows at each other to be heard and still the majority of our guests couldn't hear :haha:
When they asked if anyone had any impediments my nephew, whos 3, shouted out yes!!!! which made everyone laugh!

We didn't get the photos done in the manor house gardens as planned as the whole carpark and gardens had flooded from the amount of rain!!!
We raced back to the reception venue though and got all inside dry, meanwhile stranding my poor aunty alone in the centre of a town she didn't know! opps :) She made it back though :)

After about an hour the sun came back as stunning as before and within a few minutes had dried up the gardens in the reception enough for photos to be taken there :)

Had a wonderful day from the start to finish!! Did our first dance in jeans and t-shirts though as the sun came back a little too hot!!! :) was in bed by 10.30pm though as the wedding had started for me by 6am :) but since we had made sure the reception and everything was mostly during the day for the kids most people had gone by 10pm :)

It was better then I dreamed of and so much I will remember! :) :cloud9::kiss:
Congrats calesen :cloud9: glad you had a fantastic wedding, lol at your nephew shouting out!! Good luck for when you test, hopefully a BFP for you!!

:wave: hi Lacey

Just swinging through. I'm still dragging through my "woah is me my hubby has crappy sperm and my body hates me" phase. I'm also still making peace with my decision not to pursue IVF/ICSI at this time. I honestly don't want to. It's so weird b/c I always thought I would try it and now I don't want to! I really surprised myself with that one. :haha:

I'm getting less "woah is me" though and looking forward to next cycle where I get to bring out the "big guns." It shouldn't be long now since I am 8 dpo. I should start today or tomorrow. I'll be back to posting regularly then. :happydance:

HELLO TO ALL THE NEW LADIES!!!! :hi:You will love our thread!! Best. Thread. Ever! :)
Calasen- congrates and sending baby dust your way:)

Operation- I am so happy you are so content with your decision...I wish you the best of luck!!

Did anyone read my last post? Wondering if this positive test after hours has happened to anyone else?
Hope- welcome! The frustration of regulating your cycle after mirena is maddening!! So hang in there!! In regard to your test, I have seen posts where women have your experience and a couple of days later get an obvious BFP. So keep the faith. On the other hand, I also know of some ladies that left a test for hours and later found a line that proved to be an evap, followed by AF.

My experience was that I had a withdrawal bleed a week after getting the coil removed and then a month later had AF.

Consider temping if you are not pregnant this time!

Calasen- thank you for sharing your wedding story! I so enjoyed reading it!!! Congrats again! I can't wait for your BFP!!!!

Babyo- maybe it is just the supplement you've been taking, but your chart is looking really really good. I am dying for tomorrow to come to see what your temp will be!
Anyway, I am looking forward to your Big Guns, as well :)
Welcome to the new ladies! Hope, I would lean toward an evap more than a bfp but fingers crossed for you. What kind of test did you use? How many days post ov are you?

Babyo- I'm really liking your chart this cycle! I've been wondering if taking progesterone supplements for a few cycles post ov would remind a woman's body that it's supposed to be produced...? Probably not likely, right? But that would be nice!

Afm to the new ladies- I had my period monthly for the last year I had mirena. It was removed 3/4/11, I had a short withdrawal bleed and my first af came on schedule 3/15 if I remember right. My dh and I tried for six cycles before going to a fertility specialist where we found he had low seminal fluid volume (so there wasnt anything for the sperm to swim in to get to my egg). With the help of mucinex to thin my cervical fluid, preseed and conceive plus to add additional lubricant, and precisely timed sex after a period of no sexual simulation (to allow as much natural seminal fluid to build up as possible) thanks to charting, we finally conceived on our ninth cycle. Then i was diagnosed with low progesterone and had to take a supplement the first ten weeks to sustain the pregnancy. Our daughter was born five weeks ago tomorrow at 36 weeks, 2 days gestation.
Welcome to the new ladies :hi:

BBYO- YOUR CHART LOOKS PRETTY GOOD!! Different than the others!!!! Can't wait for tomorrows temp!!!

Lucy- tiredness, crappy moods and just plain exhausted seems to be my side effects!!

Liz-She said she would refer me to and Fertility Specialist if I wanted to, I don't think i'm ready for that just yet tho. I might try soy this cycle!

Molly- Glad to have you back!!!! we missed ya!!!

Calasen- all that sounds amazing!!!

-started spotting today, so the witch should be on full force by the morning! ughh. I am happy to be done with this cycle tho! it was a long one!

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