The Over 35 Newbies and not so's :)

Maia will be 2 when little man is due.

In fact little man is due on her second birthday! What do you think the chances are?

While we're on that subject I'm trying to decide what to do for Maia's birthday.

For her first birthday we had a pretty big party but I'm worried about organising anything too big this time as it would be a lot to cancel if I did happen to go into labour on the party date (or in the few days before). It feels tight to do nothing though as it is still my girls special day...

I guess i'm thinking of inviting just a few of our closest friends just for tea and cake on her birthday.

I'm also wondering whether to arrange something bigger with a view to leaving my mum in charge if I happen to be in labour but I'd have to check this out as my family aren't local.

To be honest it does feel a bit uncomfortable thinking of having a house full of people when I'm in hospital giving birth, lol. Especially as my family and friends don't actually know each other :wacko:

What do you girls reckon? I don't want my big baby to miss out completely, it seems really unfair x
Wow, that's a coincidence! Apparently only about 4-5% of babies come on their due date, but 50% will be born within a week of it. Was Maia early/late? Fin was 5 days late... OH thinks I'm going to go early with this one, as early as Xmas, but I think he'll be a little late again.

Hmm, I think if I were you I would probably arrange something a little small scale at home. That way, if you deliver a few days before or after Maia's birthday you could still go ahead with your plans, in the comfort of your own home either heavily pregnant or with a very young newborn. And if you are in labour on your due date, it wouldn't be such an imposition to ask one of the close family/friend to take the reins.

I'm loving all the build-up to Xmas this year. It feels like it won't be long before I see my new LO now :happydance: I'll be 37+3 on Xmas Day so OH is cooking dinner at ours cos he doesn't want me travelling, and we'll have a house full with his family (will be lovely for Fin because OH's sister and her 3 boys are coming... Fin completely adores them). What has everyone else got planned for Xmas? x
Yeah I think its the way forward Everything.

Maia was 8 days late and I'm expecting little man to be late too.

Maia's due date was brought forward at our 12 week scan and she was actually two days after her original due date based on my lmp, with me going into labour one day after her original due to date.

Little mans due date was brought forward by a whole week at my 12 week scan and I'm convinced that this can't be right as if it was it would mean I ovulated around CD7 which I'm pretty sure I didn't.

We shall see what happens though. I know ovulation and conception is no exact science and even if my original due date is right it doesn't mean that he won't make an entrance on Maia's birthday, or even before it.
We will have to wait and see.

Right now I'm finding the 'I wonder when he'll arrive' thing really exciting but if this pregnancy is anything like my pregnancy with Maia it won't be so entertaining by the time I'm 36 weeks. It was more like 'hurry up I want you here already' iykwim :lol:

In other news my new baby niece could be here within the next month :happydance:

My sister is due very early January but has gestational diabetes and her blood sugars are all over the place despite her being über strict with her diet, to the extent that she has only just started gaining small amounts of weight now!! There is a strong likelihood that she will be scheduled for an elective c section at 37 weeks which means LO will arrive well in time for Christmas... x
How is everyone doing?

That's exciting news about your sister Starlight, I bet you can't wait for Maia to meet her new baby cousin. Has your sister got a c section date yet?

Hinky have you started with any morning sickness yet? I had MS from around 7 weeks with DS1 but from 4 weeks with this pregnancy. Both times it was only nausea though rather than actually being sick so I got off lightly.

Rowan how's Martha getting on with her walking? Is she still sticking to a few steps at the moment or has she found her confidence?

Chelli have you had your screening results back yet? Keeping my fingers crossed for you x

AFM, it was Fin's 2nd birthday on Friday... my big boy :cloud9: He was so excited by birthday cake and birthday presents! We're having a joint birthday party for him with one of his little friends this Saturday so that should be fun.

I've STILL got a cold! It's a new one that started with a sore throat on Friday, I hadn't got rid of the last one so was not pleased but I'm sleeping ok now so I feel ok. The worst thing is my friend had a baby a couple of weeks ago and I haven't been able to go see him yet because of course I don't want to be infecting him with my germs.
Hi Ladies,

Mad busy week for me and then i was away at the weekend.

How is everyone?

Star, my brothers were born on the same day exactly 1 year apart, so maybe your maia will be sharing her Birthday eh :flower: Good news about your neice :)

Everything- Happy Birthday Fin :happydance: 2 is such a lovely age.... how sweet that he was so excited too.... hope he has a lovely time on Saturday and i'm sending you lots and lots of healing thoughts to get rid of you damn cold! How unfair is that- 1 after the other!! fingers crossed you'll feel better soon.

I got my screening results back- LOW RISK :happydance: 1:75000 risk level. Very very happy!
I think ive felt some flutterings this week, feels like little bubbles around my belly button every now and again.
I'm feeling achey too this week, can't seem to get comfortable- think its all the stretching, as its a bit higher up. I have a proper bump now :)
I meet my midwife for the 1st time on Friday- yeah thats right 1st time!! lol so i think thats when i get a chance to hear the heartbeat?. they are not exactly organised my way, but least i get to finally meet her lol

oh and i bought the belly belt. Its ok, will help with somethings- but i think i'll be living in leggings lol...

Hope you are all well x
Brilliant news about your test results Chelli :thumbup: hopefully you can relax a bit from this point on and enjoy your pregnancy even more. Hope your midwife appointment goes well on Friday too :)

Happy birthday Fin :happydance: How did the party go Everything? I hope you, your little man and your whole family had a brilliant day :)

Its still very much up in the air with regards to what's happening with my nieces birth. My sister was offered a csection slot on Christmas Eve (this will make her 38 weeks. I didn't realise her EDD was put back until 6 January at some point) but she's turned it down for trying to avoid spending Christmas in hospital.

At the moment they aren't wanting to schedule her earlier than this meaning she would have to wait until after Christmas but this might change depending on her health.

I'm pretty surprised that the hospital are scheduling elective sections over Christmas to be honest but I can see why they wouldn't want to schedule one earlier to give LO as long as possible to bake. We'll have to wait and see x
hey ladies :) glad all is well

Martha is doing well learning to walk - shes getting braver its so cute!! shes a happy little girl bless her altho full of cold at the mo!

20 week scan today - it was good - lovely to see our our lovely little boy wiggling about

all seems well no obvious problems for him - yey! will post pics when dh home x
Ah Chelli, I am so glad your results came back low risk. I didn't have the testing with my first pregnancy and don't think I will this time either. Too much extra worry!

Rowan, I cannot believe you are 20 weeks already! All you ladies are really marching on with these pregnancies, time flies!

Everything, I didn't really get sickness last pregnancy, just extreme tiredness, which is hitting me again now, and massively sore boobs. Ouch. All good signs though :)

Congrats on Fin turning 2. I really loved Stan's party (well, we had two for him, one with family and another with his little pals!). Was very cute seeing him so excited and I was very impressed with his candle blowing out skills :) They really start to grow up at this age, don't they. I just love how independent he's getting.

Anyone's toddler excited about Christmas yet? We have been into town to see the "recorations" and he just stares at Christmas trees wide-eyed saying "wow!". I can't wait :)

I'm seeing the midwife tomorrow just for the initial visit and then will hopefully get booked in for booking appt / scan etc. I also have a scan booked in with EPU for 4th Dec when I'll be 8+1. I am hoping that assuming that's all ok we will be able to relax and enjoy this pregnancy a bit more.
Star- I wouldn't have thought the hospital would have scheduled over Christmas either- and i can't say i blame your sister for not wanting to go in over the holidays. The longer baking time the better!

Rowan- good news on your 20 week scan. Glad your LO is wriggling around fine in there :). I have my 20 week scan booked for the 10th Dec, so not long to go now....I'm getting quite excited!

Hinky- Sending you sticky stick glue hun :hugs: . I don't know if ive relaxed much this pregnancy, but all i can say is that the time has certainly flown in. It also felt different this time- i don't know why, but maybe subconsciously last time the reason i felt so stressed was because of that?? who knows.
Your scan date will be here in no time at all. Hopefully you wont have the cock up that was mine and having to wait until 15 weeks til you got it lol...
i don't envy your symptoms now that mine have past!

Well i had my first official meeting with my regular midwife today and i got to hear my bumkin's heartbeat for the first time :happydance::happydance: It was brilliant! Just not long enough!
Didn't realise i was holding my breathing until she said you can breathe now lol
she said all sounding good- and it sounded nice and steady to me!! I feel so good at the moment it was nice to get to hear it, as it almost felt that i couldnt be pregnant now all the symptoms have basically disappeared so it was a relief to hear my LO!

Ive held off buying anything yet- said i would wait until 20 weeks but i seem to be spending all my time looking lol....

oh and Hinky, my neice is about to turn 3 and at the moment all we get at every toy advert is "want that"... she is getting very excited with it all and keeps singing "holidays are coming" everytime she see's santa! :haha:
Chelli that's great news about your screening results :thumbup: And heartbeat too! My midwife wouldn't listen for the heartbeat at my 16 week check, I had to wait until 20 week scan, I was gutted.

Congratulations Rowan on your 20 week scan... over halfway there now! :happydance:

I think I'd have turned down a Xmas Eve c section too Starlight! Wouldn't want to miss my Xmas dinner!! I hope they sort out a new date for her soon after the Xmas period though. It seems it's business as usual on the labour wards over Xmas, I guess our LO's have no sense of holiday spirit :haha:

That's so cute Hinky that Stan's excited for Xmas. I love it when they use expressions like 'wow'! Fin says stuff is "mazin" (amazing!), makes me laugh :haha: We've not really started the Xmas build-up yet, we will do once this weekend is over... it's Fin's birthday party today :happydance: So far though he's been in a bit of a grump! He's obsessed with Baby Jake at the moment so he cried when it was bathtime cos he wanted one more Jaky, then he wanted birthday cake and then he wanted music (to play on daddy's keyboard)... none of which we gave in to. He's having a joint party with one of his friends from swimming and her mum just texted and said she's been whingy all morning too. Maybe they sense something?! x
That's so cute Hinky that Stan's excited for Xmas. I love it when they use expressions like 'wow'! Fin says stuff is "mazin" (amazing!), makes me laugh :haha: We've not really started the Xmas build-up yet, we will do once this weekend is over... it's Fin's birthday party today :happydance: So far though he's been in a bit of a grump! He's obsessed with Baby Jake at the moment so he cried when it was bathtime cos he wanted one more Jaky, then he wanted birthday cake and then he wanted music (to play on daddy's keyboard)... none of which we gave in to. He's having a joint party with one of his friends from swimming and her mum just texted and said she's been whingy all morning too. Maybe they sense something?! x

We have "tastic" and "superduper" too! Oh, and "crikey moses" :laugh2: My mother has A LOT to answer for!

Stan was really grumpy on his birthday too - woke up from a nap and wouldn't stop crying. Being terrible parents we dosed him up with Calpol and Piriton and he was fine by the time the guests arrived haha.

We're obsessed with Peppa Pig here. Oh and Charley Bear and Cloudbabies. Our Sky + is down to like 5% or something as we don't dare delete any of 'his' programmes!

We've actually had to start using the naughty step since Stan turned 2, for biting. He's been biting for ages, started when we took his dummy away about a year ago and he will bite us if he is excited or tired. Very strange. But the naughty step seems to be working, he does his time and then says sorry, which is very cute. Just a warning is enough now: "lovely kisses for mummy please, no biting or you will have to go on that step!".
Just realised everyone so far is having a boy, is that right? Chelli, are you going to find out at your 20 week scan? I think we will definitely find out this time. We kept it a surprise last time but need to be a bit more practical this time I think!
Hinkybinky, just seen you are pregnant again!!
Huge congratulations to you!!!
Haha, crikey moses... I love it!

We tried the naughty step a couple of times, but Fin has taken ownership of it! He runs off to go on it all the time shouting 'naughty step, naughty step!' like its some sort of treat, so it doesn't really work as a punishment... smart kid :shrug:

Yes Hinky, I think all of us that know the gender are having boys. In real life, everyone I know seems to be having girls this time around.

Well, Fin's party is all over and he absolutely loved it! We had a photographer so should have some lovely pictures. My friend who had a baby on Wednesday morning came along and the photographer took some lovely family photos for them so I'm looking forward to getting those too :thumbup:
"Crikey moses" :haha: Love that!

Glad Fin enjoyed his party- It's lovely when they get to an age where they really start "getting" it.

And the naughty step never worked on my neice, she just sits on it and sings or dances :/ but then i do call her monster for a reason lol

and yes i am planning on finding out the gender at my 20 week scan (positioning permitting!) For some reason all my friends keep saying a boy- to the point ive started saying he! I don't mind either way. aAt this moment i only have a girl's name i have a swaying towards.

My Midwife was lovely, and let me listen twice and the bumkin moved as we were listening 1st time, so she moved the dopler until i could hear it again. Was all too brief tho.

Dan-O - hows things with you? anymore news with your bleed? has it gone now?

Has anyone heard from Captain?
crikey moses - love it!!

M in cot - she seems to have reverted to 2 30 min naps a day - had 3 weeks of an hour in the am and an hour in the pm - was fab in terms of getting things done! ah well a new phase dawns lol

happy birthday to finn!

are you guys with los already nervous about how its going to go with another lo - like practically?
I think my overriding worry is how Stan will take to a new baby, having been the only one for so long. I think if I had a smaller gap, like yours will be Rowan, then the worry would be more about the practical side, but you may find that you'll have an easier ride emotionally as Martha will hardly remember being the only one. I suppose it's swings and roundabouts. I must say, I am hoping Stan will suddenly get the hang of the potty in the next 6 months!
Hi Ladies,

Id like your thoughts on home doplers please.

My SIL just offered hers to me as she no longer needs it.

Have any of you used them (i think someone mentioned using them but cant think who)
If so did you find it a help or increased your worry?

How easy is it to find the heartbeat?

i dont want to get it and then get all obsessional over it- i can sort of worry over everything, especially after the loss.

But it would be lovely to hear the heartbeat- reassurring too i think.

Any thoughts?
I used one earlier on, but it rarely comes out now I'm feeling kicks. :flower: you should be able to find the hb fairly easily now.

Oh and my bleed was still there at 16+5 and measuring the same as it did at 12w, but baby is way bigger than it now, so it doesn't looks as threatening! Got my 20w scan next week, so will know more then. Think I may have a low lying placenta.

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