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The Open University and Distance Learning thread

That doesn't sound too bad :flower: I love Art history :haha: :thumbup:

When do the books/material get sent out usually? :flower:
I think i had AA100 beginning on September :) x
Hi everyone can I join? I enrolled on an open degree pathway today :dance: , I start 'AA100 The arts past and present' this October :flower: I was originally going to go Bristol uni but thinking it through with childcare costs and travel costs it would have been too much so I decided this was my best option.

Does anyone know why you can only do 60 credits in the first year? I really want to do more as I don't want to drag the course on to 4 years. :flower:

Hiya! Course you can, the more the merrier :p

As for the 60 credits only - are you getting funding? I vaguely remember a friend saying they would only give funding for up to 60 creds in first year to prevent people taking up loads, funded, then realising the workload and dropping out.

Well i missed my deadline ..... never heard back about my extension, luckily it is nearly finished, so i will submit it by tonight and hope that is good enough :p
for those starting after sept 12 you can get a student loan to cover the course fees so that's what I'm doing, I'm not sure if thats the same thing. I wish you could get a loan for material though as I'll have to buy a new laptop, we have a Mac thats 1 version too old :(

Rhi_Rhi1 - I'm sure it'll be fine handing it in a bit late and you did let them know in advance! :flower:

What is the OU like? like how do you do the course? I know you use books but are there any programs you use on the pc?
Finished :)! i brought a new laptop with the grant money last year, as we only had a crappy old desktop :) there is alot of study resources on the computer, but it is mainly with the books, i have a tutorial every month, but i don't actually go cos i'm naughty lol but the option is there :)
Glad you got it finished Rhi!

Yea it's mainly the books. Most modules have their own books, purpose ones for the course, so you work through them and there are self-assessment Qs throughout with answers at the back.

Some modules have a DVD rom with software and activities and things which you install on your comp and your study calendar and/or textbooks say when to do each thing.

On the module website some have activities there as well, they all have forums (tutor group and various boards for everyone on that module) which are great.
Had my books through for my second module this week! eeee, its another level one, got to be honest though i am worried about moving up to level 2, after this one, i know i can't stay at level one for ever i am just an average scorer and i am worried this means i will be a low scorer at a higher level, iykwim ? like a 75% now would be a 50 at level 2 i feel like i should be scoring 90 % to be capable. i am excited to do level 2 in October though as it will finally be ALL about my degree, i am getting a bit fed up of this art history one month, literature the next, etc crap :p x
Don't worry Rhi about going to L2 :) You're doing the right thing getting a grounding at L1 first. L2 is a step up from L1 obvs but as long as you make sure you give yourself enough time to understand stuff you'll be grand. It does tend to recap and build on L1 stuff too (provided your L2 is in anyway related to the L1 you did lol)

has anyone ever done languages with them? I'm hoping to include a language into my open degree somehow :)
has anyone ever done languages with them? I'm hoping to include a language into my open degree somehow :)

I haven't but I know there are plenty of languages modules. I would guess there would be some kind of interactive content for the spoken elements...

AFM, I'm currently refreshing my email page waiting for word of my Evolution TMA01 having been marked... but as usual I won't want to look at it once it comes in :wacko: I have been told I worry too much/put myself under too much pressure :shrug:
it sounds like you are worrying a lot :hugs: I'm sure you've done fine :flower:
Thanks hun, yes I was worrying loads - I always do that! But this module is really important to me.

I got 86% for the TMA!!! :happydance:

How is everyone else getting on?

I need to kick my ass off BnB and go do some revision for Planetary Science - TMA the week after next and exam next month :shock:

thats a great score!!!! :dance:

I need to get off here to do homework but I can't seem to do it :rofl:
thats a great score!!!! :dance:

I need to get off here to do homework but I can't seem to do it :rofl:

:haha: I know it's so hard ey!

I've managed to get some work done today but can't really do a lot when the kids are home, they've been causing havoc since I picked them up from school :lol:
Hope it's okay for me to pop in here!

I've just registered with the OU for October 2012 start. :happydance: I'm due in December, so it's going to be really hard work but I hope I can manage it. I've registered for the open degree but I'm going to be leaning more towards the English modules as I want to do teacher training once I've completed it. Signed up for AA100 - The arts past and present.

Just wondering if anyone in Scotland has applied for financial support and could give me some advice? I currently live with my parents but I'm on JSA and expecting my first child in December. I did the eligibility checker and it said I was probably eligible for the fee waiver as I'm on a qualifying benefit. Has anyone applied for this? xx
Hope it's okay for me to pop in here!

I've just registered with the OU for October 2012 start. :happydance: I'm due in December, so it's going to be really hard work but I hope I can manage it. I've registered for the open degree but I'm going to be leaning more towards the English modules as I want to do teacher training once I've completed it. Signed up for AA100 - The arts past and present.

Just wondering if anyone in Scotland has applied for financial support and could give me some advice? I currently live with my parents but I'm on JSA and expecting my first child in December. I did the eligibility checker and it said I was probably eligible for the fee waiver as I'm on a qualifying benefit. Has anyone applied for this? xx

welcome to the group!

I've enrolled to start the same course in October :dance:

I have no idea on the waiver but it's probably worth giving them a call and seeing what they say :flower:
Welcome :) i am just finishing up AA100 now, infact i have my final deadline 2 weeks from today, so i should really be doing that right now lol. Good luck :)
Hope it's okay for me to pop in here!

I've just registered with the OU for October 2012 start. :happydance: I'm due in December, so it's going to be really hard work but I hope I can manage it. I've registered for the open degree but I'm going to be leaning more towards the English modules as I want to do teacher training once I've completed it. Signed up for AA100 - The arts past and present.

Just wondering if anyone in Scotland has applied for financial support and could give me some advice? I currently live with my parents but I'm on JSA and expecting my first child in December. I did the eligibility checker and it said I was probably eligible for the fee waiver as I'm on a qualifying benefit. Has anyone applied for this? xx


Welcome to the group!

I started OU when my 2 were tiny and I was on my own so I'm sure you will manage fine :)

I had the full fee waiver as well as I was on IS, I would think that would get the same hun (I'm in Scotland too) :)

Hey all!

Starting Health on June, a bit nervous as I havent studied in years :blush:

hoping to eventually do Nursing when the wee man is a bit older x

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