The One Year Strong Ladies!

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:( oh cottleston i'm so sorry !

I did get lucky because i didn't tear - (don't know how with that size head coming out) so i don't have the pain there really. Did they give you stool softeners? They told me to take them twice daily, 10 hours or so apart. That helps a lot. I also almost threw up i think but then it just went away. I think it was because i was breathing so heavy during a few of them and had to force myself to stop doing that.

My water didn't break until i was 9 1/2 cms! And then it was all downhill. She had pooped in there- and then i pooped- we all pooped. what a mess.
She had pooped in there- and then i pooped- we all pooped.

this could sound so wrong out of context lol lol.. guess I better remember to take my fish tank net for my water birth lol lol.. give hubby something
to do :rofl:
LOL Erica!!

Dare, they didn't do anything like that. No stool softeners, nobody checked my stitches before I left or told me how to look after them... they literally forgot about me until I asked to leave because I was fed up of being ignored, 9hrs after Toby had been born.
:kiss:mrsjerome- lol seriously! It was gross!!!! She swallowed some of the meconium too so that was horrible. :( but she rexovered fine.

cottleston- seriously?! No stool softeners?! Omg that would be horrid! They left out a ton of info with us too. :grrmad: not cool. And our mw told us before noon shed write up the discharge papers. She forgot! And didn't tell anyone! We had to ask- and didn't get out until 6. So frustrating. Ur poor sutures! I am so sorry. Makes me feel really bad I can't imagine. That's like when they were making it sound like I was going to bleed to death too. The nurse kept saying she was worried and I shouldn't be having clots like that and finally the mw comes in... And I'm fine. I thought I wasn't going to get to enjoy my baby. :( thought I was going to bleed to death in the bed.
well I thought I wanted him in the pool with me..coz I had seen it on those waterbirth baby stories..but then when I told him about bringing your own net for waterbirths(the UK ladies have to do that apparently)..and why you needed the net..coz he couldnt put two and two together lol.. he was like..hell no I am NOT getting in that pool with you if THAT is going to be happening lol I told him thats can sit outside and fish should have seen his face lol :rofl:
I always wondered with water births.... What if you poop and it's not... Y'know.... Solid?!
ick..idk...just hoping that doesnt happen..I guess if its horrid..they either change the water or just make you get out...

hubby had to go in for a half day today at work coz he took a half day earlier this week...I did like..3 rounds of dishes by hand since our dishwasher is broken..hopefully just until tuesday or wednesday...and then I cleaned out the garden and picked tomatoes and peppers...and made a thing of tomato puree to freeze..we are just up to our eyes in tomatoes lol...I hate them and he cant eat them fast enough.. since I did so much work and we dont want to get any more dishes dirty than needed..specially on the weekend.. he brought me a whopper and some chicken nuggets on his way home.. my tummy is full and Brieanan is happy lol....
Awww I miss fast food lol... And dishwashers lol
I haven't had a dishwasher for the past 2ish years... God I hate washing up!

Oh oh... Remember that car accident that I was in back in February? I got a payout of £2500 (which is like $4000)!
So goodbye credit card bill and hello wedding payments :happydance:
hello ladies i really need to speak to someone this morning. my af is due in 2 days and i have just did a clearblue pregnancy test and it says that i am 1-2 weeks PREGNANT!!!!!!! could this be real? or could it be faulty? i still have period symptoms like sore boobs, low abdominal pain and a bit of back pain... what advice do you give me ? should i rely on the test?
Awww I miss fast food lol... And dishwashers lol
I haven't had a dishwasher for the past 2ish years... God I hate washing up!

Oh oh... Remember that car accident that I was in back in February? I got a payout of £2500 (which is like $4000)!
So goodbye credit card bill and hello wedding payments :happydance:

0o0o0o0 fab news about the credit card bill and wedding payments!!!! awesome hun!!! And yeah, we don't have a dishwasher either. Everything is done by hand. But that's because i was brought up with that- and my friend had his house burn down because his dishwasher never turned off and they left the house and they lost everything. So i'm kind of afraid of them! Irrational fear of dishwashers. haha And i miss fast food too. :(

hello ladies i really need to speak to someone this morning. my af is due in 2 days and i have just did a clearblue pregnancy test and it says that i am 1-2 weeks PREGNANT!!!!!!! could this be real? or could it be faulty? i still have period symptoms like sore boobs, low abdominal pain and a bit of back pain... what advice do you give me ? should i rely on the test?

Woo hoo hun sounds very promising!!!! That's awesome! If you don't trust it, do a different test too- something with pink dye. I'm going to give you a huge congrats anyway!! :hugs:
Awww I miss fast food lol... And dishwashers lol
I haven't had a dishwasher for the past 2ish years... God I hate washing up!

Oh oh... Remember that car accident that I was in back in February? I got a payout of £2500 (which is like $4000)!
So goodbye credit card bill and hello wedding payments :happydance:

0o0o0o0 fab news about the credit card bill and wedding payments!!!! awesome hun!!! And yeah, we don't have a dishwasher either. Everything is done by hand. But that's because i was brought up with that- and my friend had his house burn down because his dishwasher never turned off and they left the house and they lost everything. So i'm kind of afraid of them! Irrational fear of dishwashers. haha And i miss fast food too. :(

hello ladies i really need to speak to someone this morning. my af is due in 2 days and i have just did a clearblue pregnancy test and it says that i am 1-2 weeks PREGNANT!!!!!!! could this be real? or could it be faulty? i still have period symptoms like sore boobs, low abdominal pain and a bit of back pain... what advice do you give me ? should i rely on the test?

Woo hoo hun sounds very promising!!!! That's awesome! If you don't trust it, do a different test too- something with pink dye. I'm going to give you a huge congrats anyway!! :hugs:

thanks dear but i really cant believe it as i still feel as if af is coming!!! i really hope it sticks xxx i hope the miracle happened XXXX:kiss:
LOL like 3 pages on poop?

I still get sore if I've strained to poop, and sore for like hours! Dare - you're so lucky you didn't tear! I hurt for sooo long!

Lindsay - I would recommend prune juice. Tastes like bad grapes. I drank a small glass a week or two after I had James and didn't make it to the bathroom in time! I was so embarassed (but only my mom and husband were home. I was wearing huge maternity pads and just threw it away in the diaper genie) sorry if tmi.

Erica - for a water birth I would worry if it's solid or not too. ew. At least I didn't have to see my poop floating at me.

Isabel - Congrats!

Dare - Ava's adorable with all that hair!!!

AFM - James slept 10 hours straight last night! My husband is not doing emough to help ad it's making me sad. He makes sure to get his "me time" but I never get any. He tells me I need to, but unledss I demand it like him it;s never going to happen. Pisses me off never seems like a good timne for me to up and leave for a bit.

We're house hunting to move and it's soooo stressful!!!
UGH FINALLY HAVE INTERNET BACK!!!!!!! that was such a mess :( but im here now and im going ot read through all that i have missed and work on posting a few pictures of Kendall ;)
having a hard time catching up. Dare baby is so beautiful!
everyone shoot me a quick update on yourselves :)
Kendall has gained 2 lbs since birth (that was last week at her 4 week point, she will be 5 weeks tomorrow and im sure she has gained even more) she is a great nurser. im so happy with how well its going. i have enough milk to satisfy her and im overwhelmed with the joy i feel being able to do it for her. she is sleeping midnight to 5:30 pretty consistantly. today she has been exceptionally sleepy so far. i miss her when she is sleeping i jsut want to kiss all over her!!!
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, me and DH had a fun time on Saturday at Cape Henlopen State Park, we got to see an old observation tower, big guns, barracks and military bunkers used in World War 2 by military. We hiked on a trail, packed with sand and tons of different kinds of pine trees. We went to the nature center and looked at some displays, some fish in tanks, snakes, and turtles. We ate our packed lunch and than we relaxed on the beach for a little while, went for a nice walk along the beach, and went up to "The Point", and saw a few light houses, some weird crabs, jelly fish and weird little sea snails, sea weed etc. We left in the afternoon right in time to beat a bad rain storm!!! It poured with heavy winds, heavy rain and white out conditions on our drive home. Some guy in his jeep was getting soaked in the parking lot where we stopped to get a bite to eat for dinner on the way home. LOL...:haha: Overall it was a good trip and it was nice to get away even if just for the day. :thumbup:

Here is a picture from our trip.

My favorite shot of the lighthouse at The Point, this is my screen saver on my laptop right now....

DSC02621.jpg sent hubby a birthday card (his birthday is Sept 4th but she was sending us a check to pay for the driveway getting redone so she sent it in an early card and then with extra money for his birthday..and she said.."I love my baby named Grace. Thank you" like we named the baby FOR her!!! uggh idk why but it just makes me soo mad...!! she just cant leave stuff alone..she acts like everything we do its for her..

Some background on it..
once he told her a few weeks ago that we picked Brieanan Jade Grace..she flipped out..saying oh Grace is what SHE wanted/picked and (she had no idea the names we were thinking about) and that she had a dream that God told her that her Grace would be just like her..and its a God sign..and all this crap... uggh!!

its like just to get attn..and just to have some control over him
and make him feel like he has to do what she wants..she brings God into everything....everything that happens oh she had a dream about it or oh God told her...and she keeps trying to get him to officially agree to either drop Jade..and just make it Brieanan Grace..or to change her first name to Grace...she said that even if we dont she will call her Grace...

and I dont think she knew she was on speakerphone and that I was close and could hear..because she made it seem like she was trying to get him to agree to change it so that he would make me change it..and act like she had nothing to do with it was HIS idea...and I KNOW..that adding a christian middle name was her idea anyway..and she made him say it was his..because she knew if she said it was her idea then I would say no and then she plays the whole innocent old religious grandma that everyone finds me at fault and thinks shes just being sweet and all that...and she sends all this extra money for "your wife and the baby" like she doesnt know my I only exist as his wife..and not a real person..

I have tried to be nice to her..and ignore the little stuff...I paid for a big 8"x10" picture collage of the 3D scan to be printed out and sent to be nice..and I bought a glass cross to hang in Brieanans room (mainly to just nip in the butt what I know will turn into a huge deal once she sees the nursery is fantasy/fairy stuff) so he cant say that Im not trying to get along with her... but this is just too much...:growlmad:

I just wish she would get over it..I mean I dont go around causing issues and problems with her being Christian and going to why does she have to cause problems because Im not..if she would just leave me be and get over it..then we wont have any problems and I could deal with her..but with her throwing the religion thing into every little argument and using God as an excuse for everything she does.. its just impossible :nope:
having a hard time catching up. Dare baby is so beautiful!
everyone shoot me a quick update on yourselves :)
Kendall has gained 2 lbs since birth (that was last week at her 4 week point, she will be 5 weeks tomorrow and im sure she has gained even more) she is a great nurser. im so happy with how well its going. i have enough milk to satisfy her and im overwhelmed with the joy i feel being able to do it for her. she is sleeping midnight to 5:30 pretty consistantly. today she has been exceptionally sleepy so far. i miss her when she is sleeping i jsut want to kiss all over her!!!

Glad Kendall is doing so well! that's great! I think i'm going to go to a free breastfeeding support group at my hospital- so i can feel good about it and make sure i'm satisfying her- i want that feeling you have!

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, me and DH had a fun time on Saturday at Cape Henlopen State Park, we got to see an old observation tower, big guns, barracks and military bunkers used in World War 2 by military. We hiked on a trail, packed with sand and tons of different kinds of pine trees. We went to the nature center and looked at some displays, some fish in tanks, snakes, and turtles. We ate our packed lunch and than we relaxed on the beach for a little while, went for a nice walk along the beach, and went up to "The Point", and saw a few light houses, some weird crabs, jelly fish and weird little sea snails, sea weed etc. We left in the afternoon right in time to beat a bad rain storm!!! It poured with heavy winds, heavy rain and white out conditions on our drive home. Some guy in his jeep was getting soaked in the parking lot where we stopped to get a bite to eat for dinner on the way home. LOL...:haha: Overall it was a good trip and it was nice to get away even if just for the day. :thumbup:

Here is a picture from our trip.

My favorite shot of the lighthouse at The Point, this is my screen saver on my laptop right now....

I love Cape Henlopen! Where is the nature center? sounds awesome! My family has a beach house near there. I live only like 2 hours from the Cape, and used to go all the time, but have never been to the nature center! i love that stuff!!! :) Glad you had a nice time!!! sent hubby a birthday card (his birthday is Sept 4th but she was sending us a check to pay for the driveway getting redone so she sent it in an early card and then with extra money for his birthday..and she said.."I love my baby named Grace. Thank you" like we named the baby FOR her!!! uggh idk why but it just makes me soo mad...!! she just cant leave stuff alone..she acts like everything we do its for her..

Some background on it..
once he told her a few weeks ago that we picked Brieanan Jade Grace..she flipped out..saying oh Grace is what SHE wanted/picked and (she had no idea the names we were thinking about) and that she had a dream that God told her that her Grace would be just like her..and its a God sign..and all this crap... uggh!!

its like just to get attn..and just to have some control over him
and make him feel like he has to do what she wants..she brings God into everything....everything that happens oh she had a dream about it or oh God told her...and she keeps trying to get him to officially agree to either drop Jade..and just make it Brieanan Grace..or to change her first name to Grace...she said that even if we dont she will call her Grace...

and I dont think she knew she was on speakerphone and that I was close and could hear..because she made it seem like she was trying to get him to agree to change it so that he would make me change it..and act like she had nothing to do with it was HIS idea...and I KNOW..that adding a christian middle name was her idea anyway..and she made him say it was his..because she knew if she said it was her idea then I would say no and then she plays the whole innocent old religious grandma that everyone finds me at fault and thinks shes just being sweet and all that...and she sends all this extra money for "your wife and the baby" like she doesnt know my I only exist as his wife..and not a real person..

I have tried to be nice to her..and ignore the little stuff...I paid for a big 8"x10" picture collage of the 3D scan to be printed out and sent to be nice..and I bought a glass cross to hang in Brieanans room (mainly to just nip in the butt what I know will turn into a huge deal once she sees the nursery is fantasy/fairy stuff) so he cant say that Im not trying to get along with her... but this is just too much...:growlmad:

I just wish she would get over it..I mean I dont go around causing issues and problems with her being Christian and going to why does she have to cause problems because Im not..if she would just leave me be and get over it..then we wont have any problems and I could deal with her..but with her throwing the religion thing into every little argument and using God as an excuse for everything she does.. its just impossible :nope:

UGH hun i'm so sorry. Wait til the baby comes. If you think she's annoying and horrid now, just wait until then. Trust me. My mil only mildly got on my nerves before. Now, OMG! It's horrid! They snatch baby from you. She is acting like i'm feeding her when she visits just to keep baby from her. But seriously- baby is screaming because she's hungry! I'm not doing it on purpose. It's like instant anger towards them- because she doesn't really like me to begin with and i know she's judging me and being a total bitch just because she wants to hold Ava all the time and i won't let her invade my life. KEEP YOUR FEET DOWN on your name! Don't give in now- please! Stand your ground! She's only going to get worse!!!!!!!
UGH hun i'm so sorry. Wait til the baby comes. If you think she's annoying and horrid now, just wait until then. Trust me. My mil only mildly got on my nerves before. Now, OMG! It's horrid! They snatch baby from you. She is acting like i'm feeding her when she visits just to keep baby from her. But seriously- baby is screaming because she's hungry! I'm not doing it on purpose. It's like instant anger towards them- because she doesn't really like me to begin with and i know she's judging me and being a total bitch just because she wants to hold Ava all the time and i won't let her invade my life. KEEP YOUR FEET DOWN on your name! Don't give in now- please! Stand your ground! She's only going to get worse!!!!!!!

OMG Thats what Im afraid of lol..thats why I want hubby to take his paternity leave when they come down here a week or two after shes born..not right that he can be here to run intervention and I dont kill someone lol..I can handle the baby alone but I can NOT handle his mom being pushy and me being tired and emotional anyway lol..and I just KNOW its going to be all religious stuff..trying to go get us to baptize her or whatever else..and take her to church and pray over her all the time and I just am not ready for that..and then all the Korean old fashioned baby advice too...:dohh: if only we could pick out MILs like we pick out hubbies..wish they werent a package deal lol.. her name is going to be Brieanan Jade Grace and I will correct her all the time I have to...I have no plans of changing the name to make her happy..its not her baby..but it just annoys me that she constantly says what she is going to do whether we like it or not...and Ive been nice to her after all shes done to me..and I dont try to cause problems outright like she seems to do..but so help me if she comes here and annoys the crap out of me and is pushy I will soooo go postpartum bitchy on her lol..:blush:

Im gonna send her a thank you card for the money and sign it from Erica and Brieanan lol...if she wants to be miss passive aggressive sneaky and underhanded then I will do the same thing..

How close does your MIL live? I cant imagine mine being any closer :dohh: I just called hubby to ask about if he was on his way home..he didnt answer right away coz he was talking to his mom..he said..she wants to be there when the babys here and I was like umm..what do you mean..he the room when you have her..and I said hell no lol...I said only you and my mom are seeing my hooha...and he said well outside then in the waiting area..and I said well what is she gonna do after shes born..because since she lives 8 hours away it doesnt make sense for her to drive here..see the baby for a few hours and go home..and he said oh she wants to stay for the week after shes born and once again I said no..I want it to be me and him and baby...even my mom isnt one is..I just want settle into a routine..I want to be able to walk around nakie if my boobs hurt...I dont want to feel like Im disturbing someone when I have to get up at all hours the feed her..or stay up with her..I want to feel normal..not like we have house guests and all that...and he said well the week after..I said sure..once we have been home for a week or so..then she can come stay for no more than a week...I mean I know its her first grandkid..its my familys first mom and g-mas and all..but Im not letting them come to stay...I want to bond with my baby...without any interruptions or any more stress or tension...which is what will happen with her..he said ok..the week or so after then..thank god he didnt fight it anymore..I swear I teared up just arguing that much...I am over emotional lately..I think I had another estrogen surge and thats causing my congestion and my crazy crying sessions but still... atleast he listened and didnt push it.. if she had acted differently the last few times I had seen her..or just in general whether she was here or not..then I might have a different opinion on it..but she has scared me away from her being here and thats not my fault..its hers...right
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