The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Lvn- do you get to see the dr today? I remember my MW easily finding the HB for me when I was about ten weeks, but at the next appointment (14ish) she struggled and it took a looooooong time. And she is a pro! Hang in there sweetie.
Babyo- I am so happy to see your ticker!!!
Has anyone has normal doubling betas and then went on to MC? My DH's entire family will be gathered this weekend for the last time until May! We would love to announce our pregnancy to the entire family instead of telling them over the phone or via skype.

My betas are great. My progesterone is great. I'll be right at 6 weeks when we announce but my US isn't until 5 days after that. His family lives over 10 hours away so we don't see them often.

My gut has a good feeling about this pregnancy and my numbers are good so I really want to tell them!

I do have a 6 yo stepson who would also find out. He's been through at least pregnancy and birth with his mother (and he's talked about another baby in her tummy that didn't get here before so but he was barely 4 at the time so who knows what that was about.) We made the decision that he gets to be the first to know so we either tell him and them now or wait until after the first trimester.
We announced at five weeks after good betas...and the dr I saw at 7-8 weeks said once you see the heartbeat, it's extremely rare to miscarry. Although you'd be sharing before your us but still, I think if you are ready to share, you should!
BabyO I think if you feel.comfortable announcing you should! With my second loss, the first 2 betas doubled, then the second set did.not. but ky progesterone was also very very low at 6.8
Babyo, I think it comes down to who you would want to knowif you did miscarry (although that's not going to happen). As long as they will be supportive if the worst happened I think you should tell. I told my family at 4 weeks!
Well BIL and SIL decided not to come this weekend so we are keeping the news between us for a little while longer. I have my US the next Friday and I should be 6+3 so hopefully we can see the heartbeat. If we can, we will tell my SS that weekend. I can't play with him like I normally do (tickle fights, piggy back rides, wrestle, crawl around on the floor--the indigestion does not like crawling around) and I don't want to give him a bogus reason like "I hurt my back and can't play with you." and then come back a couple weeks later and be all "I'm pregnant and that's really why I can't play with you like we normally do."

So we will tell him in a special way and let him know that he is the first to know. :) He doesn't see or talk to my ILs unless he is with us so we can save the shirt wearing for a later time.

I feel comfortable telling him after the heartbeat and I think he would deal with a MC just fine.
I saw baby yesterday! Actually measuring bigger that supposed to be 12+4 and was measuring 13 . Will not change due date though dang :( baby had arms and legs moving around its weird I don't feel a thing! Will continue progesterone 3 more weeks. And blood pressure meds my cervix is a bit open 1-2 cm so pelvic rest 2 weeks and return to discuss cerclage.. I'm guessing hat had somehing to do with my cramping I was 3 cm from 30-36 weeks with my daughter so I'm not too concerned .. Dr wants tto keep a watchful eye. Pheasant I think that's all. Oh 3 weeks till gender scan:)
I'm glad to hear the good news! How exciting to see little arms and legs! I can't wait for that.
I feel like.I can actually feel pregnant now:) I'm almost out of first trimester and feel like I can stop.worrying now!(well stop worrying as much) and start buying baby stuff in less than 3 weeks when we find out gender!!
Thats great lvn!

Sounds good for you too babyo! :-)

Afm, I'm dying. Lol. I did the first stroller workout today and I think my arms might fall off. We started with high knees, jumping jacks, etc then did about a million pushups and jogging to warm up. Then we did lunges, leg lifts, and your kicks while walking up a super steep hill. And when we got to the top we were rewarded with more pushups...wide armed and then diamond and bicycle crunches. Then we went up and down another hill and ended at a playground where we did a ton more crunches and stretching to cool down. All while pushing joggers! Abigail slept through most of it but while she was awake, she was fascinated watching all the mom's jump around like crazy people! Lol. We came home and took a two hour nap! :-)
Baby pic


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I first heard about Baby Boot Camp which is supposed to have franchises all over but couldn't find one local to me. I found this one instead though, same basic idea. :-) I swear if this group doesn't whip me into shape, nothing will! My hope is to lose about 20-30 pounds by April. That might be completely unrealistic but that's my goal! I want to do boudoir photos for dh for his birthday and I won't do it unless I'm either skinny or second trimester pregnant. Lol :-)
Yea I'm feeling quite. "Padded" these days I have only gained 1 lb. But nothing fits!!! I do not look pregnant at all only chubby:( my friend who is due one day behind me has quite s round bump!!!! Jealous
I wonder when I'll get a bump? I"m really skinny so I feel like it will stick out pretty fast.
Im curvy 5'4 130-135 and usually my tummy is flat but these days nothing is fitting me!!! My friend is very thin and is showing at 12 weeks:) so I bet you will show early Babyo! Sometimes at night my belly. Pops out a bit I will ty to upload a pic sometime.
I was so super bloated in the beginning!! It looked like a flabby bump and then it went away and then finally a real bump appeared!
Omg. Got a call from the RE. They want betas until I hit 5000 and weekly progesterone until I am in my second trimester. My arms will be black and blue.

So I got another beta and progesteroe done today and I go back again starting next week when I'm back in town.
At least you can be reassured you have an amazing RE ! really watching closing:)

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