The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Isabel - congrats on your bfp! Did you take another test to confirm it? My first one was a pink dye cheapy I had laying around, and despite the line, DH refused to believe it. Second was a blue dye, and was just as strong.

Chelsea - yes, that's what this thread has come to. Three pages re: Poop. And as for the prune juice, I bought it today, had a glass when I got home - OMG, that stuff is disgusting. I had to shoot it like tequila or whiskey. BLAH. I know that it should get better after first tri, and the anti-nausea meds constipate me too. This every four-five days trying to unblock myself is getting old. GRR.

Busy - glad Kendall is doing so well! Can't wait to see new pictures.

Wanna - sounds like you guys had a nice weekend. That rain yesterday was CRAZY. We got 7.5 inches up here by NYC.

Erica and Dare - I don't envy you guys your MILs. My MIL and FIL passed away before I even met my husband, which I suppose is a blessing. My mother always told me to marry an orphan, I told her I got the closest thing I could find! Instead I have the jerky sibling-in-laws, which are kind of a moot point at this time, seeing as we're not speaking to any of them anyway.
I always tell DH I feel bad for HIM with my mother. She can just be really overbearing and very opinionated. Problem is, DH is also very opinionated, and I know they get on each other's nerves. I really don't think I'm going to have to worry about any family coming over to "steal away" my baby time, unfortunately. Mom is 45 minutes away and has her own little social life - bridge games, etc - god FORBID you interrupt that. Dad works/lives 10 hours away (no, my parents aren't divorced - my stubborn, opinionated, overbearing mother refused to move when he got a new job). My sister still lives with Mom, and works 5 days a week, so I doubt I will see much of her either. So I guess I'm lucky, in a way, but can't help feeling a little sad about it. I have no idea how much time DH is going to be able to take off, if he's still working. If he's not - well, then he'll have all the time in the world.

As far as Brieanan's name, I agree with Dare. Stand your ground now. It's your baby. It's amazing how big a deal everyone ELSE makes about the names. My best friend has a baby boy - she named him Lucas James (James after his daddy). I will admit I persuaded her not to name him James Lucas, because it's a pain in the neck when kids have the same name as their parents. She loves the name Luke, so it was all hunky dory - then she found out all her in-laws were REFUSING to call him Luke, or Lucas, but were calling him James, or Jimmy Jr. She got really upset, because this is HIS name, he's NOT a junior, so on and so forth. Luke is a year old, and they still do it. She just continues to correct them whenever they call him the wrong name. I can understand why it would be frustrating. You put all this effort into a name, and pick what you think is the perfect one - and people go around and call the baby what they want, anyway.
erica- good for you for saying she can't be there. When I went into labor we only called my mom who ame. He didn't call his mom until the afternoon later that day and apparently according to his brother his mom sounded angry. Too fing bad. Wanna rumble bitch?! Oh, we'll go! Funny- I didn't feel this way before. But with baby I feel insanely protective and like a wild animal will eat those who threaten me or her. Ha.

nj- you are very lucky. My dh is very stubborn- and although he doesn't admit it he doesn't seem to care for my mom. And my mom goes out of her way for him- and she does well- because he's not her favorite either. His family and my family hate one another- although again- my mom went out of her way for me to try to work with them - and my mil pretty much screwed mom by ignoring her or pretending she didn't know her name and so forth and got jealous about mom's baby shower so she ruined the surprise on purpose. Lets just say my mom might eat her the next time she sees her. Mom can be viscious- but only stirkes if prevoked. And she's held her tongue so long- it's kind of like ok go for it. I am so sorry for your friend and her issues. Honestly if it were me, I'd just not let them see him anymore. If you are being that ignorant- I'm the freaking mom- I hold all the cards. You don't see baby anymore. You sure you wanna do that? Your friend should threaten at least. Even if she has no intension of doing so. Why not shake them up being they are doing it to her.
oh and my family hates ava's name too- but they still use it. Not their kid. People need to stop with the opinions of names for other people's children! Makes me so mad.
im reading an awesome book right now called Boundaries. Erics-it is christian based, but i know you from FB and chatting and you are not against religion, so you may find the book helpful in spite of. Dare- you may to. its really great. setting up baundries around your personal space, emotions and property. eveny our children need protection from over bearing and controlling people. even if it is their grandparents, you do not want your kids feeling like they need to please them by being emotionally manipulated by them as they grow up. anyway, its a great book you should read it!
my mother in law used to try to be pushy towards me and i guess, seh somehow felt like i was being rude to her fo rnot accepting her boldness, and she has backed off both of us. its hard on my nubby becasue hes an only child and he feels like he is all she has, which is true, but at the same time his family is his responsiblity now and he understands that if people want to be around us and be a part of us then they have to respect our boundaries.
thanks hun!! I will definitely see if I can find it the local library or buy it on amazon or at B&N... same thing with my hubby,..only child...and his mom is korean and of course him being the only child AND a boy..definitely doesnt help the whole..overbearing mom issue lol..
got my hair done..and I feel amazing!! its perfect..exactly what I wanted..yay!!
@MrsJerome, I am so glad that your hair came out nice!! It sounds lovely!!:thumbup:

@Dare, Our trip was very nice, We found the nature center when we hiked the Pinelands trail, they had the nature displays, fish, turtles and snakes which were neat to look at. They also had a bike rental place right next to the nature center since alot of people like to ride bikes to get around in the park.

@NJ, yeah it rained cats and dogs/thunderstormed saturday afternoon, and sunday. It was pretty wild weather here for a few days. :wacko:

AFM, not much going on, I am trying to be more laid back about TTC this month. I dont have the energy to go all crazy this cycle. I am really waiting for us to save enough $$ for the IUI, I think that will be the key to getting our BFP finally. I am going to be cooking ground turkey tacos tonight for dinner, sooo exciting!!! LOL!!!:haha: Not much else going on really...SSDD....
everyone alive and kicking? I now have a tummy bug...given to my by my hubby..he was home with it yesterday...uggh..actually I think its just made me more regular since I was having potty problems before lol..but still not fun coz I feel so funny in my tummy..course having a 3 lb baby in there wiggling around on top of it prolly doesnt help lol..
alive... kicking... freaking tired! sorry about the bug hun, i wish i could write a ton more but i'm exhausted. and me both..I just washed my car coz hubby has been bugging me about it..and omg its soo much harder with a belly in the way! no more preggie car washing for me...blah...on the bright side the neighbors kid was supposed to come over here for a few hours today and tomorrow afterschool coz her mom is out of town and her stepdad doesnt get home from work till 5 or so..and she decided to go to her dads I can kick back and relax now and walk around without much clothing to cool off lol.....but I was actually looking forward to her coming though coz she always wants to help me around the house and I definitely dont say no to that nowadays lol..guess Im on my own reorganizing the pantry..will plan that as my big project for tomorrow..thinking about making a chocolate cake definitely decided though lol..
oOoOoOoOo I'll put in an order for a chocolate cake! Lol I think in my 8th month... Like the end of it- dh was bugging me about my car. He said it was filthy and disgusting. Inside and out. I said it doesn't bother me so if he had issue he best clean it. Lol and he did!!!! Cleaned inside and out!!! Like a different car. Yeah- I don't clean my car. Can't be bothered. Esp. When I know he'll do it instead!!
haha..I should have done that..waited it out till he did..Im still holding out for him to deep clean the carpets lol lol..I dont mind doing it specially since it was so nice out..I hate cleaning the inside though..because things are so hard to reach and especially now its soo hard to maneuver...and I really get all hot and icky
30 weeks hun? Jeez that moved fast. The last few weeks fly by! Do you know what kind of birth you want?? Have you written your birth plan yet??

and I really should clean our floors. So don't want to!!!!
Ive given up on really scrubbing the kitchen floors because they are so old (linoleum) and yellowed and dented/scratched that it doesnt look any different lol..I sweep a few times a week and mop maybe once every two weeks...that is what I want our first project to be next up for hardwood floors in the kitchen..then I will be more motivated to clean of the house is carpet and I vacuum atleast once a week...

Im having a water natural as otherwords I am not against drugs...I wont feel like a failure or anything but I want to see how far I can get..I dont want to just have them and maybe not have even needed them...only hubby and my mom there with me..breastfeeding as soon as possible..her with us in the room as much as possible..
yeah we had those yellow tiles too in the kitchen. Dh replaced them earlier this year. We also found we had hardwood under our carpet- so he pulled that up and resanded and finished them. I hate cleaning them omg. We found out or vacuum doesn't really do hard floors. (good time to find out) and so I have to sweep- then hand wash because the mops today suck.

as for the water birth- that's great. I've known a few to do it and they love it. I'm against meds which is why I did all natural- I'll tell you... It's hard. Really hard. But if you want it- you can do it. Be strong and if you have good support- you'll get through just fine!
see I know I would hate having hardwood through the whole house..Im just too g-ma just got that done..but she doesnt have kids anymore..and she is an OCD cleaning freak so she cleans them all the time no matter what anyway lol.....I feel like sweeping a huge area like that never works very well..and that..I might manage that time..and yeah mops now a day do suck...idk why...but they do..the swiffers..the mr clean..all of them..I would kill to find a good mop...I hate the old kind with the strings because I feel like they just push stuff around..but the new ones dont absorb as enough either...just cant win.. lol lol..

our kitchen is a galley style so its long and kinda narrow..but its about 300 sq feet including the dining room so not too bad..and I guess I dont mind cleaning it as much as if it will actually look clean after..but these linoleum floors look like they can never be cleaned enough so I just gave up lol...

I just decided I dont want to be strapped to a bed..I think that would just be miserable...I want to be able to move around and I think it'll be a great distraction ..and also just feel better..I love water..and hopefully it will be calmer and better for her and she'll get her first bath too! lol...I know its gonna be hard and Im actually excited about it..I mean I guess I am a bit nervous because of course no one ever has any idea what to expect but I am definitely not afraid..Im looking forward to it..and it will all be worth it I know just to see her cute little face... and to be able to sleep on my stomach again..god I look forward to that lol..
Erica, sorry you're feeling down. Bugs while pregnant are never fun. So many women would come into the ER during all stages of pregnancy, but really, there's not much you can do. Tylenol and Benadryl. Only certain antibiotics, and nothing any good. My partner and I *HATE* taking care of pregnant/post-partum patients, because it's just so complicated.

Had my OB visit yesterday. My official ultrasound was dated at 5+5, so EDD is 3.17.12. Such a useless visit. Basically weighed me (down 8 pounds), told me what to eat, again (protein and veggies, the two things that turn my stomach), and "Any questions?" Don't go back till Sept 14th, and my next ultrasound is the week before.

Getting SUPER antsy RE: the ultrasound, etc. My friend who's due the week before me is considered high risk (she's 35), so she's had about three or four ultrasounds already. I'm going crazy wanting confirmation that everything is ok. Grr. One of the echo technicians at work offered to do a quickie to see what we could see, but at the same time, I'm scared - what if something IS wrong? My OB is away next week, and what do I do? Call up and say "Hey, I got an ultrasound on the sly from an echo tech, and well..." She'd just chastise me for not relaxing and waiting. She's a little scary, my OB, which is why I like her. Very no nonsense.

TERRIBLY bloated today. As in, pants are very uncomfortable when I get home. Can't believe I lost weight when I feel so huge. Boobs hurt, belly hurts, everything just ACHES. Just started getting to the point that I can't sleep on my stomach, which of course, is how I always sleep. This will take some getting used to.

Darned dog sleeps between me and DH every night. Every night, 3 am, without fail, I get up to pee, and she rolls over into my spot and WILL NOT BUDGE. She's going to have to move to the floor soon.

Oh, and we have hardwood throughout the house. Mostly vacuuming and Swiffering, but once if a while we get a hair up our butt and mop like crazy. We have to vacuum constantly between two cats and a lab. I have tumbleweeds everywhere. Crappy linoleum in kitchen which was put in (terrible job) by a prior homeowner. Will be coming up at some point when we renovate and we will either replace ALL the wood floors throughout or put tile in the kitchen.
Im starting to feel a bit better breathing wise but then again it will come back full force the next day like it did yesterday...oh well...its not so bad really..would take this over morning sickness or strep throat or anything else anyday..if I really need it I take a shot of Afrin before bed..Dr said no harm in that if its all that helps and it really is all that makes the inflamation go down..

NJ welcome to the pregnancy ache club..the one thing I can NOT wait for is to feel normal again body wise..dont get me wrong..I love feeling her and knowing shes there and all that..but I just cant get comfy no matter how I sit anymore stomach is always in the way or shes under a rib or I have to pee right when I sit down and get slightly comfy lol lol..its never ending lol.. however..I was a belly sleeper too..slept on it till about 20 weeks or so...and then she was just too big and she didnt like it and she def let me know she didnt like Im a side sleeper now...I have two pillows for my head...a big long body pillow to cuddle and for inbetween my legs and now an extra pillow for inbetween my legs since the SPD kicked was hard the first week or so trying to sleep on my side but I actually got used to it quite the problem is sleeping so well that I actually dont roll over (or move at all) for a few hours at a time everything falls asleep and whichever hip I was sleeping on kills me and usually an arm or asleep..I switch sides after each bathroom trip which is about 3 times a night lol...its all worth it though..and it goes by soo fast...

in regards to the ultrasound..I would wait until your next appt or ATLEAST till your OB is back in town..that way god forbid you do see something questionable you would be able to do something about it..but Im sure its all fine..I had tons of early ultrasounds and between my PCOS and my low progesterone..low HCG levels..AND the 10 week DTD scare...everything was fine each time....its in our nature to think the worst...but I would just look forward to the next scan and next appt and try to think of all the good things...plan your registry...think of things you want at your shower...plan out the nursery..and time goes by soooo quickly I swear...I mean I remember the exact morning and taking the test and seeing that line for the first time and not believing it...seems like it was just a few days ago..and here I am now..only 67 days left...soo crazy...seems like it will go slow but time actually flies!

Diet whatever makes you happy..I lived on cereal..still do lol..just ate my nightly bowl of coco crunch things lol.. consider yourself to be on the HCG diet...your body burns your fat since you arent eating a lot because of MS and the weight you do gain is from you kind of level out...Im STILL under preggie weight after losing 12 lbs from the first tri...I still eat whatever I just all works out somehow... even if the only protein you want is a bigmac or a crunchwrap supreme..go for it..its better than nothing...and might help with any constipation lol lol..

well its off to bed for me..goodnight everyone...
Still alive.

Just skimmed (so I'm sure I missed a lot).

Erica - NO washing cars anymore, that's how my sister went into labor (and cleaning out a closet for the other - water broke both times I believe)

Dare - Our house has hardwood floors. UGH. All the sweeping! Luckily my husband does it (but has to do it often as we have 2 labs). I hope Ava is letting you sleep some. I LOVE her picture in your avatar!

Lindsay - I had to buy new pants about your point in pregnancy. I had like jean leggings, LOVED them. The bloating does suck. My FIRST ultrasound was 8 weeks. Then because of weird pains I had a quickie at 13 weeks. I was paranoid too. At 16 weeks we had a private gender scan (I was worried something would be wrong too and I'd have to go to my OB to say something was wrong and I paid someone to look at him). Normal scan at 20 weeks, then due to the complications 26, 27, and 33 weeks. Hopefully next time I'll have no problems and less scans (but less reassurance).
Hey ladies! Still alive here! Things are a bit hectic. Got a dog. Him and Toby are keeping me on my toes! lol

I'll catch up on the thread properly later, but both dog and baby are napping so I gotta get dressed and try and get some housework done before they wake up full of energy!
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