The Ramblers

I'm online now susie! Haha, no full nights sleep for me. Ever. The photo is new... it 'cracked' me up (oh dear).

Hope hubby's back gets better!

Think i might be getting ill :( i've had this weird pain in my back/sides/stomach and i feel really shivery and sweaty :cry:
i missed the x factor! Megan had other ideas of keeping me ocupide. Have to watch te replay today! I never get a full nights sleep either! Little madam wakes me up at least twice. Hope your hubby gets better soon susie.
Think i might go to out of hours.. woke up and i know it's disgusting but my bed is soaked. Don't normally sweat at all!

The sleep issue is definitely the bad thing about bf!
morning all! Hope your feeling better this morning jo. Megan thought that its time to get up! Grr! Whats everyone upto today? Hoping the rain holds off as im going for a walk out with megan and the dogs! See if i can tire them out!
Morning all!

Jess/Dopey- thanks; I'm sure hubby's back will be better soon. He has been told to have six weeks off work by his doctor, but he is determined to go back after two :shrug:

Dopey, I hope you're okay:hugs: You better get checked over; let us know how you are.

Jess, hope the rain holds off for you. It's horrid weather here too... raining, dull and windy- Summers over!!! Am thinking that my plans to take Poppy to the beach tomorrow should be put on hold :haha:

Im just gonna chill out in my pyjamas most of the day ; Ive sky-plussed "The Proposal" (Sandra Bullock??? I think) and "Angels and Demons", so hopefully, Pops will be a good little girl and let us watch them. Highly doubt it though, she is good but she hasnt let us watch a whole film yet. :D
ive got that proposal on dvd. Think its faulty though as it doesnt seem to run through the film right. It seems to start at the end and finish at the beginning! Goin round to my mates in the week to watch it as shes got rec on sky plus!
It does look good Jess... I always like Sandra Bullock films..

WELL... I don't know what's come over me this morning.. It's just gone 9am and i've fed and changed Poppy, done the dishes, washed and sterilised bottles, prepared my little pots of formula, done two loads of washing, brushed the floor, tidied the kitchen and living room, ironed a few items, refilled the baby changing bag and box with nappies, wipes etc, and even managed to read a magazine and make hubbie a cup of coffee!

I'll be back asleep by ten a.m..... :haha:
bloody hell susie!! think you need to slow down you will be like a walking zombie by dinner lol!!
well been out for a bit of a walk it started to look really dull though so i came back home! will try again in a bit!
Susie have you been on the amphetamines or something? Surely all that energy on a saturday morning isnt natural lol! All ive managed so far is sterilizing and making bottles and sorting through DS's wardrobe and photographing stuff to put on here. Oh and some nappy stuffing and a good hour of knex fun with Sam! We are normally on car boot #3 by now, but its a pj day instead lol!

Any1 doing anything fun this bank holiday?
:haha: Jess/Scampie... That was the most productive morning Ive had in three months. I went on to cook a full english breakfast too!

Scampie it seems like you got a fair bit done too though.

It's really brightened up here, so might take Poppy for a walk. It'll probably start raining as soon as I step out the door, and Ill have to wrestle with the raincover... I seriously have no idea how to put it on properly.

Anyway, see you all a bit later :)
Enjoy your walk. I have 3 rain covers and i have no idea which one goes on which bit of the pushchair. 1s for the carseat, 1 for the push chair and 1 for the carry cot. I prefer the car cover :D
i dont think i was that active even when the nesting insinct kicked in! Lol
I swear i have more nesting instinct now than i ever did pregnant. Worst day was when i got home from hospital, lol. I did about 5 loads of washing and absolutely spritzed the house. All while being a teas maid, lol!
:haha: Maybe my nesting instinct has just been delayed until today then.

Wonder how Dopey is???? Hope she is alright.
I'm ok jess... in quite a lot of pain though. Considering going to the out of hours doctor! I'm such a hyperchondriac though :blush:
Hope your ok Dopey hun

Not done much all day just chilled with Oh and Rhys, watching Aliens all cwtched up now
Aww hope you feel better soon Jo x If your in pain i dont think your a hypercondriact for goin to out of hours doctors. Get yourself checked out hun. Its gonna be tues b4 docs r open again x

Still havent managed to sit down grrr! Now photographing my friends clothes to sell on here, rofl. I hope shes givin me a cut x Id happily lay and watch a teddy bear :D
Haha sorry susie :blush:

I am on my mobile and it only shows me the text box, not who wrote it unless i scroll right along haha. I'm such an idiot :dohh:

I've been sat down for ages (took my braids out and think i look like a boy now) and am not in as much pain. If it still hurts tomorrow i think i'll get checked out.

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