The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Hi guys :blush:

I wonder whether I could jump in and join you? I get the impression some of you are TTC and some not, am I right?

I'm 29 with a 3 and a half year old boy and just had my Mirena coil removed on Valentine's day because hubby and I are TTC#2 :happydance:

Hope to chat with you lovely ladies a bit and share stories :flower:

Shadow xx
Hey shadow! You're more than welcome to join. Some of us are ttc, some pg, some ttc after having a lo. All post mirena, all with our own ups an downs following removal. Feel free to ask questions/share stories! Are you actively ttc? Charting etc?? Did you get on ok with the mirena??
My specialist wants me to take the progesterone regardless. I think as I had 6 mcs he's not willing to take the chance that my levels might be low again. It wasn't pleasant, but it worked, so I'm happy to go along with it. Did you suffer with the symptoms then? I think I'll temp at his 4am feed, I should have been asleep for 4/5 hours by then.
I bf my first for a year, loved it. I'm hoping to do the same with this little man. I'm hoping to introduce solids around 6months, but he's an enormous baby (18lb at three months! Not fat, just long and solid! And 26 inches already!), I'm not sure I'll be enough for him, he's got quite an appetite! I'm interested in this baby led weaning? I shall search on here now! You dont find Abigail gets hungry at all?? Is she gaining weight normally??

I'm sure your body will keep up with your lo. That's what our bodies were made for! :-) Abigail loves to eat big girl food and is happiest when feeding herself for sure but she also still loves to nurse. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep up with her and have noticed my supply does decrease a bit during af but I've managed to keep it up. For about two months I took a brewers yeast supplement while I was really worried about it but no issues since and I'm sure it was fine then too. I'd rather have too much milk than just enough or too little though. Abigail is growing well. She was in the 5th percentile at birth (born a month early) and is now around the 60th and growing. She's outgrown her cousin from back east in height and weight who was born full term and in the 90th percentile even. I measure her height and weigh her on an infant scale every week and track it on an app on my phone called ibaby. I attached screenshots of her growth if you are interested. :-)

Hi guys :blush:

I wonder whether I could jump in and join you? I get the impression some of you are TTC and some not, am I right?

I'm 29 with a 3 and a half year old boy and just had my Mirena coil removed on Valentine's day because hubby and I are TTC#2 :happydance:

Hope to chat with you lovely ladies a bit and share stories :flower:

Shadow xx

Hi Shadow!! Welcome! As Lucy said, some in here are ttc, some pg, some with new little ones and ttc again. Feel free to ask any questions you have. Each of us has had a different experience with mirena and I think many would be happy to share. I think the only thing all of us have in common post mirena is that progesterone supplements were needed to sustain pregnancy. Anyway, welcome again!!


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I am so glad you said that!! I've been really worried about my supply, especially during af! I'm taking fenugreek, blessed thistle an drinking mothers milk tea. Petrified of running out. I bought an electric expresser too and express 2-3 times a day so I have a stash in the freezer if needed. I am going to hold off weaning till 6months. Reading up its entirely possible, an I don't have a problem feeding every couple of hours if needed, baby is boob obsessed!! And I love the idea of baby lead weaning! You've been really reassuring, thank you!xx
Wow Abigail's growth is fantastic!! Considering she was early too! Wilson is on the 98th, for weight, hight and head circumference! He's been mistaken for a one year old twice!
Lol, big boy!!! As long as Wilson continues to increase in weight, I'm sure your supply is fine! :-)

We met Abigail's cousin in Phoenix over the weekend. She was born six weeks early and is now five months old. She isn't doing nearly as well as Abigail, unfortunately. She's between 9-10 pounds and I think she said around 20". She can't hold her head up let alone roll over or sit with assistance. She's scrawny too. She looks like Abigail did around 10 weeks. It's so sad and her parents are unfortunately not very well educated so they don't seem to think there is a problem with it. Hopefully after seeing her next to Abigail they'll get an idea and get help.
Oh and I know you aren't in the states but maybe you have something similar. We have an organization called Human Milk 4 Human Babies that people can post offers of extra breastmilk or post requests for breastmilk. Each state has a facebook page they use to post the offers/requests.
Oh the poor little mite, she doesn't sound healthy at all. Unfortunately a lack of education can unwittingly leave little ones subject to all sorts of unnecessary problems. I hope they are able to get some help for her xx
I have heard of something similar, where you could buy milk from expressing mothers. It was quite controversial over here, I've not looked into it though. I'd certainly consider it though should my boobs pack in or give up lol!
I meant in terms of birthing books! lol

I'm going to have to break down a buy a copy because there are like 20 holds on it at the library. She actually practices about an hour from where I live. lol
Babyo- I didn't realize you are close to The Farm! How cool! I love Ina May.

Lucy- sounds like your body is totally satisfying your little man's needs! Good work!

Edens- I planned to nurse DS for a year and ended up going for almost 2 just because it was so important to him. I was never comfortable with forcing or training him to do anything.
Dreamers- how's it going with DH? You asking for what you need?

Shadow- my son was 3 1/2 when we started trying. Now he is almost five and I am due a week before his b-day!
I did not require progesterone supplements to sustain my pregnancy but definitely had some weird side effects post Mirena, like non existent periods. Very weird.

AFM- I have been having irregular contraction that lead nowhere. Prodomal labor I think they call it, right?
Anyway I have all of my homebirth supplies ready to go, my birth pool is here! I am working with a group of fantastic certified nurse midwives who are as excited as I am!
I can't believe I am full term. But I think I will go past my due date, my guess is 3/17 :)
I would love to nurse for two years and I suspect Abigail would as well. She's a baby who always likes to comfort nurse and there have been times where we say and comfort nursed for 4 hours at a time. She won't sit still that long these days but she still comfort nurses quite a bit, especially in unfamiliar surroundings.

Babyo, I'd offer to send you my copy of Ina May's book but I can't seem to find it. I wasn't thrilled with it. I liked the gist of it but a lot of it seemed like overkill, unfortunately.
Edens--really? It's a bummer? Well, that kind of stinks. I've watched a lot of interviews with her and liked those. Mostly I plan to listen to my body and wing it when it comes to actual birthing. That may be the worst plan ever. I started my meditation sessions last night. I decided on a "Green Tea" scent that is soothing and smells relaxing to me. I burn that candle, listen to my relaxing music (Westminster Abbey Choir type stuff), turn off all the lights and deep breath to get focused. I plan to do that every day until I deliver to train myself to relax to the smell and the music. Who knows if it will actually work.

Shadows--Sorry I missed you hello yesterday! The TTC after Mirena has been easy for some and a nightmare for the rest of us. I had to do progesterone supplements b/c my LP was like 8 days. We ended up having to see a fertility specialist but my husband also has crappy sperm.

Since TTC #1 took so long we plan to start again in January of next year with all the temping, mucinex, etc. Hubby wants a big family and I'll be pushing 35 by that point so we're just going to go right back at it. I kind of dread it but feel like we have a better handle on what to do this time around. I would love to breastfeed for 6 months but I know that can mess with TTC. It all depends. We'll see how it goes and what happens after LO gets here.
I just found it to be repetitive I guess. Your plan sounds good though. Winging it worked for us! :-) We did the childbirth classes but it was mostly for dh because it was the only way I could get him to realize what was going to happen. He didn't want to talk about it or watch any births on youtube or anything. But once we were in the hospital, everything went pretty much out the window for me so I'm glad dh was there to recommend the shower and give massages.
Does anyone know how long it can take for cycles to come back when bfd'ing??

Also, kinda personal, but what were your oh's like after the birth for having nookie again?? It's been three months now, and he just doesn't seem interested! I get the whole engorged breasts an expressing etc is not ideal lol, just not sure if the birth itself has put him off!!
IDK how it will be after the birth but DH won't touch me. I was on pelvic rest for a while due to spotting and bleeding and then I had that wicked yeast infection and no way in hell was I having sex then. I would have hurt so much.

Now that I'm officially 12 weeks I want to but DH said: No way I want my penis that close to the baby!


Also, Baby says hiiiiiiii!


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Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Bbo that's soooo lush <3 swooon :-) you must be so ecstatic hun!!! Really chuffed for you!
My oh didn't seem to mind so much during the pg, I wasn't sure cos it was uncomfortable. I think the birth might have put him off. But I don't want to bring it up an make a big deal of it! Men!!

UGH! Did you speak to the doctor about it? DH and I didn't until after 12 weeks either and he was really concerned about it so I mentioned it to the dr while he was there and then he was fine with it. I never got the super sex-drive during pregnancy though, mine in fact went completely out the window, so we still didn't have sex often. Mine came back with a vengeance as soon as she was born though. Less than two weeks pp, as soon as the bleeding stopped, oh boy, DH better watch out! lol

Lucy - I think it's pretty common for men to be turned off after the birth. My DH wasn't thankfully. Well, he was extremely cautious until after my 6 week pp checkup actually. But we still had sex. I just kept a bra on since my bbs would leak constantly. He's gotten used to that now though. My letdown reflex never got better on one side and it still starts spraying when I least expect it. :(

As for when cycles return, everyone is different and it depends on how often you're bfing too. Mine came back after 10 weeks when I returned to school and have gone all wonky now that I'm ebf again (had been pumping and bottle feeding at least once per day)
Here's the site I mentioned a while back about Hormones in Labor that I found really interesting and kept me to my plan of a natural labor.

I'm finally posting from my computer and could pull it out of my bookmarks. :)

(Abigail is staring at my fingers on the keyboard keys - she's fascinated, lol)

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