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The Open University and Distance Learning thread

It is a good score :D

I'm the same though, always kicking myself for not doing just that little bit better...

S330 and S366 module websites officially open today... so with S283 I am now officially doing 3 at once............ :argh::help: what was I thinking! :rofl:
Anyone doing DD01? Mine officially starts next Monday, nervous about how I'm going to keep up with everything. I didn't realise how structured the modules are!
Anyone doing DD01? Mine officially starts next Monday, nervous about how I'm going to keep up with everything. I didn't realise how structured the modules are!

I haven't done that, introducing the social sciences? (if I remember right)

I wouldn't worry about keeping up, as long as you manage to squeeze in study time when you can. Like, I'll take a textbook with me when I get the bus, and if I'm going anywhere I know I might need to wait I'll have that to read through :)
Leaving things til the last minute is a bad idea obvs :lol: and do use your tutor - many will send out an email introducing themselves and saying if there are times best to try calling them etc. (Had one from my new S330 tutor yesterday). Course forums are good too as students help each other out.

Enjoy it!

Anyone doing DD01? Mine officially starts next Monday, nervous about how I'm going to keep up with everything. I didn't realise how structured the modules are!

Me! Im on it starting at the end of the month, but ive already finished the TMA01 and am just starting on the reading/material for the TMA02 - am getting ahead as baby is due in march so dont want to pressure myself! I finished Y183 starting with psychology in december and it was awesome - i love studying and cannot wait to get my degree! Dont be nervous - you will be fine! :happydance:
Got my worst Tma YET back today, dropped all the way down to 58 :/ so lame, feel a bit meh :( it was on poetry with made it so difficult, but because its level one its a really broad course so have to do a bit of everything! After this tho i'm only doing history modules, but non the less i feel like a POO head haha :( x
Anyone doing DD01? Mine officially starts next Monday, nervous about how I'm going to keep up with everything. I didn't realise how structured the modules are!

Me! Im on it starting at the end of the month, but ive already finished the TMA01 and am just starting on the reading/material for the TMA02 - am getting ahead as baby is due in march so dont want to pressure myself! I finished Y183 starting with psychology in december and it was awesome - i love studying and cannot wait to get my degree! Dont be nervous - you will be fine! :happydance:

Oh wow, you can be my module buddy then! How have you already finished TMA01, aren't there online exercises to do that haven't gone up yet or are they not too important? Sounds like you have great motivation already! I am going to start watching the DVD tonight, I'm excited although a 4 hour DVD about a street in Wales doesn't sound TOO exciting :haha:
Anyone doing DD01? Mine officially starts next Monday, nervous about how I'm going to keep up with everything. I didn't realise how structured the modules are!

Me! Im on it starting at the end of the month, but ive already finished the TMA01 and am just starting on the reading/material for the TMA02 - am getting ahead as baby is due in march so dont want to pressure myself! I finished Y183 starting with psychology in december and it was awesome - i love studying and cannot wait to get my degree! Dont be nervous - you will be fine! :happydance:

Oh wow, you can be my module buddy then! How have you already finished TMA01, aren't there online exercises to do that haven't gone up yet or are they not too important? Sounds like you have great motivation already! I am going to start watching the DVD tonight, I'm excited although a 4 hour DVD about a street in Wales doesn't sound TOO exciting :haha:

The online activites arent often that important but i can go back and do them. Its just a basic assignment to get you into the swing of things and only worth 5% so not too bigger deal. But yeah Im cracking on because i dont want to have to study for a few weeks once baby arrives. The dvd is really quite boring indeed i must say, make sure you have snacks!!! :dohh:
Are you doing this as part of a degree?
Anyone doing DD01? Mine officially starts next Monday, nervous about how I'm going to keep up with everything. I didn't realise how structured the modules are!

Me! Im on it starting at the end of the month, but ive already finished the TMA01 and am just starting on the reading/material for the TMA02 - am getting ahead as baby is due in march so dont want to pressure myself! I finished Y183 starting with psychology in december and it was awesome - i love studying and cannot wait to get my degree! Dont be nervous - you will be fine! :happydance:

Oh wow, you can be my module buddy then! How have you already finished TMA01, aren't there online exercises to do that haven't gone up yet or are they not too important? Sounds like you have great motivation already! I am going to start watching the DVD tonight, I'm excited although a 4 hour DVD about a street in Wales doesn't sound TOO exciting :haha:

The online activites arent often that important but i can go back and do them. Its just a basic assignment to get you into the swing of things and only worth 5% so not too bigger deal. But yeah Im cracking on because i dont want to have to study for a few weeks once baby arrives. The dvd is really quite boring indeed i must say, make sure you have snacks!!! :dohh:
Are you doing this as part of a degree?

Yeah I am hoping to have a psychology degree at the end of this, are you studying towards the same? Haha thanks for the tip, I love an excuse to eat custard creams for hours on end :haha: Do you know if there is a forum for the module? Thats good planning ahead - I bet studying will be the last thing on your mind when your gorgeous little one is here! Are you just doing this module for the year? I am, don't think I could cope with anymore, my brain has been baby-filled mush for almost two years now, I need to take little steps!
Anyone doing DD01? Mine officially starts next Monday, nervous about how I'm going to keep up with everything. I didn't realise how structured the modules are!

Me! Im on it starting at the end of the month, but ive already finished the TMA01 and am just starting on the reading/material for the TMA02 - am getting ahead as baby is due in march so dont want to pressure myself! I finished Y183 starting with psychology in december and it was awesome - i love studying and cannot wait to get my degree! Dont be nervous - you will be fine! :happydance:

Oh wow, you can be my module buddy then! How have you already finished TMA01, aren't there online exercises to do that haven't gone up yet or are they not too important? Sounds like you have great motivation already! I am going to start watching the DVD tonight, I'm excited although a 4 hour DVD about a street in Wales doesn't sound TOO exciting :haha:

The online activites arent often that important but i can go back and do them. Its just a basic assignment to get you into the swing of things and only worth 5% so not too bigger deal. But yeah Im cracking on because i dont want to have to study for a few weeks once baby arrives. The dvd is really quite boring indeed i must say, make sure you have snacks!!! :dohh:
Are you doing this as part of a degree?

Yeah I am hoping to have a psychology degree at the end of this, are you studying towards the same? Haha thanks for the tip, I love an excuse to eat custard creams for hours on end :haha: Do you know if there is a forum for the module? Thats good planning ahead - I bet studying will be the last thing on your mind when your gorgeous little one is here! Are you just doing this module for the year? I am, don't think I could cope with anymore, my brain has been baby-filled mush for almost two years now, I need to take little steps!

Yeah psychology too, and then im hoping to go onto complete a masters in neuroscience afterwards all being well. There is a forum yes, on the student association forums, social sciences, and then dd100 and dd101 share a forum there. im not sure when the next module starts after this one but ill be registering for that one too, probably towards the end of this year. After baby is born im hoping to start volunteering aswell to get some work related relevant experience. Plus it will be good to get a bit of time away from the house as im sure having a toddler and a newborn will be a bit tiring at times!!! :dohh:
I'm in Scotland so don't know if it's different for the people in England but does anyone get any financial help from the OU other than fees paid?
I get mine paid and was wondering if there was any other financial assistance out there.
:happydance: I'm halfway thru with university just 2 more years! Yay!
Anyone doing DD01? Mine officially starts next Monday, nervous about how I'm going to keep up with everything. I didn't realise how structured the modules are!

Me! Im on it starting at the end of the month, but ive already finished the TMA01 and am just starting on the reading/material for the TMA02 - am getting ahead as baby is due in march so dont want to pressure myself! I finished Y183 starting with psychology in december and it was awesome - i love studying and cannot wait to get my degree! Dont be nervous - you will be fine! :happydance:

Wow you are so organised!! I need better organisation... you should see my 'office area' (the hallway :rofl:) it's a mess of folders, books, bits of paper..... :dohh:

Got my worst Tma YET back today, dropped all the way down to 58 :/ so lame, feel a bit meh :( it was on poetry with made it so difficult, but because its level one its a really broad course so have to do a bit of everything! After this tho i'm only doing history modules, but non the less i feel like a POO head haha :( x


Don't worry about it too much, like you say it wasn't your best area and the stuff that you are stronger in will make up for it! :hugs: It won't affect grades anyway being a L1 :flow:

I'm in Scotland so don't know if it's different for the people in England but does anyone get any financial help from the OU other than fees paid?
I get mine paid and was wondering if there was any other financial assistance out there.

I'm not sure I'm afraid, I don't get financial help at all :/ This page https://www8.open.ac.uk/study/expla...ent/discretionary-funds-guidance-scotland.pdf seems to have info though :thumbup:

:happydance: I'm halfway thru with university just 2 more years! Yay!

:happydance::happydance: Great stuff! It's ace being able to feel like you're making progress eh :)

I'm currently cursing half term as I don't get anything done :wacko:

I got 45 out of 45 points on my essay and I wrote it an hour before the deadline to turn it in :smug: quite proud of myself. I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to doing my homework but its because I love the adrenaline rush it gives me to get it done on time :haha:
I got 45 out of 45 points on my essay and I wrote it an hour before the deadline to turn it in :smug: quite proud of myself. I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to doing my homework but its because I love the adrenaline rush it gives me to get it done on time :haha:

Ooooo well done!

I know what you mean about procrastinating but I once got stung when my computer failed and I lost a whole TMA just before submission... had to redo the whole thing.... I don't leave things so late now :lol:
I got 45 out of 45 points on my essay and I wrote it an hour before the deadline to turn it in :smug: quite proud of myself. I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to doing my homework but its because I love the adrenaline rush it gives me to get it done on time :haha:

Ooooo well done!

I know what you mean about procrastinating but I once got stung when my computer failed and I lost a whole TMA just before submission... had to redo the whole thing.... I don't leave things so late now :lol:

It has happen to me more than once too :dohh: my computer is a cheap compaq laptop and it has failed me about 4 times in one year and I still dont learn my lesson :dohh::nope:
I've got my first tutorial on Saturday - slightly nervous about doing the TMA. I ramble on!
I've got my first tutorial on Saturday - slightly nervous about doing the TMA. I ramble on!

You'll be fine!

I have a tutorial on Saturday as well, for Oceanography :)

I really like tutorials, I don't like navigating Glasgow though!

I am so glad I came accross this thread. Have been thinking of doing a degree with the OU for months.
Thing is Ive no idea what to do.. Initially I wanted to do social work, but you have to do it through work. So I was thinking of doing psychology or social science or health &social care.. Ahh i dont know!
I dont want to do a degree for the sake of it. Im trying to figure out what career id like to have, im thinking maybe something in the care field, or working with disadvantaged or vulnerable people... Too many choices :(

Anyway, im rambling.
What degrees are you all doing and what are you hoping to do after?
I am so glad I came accross this thread. Have been thinking of doing a degree with the OU for months.
Thing is Ive no idea what to do.. Initially I wanted to do social work, but you have to do it through work. So I was thinking of doing psychology or social science or health &social care.. Ahh i dont know!
I dont want to do a degree for the sake of it. Im trying to figure out what career id like to have, im thinking maybe something in the care field, or working with disadvantaged or vulnerable people... Too many choices :(

Anyway, im rambling.
What degrees are you all doing and what are you hoping to do after?

Im completing a psychology degree with the OU. Id be doing social work too but like you say you have to do it through work. But im hoping upon completion to also gain a masters ideally in neuroscience but ill re-evaluate when i get there lol
Either way though if I were you id hurry because im not sure of the exact details but fee's are increasing a huge amount this year and to qualify for the lower fee's/funding etc i believe you have to register on a module/specific degree starting by this september but im not sure of the deadlines so Id strongly recommend chatting to an advisor over the phone at the OU asap to check your circumstances and entitlements - unless of course your fortunate enough to not have any financial obstacles :dohh:

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