The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Well baby is still fine but I am still bleeding. Now I get the full "where is all this blood coming from" work up. I just want an answers
Great to hear baby is still doing well! Hope they figure out soon why you are bleeding.
thats a relief babyO! So glad baby is ok. Hope they find out where its coming from or stops and never comes back. Our bodies really know how to ruin the experience of pregnancy with huge amounts of stress!
So it's now Super Yeast the Beast. Nothing will kill this thing. ~sigh~

They said I don't have to call in anymore with the bleeding unless it changes.

We did opt for the triple screen so I'll have yet another US in 2 weeks. I don't want to US my baby anymore. I wanted an intervention free pregnancy.

I'm starting to get excited. The Bean had a growth spurt and I measured 10w 4d today. I should be 10w2d. My ticker is off by a day and I've never gone back to fix it.

I got special shirts to make for me, DH, and SS and my friend is hosting an announcement party so SS will get to be the "first" to know and announce it to all my friends and our families. He will love getting that big brother duty. I can't wait!!!
Your Yeast Beast sounds like no joke, Babyo! Are you taking any probiotics? If you get some from the store make sure they 're from the refrigerated section.

Dreamers- about preparing for labor, are there any childbirth prep classes you could take with DH? That might be nice. Writing out your birth plan might be a good start.
This time I am reading Birthing From Within. I am also a touch in denial of what lies ahead :) which I don't recommend. Ha!
thanks Rainy -
I have booked in for antenatal classes with DH from next month - maybe I should wait and see if that helps. Not really sure how to start a birth plan (is quick, easy and safe a valid option?), but the classes may make this a bit clearer.
We are relocating to SS town in August so I had to contemplate a birthing plan already and start talking to providers. Nobody wants to take people so late in lregnancy.

I plan to deliver totally natural, in the water is preferable, in a free standing birth center with a certified nurse midwife. I wasn't going to take any formal classes but I plan to read some books.

It was hard to get them to take me but I'll have great prenatal care so I was able to talk them into it! has a fill in the blank birth plan worksheet. It's a good place to start. :-)

Babyo- I had my first yeast infection while pregnant and it pretty much lasted the entire pregnancy. Every time I got it under control, it would come back a couple weeks later. Miserable!
Hows it going BabyO? Calasen? How is the weight loss?
I think we need fresh TTC blood on this forum to get it going again.
I have informed DH he will be coming to antenatal classes, he's not thrilled about it but at least he will have some preparation that way. Ive left a book for dads around for several weeks and even marked the good pages and he still wont pick it up!
I have been reading up the duff and it is my favourite pregnancy book so far, reasonable and down to earth, but still not that much on pain coping stuff. Trouble is the book on hypnobirthing I got spends about the 1st 10 chapters convincing the readers that doctors are evil and there is some sort of conspiracy among obstetricians to "take away your right to a natural birth". I find it bizarre and annoying and I struggle to take the rest of the book seriously as a result. I should probably stop reading pregnancy books, Ive formed a bit of an addiction!
Hello lovely ladies! Hope everyone's ok?? Babyo hope the bleeding a subsided for you! The one time in your life you're meant to relax an take it easy, an it winds up being the most stressfull!! At least you know why, and that bubs is safely and happily snuggled up in there oblivious to it all:-)
Dreamers you sound so like me lol, I was soooo excited planning how and where I was going to give birth, pain relief etc. My first son was an induction, an I was too young really to understand my options and ask others for advice. So this time I was going for an all singing all dancing music playing, water birth. All the trimmings!! However sadly I had to be induced again, so plans went out of the window. I had the pessary in at six am, soft contractions all day, nothing major. Then waters burst at ten pm, dilated almost immediately an delivered at ten past eleven!! It was a massive rush at the end, no pain relief. But do you know what, it was perfect!! My oh was there, my whole family outside, baby was healthy, I wouldn't have wanted it any different xx planning it all was fun, but by nature, it's not something that generally goes to plan!! Baby is very much in control!! I also tried to coax oh into watching birth vids and reading about it all. I think I just wanted it to be a positive experience for him, and for him to know what could go wrong so he was prepared! But he just didn't want to know. All he cared about was getting through it with a healthy baby and me ok!! The only advice I could pass on I guess would be to trust your body be positive, and open to a last minute change of plan!! Whatever happens, when you're holding little baby in your arms, not much else matters :-)) xx good luck!!

Edens are you still ntnp? I'm just getting my cycle back, not properly I'm still breastfeeding, but I'd like to start temping again. Not sure how though with night feeds!!

How is everyone else doing??
Thanks Lucy, that sounds wonderful despite not being to plan. I am trying to keep an open mind and accept whatever comes along on the day, and trying to feel more positive about a caesarian in case I need one (I really dont want one!) I dont want to start being a mum feeling disappointed in myself like so many women do because they put so much pressure on themselves to do the birth right.
I totally agree with you. At the end of the day, whether baby comes naturally or with a little help, you've spent nine months being a life support machine for your little bundle. Nurturing loving an preparing him/her and you for life on the outside. That in itself is something to be so proud of. If your body and baby decide they need some help right at the end, well I'd be excited at seeing my baby that bit sooner :-)) relax an enjoy!(probably not enjoy at the time lol, but your own birth story you'll enjoy telling for years to come!)
Hows it going BabyO? Calasen? How is the weight loss?
I think we need fresh TTC blood on this forum to get it going again.
I have informed DH he will be coming to antenatal classes, he's not thrilled about it but at least he will have some preparation that way. Ive left a book for dads around for several weeks and even marked the good pages and he still wont pick it up!
I have been reading up the duff and it is my favourite pregnancy book so far, reasonable and down to earth, but still not that much on pain coping stuff. Trouble is the book on hypnobirthing I got spends about the 1st 10 chapters convincing the readers that doctors are evil and there is some sort of conspiracy among obstetricians to "take away your right to a natural birth". I find it bizarre and annoying and I struggle to take the rest of the book seriously as a result. I should probably stop reading pregnancy books, Ive formed a bit of an addiction!

Nothing wrong with that addiction! Can't even count all the pregnancy books I read. Just wait until you start reading baby books, omg, there are tons!! I bought so many. Oh and baby cookbooks toowhich are basically useless now we've decided to do baby lured weaning instead of homemade purees! I also bought breastfeeding books I never even opened because I was terrified I wouldn't be able to nurse and ended up not having any problems with it (thank goodness!).

Hello lovely ladies! Hope everyone's ok?? Babyo hope the bleeding a subsided for you! The one time in your life you're meant to relax an take it easy, an it winds up being the most stressfull!! At least you know why, and that bubs is safely and happily snuggled up in there oblivious to it all:-)
Dreamers you sound so like me lol, I was soooo excited planning how and where I was going to give birth, pain relief etc. My first son was an induction, an I was too young really to understand my options and ask others for advice. So this time I was going for an all singing all dancing music playing, water birth. All the trimmings!! However sadly I had to be induced again, so plans went out of the window. I had the pessary in at six am, soft contractions all day, nothing major. Then waters burst at ten pm, dilated almost immediately an delivered at ten past eleven!! It was a massive rush at the end, no pain relief. But do you know what, it was perfect!! My oh was there, my whole family outside, baby was healthy, I wouldn't have wanted it any different xx planning it all was fun, but by nature, it's not something that generally goes to plan!! Baby is very much in control!! I also tried to coax oh into watching birth vids and reading about it all. I think I just wanted it to be a positive experience for him, and for him to know what could go wrong so he was prepared! But he just didn't want to know. All he cared about was getting through it with a healthy baby and me ok!! The only advice I could pass on I guess would be to trust your body be positive, and open to a last minute change of plan!! Whatever happens, when you're holding little baby in your arms, not much else matters :-)) xx good luck!!

Edens are you still ntnp? I'm just getting my cycle back, not properly I'm still breastfeeding, but I'd like to start temping again. Not sure how though with night feeds!!

How is everyone else doing??

Hi Lucy! Yes, we are ntnp. I've come to terms with the fact that we may not have more kids but I don't want to go through temping, charting, supplements, timed bding, etc again. I've made it clear to dh that the ball is 100% in his court as for having more kids. The infertility factor is his to handle and fix. All he has to do is drink water. Basically his body is so dehydrated since he only drinks caffeinated soda and doesn't eat any fruits or vegetable, that it is incapable of producing seminal fluid. Without the fluid there isn't anything for his sperm to get to my eggs therefore no babies. (sorry if tmi?) We only got pregnant last time because I had the help of mucinex to thin and increase my cm, conceive plus, perfectly timed bding after a period of no sexual release from him, and after three months of me basically forcing him to drink at least 32oz of water per day. Anyway, too much stress on me and our relationship so I've resigned myself to the fact that we'll only have Abigail He really wants more kids though so when he's ready to be a big boy and drink water I'm sure we'll get pregnant again. :-)

Oh and before I decided all of this I had wanted to start temping too but Abigail's sleeping patterns are still too sporadic. It stil crosses my mind for my own curiosity since my cycle hasn't totally regulated now that I'm ebf again (was pumping and bottle feeding for school), but haven't done it yet!
I dread TTC again. We will start again next January. As long as it took this time we need to get started again right away.

After Wednesday I'll start my hunt for birthing books. I know exactly what I want!
Babyo, when are you due? I hate that the tickers don't actually say the due date!! Will you go straight to actively ttc with temping and all of that or just ntnp? Do you plan to bf? My cycle came back straight away when I was pumping at least once per day but now that I'm only nursing it's all over the place between 30 and 60 day cycles. I'm somewhere around cd25-30 and haven't ovulated yet. Last cycle was normal but the one prior was close to 60 days and anovulatory.
Edens I hope your oh does his bit for you both! Drinking water can't be too much of a challenge!! I too had a reluctant oh, but more in the timed bd'ing. He thought it would all just happen! Several miscarriages down the line he finally jumped on board an we got the treatment we needed, and with everything I was taking and doing little bean stuck! I'd like to start ttc'ing ASAP as it could easily take years again. And I'm going to need to chart, temp etc so I know when to start taking the progesterone. But I'm not sure how its going to work with night feeds. Wilson generally sleeps till about four ish, so would a temp then be reliable? Plus bf'ing exclusively I'm not sure I'm in anything you could call a cycle! Bleed a few days, off a couple of weeks. How old is Abigail now?? Have you started weaning??

Babyo how are you feeling now?? Still having symptoms?? Twelve weeks has come around quickly! What kind of birth are you hoping for??

Rainy how are you feeling?? Any twinges? Are you on maternity leave yet??
Gardens - thanks! what is baby lured weaning? I hid most of my preg books in a cupboard so people wouldn't see such a ridiculous collection on the shelves when they come round! You know you would NOT be able temp and not actively TTC. At least I wouldn't!

BabyO - what do you mean you know exactly what you want? in terms of birthing books or the actual birth?
Edens I hope your oh does his bit for you both! Drinking water can't be too much of a challenge!! I too had a reluctant oh, but more in the timed bd'ing. He thought it would all just happen! Several miscarriages down the line he finally jumped on board an we got the treatment we needed, and with everything I was taking and doing little bean stuck! I'd like to start ttc'ing ASAP as it could easily take years again. And I'm going to need to chart, temp etc so I know when to start taking the progesterone. But I'm not sure how its going to work with night feeds. Wilson generally sleeps till about four ish, so would a temp then be reliable? Plus bf'ing exclusively I'm not sure I'm in anything you could call a cycle! Bleed a few days, off a couple of weeks. How old is Abigail now?? Have you started weaning??

Babyo how are you feeling now?? Still having symptoms?? Twelve weeks has come around quickly! What kind of birth are you hoping for??

Rainy how are you feeling?? Any twinges? Are you on maternity leave yet??

Do you think we will need progesterone again? I guess I just kind of assumed that was caused by the mirena and now our bodies would remember what needs to be done so we wouldn't need it again. :-( Who knows for sure, of course, but hopefully we won't need it again. I hated that part!!

As for when to temp, I don't think it matters as long as you've had at least four hours of consecutive sleep. Abigail just finally started sleeping long stretches again (knock on wood that doesn't stop!). She had done it from 6 weeks to 4 months and then did every two hours til 6.5 months. So the past two weeks have been wonderful! :-) she will be 7 months on Thursday and is growing like a weed. She had plateaued at 25.25"for 7 weeks and then hit a growth spurt and grew 2.25 inches in 2 weeks!!! No weaning here. I plan to bf at least a year, hopefully longer. She has started solids since six months but no decrease in her nursing from it.
Gardens - thanks! what is baby lured weaning? I hid most of my preg books in a cupboard so people wouldn't see such a ridiculous collection on the shelves when they come round! You know you would NOT be able temp and not actively TTC. At least I wouldn't!

BabyO - what do you mean you know exactly what you want? in terms of birthing books or the actual birth?

Dreamers-so sorry. It's Baby Led Weaning. I only post from my phone these days and it changes so much of what I type. I try to go back and proofread but that depends on Abigail. :-) Baby Led Weaning is no solids until baby can sit unassisted and at least six months. Then you skip all the baby cereals and pureed foods going straight to real food so her first introduction to solids was sucking on a piece of sliced apple. She's had all kinds of food now, mostly by sucking on it and since she doesn't have teeth she rarely actually gets anything solid but when she does she will gum it up until it can be swallowed. There are tons of reasons why to skip the purees listed online and in the Baby Led Weaning book plus there are forums on bnb for it. This is actually where I heard about it and as someone with major texture issues while eating, I'm hoping to avoid that with Abigail. :-)
My specialist wants me to take the progesterone regardless. I think as I had 6 mcs he's not willing to take the chance that my levels might be low again. It wasn't pleasant, but it worked, so I'm happy to go along with it. Did you suffer with the symptoms then? I think I'll temp at his 4am feed, I should have been asleep for 4/5 hours by then.
I bf my first for a year, loved it. I'm hoping to do the same with this little man. I'm hoping to introduce solids around 6months, but he's an enormous baby (18lb at three months! Not fat, just long and solid! And 26 inches already!), I'm not sure I'll be enough for him, he's got quite an appetite! I'm interested in this baby led weaning? I shall search on here now! You dont find Abigail gets hungry at all?? Is she gaining weight normally??

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