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The Open University and Distance Learning thread

:haha: chocolate teapot :haha:

Seriously though, I'm sorry to hear your tutor isn't good. Sometimes the helpdesk can be useful depending on what the issue is :hugs:
Hi i'm doing open uni in Feb. Im new to it as Ive had to give up Access to nursing course last month due to time off as my little girl was poorly, well nursery was to strict and wouldn't allow her to go with a cough! or a sniffle.. Is it any good? I hope to go on to Nursing or Midwifery when my little girl is in school. xx
Hiya PumpkinPatchx :wave:

Yeah I really rate O.U. Motivation is the hardest part... the tutors I've met have been really helpful.

Just over 2 weeks till U316 results. Ohhhhhhh help!!
Hello can i join you? I started my OU course in September and am studying with the OU towards a psychology degree. I have a 17 month old daughter and am pregnant with baby number 2 due in march. Love studying but wish I could do it all faster and get it finished now! I want my degree!
Hello can i join you? I started my OU course in September and am studying with the OU towards a psychology degree. I have a 17 month old daughter and am pregnant with baby number 2 due in march. Love studying but wish I could do it all faster and get it finished now! I want my degree!

Hey of course you can, the more the merrier! :)

Well done fitting it all in with LO and bump! I had a 3yr old and a 1yr old when I started in '07 and will graduate next year if all goes well! It's so worth it :)

All the best, let us know how you get on with all your TMAs and things :)
I can sympathise too! I have a 13 month old and a 3 month old - it's hard work but it will be worth it in the end!! :)

ahh tallybee you must be getting nervous!!

Well, I've kept at it when I can and my group for the assignment don't seem that bad and I think I get the hang of wikis ..... maybe!! Not long until I get my A100 unit results back!! Can't remember when they said but know it's in December!
If you log on and go to the module/course page it should show you when your results date is Charlie! Also you will see your actual results quicker if you keep checking there than waiting for them :thumbup:
OMFG girls I just got my results for U316 early and I got a distinction! I am flabbergasted, the biggest course of my degree, Level 3 and 60 points, and I got a Distinction!!! Wow I am shaking can't believe it! I am supposed to be sleeping as on night shifts but how can I!

Congrats tallybee!!!!!!! thats so awesome!!!!!!

I'm new, I haven't started a course yet but I am talking with OH tonight about it and hoping to do an open degree and go on to be an art teacher :) I have a national diploma in art & design, the first module I looked at to start off my degree would be...Design thinking: creativity for the 21st century U101. I have a 6 month old daughter and I want to better both of our lives as OH is on minimum wage. Hope to become part of the OU group asap!! xx

Thought I'd add that both my parents have studied with the OU, my dad got a first class honours degree in history in January and my mum has one more module to complete in a physcology degree but is on a break xx
Wow tallybee, congratulations! You must be so proud of yourself, I would be feeling veryyy smug if I were you :haha:

I've just paid for my first 60 credit module, starting Jan 28th :) It is 'Introducing the social sciences'...anyone done this before? So excited! Do you have to buy books and will I be given a list?
Thanks all! Yep I do feel pretty smug if I am honest!!

Louandivy, I haven't done that particular module, but for most modules the course books are the only necessary ones (there will be suggested reading but this is for particular interest only rather than needed for the module :)), it's great as they are generally written with the module in mind so there's not a lot of extraneous information to sift through, not to mention not having the extra cost of academic books!

If there were any required books which you would NEED to do the module it would say so on the module description page :flow:
so got my module results back for A100 - and i ............ PASSED!! :D Average essay grade was 66% and my EMA was 60% :) I'm happy with that! They said I'd have got more marks if my EMA was longer as it was under the word count - oops! :D Oh well! Two kids under a year and I managed to pass a uni module!

I start K101 in Feb, then hopefully doing SK277 later next year! Sorting my finance form on Monday so hoping its done for next Thursdays deadline!
Ooh tallybee just saw your results!!! Congrats hun you did amazing!!
Thanks guys!!

Kimboowee I hope all goes smooth with the finance and you can concentrate on the study rather than that.

Well done Charlie you have managed amazingly with 2 such young LOs to care for! :happydance:

Got my first TMA for Planetary Science (S283) back and got 86% so distinction level!! And that's being half-zombiefied from doing 6 night shifts a week too so hey I must be on a roll :laugh2:
Wow thats fab Tallybee!

Finance has been sorted, roll on Feb eeeeeeek!
That's great news Kimboowee, all the best for starting the course! :happydance:
Latest, TMA came back last week, got 69, gotta say not happy! think i got my hopes set too high tho, as OH keeps telling my 69 is a good score, haha just wish it had of been 70 the number 69 annoys me, i hate being one off 70, as 70 just seems LOADS better hahaha, i'm a dafty :) x

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