The One Year Strong Ladies!

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well here..Im sick with a stung by a wasp yesterday...and stabbed myself in the palm while cutting up tomatoes..Im just falling apart lol...SPD has been horrible these past few days and so has the hip pain at night...I hope its all just coz I feel like crap from the cold anyway...hoping to feel better by end of this week but I have an appt Tuesday just incase and if I still feel bad maybe I can get something for it... for now its just hot tea and benadryl and tylenol lol... Im working on starting an expecting mommies/mommies with infants social group in my area which has kept me busy and Im getting excited about...
NJ..all I can suggest on constipation is glycerin suppositories..I felt like an old person buying a huge thing of like..200 lol lol..but thats the smallest pack they had..but omg they work..even if its just rabbit pellets (sorry but thats what hubby calls it lol lol) you seriously feel better... that or MacDos...go get you a huge coke..a bigmac and some fries..and geez that ALWAYS flushed me out lol..even pre pregnancy lol.. good luck!!

A friend of mine mentioned on Facebook today that she remembered why she hadn't eaten at Taco Bell in the last year and a half. The lightbulb went on over my head - Taco Bell ALWAYS upsets my stomach! So, since the Zofran makes me feel oh-so wonderful, and I can eat anything - guess what I got for lunch! :rofl: Yeah, ideal pregnancy food.

DIDN'T EFFIN' WORK!! I was sitting at work just praying for a little gurgle, something! I feel like an old person as it is, I have always laughed how they're totally obsessed with their bowels.
My other friend just had her ultrasound this week and her due date is confirmed! So my friends J&N are due March 2nd, DH and I March 15th, E&A due March 30th! So exciting that all three of us are in one month. I want to have an expecting party.
@NJ, thank you for the kind words. :hugs: :hugs:

As for the constipation, eat FIBER, lots and lots of fiber..Go get meatmucil, or Fiber sure, (or another fiber supplement from the drug store) lots of fruits and vegtables, a nice salad!!! Good luck hun. I hope it goes away soon! Have you been eating any fiber??? If you dont have a bowel movement soon than I would suggest talking to your DR, because I know it can make you sick if you dont have a bowel movement for too long. They may have something they can give you to help with constipation that is safe for the baby!!!
Wannabe, the only bread products I buy are FiberOne. I eat an english muffin or toast every am. The rest of the day? Fruit or yogurt. Cereal for dinner. A glass of water with FiberSure every AM. So, I'm up to my eyeballs in fiber. GRRRRRRR. I even stirred another spoonful of FiberSure in my stolen cup of coffee this evening. Had a bowl of fruit for dinner.
Good news is, I think we're doing better (without going into the TMI range again). God, what has my life come to? I've gone from obsessing about CM to obsessing about when and how I POOP. Good lord.
@Nj..Woo Hoo, you pooped!!!..:haha: LOL, there is always going to be something for us girls to obsess over!!! :winkwink: LOL
:rofl: Wannabe, you always make me laugh with your little icons. I guess this is a view of what's to come. I remember my aunt being OBSESSED with when her kids last pooped. I felt bad for them, because she'd always threaten them that if they didn't go, she'd give them an enema. Like a three year old who's barely potty trained has control over WHEN they poop!

Funny story - apparently when I was a baby, my mom left the house to run some errands, and left me alone with Daddy for the first time (gasp!). I guess something got a little stinky, and Daddy went to check to see if I had a dirty diaper. Well, I guess I was wearing one of those little sack-footed pj's you put infants in? He unzipped the top half-inch of the pjs, and there it was - code brown all the way up to my neck! What did Daddy do?


Mom came home an hour later, he was like "Umm, I think Lindsay may have pooped," like, yeah, I didn't check, not sure. She was LIVID. Said she had to literally dunk me in the toilet. Apparently I had full-body diaper rash for weeks. :rofl:
awww..that is horrible..typical men though!! lol lol..I can see my hubby doing that lol lol...Im attempting to make home made alfredo..I love alfredo but HATE the cheap nasty stuff you get at stores in the hopefully this will go over well lol...if Im not on by tomorrow..something went horribly wrong..either I died from horrible alfredo..or it was so go I killed myself by overeating lol lol..
@NJ, LOL....How funny...Sounds like your daddy tried to avoid poopy diaper duty at all costs and the poop exploison was to much for him to handle...LOL :haha:

I have some funny stories from when I was little too. When I was a little girl, my parents had chickens in a chicken coop with eggs. I went into the chicken coop one day and busted all of the eggs. I am not sure why I did it though...:haha::shrug: I must have been mad or something, LOL..Anyways I ended up getting a whooping from my dad...LOL.....

It might of been because there used to be this big white Rooster named Cowboy and he would chase me around and try to peck me, i would run and cry...I was so scared of that dammed rooster..LOL..He was so mean..Maybe i wanted revenge on the eggs...:haha::blush:
@Mrsjerome, good luck with your alfredo...I hope you will survive....:haha:

I always have a hard time making a good alfredo, and as a result I have avoided it at all costs over the years.... Let me know if it turns out good and is a tasty recipe, I might have to steal it!!! :winkwink: was ok..definitely better than the nasty jar ones and really easy to make..I just wish I had fresh parmesean to use instead of the already crumbled stuff more suitable for tops of pizzas..but it was def def good...I ate too much lol..the one bad thing is that you cant really reheat it as it turns to oil since you use such fresh ingredients..the pure butter and heavy cream and cheese... but it was def worth it...mmmmmmmmm lol...
The first thing I ever ate that DH cooked was his alfredo sauce.

OH. MY. GOD. The most amazing alfredo I have *ever* tasted to this day. I think he's only made it twice in the last seven years because it's so bad for you. I hate watching him make it, but holy cow...SO good. He doesn't cook often, but he is REALLY good at it, especially the italian dishes. Makes everything from scratch, even the raviolis, and it is incredible.

It's funny, I love italian food...probably my favorite thing. I mean, we eat pizza once a week. Right now? If I see a commercial for pizza I have to change the channel. Something about the tomato sauce. :sick:
lol..I would get grossed out at the Hardees commercials or Carls Jr. depending on where in the US you are..their gross looking smothered mushroom burgers or something..uggh..:sick: and a few other food places commercials like Olive Garden and their nasty cheese filled somethings..idk why but just grossed me out....but now..I see stuff like..Red Lobster and Outback and their crab legs or shrimp dishes and want to eat it all..even though I dont really like most seafood..for some reason it just looks soo freaking good lol lol...
my hubby can cook coz he lived alone for so long...but now that Im here and home all day he hardly ever does lol lol.. he wont cook for me..coz Im too picky lol..which I dont blame him..I enjoy cooking for him because he loves everything so i can go crazy with ideas..but me..Im too picky even for ME to cook for half the really wish I liked more stuff..and its not that I dont TRY things..its just I really dont like a lot of stuff no matter how many times Ive tried it...and Im allergic to peppers and spices so that also cuts down on tons of stuff I can eat...
I don't have Hardee's OR Carl's where I live! :sad2: I lived in Southern California years ago, and we loved Carl's. Go there every time we go back. Although In N Out is better. :) And whenever we take a vacation down south, we hit Hardee's. Most food commercials are nauseating...although the new Taco Bell commercial lately, I'm just like, "Mmmm...nachos..." even though I know it won't sit well. Pretty much my diet is subsisting of fruit, fruit, more fruit, bread of some kind with peanut butter (and even better is sliced bananas on top, cuz, you know, more fruit), and cereal. And yogurt. I could eat gallons of yogurt. Cheese used to be one of my basic food groups (I love cheese sticks for snacks), and that's like, a big stomach turner.
my fall back is cereal...I LOVE cereal..and milk...I go through about a gallon of milk every 2-3 days (1% milk)...cereal..and drinking it..oh and with PB&J sandwiches..mmmmmm..... Brieanan is definitely not lacking in the calcium department lol..captain crunch..fruit loops...multigrain cheerios with bananas cut up in it...I could just eat cereal all day... taco salad WAS my fallback the first two months or so...but I had it so much then that Im sick of it now

What is everyone up to this weekend??

Me and DH are spending Saturday at Cape Henlopen State Park, it is on the ocean so there are beaches and hiking trails, it also has a couple of lighthouses and some old military bunkers you can climb up on for the views.

I am excited about it because me and DH havent had a chance to check out the beaches around here since we moved here over a year ago. I love the beach!!!:thumbup: We are going to pack up a cooler with some drinks and sandwiches. (going to the beach on a budget, lol,:haha:)
I just woke up..STILL sick...course I expected that lol..took a Sudafed before bed last more sleep than I thought but still stopped up...Brieanan has been miss wiggle worm this morning at her usual time...shes like OK mom...9am is one thing..10am is another..but by 11am I want my breakfast! lol..she is relentless until I eat...I have to go get milk anyway so I'll just grab something while Im out...

I mentioned that I am starting a group in my area for expecting moms and moms/dads of of the ladies that is interested emailed me back this morning..and shes a labor/delivery nurse at the hospital where I will be having Brieanan!!! so that should be fun..nothing like being in a group of people where atleast ONE of them as seen you you push a baby out your hoohaa lol lol..but I am definitely excited and cant wait to see who all joins my little group...will be nice to get out with other moms of younger kids and be social and not be stuck in the house allll the time...

noooww..what do I want..or what do WE want for brunch....:shrug:
NJ- i had the poop problem in the first trimester. Then in second, everything went back to normal. I did eat a LOT of strawberries and fruits and things and grapes and stuff. that helped a lot too. But it will get better. Sometimes there is nothing you can really do but just kind of wait it out. It happens. :(

Second tri was great, then third tri in the middle it got worse again and then the day of labor i had a huge clear out (sorry tmi!) even during active labor --- which they tell you means you have to push out a baby and you shouldn't try to go to the bathroom because you can't tell the difference. Dude, yes you can. You know what a poop is and what a baby head is.
This entire post is TMI :haha:

I had a mega clearout... My water broke, then a few minutes later I had to run to the bathroom. Was pooping and bleeding and leaking waters and was stuck on the toilet for about 20 minutes... and as soon as I got up, I had a massive contraction and threw up the dinner I'd had 7 hours previous!

A few weeks after birth though I had the pooping issue. So bad that it still affects me now sometimes because it's not properly healed.
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