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The Open University and Distance Learning thread

Carlaandjane you are on the introducing social sciences course right? How are you finding TMA02?
Carlaandjane you are on the introducing social sciences course right? How are you finding TMA02?

Boring lol. :haha: I have already finished the TMA02, am currently at week 10 of the module timetable, am hoping to get the TMA03 completed before this little one arrives so I can have my few weeks off if I feel I need them. I cant wait to get back to my pure psychology modules to be honest!!! :blush: You?
Woah I'm impressed! I have only just started reading the Making Social Lives textbook! I know what you mean, I am doing this module as a starting point for a psychology degree and am looking forward to actually getting into the psychology part, I don't care about bollards! Some of the text points out the most blindingly obvious facts too "Streets around the world have many differences - but also many similarities' oh really? :haha:
TMA 5 went off today :) two to go! and the EMA of course... but i can see the light !
Woah I'm impressed! I have only just started reading the Making Social Lives textbook! I know what you mean, I am doing this module as a starting point for a psychology degree and am looking forward to actually getting into the psychology part, I don't care about bollards! Some of the text points out the most blindingly obvious facts too "Streets around the world have many differences - but also many similarities' oh really? :haha:

I know, Im glad I did the starting with psychology openings module first because that really was my thing and this module sucks a bit, not because its hard but because its mind numbing and dull lol. Yes tescos might choke the life out of all other shops but equally its open when i want it and its cheap so who cares. If I want local produce ill bake my own cake. :dohh: Plus my tutor is slow, old and annoying.
I am so glad I came accross this thread. Have been thinking of doing a degree with the OU for months.
Thing is Ive no idea what to do.. Initially I wanted to do social work, but you have to do it through work. So I was thinking of doing psychology or social science or health &social care.. Ahh i dont know!
I dont want to do a degree for the sake of it. Im trying to figure out what career id like to have, im thinking maybe something in the care field, or working with disadvantaged or vulnerable people... Too many choices :(

Anyway, im rambling.
What degrees are you all doing and what are you hoping to do after?

Im completing a psychology degree with the OU. Id be doing social work too but like you say you have to do it through work. But im hoping upon completion to also gain a masters ideally in neuroscience but ill re-evaluate when i get there lol
Either way though if I were you id hurry because im not sure of the exact details but fee's are increasing a huge amount this year and to qualify for the lower fee's/funding etc i believe you have to register on a module/specific degree starting by this september but im not sure of the deadlines so Id strongly recommend chatting to an advisor over the phone at the OU asap to check your circumstances and entitlements - unless of course your fortunate enough to not have any financial obstacles :dohh:

Ohh, thanks for the warning.. I wish I was that fortunate. I'll try and decide by next week. Better start doing some research!
66 on my first TMA. To be fair I majorly rushed it so I suppose it isn't too bad - most of the criticisms were for my referencing, I am used to writing English Lit essays so completely forgot that I need evidence to back up everything I say :dohh: I also think that writing a 750 word essay is actually quite difficult because it is impossible to say anything of any value in such a short essay! But enough excuses, Ii think I need to set a bit more time aside to my next assignment. I forgot that OU grading system is different from other unis so originally thought I got a 2:1 and was really excited, damn it!
66 on my first TMA. To be fair I majorly rushed it so I suppose it isn't too bad - most of the criticisms were for my referencing, I am used to writing English Lit essays so completely forgot that I need evidence to back up everything I say :dohh: I also think that writing a 750 word essay is actually quite difficult because it is impossible to say anything of any value in such a short essay! But enough excuses, Ii think I need to set a bit more time aside to my next assignment. I forgot that OU grading system is different from other unis so originally thought I got a 2:1 and was really excited, damn it!

Yea it's tough isn't it! And people say O.U. is 'easy'..... :wacko:

The OU is in no way EASY!!! I have to work bloody hard!!

What are they like in taking breaks? I am doing my A150 and then another module before Baby 3 is born.... but I remember after having Henry it was impossible until he was 3/4 months to do anything in the evenings.... would they let me have a few months off?
I would just miss a module out and come back to it :) usually u have X amount of years to finish a degree and aslong as its done in that time limit i don't think it matters if you miss a year here or 6 months there :)

I am feeling a bit meh right now, i like studying but at the same time i keep thinking "i wish it would hurry up" i just want to be at the end! does anyone know what i mean ? lol i can't be bothered waiting another 3 years! even though as i understand it, some people take around 6-7 to do an OU degree, it would drive me BARMY lol x
Charlie you are right it's hard work and no mistake! I don't think anyone with any experience would disagree :)

As for taking a break I agree with Rhi, leaving a gap between modules is not an issue. I left a year between 2 of mine :flower:

Rhi, I know what u mean... I've been doing these modules since 2007 and much as I enjoy learning, I do want to finish... I need to get knuckled down and get good passes in the 3 :shock: modules I'm working on to get a good honours by the time this year is out... The end will come lol. I'll miss it though :wacko:

You are doing 3 modules at once ?! bloody hell you are brave.. i was looking at doing the same thing the other day, but i didn't know if i would ever manage it! if i don't do three in the last year though, it will take an entire extra year to finish... if i do it i will be finished by 2014, and i started in September so 2011-2014 i could do with that! :) i feel like i am rushing though because i desperately want to do an MA haha how silly x
You are doing 3 modules at once ?! bloody hell you are brave.. i was looking at doing the same thing the other day, but i didn't know if i would ever manage it! if i don't do three in the last year though, it will take an entire extra year to finish... if i do it i will be finished by 2014, and i started in September so 2011-2014 i could do with that! :) i feel like i am rushing though because i desperately want to do an MA haha how silly x

Yeah, 3 at the mo. Nuts hey! But yea it would've been an extra year to finish if I hadn't. One of them finishes in June and the other 2 October. All 3 are 30 pointers, the one that finishes in June is a level 2 (Planetary science and the search for life) and the other two are level 3 (Oceanography and Evolution).

I've had 2 overlapping courses before but never 3.

Hard bloody work, but I do have the advantage of having all day during school hours. We decided that rather than do it part time in addition to working, I would do the study F/T to get it done then hopefully be in the graduate market :)

hello glad i found this thread! im wanting to train to become a social worker (thats the plan!)
Ive been looking at a few courses with the ou but i need to give them a ring to discus my options! trust me to decide what i want to do when the course prices are set to jump! :dohh:
hello glad i found this thread! im wanting to train to become a social worker (thats the plan!)
Ive been looking at a few courses with the ou but i need to give them a ring to discus my options! trust me to decide what i want to do when the course prices are set to jump! :dohh:

I dont know if you are aware but to study the social work degrees I believe you need to be supported by your employed/employed within the industry already. Definately worth ringing them though - get started asap its well worth it especially if you can get started and onto the transitional fee's instead of paying loads!
I will have to ask them when i ring up, if that fails i will have to go the college route and then on to uni.
ive read through the brochure and it does say i would need to be backed by a employer! But how am i ment to get a job in social work if im not qualified! :shrug:
ive read through the brochure and it does say i would need to be backed by a employer! But how am i ment to get a job in social work if im not qualified! :shrug:

I know that is exactly what I was thinking lol. I do believe though that most local authorities take people on a scheme where they employ you as a trainee and then give you day release to university. But you need to pass stict entry requirements including having relevant A-Levels etc. Thats what I read on our councils site anyway. Seems a bit backward to me though. :shrug: But Im more than happy with my Psychology. I think there is a path for you to complete a degree in a related subject though and then do a conversion course after your degree? Not sure again 100% so your right to ask the people who do know, all I can pass on is some of the gumf that Ive read over the past few months whilst deciding what to do myself lol!!!
I'm taking social work as an MA, once i finish my history BA :)

I always wanted a degree in history, but i want to work in social work ! and this way i can do both :)

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